Matt H hits 135 at Open Series WOD 12.2
Post-Paleo Challenge Potluck is for Everyone!
Didn’t participate in this year’s Paleo Challenge? New fresh out of Foundations and don’t know anyone? Smell funny? We don’t care and neither should you! Come join us for the a great night of fun and merryment. It’s a great way to meet new folks, try some absolutely delicious paleo dishes and unwind. Bring friends and family. If you’ve got a Paleo recipe/food you love bring some to share and if not, no sweat. Bring tequila, seltzer and limes. That’s what I do!
We’ll be announcing the winners of this year’s challenge and doling out a bunch of awesome prizes including a boatload of cash!
So come socialize with those you sweat with starting at 6pm on Saturday! You can RSVP to the events page with the number in your party and the events page! If you’re bringing hot food please bring a device to keep it warm.
Call for Potluck Volunteers
We need 5-10 folks willing to to help with set-up and breakdown of this Saturday’s potluck. If you’re interested in volunteering and helping us put on the best party anyone has ever been to then email Margie at margie(AT)
Competition Class on Hiatus During the Sectionals
In the interest of keeping our Competitive Team primed to compete during the remaining Open Sectionals WODs Comp class is going on hiatus until the 2012 Regionals are completed. So there will be no Competition class at 7pm Tuesdays or at 12pm until after all six Regional WODs are done.
What’s the last song you listened to?
How Many People Can Manhattan Hold? NY Times
5 Reasons to Break Up with Your Scale Whole 9
Dinner in New York Miho Aikawa Photography
SBK’s Matt Ufford Goes Curling SB Nation
Please don't laugh, but it's "Bend Time Back Around" by Paula Abdul.
Okay, go ahead and laugh.
knives out – radiohead
6am with coach lady fox
pre wu
droms/intros/hip openers
erg/wb/strict pull ups
10 min
was going well until lady fox called a bad rep on the last rnd of wb's, fooked me up for a moment, had to get my head back after that. good lesson.
Kissing the Lipless-The Shins.
"Ball and Bicuit," White Stripes. In keeping with the theme; "No Woman, No Cry. No Pull-ups, Cry."
suicide blonde, inxs
Keep on Truckin – Eddie Kendrick
White Tooth Man – Iron and Wine
This morning I thought that was just an artsy shot of Mr. Huber. I kind of liked it.
Neverending Math Equation – Modest Mouse
Car Song by Spank Rock feat. Santigold. It RULES.
I liked Dinner in NY — thanks for posting! I'm totally the girl who eats dinner on (not in) her bed. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one 🙂
I really like that photo of me. I am very pleased that it is the photo of the day.
Matt: Indeed, awesome photo – captures grit and power really well! (Nice work Asta!)
Oh Dinner in New York..
why must you paint all architects as beer drinking, pizza eating, work-a-holics..
(regardless of it being 99% true)
last song I listened to…
The Lightning Strike by Snow Patrol just about finished on my headphones…
Garden by Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs just about to start.
"Rhinoceros" Smashing pumpkins. I ran to "rotten apples: greatest hits". So predictable.
Tattva by Kula Shaker
5/3/1 Bench (superset w/ 3×10 chins)
Might have tried 7 if I had a spotter
Kroc Rows
Didn't accept skipping Deadlift Week #2…but probably should have…
485×2 lost my back on the 3rd rep so bailed instead of forcing it with poor form.
15 swings 1.5p
15 box jumps 20" box
4 rounds + 15 swings and 6 jumps
just got in to move on back-off week
chins 5 sets of 3
Feeling a bit run down from this weekend.
12:36 monday wod.
Used 16# ball and 10' target. Couldn't get pullups to be strung together until the last set. It was like my rhythm was off.
AR was good times. Going to try to get some extra sleep tonight, I definitely need it.
Small Change by Tom Waits.
Dug Matt U's curling bit. This spring: "Matt U goes petanque-ing!"
Had the privilege of doing yesterday's WOD with the 'other' Chris A. (you know, the guy who holds some spots on the leader board, has a medal from some kinda competition they throw every four years, and holds, um, a record of some sort). He made it look easy: 6:51. I, on the other hand, was huffing and puffing by the end of round one.
9:17, rxed. Pull ups were unbroken but wall balls were nasty. bleh.
This Modern Love by Bloc Party
"Cough Syrup" by Young the Giant
7 AM:
Monday's WOD: 11:04
As usual, struggled with wallball but the rowing and pull-ups felt pretty solid.