Want to see how they did? Check out this shot of everyone’s numbers! You can also see more over at our Flickr Page!
There are no Classes tomorrow due to the Open Sectional Event CFSBK is Hosting. All are encouraged to come out and cheer on Team SBK. The event will start around 9:00am, don’t forget to wear the old skull and cross bones!
Volunteers Needed!
Team SBK needs volunteers to act as judges, registration staff, score runners, etc. If you’ve got a few hours available on Saturday and want to contribute, please email Christian(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn(dot)com. Support the Black Sea!
Opening Act
Looking for a coveted spot in the TD 5 Boro Bike Tour, the NYC Triathlon, or the NYC Ironman Competition? Want to support an incredible NYC nonprofit at the same time? CrossFit member Scott Jackson’s wife runs a stellar nonprofit, Opening Act, that brings life changing theater arts programs to our city’s most under-served schools. Through one of their funders, you can snag a spot in any of the above races. Each event requires a registration fee and fundraising commitment (please specify Opening Act as your partner charity). More details can be found by clicking on the event you’re interested in listed above!
CrossFit Open Statistics
12.2 Movement Prep MobilityWod
Tahoe Event Six: Relay Run, Plate Carry, Truck Push, and Buddy Carry
I did 12.2 last night.
30 Reps at 75lbs
12 Reps at 135lbs
Total= 42 Reps
This was the first time I'd ever attempted 135lb Snatches in a WOD setting. Usually I only go that high with this movement when I'm doing traditional olympic lifting. I was really nervous about it and thought I might totally crash and burn. Thanks to Mike M and everyone for watching me. Looking back I think I could have had +5 reps, especially that I missed two snatches and started too slow when I got to 135. I really really enjoyed this workout, both because it was really fun and I was pushed out of my comfort zone and did better than I expected.
Before and after pictures showing a big difference! Let's do this Gabrus!
Does anybody else's wrists hurt after the pullup/burpee WoD yesterday? It occurs to me that there was a lot of pulling and compacting of that joint…
Same here JR. Same here.
Gave 12.2 a try even though I'm not competing.
Finished the 45# round and did 9 @ 75#. I'm shocked! I thought maybe I'd get one or two at most. I'm seriously considering coming back on Sunday to retest, because I definitely would have approached the round of 45# differently if I had known I could actually do multiple reps at 75#. Wouldn't have been all, "La la la, I have all the time in the world!"
Great to be back with my 7 AM crew. Not that I ever really went away, but now I can WOD *with* Julie, Keith, et al instead of watching y'all from the platform and thinking either "I wish I were doing that" or "Thank Cthulhu I'm not doing that."
Oh yeah, and apologies to anyone I startled this morning. I am one loud WOD-er sometimes.
Anyone know something about optimizing a websites hits on search engines? My wife is looking to hire someone. contact me at cows.ski (at) gmail
I am just going to say that I am quite disappointed with the CF games programming.
1) Super boring! Seriously just 7 minutes of burpees? wtf. Then #2: Also boring! The same movement for 10 minutes?! What happened to constantly varied?
2) A good test creates a lot of dispersion. There will be very little dispersion around the class of athlete who can't do a 135 lb snatch! So many people will be tied at 30 reps. Now that's fine if all you care about is dispersion at the elite levels, but the open is supposed to be for everyone. All of us sub-135 snatchers are going to all get the same score. Where's the fun in that?
Apologies if everyone already knows the answer to this question, but is tomorrow sold out? Looking at the Eventbrite site, it seems that it is, but I wanted to double check.
KMo – Registration is closed for tomorrow.
KMo, I'll be in tonight and need to do the WOD, and I imagine there will be others too.
is tomorrow a show up on time kinda thing?
Dudes. So over the moon that I completed the 30 @ 45# with time to spare. Good Idea Bear on left shoulder was "do not attempt 75# as you know that's probably not a cool idea" but Bad Idea Bear on the right was "do it do it DO IT." Kinda wish I had listened to Bad Idea Bear. But that just means I have a goal to work towards.
It took me about 8 before all the movements were working exactly the way they should – "pop/spaghetti arms/big chest/under the bar" all melded together and it was full speed ahead.
Super rad that Stella made an appearance today to do 12.2 instead of on the platform! Big strong vibes were in full force. ::high fives: to Stella, Keith, Kristin, Andrew, Charmel, et al as that was a crazypants good time. Apologies to everyone for my booming YEAH when I hit 30 and all the squeaks leading up to it. Thanks for counting me up Traci T!
BEASTLY numbers, strength cyclers. Shout out to the morning crew–you guys did great.
Luca, yes on time means 8:30am! See you then.
Just so ya'll know.. Brooklyn FIRST SATURDAY at the Brooklyn Museum is tomorrow night (5pm onward)! It's free, fun, and there's dancing (don't even pretend like you don't like to dance).
I'll be there and you all should come join me in some post 12.2 evening fun. 🙂 It's ends at 10pm which means there's still time for drinks after.
http://www.brooklynmuseum.org <– more info
We are running 12.2 on Sunday as group programming. If you're not registered for tomorrow then you can perform the WOD for validation at any class Sunday! Scores have to be in by 5pm so it leaves plenty of time.
Do you think that maybe once we look at the full spectrum of wods that we may have a better sense of the dispersion? I think they look pretty interesting. The first one, anyone can do burpees, so that's inclusive, and maybe benefits light folks, who knows. The second one does seem to bias strength and o-lifting, so it seems like the first two tackle it in different ways.
I think it's been pretty interesting so far, certainly hard to predict.
I vanquished my sore throat (a sure fire sign I'm going to get a cold) with extra sleep and good nutrition. Surprise, surprise, that works. I feel grateful and ready for tomorrow's meet.
RE: Gabrus & Jim:
What we need are life-sized posters of the before and after photos and then a noise meter type vote at Paleo Potluck. You made your competition public, now et's see it for ourselves. Maybe live modeling with poses too?
Good luck everyone on 12.2!
It seems like at this point they want everybody to be able to put a point on the board. Perhaps as the weeks go on they'll get progressively tougher and more complex. It's advertising for them as well.
i wont be able to make hte potluck because I am at an out-of-town gig that night.
and also, I wouldnt show anyone my before picture while they are eating (or my after for that matter)
best of luck to everyone, even J 'Invincible' R
@Rob, I'd be happy to do it, but I don't want to break all the ladies' hearts. I'm married, and I don't see much point in torturing them! Besides, I don't want Rita to hit me over the head with a frying pan, I've got enough lumps up there!
@Gabrus, I was really looking forward to having some drinks with you. That's really too bad. I liked this little competition because I felt like we both go out and "celebrate" a fair amount, so it was a fun one to try to deal with that. Best of luck with the gig, and thanks for motivating me!
well JR you are in luck, cause as it turns out…I drink VERY often. so sometime in the near future I am sure our schedules will sync up, and we can do prowlers and some funnels
7 AM:
Open Wod 12.2:
30 Snatches @ 75#
Felt relatively comfortable on these @ 75# (and did them with the hook grip, which is a step forward for me) but 135# is a little ways off. Made me want to work on this movement more.
Think I'm with Sameer on 12.2. One of the things that I really like about CFSBK – and something I make sure to mention when I tell people about CrossFit – is that the coaches offer so many good scaling options. I realize that the Open workouts need to be the same for everybody, and they need to be able to differentiate the elite competitors (so the workouts can't be too easy), and they're making sure everybody gets points on the board by starting at a low weight but…it would have been nice to have had an intermediate weight between 75# and 135# so that I didn't spend five minutes failing.
Hey Guys,
Quick Question/ strategy for 12.2 wod.
Some of the athletes competing here in LA for 12.2 are using the following strategy.
for the first 20 reps of so @75 they are using that standard weight. for the last 5-10 reps of the "75lbs" group they are adding weight so going from 75-105 or 115 for the last 10 reps so they are adequately warmed up for the jump from 75lbs to 135.
those reps at heavier weights still count towards the 30 in the 75 bracket, and may help you get a few reps in at 135 if your ready for that weight.
Any thoughts from the coaches on this?
Made up yesterday's presses at noon class w/ Shane.
70×3, 80×3, 90×5. Was schooled by Shane and Fox for stopping too soon on the rep out "because it got hard." Won't do it again.
Then, 21-15-9 pullups/burpees in 7:06. Got a PR 15 unbroken pullups, a testimonial to Coach Noah's most excellent kipping workshop. I highly recommend it.
I am SO bummed Gabrus is missing the paleo potluck. What if we took up a collection to pay him what he'd make at his out-of-town gig??
Dan: That sounds weird. If you are adding weight to the reps, you are doing a different workout, right? And if that was to be allowed, then why not just say 30 reps at any weight you want 75 or above, and then 30 reps at 135 (or above at any weight). And so on?
Has this been cleared as kosher by the organizers?
That seems crazy to me Dan. Obviously I defer to our coaches but, I feel like it would make more sense to work up to a moderately heavy single for you (80% 1RM?) before starting the WOD, to get yourself ready to have that weight overhead, but at the same time not wasting work capacity.
I can't imagine in a pullup workout, where it was 30 unweighted, and then 30 with a 30 pound vest, anybody would say "but after 20, put on a 15 pound vest to be adequately warmed up". We have a limited work capacity in the amount of time alotted, and I think it'd be wasteful to do that.
Actually, the points made by Andrew and Sameer ring true for me. Until I can do 15 kipping pullups instead of my typical 3-4 strict and then "EPIC FAIL" (cue the scary music), I am cheering/volunteering. If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter, right?
JR's point about taking a bigger sample size is entirely valid – I spend my whole day looking for patterns in the universe – but getting smoked at 135 seems tough.
just start with 165 on the bar and 90 reps
that way you dont have to worry about the warm up at all
@gabrus – probably better off starting at 210. you don't want to be wasting time with the 165 to 210 transition
i see all your points. the major reason for me bringing this up was to
a) see if it was indeed legit?
b) to see if a 60lb jump is that 'safe'n
The only weights allowed are 75lbs, 135, 165, 210. Doing anything other than those is a No Rep. Warm-up to a weight heavier than you think you'll be able to complete in the workout, rest 5 minutes and then hit it hard. Seize the day!
I've personally enjoyed the workouts. 135 can be an aggressive jump (or impossible) for a lot of folks but I think the idea is to do a "heavy" snatch ladder with this workout. I'm thinking if this was on CF.com or a regional/games they would have started at 95 but given that it's the open they threw everyone a bone. I presume WODS 12.3 and .4 will be a little more user friendly for a lot of people. Last year they did the 165 Squat Clean and Jerk AMRAP which showed up around WOD 5 when everyone was complaining things were too light. I think the workouts will all allow most to participate but they need to throw in some inordinately heavy things in there so the fittest and strongest go to regionals. I'm reserving my full judgement until I see and do all 5 workouts. Go TEAM SBK!
If anyone is in the vicinity of 61 Local in Carroll Gardens, 61 Bergen, around 6pm tonight – it's the last night of homebrew alley. I'll have a few stealth bottles of my hard cider to crack open and taste. Officially the cider is going to sleep until May but it's time to try one of each variety. C'mon and get funky!
I have a slot for tomorrow but can't snatch 135. Can I give my slot to KMo or someone else who can be competitive and do my 30 snatches on Sunday instead? What's the policy/ethics of that?
Actually I am not sure I have a slot because I didn't get an evite like I did for queens. I did pay for all the events though.
Thanks DO.
doing this wod tonite. good luck tomorrow everyone. Meeting up with Marian and Robin for some SBK LA love.
Belated post about the total on Wednesday night…
Thanks everyone for all the kind words and support. It was such a great night, and I was so impressed by all of the hard work and persistence exhibited by everyone. Thank you to Jeremy who ran a great total, despite hours of loading barbells on an empty stomach. Thank you to Margie for helping me strategize and pushing me to go for it. And thanks to Michelle for taking pictures of all of us (and a video of me squatting that I was able to send to my mother).
Squat: 225, 235, 245 (PR)
Press: 80, 82.5 Fail
Deadlift: 275, 300 Fail, 290 Fail
Total: 600
Good luck to all the competitors tomorrow!
Bench Press
Arm superset
Lying Tricep Ext
Axle Curl
So this morning I took on 12.2
I cleared the 75 pound ones in 5 minutes then spend the rest of the time attempting to get the135 over my head. I want to thank Andrew for counting me, Jamal, luca, julie and Kristin for all the words and cheers.
I think it came down to this. I failed because of fear. Jamal said I had the bar multiple times at my upper chest to jaw area yet I just didn't commit to getting under it. After doing Paleo I am now down to 153 pounds. The idea of putting almost my body weight rapidly over my head when I might have done this kind of lift 4 times since I started doing crossfit last june didn't sit well with me. I also had to go to work so the thought of injury held me back.
Maybe I will attempt again on Sunday.
Can we post a new score before sunday if we already submitted one?
DH3 – Not Kosher.
All – let's see what's in store for 12.3-5. The idea seems to be here that EVERYONE can at least score some points in these. You do need a way to separate the heavy hitters from the masses of CFers, the 135, 165, and 210 do that. Just like the muscle ups and the 165 from last year did.
Looking forward to a great event tomorrow!
Carlos – you are in. Come in and snatch 75×30!
No slot switching
Finished up strength cycle today with 1RM attempts at bench press and clean.
Bench: 205/215F/210F (15lb PR)
Clean: 170/175/185F/180F (10 lb PR)
A very satisfying conclusion to a great strength cycle.
Front squat with the Mananzala 195x5x3
Warmed up the bench since feeling my funky shoulder.
215×3 felt ok but not 100%, stopped here
amrap 10
7 power cleans 115#
14 toes to bar
21 double unders
6 rounds + 1 power clean
then some shoulder mobility.
Good Luck DH3!
I am gonna have to agree with Sameer on this one. These first two WODs are pretty uncreative, and I don't really like the way this current one is set up.
I was very impressed last year with the way they programmed the WODs with what Sameer called dispersion (new word for me!) in mind. Saving the advanced or very heavy movements for the end meant that most people still competed and the final score was very indicative of "can you do X or not." There will be far too many people with scores of 30 or 60 on this workout, who spend somewhere between 4-8 minutes just standing around waiting for the hammer to drop.
I'd have liked to see something like this:
10 Min Amrap
800M Run
With the remaining time, work your way up a Snatch ladder doing 10 reps at:
195 Every rep over 10 is 2 points
That would separate the elite from the non, and still be fun for all. At least it would have 2 different movements in it.
made up my Wendler Wave 1, Week 2 Squat today. Got 15 @ 211 on my 3+ set, which takes my Estimated 1 rm upto 317! YEAH BABY!
I'm thankful to Samir and Mike for spotting me on the plus set.
For the metcon, I did the following for time:
1k row
ring dips (with bands)
kb swings (to overhead) – 24kg (1.5 pood)
1k row
Time was 18:20. FUN WOD!
I wonder how many snatches I'm gonna' get……………..
Word, noah. Except for the run. ick. =) Seriously though, even though I would have hated the run, at least it wouldn't have been a single movement workout. how non-creative is that.
you don't really need to double reps over 10 for that last bit actually. that just adds some unnecessary complexity.
Strength Cycle Total
Bench: 265, 300F, 285
I might have been better off waiting for the third try to go for the big one, but I don't think I had it anyway. This is a not a pr as I benched 295 around the time Blair Witch Project was in theaters. A decade pr.
Clean: 195
Barely, after 2 misses. I feel like an uncoordinated jackass when I clean.
I just left Luca at the bar. That guy is in trouble tomorrow. Luca go home.