If you’re doing a 3×5 linear progression, add 1-5lbs as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 2.23.12 and 2.1.12
21-15-9 Rep Rounds For Time:
Pull Ups
There is a 10 minute cap on this workout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 12.30.11
Paleo Goodness at Kim M’s Recent Rest day Dinner
Congratulaions Paleo Warriors!
The Paleo Challenge is over!!! You’ve survived 2 months of diligent cooking and eating with an eye towards your health and performance. Many of you have learned valuable lessons about nutrition and yourself over the last 60 days that we hope you’ll be able to use for the next 8 months. Please remember to submit your Post Challenge Write Up asap! The details of which can be found on yesterday’s post.
Can you summerize in 3 statements what you learned from the Paleo Challenge? If so, post to comments!
WOD 12.2 Announced
MEN – includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
WOMEN – includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
Rich Fronning And Dan Bailey WOD Demo (98 and 95 Reps Respectively)
This Saturday we’ll be hosting the Open Competition with athletes from CrossFit Virtuosity, Long Island City, Queens, Metropolis and more showing up to throw down. There will be no regularly scheduled classes on Saturday. If you’re not participating in the event we encourage you to come on down and cheer on Team SBK! Folks who are registered for the Open but aren’t competing will have an opportunity to attempt 12.2 on Sunday as it will be our posted Group Class WOD. If you come on Saturday, remember to wear your SBK shirt and join the Black Sea! Also- we’re looking for a few good volunteers to help us judge and set-up the event. If you’d like to help out, please email Christian(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn(dot)com to sign up.
Might As Well Face It, You’re Addicted to… Food? Robb Wolf
In Search of the Perfect Human Diet™ – Theatrical Trailer You Tube
Eat Like A Caveman (Featuring CFSBK!) ABC News
Real Life Testimonials from A-Z after the Whole 30 Whole9
A FUN wod it gonna' be!
Indeed, a Real gasser it will feel.
Fighting a cold so I went home early from work last night and took a nap. A long one.
Really bummed I missed the Total last night… Sorry I wasn't there to support my peeps.
3 statements
I need to sleep more
I need to drink less
I need more mobility
Those were my biggest movers this time around, and it was the low-hanging fruit.
Come on totallers, let's see how you did!
I missed my 200-pound squat, but people tell me I have it in me and that I just went too deep on the last attempt (because I was trying not to miss it by being too shallow…oops). But…190/80/230 is a nice flat 500…I WILL TAKE IT.
Thank you SO much to Jenna, who talked me into attempting 80 a second time after failing it, and Ruvin, who gave me my strategy to hit 230 on the nose in my second attempt. (I failed at 240.) Had it not been for both of you, I'd still be in the 400something club.
Three things I learned in the Paleo challenge:
1. You can eat without a single cheat and STILL have too much sugar. Put the Larabars down, Stella.
2. Paleo helps you sleep better. Who knew?
3. Almost all cravings go away eventually. Sometimes "eventually" means "in a week," and sometimes it even means "in a month." But I'm amazed at how many things I SWORE I was going to have on March 1, that I simply don't care about now.
That being said, an ice cream sundae is the one and only thing I have NOT stopped craving since the beginning. I think I am going to make one for breakfast!
Awesome job Stella! I have to totally agree on the Larabar comment, things are dangerous!
770 this time around, with a bodyweight (159) some five to seven pounds lower than last time, so my bodyweight strength ratio was better this time around. I had dreams of making it to 5BW for my total, and I almost got there. More importantly, I cracked 300 on both the squat and deadlift, a long-held dream of mine; and to make things even more satisfying, the three big PR lifts were all serious fights. (Jack urged me to go big on the second squat and I'm glad I did; thanks Jack!).
Squat: 280/300/305F (1.88 BW; 15lb PR; the opening lift was 5 pounds under the PR; the second lift beat it by 15lbs; it took a lot out of me and I didn't have much left for the third attempt)
Press: 135/145/150F (.91 BW; 10lb PR; the opening lift equaled the PR, the second beat it by 10lbs)
Deadlift: 315/325F/325 (2.04BW; 30 lb PR; the opening lift was a 20lb PR; the third lift, and second attempt at 325, was a 30 lbPR)
A huge thanks to Jeremy who ran the show like only he can. As for his coaching, what can I say that so many of us haven't already said? Our very own 'Squat Whisperer" is an awesome strength coach in both form and content: He helped me so much through the cycle with some expert programming that helped me break through some plateaus and had all the right things to say at all the right times. Thanks again, Jeremy!
This cycle was a lot of fun. So many strong folks pushing hard and finding new dimensions to their strength – it was truly inspiring to watch so many push the limits. (I'm obviously very proud of Noor's performance but really, everyone kicked serious ass!). My platform partners, Ben Whitney and Nick Pines, were righteously strong and supportive; without them, not.
I broke down last night and had a few beers, so I'm hurting just a little bit today, but I'll still be smiling. STRENGTH CYCLE, YEAH!
I'd be interested in hearing how some of the strength cyclers or others approached their new 1 rep maxes. I'm not sure if this is the case for any of you but since beginning a linear progression, I'm slowly creeping up on my old 1 rep max (280) doing 3×5 (currently at 265x5x3), twice a week and increasing by 5 pounds, these are squats FYI.
Now I'm confused at what would even be considered a new 1RM or what would even be reasonable attempts, since it's basically unchartered territory and I haven't attempted any sort of singles in a long time. I know everything is probably situational based on the person but I'd like to hear strategies on how everyone decided what those new attempts/PR's would be..
@Mike: #1 strategy = ask Jeremy 🙂
In seriousness, here's the strategy he had most of us use:
Use 1RM calculator (http://exrx.net/Calculators/OneRepMax.html) to estimate your 1RM. Enter your 5-rep weight, knowing that your 1RM will be slightly higher than what's estimated because you are doing 3 sets of 5, not 1.
Then try to hit your estimated 1 RM in the second attempt. I think the first attempt is supposed to be about 10% below that? That way you try for your 1RM when you are most likely to have enough gas to hit it, and you still have one more go if you fail.
Ruvin reminded me I should try to hit the number I wanted in the second attempt, which is one of the reasons I made it to 500 — I knew I needed to hit exactly 230 so that's when I went for it, knowing that if I made it, anything extra on the third attempt would be gravy. And he was right!
Congratulations to everyone on yesterday's Total, it was such a blast. One of these days we have to put together a strength Total video with small clips of everyone's facial expressions, both during and after their lifts! There's so much personality and individuality in each person's lifting style, its such a pleasure to watch. I think it would go viral fo sho!
I was really happy about how it went yesterday. I may have done something resembling a Total at some point in my CF career, but I think I always tired myself out on the warm-ups so never really got a sense of how much I had in me. It was awesome going in yesterday and attempting weights that far beyond what I found super heavy during our training. It definitely made my decision to do another cycle.
Big props to Samir for getting over the 300 mark on both the squat and dl. You deserved the beer babe. Thanks so much to Jeremy for his patient coaching and sage advice throughout, and thanks to Margie and Dave for pushing me to go for the higher numbers!
BSQ: 145, 155, 165 (25 lb PR)
Press: 70, 75, 80 (15 lb PR)
DL: 180, 200, 220 (45 lb PR)
This cycle's programming was TOUGH on me, and I was really bummed to be on the sidelines for last night's Total. Since I'm competing in my first "away" meet on Saturday in Pennsylvania, though, I had to sit last night out.
Great job everyone – with over 20 people on the platforms (!) there were literally too many highlights to mention. Thanks to CFSBK for continuing to offer and grow this awesome program, and to Jeremy for the coaching and platform quarterbacking.
I wish I had been able to participate in or at least witness the totals. It sounds like lots of fun.
I'm starting to write my paleo exit writeup and it's getting pretty daunting. I'm trying to write about two months of life changing craziness without having it take 2 months to read. For now, here are my summarized lessons:
1. Paleo FORCES us to cook more, grocery shop more, and generally think more about what we put into our bodies. The feeling of being in complete control of your health and nutrition is a good feeling. For instance, when you eat a pop-tart, you have no idea what you're putting into your body. I tried a recipe for home-made turkey sausage and I knew exactly what was in it. And it was GOOD.
2. It's not all about the scale (weight loss or gain). One of my main personal goals is to get to a "normal" weight (started around 250 at 5'-11" and moderate muscle mass). But along the way, even though I was losing weight, I lost interest in jumping on the scale all the time. All the other positive benefits of paleo made the weight loss seem like a side effect.
3. Better quality sleep really does make a big difference.
I think my #1 highlight of the night was watching Jack and Samir headbop in the corner while the hip-hop was playing. Wish we'd managed to get video of that…it was hysterical!
Well done, total-ers. I stayed and watched as long as I could last night after class (I'd never seen a total before). Inspiring to say the least.
105 x 3
125 x 3
145 x 3
wod: 5:37
Unsurprisingly, last night's total was awesome. People really fought for some big numbers. Special shout out to the ladies' platform, each of you is my hero. But especially J-Bails, congrats on the new numbers for the board! Also, who knew Amy was such as TFBA? I guess all of us do now. Also, thanks to Margie for the extra pointers last night.
As for my numbers this time around (and parenthetical previous total 1RMs):
BSQ: 135-145-155 (previous: 130)
Press: 65-70fail-67.5fail (previous: 65)
DL: 180-190fail-190fail (previous: 175)
Super psyched about adding 25 pounds to my squat. I think even still have room left to grow. I'm a little less psyched about only adding 5 pounds to my DL, but, a gain is a gain, and I was able to DL my previous 1RM by 5 this cycle, so that is cool, too. I really think I had 190 in me, but by that point in the night, my adrenaline was long gone. (In my heart I know I'm a winner!) And as for the press, I am happy with matching my previous 1RM. That ain't too shabby for someone with a strained (and painful!) intercostal muscle. 400 is a nice round number; I'll take it.
For those of you considering strength cycle, but are like, "but Jenna, won't I be super frowny-face without my WODs? How will I get my box-jumps on?" Is that even really a question? No, of course you will not miss WODs. You will stand on the platform and laugh scornfully at everyone else doing the WODs and wonder why you didn't sign up for strength cycle sooner. It is the BEST.
(I don't know what happened to my original post, so I had to break it up into two)
3 things I learned from the paleo challenge:
1. Ketogenesis and weight loss are not appropriate goals for someone who is both endurance training and strength cycling. Sweet potatoes are a girl's best friend.
2. Gaining weight can be surprisingly rewarding, even if I'll probably never have a good relationship with most of my jeans ever again.
3. Nutrition goals are a moving target, and should be reassessed regularly based on performance, not looks.
That's actually kind of just 1 thing, said 3 different ways, but whatevs, that's what I learned.
So happy to make the Total last night. Almost didn't make it due to a Linus barfing incident–turns out my queasy feeling during noon class was a bona fide bug. So inspiring to see folks gutting it out with such impressive results! We are a strong army.
I really enjoyed the total last night. Well done all. The big lifts were impressive and the big fights were awesome. I was proud to be a part it.
I hit all 9 of my lifts and made big jumps from the total on December 11. My main goal for the cycle was to get better at squatting. I am an upper body dominant human and I spent way too much time on the bench press in my youth. I herniated a disk pretty badly playing rugby and spent about 2 years rehabbing with things like bosu balls and reformers instead of barbells. Throw in plenty of lower body mobility issues and my squat was in bad shape.
Squat: 275, 295, 305
(December total: 255)
Press: 170, 180, 185
(December total: 165)
Deadlift: 325, 355, 375
(December total 315)
Total 865
December 735
So +130 lbs in that short period, all big PRs. Thanks to everyone that came down and cheered, the adrenaline makes the difference. I'm fired up today, especially when I think about how mangled my back was not too long ago.
I definitely recommend the strength cycle for anyone thinking about it. I really enjoyed working with Jeremy. I think he's one of those people that seems to have found the exact thing he should be doing. He doesn't overwhelm you with cues but possesses an impressive knack for calmly saying exactly what you need to hear. And he really roots for his people and wants them to do well, which I think is true of all the CFSBK coaches and what stood out to me about the place right away.
I also enjoyed working with the whole evening crew. Excellent group. And I'll add that I really liked the constantly unvariedness of it. It was nice to narrow the focus and not try to get better at 100 things at once. I definitely plan to do another one soon.
Tomorrow will be exactly one year since I did my first WOD out of Foundations (3 rounds of 3 minute intervals of a 400 meter run and then as many front squats as possible). It's been a fun year, I'm glad to be here.
Thanks for listening.
@Billy & JR:
I didn't have a specific carb cycle diet in mind. I read this article which got me thinking about it: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/par32.htm
I like it cause you can match your carb intake to your work more specifically than the anabolic (where you carb load on the weekends). Basically I'm looking at something like Mon No carbs, Tues Low, Wed High, Thurs Low, Fri No/Low, Sat High, Sun Low.
Dunno, gotta work out the kinks. Also curious if anyone with experiece or professional expertise has an opinion on this. In the meantime the challenge is over and I'm taking a break from work in 30 minutes to visit- wait for it- a chocolate factory.
I was really impressed at the total last night. Standouts for me were Noor's 220 deadlift, everything that Amy did (come on challenge yourself next time!), Stella's all-around awesomeness and Jess B's board-worthy 600lb total!
After 3 strength cycles I feel it is time for me to return to regular group class. I love doing strength not just because I get physically stronger, but because it is an opportunity to take a break from the chaos of group class and focus on just a few things. During that time you have the opportunity to get to know your fellow lifters in a personal way that you don't always have the time to do in group class. And you get specialized coaching attention. I love that our gym affords me the opportunity to flip flop between the strength cycles and group classes, we really have the best of both worlds.
I had one PR last night, in my squat, putting me at 175lbs. Also I was pleased to pull a 190 deadlift even though it is not my PR. I am working on OWNING that 200 and owning 190 is a step along that path.
Hey, any network savvy folks out there able to spare a few minutes to help a computarded gent figure out how to set up a wireless webcam? Damn thing is from China and the combination of the translated directions and my own paltry knowledge of the interwebs is turning this into a laughable episode. Could probably be handled over the phone or gchat.
Now that the Paleo challenge is over, I will buy you a beer for your troubles. If you're even into that kind of thing anymore!
Email me (noah at crossfitsouthbrooklyn dot com), I'd really appreciate it!
the shots i was taking last night all live in David Turnbull's camera (it wasn't mine.) he has promised to share them with the MANAGEMENT.
Great job last night all you totalers!
I felt pretty good and PR'd all of my lifts for 500/ 215 /475 (1190). I lost the last deadlift at the very end because my grip is crap. Any advise on some good grip exercises?
Blown away by last night's Total. It was incredible to see such commitment and effort. There were some stand-out performances, too many to name. I'm really glad I had a chance to participate and watch.
Went from 770 in December to 825. My goal was 50 pounds, so I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
I wanted to hit 300 on my squat, and did. It felt good and I could have probably pushed it even farther. I added 15 pounds to my press and really had to work for it. I imagine it was pretty ugly to watch. But I was happy to hit 150. I picked up 20 pounds on my deadlift. At 370 I thought I saw Jesus (or was just about to black out). Failed the 3rd attempt. 400 in my next Total would be a healthy goal.
Thanks go out to all my strength-friends. What an awesome group of people. Thanks for your support and encouragement. And big thanks go to Jeremy. We're lucky to have such a kick-ass couch.
David T
You've got a strength coach who appears to do grip exercises every day according to the blog. Margie also posted a couple days ago with suggestions, namely: farmers walks, plate pinching, the wooden dowl with the weight attached (rolling it up, I don't know what to call this exercise), and even those hand gripper things which I might get for the office.
Congrats to all the Totalers. I just took a picture of the board and will be posting it as the blog picture tomorrow. Lots of really impressive numbers. I too would like to publicly thank Jeremy for putting together the Strength Program. We're all lucky that the gym can offer such a valuable and important program led by someone who is so passionate about it.
Also, I'm SCURREEDDD of 12.2..
3 Things I learned on PC2012:
1. I'm a much better person when I eat this way. In so many ways too, I don't stress out about what to eat so often, I feel better, I look better, I perform better and I've got better self confidence.
2. I work better with general absolutes: "No Gluten" "No Refined Sugar" were my mantras. I didn't want to over complicate things and by sticking to those two basic ideas I was able to do the entire 2 months without cheating once. I think when you make lots of exceptions, fuzzy guidelines and opportunities to rationalize eating poorly, people invariable do.
3. You can still "Cheat".. or at least eat sub optimally On Paleo. Lara bars, Fruit, Plantain Crusted Chicken, Maduros, White Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Potato Chips, Honey, Raw Food Bars etc are all things that I ate to placate the desire for emotionally satisfying foods. The catch is, that after eating those things my gut didn't hate me and I didn't feel any guilt or negativity about cutting loose. I still felt really good.
I plan on staying exactly the same as I have been except I'll allow a little more dairy and ice cream once a week. I've got good momentum and anything less than I'd been doing would presumably lead to a decrease in all the positive benefits I've experienced this time through. Last year I got too lax after the challenge and regretted it. I'm happy with the trajectory of my adaptations and don't want to derail them.
All those things are good for grip. I will add that grip strength is a bit more specific than some of the other stuff we do. So if you want to improve your grip relative to a specific task, like deadlifting, you need to make sure that a good chunk of your grip work is focused on that. For the deadlift, the best things are deadlifting and heavy holds. They can be bar holds or axle holds. Load them with medium weight and hold for a while (like 30 secs) or load them heavy and hold for however long you can. Pick 1 exercise a day, 3 or 4 days a week is plenty.
6am with coach david "the captain"
pre wu
1000m row
wu2 + pigeon pose
(45×3 95×3)
The total last night was awesome. Nothing tops off two months of working with great people on the platforms like getting to cheer them on while they fight like hell and crush their PRs. Thanks, Jeremy.
BSQ:260*/280*/300* (December: 245)
OHP: 90/105*/120(f) (100)
DL: 305*/325*/350(f) (285)
Total: 730 (630)
Squatting 300 was shocking. I had walked out 295 on Monday and it felt qualitatively different from anything I'd had on my back before. Like it wanted to hurt me.
I'd like to join the chorus thanking Jeremy for a great strength cycle and total. This was my first time testing 1RMs since college and I was slightly apprehensive about the jump in weight from my work weights. However, 1 lift into last night, I knew there was nothing to worry about. The total was extremely well run, the energy was fantastic, and the spotting was spot-on.
Squat: 325, 345, 365
Press: 135, 145, 155(F)
DL: 405, 445, 465(F)
Total: 955
I had no specific goals going into the total, but I'm very happy with the result. Next time I'll be aiming for 1000.
Note: I haven't been this strong in more than a decade, so I'm just going to reset my PRs to this. Nothing to be gained by competing with ghosts.
(I just accidentally posted this in yesterday's comments…. bleh)
Congrats to all the totallers, these numbers are so inspiring!
I just wanted to say, I just submitted my paleo challenge write up and I am so retardedly proud of it. Even though I cheated a couple times, my after pictures made me so happy 🙂 Thanks so much to all of you for all the support and smiles along the way. It was a really fun 2 month challenge.
3 lesson's learned
1.) Bodyweight is bullshit.
2.) If you want to get muscles, you have to eat muscles.
3.) Vegetables can become a part of your body.
"Plantain Crusted Chicken"
/drools on desk
3 Things I learned
1. I really like Tequila
2. I have willpower
3. I dont miss sandwiches as much as I thought I did
Though my first official off-diet day will be an italian sub
My first strength cycle (Fall 2010) total was 735 lbs (265/ 135/ 335).
Second cycle (nov-dec 2011) total was 875 (315/ 145/ 415).
Y'day's total was 917.5 (335/152.5/ 430).
My strategy for the total is to add 15% to the max. 3×5 sets that I have completed & aim for that in the first attempt, when I'm fresh and mentally focused (rule of thumb for me: add 1% to your 1 rep max PR for each rep that is completed at the heaviest weight during training. So if I have done 3×3 for 300 lbs, then I would add 9% for the 1 rep max which would work out to ~327 lbs).
In the past year, I have lost 2 pairs of pants (tore apart on the thighs, not the stomach) and gained about 30 lbs of body weight . I know this would not have been possible without Jeremy (believe me I tried, my lifts went nowhere for a year). Thx Jeremy, you have been a game changer.
I like chasing nos. (including my net worth, an effort that has'nt been going as well lately, as the CF total). That's why I was attracted to running for nearly 10 years & now strength training – because nos. don't lie…
So now my goal is to continue to focus on strength training until I total 1000 lbs or die trying…
Great job strong people;
Squat: 260, 280 (failed at 300)
Press: 115, 120, 130
Deadlift 340,360,375
Total: 785
Now I have my goals for next cycle: 300lbs squat and break an 800 cft.
Jeremy thanks so much for another great cycle.
To echo previous sentiments, Jeremy's strength cycle is awesome. Being in group class is great but there is truly something special and unique about strength program. It's two months of repeating six exercises and increasing the weight by 5 pounds each time. The concept is simple and effective. You have no choice but to get stronger. The class culminates with a Total where watching your fellow classmates beat their PRs is just as rewarding as beating your own. My previous lifts are from December's Total.
BSQ: 325, 345-DQ, 345 (295)
Press: 155, 160, 165 (145)
DL: 365, 395, 415 (315)
Total: 925 (755)
My goal for this total was 900 which I more or less made up when Fox asked me what my goal was earlier in the week. Hitting 925 was great and I know I still have more room to grow.
Like Samir said the cycle was a lot of fun. Thanks Jeremy for setting up a great program. Thanks Jay and Noor for being great platform mates. It was inspiring watching you guys make you maxes look so easy. If anyone is on the fence about whether they should do a strength cycle or not, What do you have to lose? Group class will always be there and it is a little enjoyable to watch the class do burpees while your sitting in between lifts chit chatting.
Congrats, Totalers!! It's always a blast to watch, and I can't wait to be back up there with y'all! (Someday…)
Re: Paleo challenge, I learned:
– yeah, this is really how I eat now
– but being strict about it once in a while is a really good idea
– being pregnant crushes your energy levels and immune system under the best circumstances. I can't imagine how I'd be feeling now if I hadn't quashed that first-trimester sugar monster, but I am sure it would be worse.
Strength cycle total: 785
Squat 270, 285F, 285pr
Press 125, 135pr, 142.5F
Dead Lift 365, 385F, 380F
I got a little greedy on my 2nd DL attempt which I am pretty sure cost me a pr.
My total in December was 765, so I upped 20#s and pr'ed 2 lifts! Best of all, a 10# increase in my press which has always been weak.
Even more than the total though, I am really proud of my last 2 3×5 squats I did in class at 255 and 257.5. These were efforts that really probed the depths of my strength and will. These lifts terrified me, and it was only because of Jeremy calming me and coaching my breathing that I saw the other side of them. On those days I really learned something about lifting and about myself and what I am capable of.
If you are considering a Strength Cycle I can't recommend it enough. I definitely want to do another the next time my work slows down and maybe even muster the courage to lift in a meet.
Carlos, it has been an honor to be your bar partner. Watching you fight for your reps and come out victorious has been truly inspiring, and something I will miss very much as I go back into group classes.
Regarding grip work:
I'm sure what Jeremy says is true and that there is no more efficient way to work your deadlift grip than to practice grips very similar to deadlifting.
However, I'd argue that there is no more fun way to work your grip than heading down the road to Brooklyn Boulders. Good climbing technique uses the legs as much as possible, but clinging to the wall for a few sessions is a good and quite varied grip workout.
Can any of the coaches judge the Open WOD tomorrow morning at the 6 am class? I'm out of town this weekend and need to get it in before I leave. Thanks!
Congratulations to all the folks who did the Total last night – really great job lifting and being so supportive. It was truly a memorable experience for me and one I will never forget.
Strength Cycle Total: 805
Squat: 285, 305, 315pr
Press: 115, 125, 135 (fail)
Deadlift: 355, 365, 380 (fail)
All these scores are such significant PRs for me that I'm still amazed at how far this strength cycle has taken me. I cannot thank Jeremy enough for all his coaching and patience. And I feel very lucky to have been a part of a really committed group of folks who made up the morning cycle. I was pretty nervous about how the Total would go, but walking into the gym and seeing those familiar faces made me feel a lot better and immediately more relaxed.
I'm looking forward to the next cycle in mid-March – hope to see you all soon! Thanks again to Jeremy for his fantastic coaching.
We need volunteers for Saturday! Judging, registration, score runners, etc…
Please hit me up at christian(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com if you have a few hours available on Saturday am and want to support the Black Sea!
paleo –
1. i don't miss the stuff i missed at the beginning. most of it not at all.
2. i feel a hell of a lot better. sleep is better when i get it.
3. tequila is delicious.
i'm looking forward to drinking some whiskey.
Was wondering if there will be any coaches around to judge the Open WOD tomorrow during Open Gym?
Rob – yes, I am always at Open gym.
Safety Bar Squat
That was all I needed today. Wiped after yesterday's PR and late night
Just got the required reps in today. Glad that 210 is owned enough to have on a down day
Bent Row
Kept them strict and slow
Back from Northern Virginia LA fitness purgatory. It was hard maintaining a Zen attitude while there. They had a huge tire and a sledgehammer for crying out loud! Trainers would hand the sledgehammer to a woman, tell them to hit the tire for x reps and then walk away and talk to someone else. No instruction, no correction, nothing. I thought one poor woman was going to fall over with the damn thing. Good to be back.
Press today 95x5x3 – shoulder took a step back unfortunately.
Open WOD – 30. Shoulder (and subsequent strength loss) will not allow for 135 overhead so I did the 75×30 in 1:58 and was done.
21, 15, 9 pullups/burpees 6:08 RX
pullups were great, burpees sucked.
Wendler, Wave 1, Week 2: 12 reps on my 3 plus @ 118, which puts my estimated 1 rm at 166 lbs! YEAH BABY!
Todays WOD: 5:18
Pullups (small green band)