If you’re doing a 3×5 linear progression, add 2.5-10lbs as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 2.22.12 and 1.31.12
3 Intervals of:
As Many Rounds as possible in 2 Minutes of:
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Kettlebell Swings, Face Level
Rest 2 Minutes
Justin and Noah get their Thrust On
Best of luck to Rob I, Michele K and Nicole A who will be competing in the 2012 International Powerlifting Association PA State Powerlifting Champions this Saturday!
Good Luck To Everyone competing in the CrossFit Total Today!
The event starts at 6:30pm if you’d like to spectate. Today will be our largest total and cummulates 8 weeks of moving steel for these 20+ guys and gals
The Paleo Challenge Is ALMOST OVER!!
How to Submit your Post Paleo Challenge Material:
1. Briefly describe the beginning, middle and end of your Paleo Challenge. (We’re looking for 3-8 sentences per section)
2. Based on your previously stated goals, In what ways did you succeed with your paleo Challenge? Were there any other positive adaptations you experienced?
Announcing The CFSBK Softball Team!
Interested in putting that functional fitness to use? Dan H. is in the process of recruiting 15-16 members for a CFSBK softball team as part of the YMCA Adult Co-ed League. Games are usually held once a week around 7pm at the Red Hook fields. A small league fee of $40-50 per person will be expected to participate for the season. ALL levels are welcome. If you’re interested or have any other questions, please contact dh3 at dhalioua(at)gmail(dot)com.
Dr. Osborne discusses Gluten/Grain free diets and an evolutionary perspective on digestion Fox News
CrossFit Gonzaga’s After School Teens Program Does Weighted Pull-Ups CrossFit
One Down CrossFit Games
How We Got 500 Athletes on Team CrossFit NYC CrossFit Games
The Casual Competitors Take On Week 1 CrossFit Games
press 125×5
160×3 this used to be stronger
SS 3 sets of pullups with some bizarre hand grip
3 sets seated dumbell presses went light 45x10x3 can add a lot there
easy 1k playing with stroke rate, feeling it out a little, 3:45. I plan to do more of this and push it harder.
Very, very funny, after last night's post I go up to another gym to workout, and there is a sign in the gym :
"We regret to inform you that the gym will be closed on March 4th for the international team judo championships."
But what the hell do they know, they only have 231 olympic medals.
That's the first thing I've ever watched on Fox News that didn't make me want to pull the rest of my hair out.
Good luck to all the Totalers tonight! I hope I can make it down to cheer everyone on…
Unrelated post: We've got a great Flickr page, but after doing this I've found we are seriously lacking in one area – baby videos. I'll take some of the blame since I haven't brought my kid in. Anyway, here are 7 of the best Babies Doing CrossFit videos that I found. I highly recommend the guy who does a WOD with his triplets. Enjoy.
Big day! My jeans fit around my middle instead of around my hips! I thought this was going to open up all kinds of new fashion opportunities until I realized that the same jeans no longer fit in the quad area. Nah-nah-nah-na-na-Quadzilla. I'll be hitting squats off-site tonight, but know I am with you all in spirit.
days always seem to be better when i make it to the gym early!
BSQ: (45×5, 75×5, 90×3)
last week's rep out was 115×6
metcon: 15# dbs/16kg kb
1 round, 15 thrusters, 12 kb swings
1 round, 15 thrusters, 8 kb swings
1 round, 15 thrusters, 13 kb swings
then for fun, tabata double unders
40, 34, 33, 27, 19, 26, 26, 20 / 225 total
Anyone wearing the Inov8 230's after pretty much sticking to the 195's? I just received my 230's and they fit.. bigger than my 195's. Not as snug and maybe 1/2" longer. I ordered the same size that I've been wearing. ::tears:: Might have to let these go back or let someone here go for them, from the sweet deal that Running Warehouse had. Womens 9.
Good luck tonight Strength Cyclers–I'll be with you in spirit.
From last night- "El Oso" warm up set at 65. 95, 105, 115, 125 FAIL
Bench pyramid 125×12, 135×12, 145×8, 155×5, 145×7, 135×9, 125×10
First WOD in 2 weeks (vacation), felt good to be back but it was not easy.
Anyone have experience with carb cycling?
@Jimmy-Mix-It-Up: what's the gym with all the Olympic Medals?? I've been curious about Judo for a minute.
Is carb cycling eating a biwl of spaghetti while riding a Schwinn?
Then yes, I do.
@Noah New York Athletic Club. I've been a member for many years. Judo is literally world class there. I superset between there and my beloved CFSBK
Bowl. (Wish I could blame that on typing on my phone, but I can't.)
@Noah – I'd love to know what you find our re: carb cycling. Been considering trying the "Anabolic Diet." I find that I really crave carbs one or two days a week and when I fight that my performance suffers, but when I let it happen (within reason) I feel great at training. Do you have a particular program you are interested in?
6am with coach josh
pre wu
wu1 + barbell work on the legs
(135 185)
265×4 first one might have been a bit shallow.
25lb db
thrusters degraded big time as this went along.
Oh crap I forgot! Good luck tonight Totalers! YEAH!
So has JR unmasked himself as "Jimmy Mix-it-Up" or did we already know that? Now, who the hell is Anonymous Howard?
Good luck to Totalers tonite.
Last night went to brick crossfit in LA. Nice place, decent vibe, coach/owner ego maniac. He like i am so and so I finished 10th in the games last year.
we did find your "20 rep' back squat and since ive been struggling with volume in wendler seemed like a good idea. worked 17 reps at 230.
then did an 8 rd for time work out of 10 pullups, 15 jumping lunges and 20 double unders with 100m sprint. followed by 1min rest. Fun, did this in 16:48.
@Chris A LOL I wasn't being anonymous! I was just trying to mix it up. Having said that, as far as being anonymous goes, I understand why that doesn't work for people, anonymous blog posts in general bring out the lowest common denominator. Howard's was probably the least offensive anonymous post that I've ever seen.
Julie, I might take you up on that but I think my 230s are size 9.5, not 9. Will you be in the gym on Friday morning? If so, can you bring a pair and I'll try them on? If they're the right size, you have a buyer.
So excited to be finishing up strong on the paleo challenge! I'm almost 2 jean sizes smaller and I believe I am exactly 19 pounds lighter than when I started. I'm going to get a haircut today to try and make it an even 20.
Of course a lot of that weight loss was achieved by a regular gym schedule and cycling to work daily, which I hadn't done since the summer. I wasn't perfect on the diet, and I still feel guilty about that, but I definitely learned from the mistakes. I feel like I'm in a great position to continue throughout the year. I'm kinda itching to get out of OnRamp and really step it up this spring.
@ JR (and all), I'm just funning around myself. I personally don't have a huge issue with anonymous posts. And while I disagree with Howard for most of the reasons put so well by others yesterday, I will give him this: he's got to get his xfit on so badly that he complains when the gym is closed.
I thought some of you would enjoy this stream of tweets from last night's Park Slope Co-Op meeting: https://twitter.com/#!/chadwickmatlin
Psyched to total tonight. With 20+ lifters, maybe it will run till midnight and we can all go get cheeseburgers and milkshakes afterward.
That was pretty priceless JZ. I'm going to the GM next month for the Israel "debate." I'm sure it will be enlightened.
Wow that was amazing, the COOP tweets. If they don't want people to use plastic bags, just charge everybody a nickel for using them. DC did that, and plastic bag usage dropped a ton.
Greetings from the North Shore of Oahu where I'm whale watching from the porch. Have been visiting Crossfit Waipao and have had 2 excruciatingly long 6 am metcon WODS. Today was "McCluskey." It was capped at 30 minutes or 2 rounds instead of 3. My greatly modified version was 2 rounds for time of 18 banded dips, 15 burpee ring rows, 21 banded pull ups, an 800 meter run and I mistakenly did a third round of 18 banded dips in 31:14. Monday's WOD was a 20 minute AMRAP of 3 broad jumps, 15 box jumps 20" and 30 double unders. Very nice group of people and they are graciously allowing me to do the second open WOD on Friday. Really hoping it's something I can do!
Jumping for Joy!
Good times in the noon class w/ Coach Josh. Been feeling queasy all day so I bagged the metcon. Squats:
Got 175 for 10 on my "1" day last round so a little bummed, but going to blame it on the nausea.
Great seeing Craig do 390 for 5. Sheee-it.
@Noah Barth, my previous comment got stuck in purgatory. I am interested in starting the Anabolic Diet for carb cycling after the paleo challenge is done. Did you have a particular plan you are interested in?
Eat yer fish oil: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/28/health/research/omega-3-fatty-acid-levels-linked-to-brain-performance.html
My last comment was put through a captcha phase and then held for moderation. Are we changing blog policy now, or is this more blog flakiness?
I've convinced my family (Mom and 3 sisters) to do the Paleo challenge with me for March ….we have a facebook group… it's kind of hilarious.
Excited for squats tonight.
The Wendler cycle has turned my Wednesdays into a day of squat fantasies. I have a weight/rep scheme written down on a legal pad at work, and I keep looking at it.
@Billy: CONGRATS on jeans fitting/not fitting in new places. Forgot to add that in my earlier post.
@Samir: no, it's always flaky like that if you put in an HTML. Standard-issue flakiness.
my biggest pair of jeans is screaming a silent scream of protest as we speak.
@Charlotte thanks for the shoutout! I'm going to be cheering Nick on tonight. Can't wait to see what those guys put up.
135 x10
Substituted squats for thruster (shoulder still hurting)
1.5 p swings
415×1 (PR)
Came in thinking about a PR attempt, decided that I would do 365 and use that as a barometer. 365 felt good, so I jumped to 415. 415 came down a little slow, but came up fast. There is more weight there.
Just pulling singles, 2 min recovery
No grip work, gotta get ready for the TOTAL!
Today's class F#*&ing rocked. I am pretty sure I achieved new levels of awesome as I slaughtered 13 (or was it 14? We'll say 13) reps on my 135# squats today. I AM GETTING SO STRONG!
I hated today's WOD though. 1 armed thrusters are the devil. 17.5#DB 16kg KB 1.5 rounds Max.
Super excited for all tho people totalling right now. I hope they are killing it! WOOOOO!!!
Missing the gym this week in an effort to not be sore for my 1/2 marathon this Sunday….
Jules, if Stella is a no-go on the shoes, I may be interested!
I managed to drop a barbell on my quad during El Oso on Monday night, so I've been limping around and icing like crazy for the past few days. But I did want to take advantage of being in town and not too busy and try out squats tonight. I had no idea how this would feel so I just followed Samir's lead…
LBBS: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5) 160×3, 295×3, 220×7. Not the best rep out ever, but considering my lack of squatting lately and the state of my leg, I'm pleased with this.
Subbed out sit-ups for the thrusters in the WOD. 15 sit-ups, 15 16kg KBs 2 min, 2 min off x 3 = 2 rds + 2 sit-ups, 2 rds + 1 sit-up, 2 rds + 3 sit-ups.
Open Wod 12.2 is up! And it's a snatch-a-palooza
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs)
Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)
This workout begins from the standing position. The athlete will complete all reps at the first weight before advancing to the next weight. Score is total reps completed in 10min.
I'm excited for this one, though I doubt I'll get too far into the 165 snatches. That's not the worst thing, though, since I'm pretty sure I can't do a 210 snatch.
Can't wait to give it a shot!
Pissed cause I wanted 8+
Made up Deads
Supposed to do 375 but the squat got me pissed, so…
Great job to lit's o' squatters tonight. I saw lots of reps left in the tank…Lana, Melissa L, Kate D, more than I can remember.
Also, congrats CFTotalers! You guys rocked!
Fun hanging out at the total this evening. Good thing I was hungover and missed AM class. Of course I missed AM class this morning =(
So let's see hit 220×6 for my rep out
then the metcon was ugly, worst round 1+3, 20#, 1pd
Congrats to all the totallers, these numbers are so inspiring!
I just wanted to say, I just submitted my paleo challenge write up and I am so retardedly proud of it. Even though I cheated a couple times, my after pictures made me so happy 🙂 Thanks so much to all of you for all the support and smiles along the way. It was a really fun 2 month challenge.
3 lesson's learned
1.) Bodyweight is bullshit.
2.) If you want to get muscles, you have to eat muscles.
3.) Vegetables can become a part of your body.
backsqt 153 3×5, WOD 20#DB, 16KG KB 2rnds, 1.5rnd + 6KB, 1.5rnd + 3KB.