*If you made all your reps plus some extra on the rep outs last cycle add 2.5-5 lbs to your press training max.
Post loads and rep outs to comments.
Compare to 1.26.12 and 1.4.12
“Annie Get Your Kettlebell”
For time:
KB Swings
Sit Ups
Post RX and time to comments.
Traci J. Practing Her Burpees!
Happy Birthday Coach Nick and Jessica G!
And We’re Off: 2012 CF Games Open Sectionals Workout 12.1 Has Been Announced!
This year’s Open Sectionals have officially begun with the first WOD being announced last night at 8pm.
And the WOD for Week #1 is….
Complete as Many Reps as Possible in 7 Minutes of:
Yep, that’s it.
“This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.”
For a full description of the rules and regs of WOD 1 complete with Dave Castro breaking down the movement standards please check out the WOD 1 Movement Standards Video
Remember athletes participating in the Open will be MUST submit their score by 5pm on Sunday, February 26th.
It’s Not Too Late to Register for the Open!!
See?! We told you guys that this competition is for everyone! The good news is it is not too late to register to compete. We currently have 51 athletes registered for the Sectionals. We’d be STOKED to see that number go through the roof! Become part of Team CFSBK today! You can register right HERE.
Remember we’re doing the Open WODs as our group class programming on each Saturday during the open. Ain’t nothin’ to it but to do it. We want YOU to help represent CFSBK!
Leaderboard Madness
Yesterday we shouted out the accomplishments board and today we’re shining the spotlight on folks who’ve been making runs for the number #1 spot on the leaderboard.
Matt Katz holds the top men’s spot for “The Bear” at 175lbs
Lady Fox holds the top women’s spot for “The Bear” at 105lbs
Kiki P. and Kate D. both are on the board for “Barbara” at 37:51 and 41:01 respectively
Joe O. and Rikke M. are on the men’s Barbara board for 31:08 and 30:49 respectively
Kate D. is also holding court with 130 Double Unders
And no one has yet to knock Jeremy F. off the top spot of 34 tacos.
So what’s your approach to 7 minutes of Burpees?
Katie Hogan Demos WOD 12.1 CrossFit
CrossFit Games Update Pre-Show CrossFit
Full Squats or Not by Tommy Suggs Starting Strength
Tight Ties, Killer Heels Clothes Make the Fashion Victims Wall Street Journal
what's the time limit on the tacos? probably my best shot at making the leader board
Hey Everyone,
Truly, I enjoyed getting back into Wendler. I restarted at Wave 1 again after about a 2 and half month break (I've finished about 10 waves worth of Wendler over the past year and half, eh…).
I was able to knock out 16 reps @ 199 that I struggled to get 12 at (2 1/2 months ago) and probably could've hit 17. Praise God!
I think its the Power Cleans I've gotten in over the past several weeks that's really bolstered my estimated 1rm from 279 to 306.
Maybe The Chief two days in a row is really worth it???
Wendler Spreadsheet
Anyhow, I'm posting the following Wender Excel Sheet:
Wendler Worsheet
All you have to do is change the value of the 1RM on the second sheet and it populates forward the entire Wendler 5/3/1 for the next 10 waves (ie., 1 wave = 4 weeks of exposure [including 1 week deload]).
I will enthusiastically explain the spreadsheet to whoever is interested in class, Gw!
I plug in new data (ie., reps accomplished in the rep out) each week and print out the updated sheet (I'll explain in person, Gw).
Hope that works!,
That's very interesting, the spot to touch 6" above max reach. I bet that makes a big difference. Seems like a fantastic opening wod. Simple, brutal.
I personally don't see the point of WOD#1. Why not just declare Rickke the winner?
"So what's your approach to 7 minutes of Burpees?"
Samir, HA!
"Many men need to loosen up: 67% buy shirts that are smaller than their necks, according to a 1993 study at Cornell University."
Are you kidding me? this just in "buy clothes that fit you."
This blog is weird. All of a sudden, today, out of the blue, I am getting emails every time a comment is posted. I don't ever recall signing up for that!
Gremlins in the hood.
I think the official time limit on Tacos is 24hrs…I also think Jeremy's has the record at 34. Let's see if we can knock him off the leader board. He's up there too many times as it is.
Having shoulder issues you did 3 sets of 5 at 135#
Time: 13:50
My legs are very sore from squatting yesterday.
@Coach David/Lady Fox: What size are your Innov-8s? As I recall both fit me great. Thinking of ordering trail shoes. That great deal Noah scoped is still going on.
Missed Thursday AM class b/c of coop shift–hoping to make it up at open gym tomorrow. Slinging crates of citrus not for time not exactly a workout.
@JR – Finding clothing that fits can be hard. I have five or six shirts that I had made about a year ago and they are now officially too tight in the neck to wear buttoned up with a tie. And don't get me started with off the rack work clothing. Literally nothing fits.
Is CFSBKLN hosting any of the games this year? I like to think I did a pretty good job volunteering for bathroom duty last year and would like to help out again.
Ha! Burpees…. ugh.
My strategy is going to be the same as it was for my videos, try for sets of unbroken 10's into infinity. Also I will be dedicating my burpee work to a couple people that I haven't done video's for yet… maybe I'll even record them 😉 (names will be announced later, I need to look at the kickstarter report) I don't really know what its means for my shoulder… It hasn't been too bad lately so by Saturday I'm hoping it will be good to go.
I think I'm skipping the box today (even though the WOD looks AMAZINGLY fun, because I am so so so so so sore. Like worse than out of foundations. not sure why…running maybe?
(finishing my thought)
the logic is that between being super sore already, and having a borderline shoulder — NOT doing a bunch of press's before Saturday's burpees will be good. Someone please tell me if this is a bad approach…
Warm up – 45×5, 65×5, 85×5
Work – 100×5, 120×5, 135×7
WOD – 9:06 @24kg
Charlotte, my innov-8s are a men's 8. Big thanks to Noah for that lead as Fox and I just ordered another pair each last night! If only you got a commission on all of SBK's purchases over the past 24 hours!
@malcom, look custom clothes are expensive so that's not the solution for just about everyone. It seems to me that if it's not the tails of the distribution, off the rack should fit "almost" everyone, at least in the neck and sleeves. (a billowy tent in the middle, I grant you.) my guess would be that the shirts that are tight in the neck are the result of a thicker neck. I know a guy with a 22 inch neck and 33 sleeves, but he's a dwarf from middle earth. looking at you, I'd guess you're probably around 17, and your sleeves are probably not longer than 34/35 if that. sleeve and neck should fit you. Most likely, you've just been a beast in the gym.
first Wendler set for me! (first comments post for me too I think)
53lb x6
12:35 @ 16kg
MACK C?????
worlds colliding!
To all taco posters, weve been thinking about doing a massive taco/margarita day post open/paleo challenge. If interested in waiting till then, maybe we can all organize.
2nd, Lana this WOD is right up your alley, practice, practice practice.
Wendler 7am. Knackered from yesterday but still good times with the early birds. Might have made a mistake using my chins practice during warmup as my Press was not as solid as it's been – blurg. Annie Get Yer Gun is a fine bitch indeed and I weirdly liked it but not as much as Barbara or Diane ::ducks::
Anyone ladies who wear a US size 9 in the Inov8's – they're all gone. The pink flew out like a mother.. funny.
Oh! And if there are those who are not competing or able to cheer on Saturday, I'll be chilling with 13 hogs and some sucking piggies pouring craft beer/cask ale/homebrew/wine at the aPORKalypse Now event: http://www.getrealny.com/
Looking to do the Open WOD #1 at the gym tonight as I'm heading out of town tomorrow. Anybody want to join me?
2 words:
fuck burpees
press today: 76.5 x 7
annie weirdness: 16kg, 13:54
@JR, any off the rack shirt that fits in the neck and arms for me looks like I got into "daddies" closet. I have in the past 'solved' this by getting shirts that don't actually fit in the neck.
These movement standards for the burpies seem to encourage sloppy burpies, but also democratize the movement, so there's that.
As a short, fairly thin dude, I could bitch ALL DAY LONG about off the rack clothes and the joys of having something made to fit. But I'm worried about "Annie". F'ing KB swings. UGH.
My quads had just recovered yesterday from Saturdays barbell roll business only to be assaulted again. Yikes and ouch. It hurts so good?
For some reason my press is not what it once was. Not sure why:
5 x 105
5 x 120
5 x 135 (and it was hard)
WOD – KB Annie
14:09 1.5pood
I couldn't hack it unbroken. So . . .
50, 15 + 15 + 10, 16 + 14, 13 + 7, 10.
91 reps for katie hogan in 7 minutes. seems the 6 inch jump slows things down. One concern with rings is if you hit the ring to hard and complete a burpee and search for that ring you lose a bit of time. Any way to make the target something immobile?
Thanks for the Inov8 tip Noah.
As my priority is the strength cycle total next week, my strategy for the burpees is to take her easy. One of my shoulders is feeling funky as it is. Can I bring beer? I'll hit the next one hard.
not that i have a huge neck or anything, but to avoid the billowy thing in shirts, i've had decent luck going up 1/2 a neck size and getting slim fit
My plan is to get all the burpees done one after another until the clock runs out.
Kind of a straight forward "non-sexy" workout but alas, the hopper cares not for our fancies. I'm not sure how much harder the 6" touch will make burpees, so I'll conservatively say that I'd like to break 100. Maybe 120? I plan on keeping a steady pace for the first 6 minutes and then going all out the last :60.
Is that DMak slacking off in the back while Traci is doing burpees? C'mon DMak, gimme 20!
DH3 your taco idea is amazing!! I cannot wait to cheer folks on at the open and total!!!
Not that I'm volunteering myself, but is there a separate taco record for ladies?
Get it Katie!
You guys! Recommitting myself to posting and overall accountability after a few too many weeks of work/life imbalance due to crazy travel schedule.
7 a.m.:
43 x 5
53 x 5
58 x 6
Partnered with Mackenzie — always glad to be paired up with a fellow tall lady!
13:12 and had to modify the KB swings midway through the 30-rep set due to some left shoulder pain (thanks for the WOD and mobility tips, DO)
Extra, extra, read all about it: I am committing to coming to the 7 a.m. tomorrow to make up squats.
KMo, I suspect you could compete in the men's taco-eating division for sure.
DH3, iI think the jump will indeed slow the burpees down. Watch the video, there is significantly more space under KH's feet than people normally do when doing burpees. If you watch the video, you notice she kind of claps the ring between her hands each time, which keeps it from swinging to and fro. I'd suggest that as opposed to the one hand tag, which could send the ring spinning off into the stratosphere.
Joel- definitely encourages snaky molester burpees off the deck, but at least you actually have to take your eyes off the ground and JUMP at the top.
Should be interesting.
@DH3, i'm going to do mine with a pull-up bar instead of rings and use a mat to prop myself up to the right height. the video on the standards shows this option. i hope one mat elevates me and my 5' enough!
Yeah, that jump is going to be hellish
Forgot to answer the blog question: my approach is to keep moving, maybe experiment with a mid-WOD smile, and remember it's only 7 minutes of discomfort.
I also want to post about yesterday’s squats. Rep out was 125×7. Left knee came way, WAY in on the last rep (worse than usual). Ugh. I’ll be working on that in the coming weeks. WOD in 4:27 with 15# DBs. I feel like I lose all body awareness and control the minute I touch a dumbbell. I wasn’t popping the weight up with my hips; I was just jumping straight up in the air like a weirdo. Haha.
Allison, welcome back!
Okay, not to be goofy, but re: the burpee movement standard. What if like you have a big belly that makes it hard to touch your hips and chest to the ground at the same time?
@Billy just lay into it and give it a ride!
1. Someone left a Samsung Galaxy phone at the gym last night. It's in the office on top of the printer. Please let a coach know its yours before going up to claim it.
2. Regarding Burpee slop, I'm probably going to be a little "softer" on these since it's a 7 minute "single movement Mind F#$%" workout. I certainly won't be gross about it but since it's a work capacity test I plan on moving as consistently as possible with pretty good looking burpees, not perfect for this context.
@JR, that's what she said.
It's a good thing we at CFSBK eat burpees for breakfast!! What a simple, yet really horrible first workout.
Here's what I'm thinking in terms of strategy…
1) Go to my happy place.
2) Pick a total number I want to hit – probably a little higher than is realistic. Hogan got 91, Clever got 128 and currently 125 is at the top of the women's leaderboard. So, let's say 90*, (I believe my time for 50 burpees was around 3:20/30-ish???, so all things considered, this is aggressive).
3) Push through consistently, have numbers that I want to hit at the end of each minute to ensure that I stay on pace to reach my goal (i.e. 15 (15), 15 (30), 13 (43), 13 (56), 12 (68), 11 (79), 11 (90)). I won’t stop if I’m ahead of target, but I’ll know I need to speed it up if I’m behind.
4) Get comfortable being uncomfortable; DON'T STOP. Plenty of time to rest when you’re dead…
5) ballz to the wall during the last minute.
Bottom Line: Bring on the burpees.
*all numbers are subject to change once I have a chance to stress test this 6inch target jump nonsense. 🙂
Oh, I'm also totally in for the taco and margarita challenge. Yeeaaah Buddy!
Safety Bar Squats
220×1 (PR)
Happy with the 5lb pr, still out of gas on the rep out
Weighted Chins
Pendalay Rows
I like tacos, margaritas, and burpees, not in that order. I am doing this Friday night at open gym since I'll be away at a USAW Cert this weekend. My strategy is to keep moving steadily and turn up the heat for the last 30 seconds or so.
Press 7×70 – these are my nemesis.
Annie – Was totally dreading this all day. I really wanted to up my KB to 20 kg and the opportunity presented itself (I was totally ok with the 16). Glad I did. Found a nice even pace and got 50 the first round then halved the volume until the last 10 – no sense in being there all night. Full volume on the sit ups which were surprisingly very hard today. Those 4 extra kg made an entirely different movement for me. My grip was fine after the swings (well, relatively) and I really felt the movement in my hips. Cool. No longer afraid.
Press 45×5, 65×5, 85×5
95x5x3 Shoulder feeling better bit by bit.
And then, just for Samir….I did the Open WOD:
78 burpees in 7 minutes
I was shooting for a higher number but I got gassed much quicker than I thought I would. I tried for a nice stead pace but again came out the gate a little too fast. I kept a pretty steady pace but it slowed down quite a bit. I tried to gun it in the last minute and I got a few more out but…
The six inch target was not a big deal at all, a bit of getting used to making sure you were in the same spot every time so you didn’t have to search for you target. I did it on the roll up gate. I would imagine the rings would swing all over the place.
Thanks to Coach Josh for the scoring and to Melissa and everyone else for the encouragement.
I loved loved looooooved today's WOD, SUPER FUN! – I went down in weight to 12Kg on the KB because I was worried about my shoulder getting agitated (it was not happy with doing presses), but I totally shouldn't have in hindsight. Finished in 9:33. YAY! (glad I decided to go to the gym even though I was really sore and didn't think I should)
Also really enjoyed cheering on Marian while she did her Burpees. She rocked them out!!!