*If you made all your reps plus some extra on the rep outs last cycle add 2.5-5 lbs to your press training max.
Post loads and rep outs to comments.
Compare to 1.26.12 and 1.4.12
“Annie Get Your Kettlebell”
For time:
KB Swings
Sit Ups
Post RX and time to comments.
Traci J. Practing Her Burpees!
Happy Birthday Coach Nick and Jessica G!
And We’re Off: 2012 CF Games Open Sectionals Workout 12.1 Has Been Announced!
This year’s Open Sectionals have officially begun with the first WOD being announced last night at 8pm.
And the WOD for Week #1 is….
Complete as Many Reps as Possible in 7 Minutes of:
Yep, that’s it.
“This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.”
For a full description of the rules and regs of WOD 1 complete with Dave Castro breaking down the movement standards please check out the WOD 1 Movement Standards Video
Remember athletes participating in the Open will be MUST submit their score by 5pm on Sunday, February 26th.
It’s Not Too Late to Register for the Open!!
See?! We told you guys that this competition is for everyone! The good news is it is not too late to register to compete. We currently have 51 athletes registered for the Sectionals. We’d be STOKED to see that number go through the roof! Become part of Team CFSBK today! You can register right HERE.
Remember we’re doing the Open WODs as our group class programming on each Saturday during the open. Ain’t nothin’ to it but to do it. We want YOU to help represent CFSBK!
Leaderboard Madness
Yesterday we shouted out the accomplishments board and today we’re shining the spotlight on folks who’ve been making runs for the number #1 spot on the leaderboard.
Matt Katz holds the top men’s spot for “The Bear” at 175lbs
Lady Fox holds the top women’s spot for “The Bear” at 105lbs
Kiki P. and Kate D. both are on the board for “Barbara” at 37:51 and 41:01 respectively
Joe O. and Rikke M. are on the men’s Barbara board for 31:08 and 30:49 respectively
Kate D. is also holding court with 130 Double Unders
And no one has yet to knock Jeremy F. off the top spot of 34 tacos.
So what’s your approach to 7 minutes of Burpees?
Katie Hogan Demos WOD 12.1 CrossFit
CrossFit Games Update Pre-Show CrossFit
Full Squats or Not by Tommy Suggs Starting Strength
Tight Ties, Killer Heels Clothes Make the Fashion Victims Wall Street Journal
Annie Get your KB
20kg 50/ 23-17/ 17-13/ 20/10
A very lucky 11:11… Make a wish!
My plan for burpees is to shlog on through, burning the admonishments of my fellow cultists as white-hot fuel until 7 minutes is over.
100 5×3, 16kg 10:48. did a ten mile run right before the workout so i was pretty tired.
I like Burpees!
I just wanted to add absolutely nothing to this conversation.
Been stuck at 6 on the 5 week, but at least the load is going up.
Then 7' AMRAP Burpees
Presses on Friday:
(45×5, 55×5)
-I added 5 pounds to my numbers since I've done well in all of my press rep outs.
-Wasn't sure how tonight would feel but all went well. Probably could have had one more but 10 was my goal.
Might hit KB Annie tomorrow after burpees.