*If you made all your reps plus a few extra on the rep-outs then increase your squat training max by 5-10 lbs
Post loads and rep out to comments.
Compare to 1.25.12 and 1.3.12
For time:
50 DB Squat Cleans
Done at work/rest intervals :45 work/:15 rest
Post RX, and time to comments.
Compare to 1.14.11
Cash Out – 2 min each side Couch Stretch
Founding Member of Team Awesome David E. Enjoying a little Active Recovery
Happy birthday to new member Nina B!
Doin’ Work: SBK Accomplishments/Leaderboard Updates
So far in the month of February folks have been putting in work in the gym and have hit some awesome accomplishments as part of their training:
Jess B. repping 105x5x3 on her Bench Press
Tom PR’d with 33 consecutive Double Unders
Stella Z. is up to 3 strict chins in a row.
Charlotte K. put 10 unbroken kipping pull-ups under her belt
Bev W. hit all kinds of PRs this month with a 3×5 Bench of 80, a 5RM DL of 145 a 132.5x5x3 Back Squat and an 80lb Clean.
David O. made it through the first month of the Paleo Challenge with not so much as a cheat.
What have you accomplished in the gym this month?
CFSBK Wants You to Run the Ragnar Relay on May 11th-12th
Ragnar Relay is a 200-mile 6-12* person team relay event held at various locations all over the US (talk about a new way to see the sites). Each runner is responsible for 3-legs of the race and it goes non-stop, that’s right.. start at 8am one day and finish late afternoon the next. What’s that you say? You’ve dreamt of running at 3am through the countryside? Possibly wearing a costume or just some reflective spandex? Yes, folks, we can make this a reality.
Asta F held an info session last weekend for those interested in participating in the May 11th-12th race and we now need 4 more people to fill out CFSBK’s second of two teams. The deadline for early registration is February 29th and you can find out more info about the race and register HERE. For any additional info and to be part of CFSBK email Astafivgas(AT)gmail.com
How About A Nice Fresh Orange to Go with Those Cheetos NY Times
Carb Addiction Cake is the New Crack Robb Wolf
Reebok CrossFit Open-Summer CrossFit
Carb Addiction Cake is the New Crack Robb Wolf
I got 125x3x3 on monday for back squat. 125 had been previous 1RM. Very very happy about this.
Thanks everyone for the breakfast ideas yesterday!
Ever since starting a linear progression, I've reached new 5 rm's in 3 lifts (haven't hit failure yet and quickly approaching my 1rm in all of these lifts)
Shoulder Press : 145x5x3
Bench Press : 220x5x3
Squat : 250x5x3
yay deb!!!! and mike!!!!!!
New 5RM in Bench Press: 180, 185 for 5×3
New5RM in Squat: 255x5x3 (did 6th rep on 3rd set)
Equalled 1RM in DL: 290 (did 4)
Equalled 1RM in Clean: 165 (did 3×3)
New 5RM in Press: 117.5x5x3
Loving the Wendler Cycle
Today's workout:
50 Squat Cleans 30# Time 4:4:2
Did this one yesterday morning at 6am with Coach Lady Fox. Wow, what a killer to come back to after back-off week…
I upped my training max 10 lbs to 195, so worked 130×5, 145×5, 165×12. Then 50 DB squat cleans @ 25#, 5:18. That was brutal. I got 12 reps the first round, then 10, 8, 10, 5, 5. Ugh.
Mel I am so inspired by your muscle-ups! Need to hit my goal of 5 strict pullups and then I'm going to start adding assisted muscleups to my warmups. great tip!
I am trying to recast this morning in my mind. It is the Morning of Discovery, not the Morning of Fail. As in, I discovered what maximal effort really feels like via failing.
BSQ 167.5×5, 167.5×2, failed 3rd rep, 135×5. I guess if you're going to fail, a) do it spectacularly, and b) do it on the last day of heavy squatting in the cycle. But god, that was frustrating.
Bench press 110x5x2, 110×4 (Jeremy stopped me at 4, and I was NOT about to argue). I'm shocked I even got that far — it is a 5# jump from last week and I've had to fight for my reps each of the last two weeks.
Clean 78×3, no time to stick around for 3 sets. Too bad, because of course I need more practice.
Stella the Opera Singer came out today. The soprano shriek only comes out when I am really pushing it to the max. It was definitely there this morning.
6am with coach josh
pre wu
barbell mobility
first exposure to wendler and first bsq exposure in a long time. glad to be back under the bar. goal…to get all exposures to bsq this cycle.
(45×5 135×5)
190×5 220×5 245×6
3:35 20lb DB
2min couch stretch each side. ouch.
today nice wendler fun
then metcon 5:08 @ 15# =(
not so good that one.
OMG BARBELL MOBILITY. How could I have forgotten that already?
Oh yeah, because it hurt so much that I don't want to remember it! Yiiiiiiii.
@Stella, Yes you failed, but all in all… that sounds like a PRET-TAY bad ass morning. Good job!
I just want to share a minor victory in my life, and add to the list of accomplishments this month. Let me preface this by saying, I HATE HATE HATE running (or so I thought). Like HATE more than I can express. (I think it has something to do with highschool gym class… or getting laughed at when I was 12 and ran away from what I thought was a dangerous situation (and may have been!)). Either way, I feel like I'm terrible at it, it hurts, I'm slow… it's just not something I had any interest in doing.
This said, on Monday I straight up skipped the gym. I looked at the WOD, saw running and double unders and said… hahaha "yeah right" and didn't come to the box. I spend Monday night, tossing and turning in bed feeling like the worlds biggest loser — "How can I do so much bad ass stuff at the gym and just loath running so much that I skip class? How is that possible? I love CrossFit , how can running freak me out so much that I just don't go?"
While thinking about this in bed, I decided it was time to get the hell over this. I set out the next morning to make up the WOD in the park, and brought my dog along for the ride (since he is a hunting dog and needs lots of exercise anyway). We ran to the park, did the WOD and ran back. THEN (this is the crazy part), I went running with him again today, without the obligation of making up a WOD! I have to say, I MIGHT even be enjoying running! Which is making me really really happy.
I know this is a little like "Oh great, you ran two times in your life Lana… not that exciting." But it kinda IS that exciting to me. So… I thought I'd share. Also, my dog told me I had to write to say 'Thank You' 😉
P.S. Can't wait to squat today!
(sorry for the novel)
Rep outs feel like a test of character more so than a test of strength. I don't know how to back away from a test of character, especially with Jeremy counting (thanks Jeremy, seriously)!
High Bar Back Squats
180×12 (first rep was a bit shallow, then bounced out of the rest, thanks again for that advice, Jeremy)
So much more body awareness happens during the high bar back squat, holy crud.
25# cleans in 5 rounds. IDK how I did this because my first three rounds were 9-9-9, but then the guys started counting for me. I needed that. It is nice to do a high volume of cleans. When I get tired I stop fighting against getting down and I get much faster. I am not sure what it is I am afraid of in the bottom, but once I get tired I get over it and I find I am usually a better person for having done so.
The theme for my training with month is commitment to getting under fast. It is a real mindset, because you can really cheat this is most movements and try to control your decent. But OMG, when you just commit to the bottom, early, and fast, it is just like awesome.
McDowell thanks so much for tht Kermit piece. I miss NOLA and Mardi Gras/Jazz fest and that was awesome.
Wanted to share something quick: So over the past year as Ive been eating more "paleo" than i ever have I has increased my red meat intake quite a bit. I was happy abt this, but after hearing family friends who are dr's and few others talk abt high blood pressure, and cholesterol i got a bit worried. I got some of those results back and all of my levels are close to or at optimal. HDL,LDL, Total Cholesterol etc….So im gonna g=continue to wrap bacon on bacon.
Seriously though, how does this misinformation get into the mainstream media?
170 x 5
195 x 5
220 x 8
30lb db cleans 5:27
Minute 2 and 3 or the workout I was just muscling up the DBs. A terrible idea.
I think I have hit new 5RMs in all my lifts this month. But most notably, hit my old 1RM for DL at 175×5 on Monday, and will hopefully do the same with my squat on Friday (1RM=130). Got 127.5 x5x3 this morning, which was rewarding after less than 4 hours of sleep. Anyone who saw my janky squat just 3 months ago knows what an accomplishment this is for me.
Strength cycle is kicking my ass this week.
@Dh3, you should read 'Good Calories Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes. That's exactly what that book is about — it is INFURIATING!
Thanks Michele!
Breakfast suggestion from yesterday: I like coconut milk-based soups/stews for breakfast. I made this one this week and it was really good, added a bunch of shredded chicken I had leftover from the crockpot, as well as curry powder and green onion. It is good cold or hot.
(subbed olive oil for butter)
So many great accomplishments! I’m especially loving all of the ladies with muscle-ups.
I've been feeling stuck in a rut for a while, but I’m trying to focus on the bright spots. I got my first strict pull-up and chin-up this month (technically on January 29th). Also, both my back squat and deadlift are in foreign territory thanks to Mr. Wendler. I hit 135 for reps on my BSQ last cycle. I don’t have a 1RM, but before we started the Wendler cycles I had previously only hit 120 for reps. I might just go for it and add 10# for this last cycle. I feel like I’ve been playing it safe on the BSQ for, like, a year. I hit 150 on my last deadlift exposure easy. Previously, I think the most I had lifted was 145. I’m definitely going to do another 10# jump this cycle.
AM Strength
Squat 257.5x5x3
Bench 170×5 x4F 155×5
Clean (power) 135x5x3
Chins +42.5 5,5,5
GHD raises 3×10
GHD sit ups 3×10
Once again after the squats I had to downscale the rest of the work some.
Carlos was a squatting BEAST this morning.
Paleo revelation: my palate really has changed a bit. Today for lunch I had a leftover stuffed pepper, and for a side dish I brought along beet salad that I ordered from FreshDirect. I've ordered and enjoyed this salad before. It was only today that I looked at the label and saw it has sugar in it. I decided to eat it anyway because I don't like to just throw out an entire container of food. But…I just couldn't eat more than half a cup of the stuff. It was so sweet I just couldn't take it.
That being said, I still intend to put my face in an ice cream sundae next week.
I ate an almond filled date wrapped in bacon last night, that was made by one of our crossfit members, and it was sinfully good. DELICIOUS. so good that I thought I was about to get arrested.
I'm generally happy to see my conditioning improve. I really love that prowler. When I started, 4 trips and I almost threw up. now 10 on less time and we're ready to bump up weight. Very happy about that.
Are barbell squat cleans an option?
Long time reader, seldom poster. HIt PRs last night in three 5RMs:
385 X 5 BSQ
175 X 5 Press
375 X 5 Deadlift.
Question for the MGMT, if you have to miss an Open workout on that weekend can you make it up?
Todays work:
Wendler: 100 x 5, 115 x 5, 130 x 12! Hell yes 🙂
Due to shoulder issues halfway though the WOD I had to switch things up… but I finished my weird version of the WOD in under 3 minutes. I did 12.5# weights, but only got up to 32 before deciding it was starting to bother my shoulder, then I put the weights down and did jumping squats for the last 18 reps of the WOD.
I am really starting to love the noon class, I like working with Coach Josh a lot. I do however wish there were more ladies in the noon class 🙁 Lifting with the boys is fun, but I need a good weight match in there. (Ron, you were a great partner today! … but much stronger than me, (and you're going to outgrow me in a month))
No. All Dumbbells Today.
Almond Filled Dates are the most amazing thing invented. They also work with Figs. Stuff a pecan in the fig before baking and you're in business.
I totally agree that the rep outs feel more like a gut check than a strength test. (although they most certainly are, a strength test). I usually get a rush of adrenaline after the 2nd rep and the weight feels a little lighter. I hate racking it.
Excited for my squats today. It's been too long!
Still don't have a 1RM, so I'm doing sets across. Today was 125x3x5. Felt pretty good about it (and you'll see why below).
WOD: 15# DB @ 3:42
Accomplishments: I took Margie's Tough Titsday class, and it was AWESOME! I have a lot more confidence under the bar and I feel much better about tackling heavier weights. I've also been trying to take more initiative when it comes to fitness, so I signed up for the Ragnar Relay. Really psyched for it! I've even been bragging about it at work, haha.
On Monday my December 1RMs for squat and deadlift became 5RMs.
Also, my lab is desperately trying to get some MRI experiments completed. We especially need women who 1) are right handed, 2) are monolingual native English speakers and 3) can be in an MRI (no ferrous metal in your body, etc.).
The studies are done up at NYP Hospital (68th and York). You get compensated for your time (about $50) and we can totally get you a picture of your brain. Email sackler.research (at) gmail.com to sign up.
Hey, quick post for shoe nerd headquarters- if you've been thinking about buying a pair of Inov-8's, runningwarehouse.com has them for about $70 today- which is as cheap as I've ever seen em.
Fit wise, I've heard they are similar to Chucks, or about 1/2 a size to a full size smaller than normal running shoes.
(Sorry for all the typos in my earlier post.)
you can also take the dates put in an almond and wrap in bacon. Dust with Spanish paprika and bake. nom nom nom.
ripped out 7 @ 175. My legs were still feeling the run and doubleunders from yesterday.
the barbells at first I thought were thrusters so that cost me some time… 4:something… its on the board and I don't remember. with 17.5's I either could have done it faster I think if my legs were not so shot or about the same time and 20 lbs each.
I am counting down to Sunday since I am going to be on the road for work the last 2 days of Paleo and finding food is going to be almost impossible.
Still can't get the kipping right on my pullups and If I do it before class Im shot for class and if I do it after I have nothing in the tank. :-/ might have to come in on a different day just to try kipping practice.
Go team Skull and borgs!
Just working up to a single today. Things are more sore than usual following that back off week. It should go away after this week
Fine, just pulling singles. Kept recovery under 2 mins
3 rounds grip/ab
95kg axle hold 30 secs
35 ab wheel rollouts
CrossFit Queens could use a few judges on deck for the NYC Open Sectionals event this Saturday. If you have a CF Level 1 cert and are free for a few hours Saturday morning and would like to have some fun, email Brandy(at)CrossFitQueens.com
That should be 405x1x8, would have been a hell of a rep out if true
Awesome, thanks Noah. Just ordered 2 pairs.
I WANT A PHOTO OF MY BRAIN!!!! This seems really exciting to me.
I don't want a picture of my brain. I do not want to know what I've done to it.
i'd like a photo of jr's brain for side by side comparison, por favor.
Oh cool – thanks Noah for the Inov-8 heads up! My size was out in all the 195's, which is what I currently wear, so hopefully the 230's work – bought two pairs. Anyone currently utilizing and wanna give a review?
Stella! Carlos! You guys were on fire this morning! Was awesome to see – and hear 🙂
Lurve me The Wendler cycle and happy to jump back under ye auld bar with Coach Josh and Team 7am with bonus hallo's to 6amer Kim. Woo! Its absolutely fascinating how much stronger I've become since it's been added in. For realsies.
Excuse me, time to Grease the Wheel with some pushups!
I wear the 230s and love them. I even ran a marathon in them. I've never worn the 195s, so I don't have a point of comparison, but from what I hear the 230s have a bit more cushioning. Not enough to get in the way of your killing a WOD, and I still feel like my feet have great freedom of movement but have enough cushioning for distance running.
We can have a big conversation about your question on Friday at dinner. I could talk about it for hours, but it basically comes down to a) nutritional science is the most convoluted 'science' in that there is very little that is clearly delineated and agreed upon in the medical community (unlike other scientific disciplines) b) I can tell you from first hand experience that importance of good nutrition and what people eat is the last thing that is taught in school. It drives me crazy how western medicine consistently runs towards medication and surgery with very little emphasis or implementation of preventative care.
In my opinion the west is very poor at recognizing that the absence of illness is NOT health.
5pm class of awesomeness!
Wendler squats:
(45×5, 85×5, 125×3)
-i reset my numbers back because i really struggled with squats last cycle. today felt much better. able to get 2 more reps from the first go around. hips have been crazy sore lately though.
50 DB squat cleans for time (:45 work, :15 rest)
Time-3:43 @ 25# db's.
-got 17 in my first round, then 11, 10, 12.
-this went much better than i thought it would given the wonky hip thing. felt and still feel like i'm walking on jello legs though. Stairs are very difficult to manage!
AMRAP in 7 minutes of… f'ckin' burpees!
lana you must be stoked. 😉
SO many burpees. This'll be fun.
Thanks Stella! Stoked to check out the 230's now!
WOD @35
Basically 10 EMOTM
Stupid comment eating blog… :/
My comment got eaten too
275×5, 305×3, 340×6
145×5, 165×3, 180×7
Superset with chins. Sets of….3!
Also, Jim when do you prowler? My conditioning sucks balls, but I hate setting that thing up an breaking it down. Any chance you wanna workout…together?
I'm still gonna beat you, I just started a new belt loop.
Also. Not positive I wanna get up early in the AM on a Saturday go to queens and do 7 minutes of burpees.
Strength Cycle, Week 7, Day 2
Modified plan
Light squats:
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 215×1
Work: 225x3x3
WU: 45×5, 135×3, 165×1, 80×1
Work: 190×3 (fail 4th rep, dropped to 3 reps next set), 190×3, 165×5
WU: 135×3, 185×2, 225×1, 255×1, 275×1
Work: 295×5 (290 was my old 1RM at the Strength cycle total last year!)