*If you made all your reps plus a few extra on the rep-outs then increase your squat training max by 5-10 lbs
Post loads and rep out to comments.
Compare to 1.25.12 and 1.3.12
For time:
50 DB Squat Cleans
Done at work/rest intervals :45 work/:15 rest
Post RX, and time to comments.
Compare to 1.14.11
Cash Out – 2 min each side Couch Stretch
Founding Member of Team Awesome David E. Enjoying a little Active Recovery
Happy birthday to new member Nina B!
Doin’ Work: SBK Accomplishments/Leaderboard Updates
So far in the month of February folks have been putting in work in the gym and have hit some awesome accomplishments as part of their training:
Jess B. repping 105x5x3 on her Bench Press
Tom PR’d with 33 consecutive Double Unders
Stella Z. is up to 3 strict chins in a row.
Charlotte K. put 10 unbroken kipping pull-ups under her belt
Bev W. hit all kinds of PRs this month with a 3×5 Bench of 80, a 5RM DL of 145 a 132.5x5x3 Back Squat and an 80lb Clean.
David O. made it through the first month of the Paleo Challenge with not so much as a cheat.
What have you accomplished in the gym this month?
CFSBK Wants You to Run the Ragnar Relay on May 11th-12th
Ragnar Relay is a 200-mile 6-12* person team relay event held at various locations all over the US (talk about a new way to see the sites). Each runner is responsible for 3-legs of the race and it goes non-stop, that’s right.. start at 8am one day and finish late afternoon the next. What’s that you say? You’ve dreamt of running at 3am through the countryside? Possibly wearing a costume or just some reflective spandex? Yes, folks, we can make this a reality.
Asta F held an info session last weekend for those interested in participating in the May 11th-12th race and we now need 4 more people to fill out CFSBK’s second of two teams. The deadline for early registration is February 29th and you can find out more info about the race and register HERE. For any additional info and to be part of CFSBK email Astafivgas(AT)gmail.com
How About A Nice Fresh Orange to Go with Those Cheetos NY Times
Carb Addiction Cake is the New Crack Robb Wolf
Reebok CrossFit Open-Summer CrossFit
Carb Addiction Cake is the New Crack Robb Wolf
8 PM:
Squats: 160×5, 185×5, 210×11
WOD: 3:43 @ 25# – Probably could have gone a little heavier on these.
Seven minutes of burpees is going to be unpleasant but I'm a little relieved that the first workout of the Open is something I'm relatively comfortable with and not double-unders/snatches/overhead squats/muscle-ups, etc.
Robb Wolf's current podcast is for you DH3! totally on subject of what you were asking…
Burpees!? seriously? good thing I signed up before today. otherwise i would not have signed up. fuck.
8:15 @ 35#. LOVED IT! Give me more!!!!!!!!!!
For my records:
Rep out at 285×10 last night. I was very happy with this, and felt like I left a sufficient amount in the tank. Did the WOD w/ 30# in 4:35.
backsqt 145 3×5, WOD in 2:43, forgot to write down DB weight but I'm pretty sure it was 20lbs. Great working with you, Lana!