Spend 30 minutes working technique on this lift
Post insights to comments.
Today is the last day of our mini back off cycle. We will start a new training cycle tomorrow.
Scott’s official application for the CFSBK band
Good Luck, CRASH B’ers!
Best of luck to Mackenzie C and Coach Josh who are competing in the CRASH B Indoor rowing championships today in Boston. Coach Nick has been training Mackenzie and Josh for the past couple weeks and will be their coxwain today. Best of luck!
More CFSBKers on the Interwebz
- Check out “Battle of Cleans and Jerks” at Cal Strength. CFSBK platform superstar Brian D is in this one!
- Matt U attempts to pet all 185 Breeds at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (Don’t Tell Stella)
- Rick M has been deemed one of the most stylish New Yorkers by Time Out Magazine
- Samir C‘s book, “A Legal Theory for Autonomous Artificial Agents” is causing some buzz over at the Concurring Opinions blog where over a dozen lawyers have started writing articles about the implications of this book and the legality of artificial intelligence.
Brooklyn MovNat Workout in Prospect Park Today at 10am
How 1 Minute Intervals Can Improve Health NY Times
Best of luck to Coach Josh and Mackenzie who are taking on the 2k row at the Crash B's today!!! I do not envy you. 😉 Keep us posted on the results!
In a last minute twist, they found a match for Paul's fight. Thank you so much to all who made it out last minute. @JR I am so sorry! I didn't know how to get in touch with you.
Paul put up a good fight and took a lot of hard hits. In the end he lost by TKO in the 3rd and final round. I am proud of him, but it was hard to watch and now I can't sleep because I keep seeing some dude punching Paul whenever I close my eyes. Not sure how those professional boxing wives do it.
Good luck to the Crash B'ers!
Good luck today, Crash-Bers!
Good luck to the Crash-Bers today!
Good luck on those crash Bs!
squats, 295×8 for repout
bench 215×8 repout
prowler with normal weight, and a live weight named Patrick. Not easy.
Sorry I missed the fight last night could not get a babysitter and get it all together. I have tremendous respect for anyone that gets into the ring and gives it a shot. It's not easy, and you feel very alone going into that. Takes a ton of guts. I tip my hat to you Paul. Keep at it and settle in. Getting your first fight under your belt is a huge deal. Enjoy yourself today my friend.
Best of luck to the CRASH B'ers!!
good luck, rowers !
i failed my entire workout today, essentially. it was awesome.
after that, someone gave me the business because I can't do pullups. that was also awesome.
is registering for the games on the eventbrite site the only option to do wods?
Good luck Mackenzie and Josh!
If split jerks were people I would marry them. I mean could they be more fun? To me, the whole movement is an act of courage and commitment. That said I look forward to training them again later in the week and committing to lower catches and more courageous weights!
anxiously awaiting news from Boston!
Comp Class w/Jeremy
2 tons overhead and 3/4 mile sandbag run (*run was modified for moi)
4RFT 1000# from ground to overhead + 400m/270m run w/25# sandbag? (the intertuby one)
First round I ran 400m, then Jeremy told me to drop down to 270m to get a better balance btwn lift/run. I worked with 100# on the bar, so 10rep/set, which felt pretty solid. Definitely got tough pretty quickly, but I worked consistently through the sets. Really finding that sweet spot of not needing to rest in metcons, but just keeping moving. I'm realizing that rest doesn't do you a damn bit of good, might as well just power through. Run was probably the hardest for me, I was slow, but didn't stop.
Worked on HSPU after (put in 10, strung 3-4 at a time) a little bit of kipping pu and strict pu and some handstand work.
hope everything went great today at the CrashBs!
Great news from Boston.. but I'll let you guys read about it tomorrow.
Here is my belated response to the QOD from yesterday:
I'll use Barbara since we just did it.
Expecting this to have a much more intense systemic effect on me, I paced the first two rounds a little bit slower than I needed to on the Squats and sit-ups. Those two movements are not a problem for me and since there is a 3 minute rest coming up I can jack up the intensity on them right off the bat. I realized this after the 2nd round and started to go a bit quicker. I did the best I could with my pull-ups and push-ups. In high rep pull-up workouts I find that using hand protectors in the early rounds and then ditching them in the later rounds is the best strategy. When you're fresh it's easier to do the annoying stuff like adjust them on the fly and deal with the less stable bar grip. If you ditch them in the later rounds (I only did the last round without them) you get a second burst in your pull-ups because the skin on your hand seems fresh and the bar is suddenly a lot thinner. I was able to crank out all 20 unbroken on round 5 because it felt so much easier. No rips or bruised hands.
High volume push-ups suck for me. I would need to increase raw pressing strength and then push-up volume to develop this. I'll continue to work on the extra barbell pressing I've been doing but won't be working on push-ups much as they're "good enough" for right now.
Doing this without feeling like Hell afterwards made me like it a whole lot more. I'm actually excited to do it again in the future.