Big thanks to Bekka P, CrossFitter extraordinaire and part of team Tattly who hooked us up with these tattoos for the SBK mannequin. Check out this Custom SBK Tattoo we even made on her chest.
Only one thing is missing (besides her head)… is that she needs a name! Post your submissions to comments and we’ll give her a proper moniker!
Ragnar Relay Cometh
Attention All Runners! Team SBK is putting together up to 2 teams to run an upcoming Ragnar Relay event on May 11-12th. For more information on this 200 mile team race, click here and don’t forget to check out the info session happening tomorrow at 1pm at the gym. Get stoked!
Rest Day Dinner Tonight
Attention all Windsor Terrace (and beyond!) CrossFitters. Kim M is hosting the sixth Rest Day Dinner of the 2012 Paleo Challenge tonight in your hood. This will be a potluck style dinner at her apartment and there is still room! For more information and to RSVP, click here
CRASH Bs are This Weekend!
Mackenzie C and Coach Josh M are racing at the CRASH-Bs in Boston this Sunday. They’ve been going through Coach Nick’s meat-grinder of a program since last Monday (if they seem unhappy, that’s why). Before that, they completed three rowing clinics at CFSBK. Please give Josh and Mackenzie your best wishes next time you see them!
Join Team SBK!
The CrossFit Open Sectionals are a great time to celebrate the “Sport of Fitness” and the the spirit of competition in general. We’ve been harping on it over and over again but getting out of your comfort zone, changing your training environment and seeing how you stack up against the rest of the WORLD is an incredible opportunity that only comes around once per year. Everyone who signs up for team SBK not only gets to participate in the open, but helps our chances in sending a team to Regionals. Do it for you, do it for us!
Team SBK, So Far
David Osorio
Andrew Migdail
Ben Whitney
Carlos Guerra
Chris Paschke
Christian Fox
Christine Denahan
Dan Betz
Daniel Halioua
Ellie Myers
Jessica Fox
John McCann-Doyle
Joshua Martinez
Kate Denny
Keith Walter
Lana Zellner
Luca Loguercio
Marian Lai
Matthew Huber
Melissa Loranger
Michael Mishik
Rickke Mananzala
Rob Nugent
Robert Fasone
Robert Semmens
Sarah Archenbronn
Teresa Belling
Sign up Today!
The Fuzz CrossFit Invictus
8 Reasons why you act against your own better judgement Mark’s Daily Apple
I'm signed up!
Her name is Fran…right?
Sorry I bailed on 7 AM today. I only got about four hours of sleep last night, so I decided I needed two more hours even more than I needed to practice the snatch. 🙁
I signed up a few days ago, but totally forgot to put myself on team SBK. That mistake has not been corrected.
Also, going to do a WOD at Virtuosity tonight. I'll make sure to show them a preview of what they can expect from SBK in the open :D.
Er, I meant that mistake has NOW been corrected. Eep.
embarrassed by the blog question yesterday, i found myself in bed at 11:15 last night- legendarily early.
boy, do i feel good right now.
Penelope Pitstop? the "Glamour Gal of the Gas Pedal?"
7am is a rough time to squat.
255×3, 295×3, 325×7 (not happy with this)
RDL 135x10x3
some curls (i mean it IS friday) and then home
I just signed up. Here's to hoping on of the WODs is 5x
1rep max dead lift
5 min nap
I think I'd excel at that type of workout
With all those tatts and the skull under her arm, I can't think of anything other than "Lisbeth"
I had my first night of non-foundations power cleans and it felt good. I have to get over the fear that I'm going to clock myself in the face. Overall I did more weight than I thought I could and it may be my new favorite move.
Yes, also, she has her head cut off, so Stieg Larsson would obviously approve.
@JJ Was that a spoiler?
Maybe she can be the new crossfit girl whose WOD is so extreme it can only result in sudden death. 1000 burpees for time, anyone?
What's up with the multiple posting? I swear I only clicked it once.
I don't know why there were so many multiple posts, I deleted them and then saved 8 comments from purgatory. many from yesterday and the day before.
Ive contacted square soft twice about this, I think it's time for another annoying contact to them. Sorry guys
Strength Cycle Intensity Day: Ascending singles with meet cues
These weights were chosen based on my recent experience (although I have none with paused benches) and the idea of going heavy but "not maxing out."
Squat: 325, 335, 345, 355 (PR)
Interesting progression. I kind of stopped half way up at 325 which definitely concerned me. 335 went quickly, like it was easy. 345 was slowish, but not a grind so Jeremy and I decided, what the hell, let's get a PR. I came forward out of the bottom at 355 and thought I might fall forward, but I kept my back up and muscled it up. I can definitely do more with solid form.
Bench (with pause): 190, 200, 205
205 was actually super smooth. Not fast, but just really steady and smooth— no stick at all. Paused and un-paused bench is now only 10# apart(!?). Weird and I have more on the paused to boot.
Dead: 355, 375
375 was real smooth and I had intended to also go for 395 (and a PR) but coach thought it best I leave it and not mess with my recovery too much. He thinks I definitely have 400+ so I think I'm going to make that my 3rd attempt (182.5kg=402.3 pounds) at the meet.
Really encouraging workout after a couple disappointing Intensity days. And set a squat PR. Sweet.
Alan– if you are worried about clocking yourself in the face, put more weight on the bar! 🙂
I'm with Stella. Fran. It's the very first name that came to mind.
3rd vote for 'Fran, The Man[nequin]'
KMo where is your name on that list? You better sign up for this open! You can't just go around convincing people that are probably not really qualified, to sign up… and then not even sign up yourself!
Lana, I'm a woman of my word. I signed up a few days ago but forgot to add SBK as my affiliate. (Thank you to Fox for pointing that out.) I added SBK as my affiliate and team this morning, so I should be good to go!
I don't know why we're trying to name the mannequin when her name is clearly Headley Shortlegs.
Yeah, that mannequin's name is clearly Fran.
7 AM:
Went too heavy on the cleans and was (rightfully) called out by Fox – in my defense, I felt like I was moving 135# pretty quickly/crisply (I don't know if I actually was, but it felt that way) but I definitely need to work on checking my ego.
Off to DC for some family time over the long weekend. Happy President's Day, all.
the "sport of fitness" will never become un-funny.
I like Grace for a name. Every time I do Grace I feel lucky because we were never allowed to do it at the Lyceum. I love Tattly btw.
I think we should name her Stella, to maximize the entertainment born of watching Stella getting flustered when people and/or the blog refer to Stella the dog. There should totally also be Stella the mannequin.
What about marie (antoinette) since she is headless…
or Roxy (fits the tats I think)
What is the crossfit games schedule? I could not find it. just so I can block off hose weekends.
Woot I'm also running the Ragnar. (Happy birthday to me?!??!!)
why no grace at the lyceum?
Luca – It was a sad, dark, time when we could not bail barbells for fear of offending our neighbors in the building. It was WOD #1 at Degraw St, one of the funner days of my coaching career.
Keith – the schedule is listed on the Games site. 5 weeks of WODs, 1 per week, starting 2/22.
Asta – I concur.
KMo and Andrew – I do it for love, and I love you guys!
err…square soft bites all the balls.
Franbara Gracie
Got my squats in earlier today, so I came in to do some assistance work
Warmup: 45×5 75×3
Work: 85x10x5
9 7 6 (last set on a fat bar)
115F (missed the push press in the 5th round)
Excited to see some muscle ups tonight. Congrats to all the first timers!
Strength make up:
Squat 250x5x3
Press 117.5x5x3
DL 335x5x1
Chins +40# 5,5,5
GHD ext with filler sandbag 10×3
GHD with filler sandbag 10×3
Umm.. the mannequin looks like Punky Bruiser to me…
My post from crack arse o dawn this morning has gone missing, but want to say thanks to Coach Nick and team CAOD for good times. It's been awhile.
ALSO a shoutout to Kim for a most excellent Rest Day Dinner #6! Damn tastycakes meal and most excellent company. Thank you for hosting!
Fran and such are too obvious… let's name her Henrietta and then have a contest to come up with a new WOD in her honor and get it recognized nation wide as a new girl WOD.