Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
24 inch Box Jump, 12 reps
95 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Bar-facing burpees
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
U.S. FBI Supervisory Special Agent Gregory J. Rahoi, 38, of Brookfield, Wisconsin, assigned to the Hostage Rescue Team, based in Quantico, Virginia, was killed on December 6, 2006, during a live-fire tactical training exercise at Fort A.P. Hill, near Bowling Green, Virginia. He is survived by his parents, Natalie and Richard, sister Teri, and fiancee Paula Paulk.
Dan B. During 2011 Open Sectionals WOD #2
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do”*
or, Why I Should Sign Up For the Crossfit Open Sectionals
by Noah Abbott
For most of the year at CFSBK, our coaches and clients stay focused on Crossfit as it pertains to lifestyle. Lifting heavy things, practicing new skills, moving with speed and accuracy- these endeavours make us feel better, move easier, and (wait for it…) look better naked. (Groan.) With the advent of the “Open Sectionals” model for the Crossfit Games, our gym now has 6 weeks each year where we shift our focus, however briefly, to Crossfit, the Sport of Fitness.
CFSBK prides itself in being first and foremost a positive supplement to people’s existing interests, activities, and lives in general. We want to make your hikes easier, your kids lighter to toss around (gently), and your general sense of self-worth, confidence, and outlook to be bolstered by our humble living experiment in physical culture. Rarely do you hear the words “elite” or “firebreather” thrown around- for chrissakes we’ve got a book club! Why mess with that formula? Why sign up for the Games at all, where I will have to attempt the same workouts performed by the same Crossfitters now starring in a Reebok commercial near you?
“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” -William Shedd
So said William Shedd, theologian, presumably speaking not about the religion of Crossfit but about the religion of, you know, God. Still, what Shedd said (say that 5 times fast!) holds true. We spend all year training our bodies to run and jump and lift heavy things. For 6 weeks we have an opportunity to examine that training, in an arena designed so that every athlete can do at least part of each workout. Think of it as every baseball fan getting invited to spring training with the Mets and getting to take batting practice, regardless of ability. (In fact, the Mets might want to consider this concept- they can use any help offered.)
“That which we persist in doing become easier to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do so is increased.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
In seriousness, testing your ability in a competitive setting, full of adrenaline, support, and feedback, can help you break through plateaus, summon the courage to attempt what you considered impossible, and show how much you can achieve with the right motivation. Many athletes at CFSBK have PRed lifts, WOD times, or miraculously discovered skills they thought were outside of their purview during competitions. Beyond simple Crossfit metrics, competition allows us an opportunity to hone our determination, bolster our resolve, and find comfort in discomfort, mindsets applicable and useful in daily life, not just when we have to do burpees.
“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”-Pierre de Coubertin
Competing in “The World Series of Competitive Exercise” is no small feat. Most non-Crossfitters will probably think you were on ESPN and they just missed your heat. You can say you did the same workout that Annie Thoriskjewiofjwiofnvkerjnfijercfnrfv and other really strong people did. Impress your friends! Wow your neighbors! You’ll be the talk of the watercooler!
“Black Sea, what do I see?
(This) glimmer on the ocean, (is it you?)
Black sea for you and me
(So) close but far away
Na, na, na Can there be a chance?
Na, na, na, For you and me
Na, na, na, Feel my humble stance
You’re my swedish complete taboo”
-Ace of Base
Ok, so that last line makes no sense at all, but The Black Sea is awesome! We at CFSBK make a point to travel to the Open Sectionals events, wear our super fierce Skull and Crossbones T’s and support our athletes loudly and semi-intelligibly. That’s the Black Sea (I’ll leave the Swedish taboo part up to your own imagination.) So, even if you decide not to compete this year, come check out the atmosphere at the events! Lend your support, make some noise, eat and drink merrily when its all done. Who knows, maybe it will inspire you to sign up for next years Games. See you there!
Register for the Open Sectionals HERE Today!
WOD Demo with Jenn Jones CrossFit
A Whole New Person CrossFit
Jungle Tribes Untouched By Modern Civilization BBC
CrossFit Cribs: CrossFit New Haven
T-Rex Trying
Vo2 max, here I come……………………………….
oh yeah – "BLACK SEA" sounds cooooooooooool……………………………. Bet it looks cool, too!
K-star is back with mobility programming.
@MGMT: I don't know if y'all are still accepting requests for the Spotify pllaylists at the box, but if you are, here are some oldies:
Strictly Business – EPMD
Free Satpal Ram – Asian Dub Foundation
Katia Flavia – Fernanda Abreu
Bring the Pain – Method Man (Chemical Brothers Remix)
Killer Inside Me – MC 900-Ft Jesus
Heading out to the Highway – Judas Priest
I'll workout to judas priest any day Samir! Anything off Screaming for Vengeance, but British Steel is pretty fun too.
Hey, if the turkey in that picture can compete in the sectionals, ANYONE CAN!
7 rounds + 6 BJ on Rohoi as Rxed. This was pretty tough all around but the box jumps were probably the worst for me. Pleased to get all thrusters unbroken since I always struggle with that movement.
7 rounds + 11 BJs @ 75#, 20'
Killer WOD, got the lungs burning. Did my first round on 24' and then decided I was being over- ambitious for my 5"8' frame. Huge class for 9am on a Sunday!
Noah,great write-up. Sad I am at the office instead of at the gym right now. I am giong to sign up for sectionals because why the hell not.
As to the T-rex cartoons, there is only one cartoon T-rex on the internet in my heart and he resides and
I'm not going to compete this year because I'm not there yet as far as getting close to Rx loads in WODs. I know, I know, there will be lots of people cheering and you can sometimes do things in competitive mode that you couldn't do before simply because of the energy in the room. (I actually managed a kip swing in Queens!) But I'm pretty sure that for the most part, I would be spending a lot of these WODs staring at the bar or the floor — and I'd rather spend my time on a WOD that I can appropriately scale so that I'm spending the time working, rather than wishing I could do the work. I'd also like to learn new skills in a consciously calculated way — god knows I can't *replicate* that kip that I lucked into. So I don't think that doing an Rx-only comp is something that I would get a lot out of right now. (The operative words being "right now" — I will get to ladies' Rx someday, no matter how long it takes me!)
That being said, I plan to be part of the Black Sea of loud cheerers-on (and y'all know I can be loud). For anyone who has the balls to do it, I can do no less than provide some encouragement!
2nding Stella… I'm still a bit to weak to do sectionals. That said, I have some serious goals set for next year ๐ I hope to be up to Rx weights (on most movements) well before then.
I'm not gonna make it to the box today. I will be doing hundreds of Thank You Burpees from my living room ::sigh:: Hope ya'll are excited about that! Thanks again for all the donations of my project. VERY exciting!
Lastly, I did about an hour of AR in my house yesterday to make up for missing class. I did some foam rolling, some hip openers, lots of stretching, and lax ball work. It was fun. I even did a headstand & a backbend! Which was more just focus and concentration practice, than active recovery, but it was awesome!
Looking forward to getting back to the box tomorrow ๐
I spent yesterday in bed, recovering from volume day on friday. that is getting old.
today: recovery day. thank god.
Happy 3rd CFSBK Anniversary to fellow WoDitarians, Charlotte, Chris J., Dan L., and Tal, Starting our 4th year in the Box!
Start of Crush Week:
AMRAP 12 minutes
12 Box jumps @20"
6 Thrusters @ 65 lbs.
6 Jump-over-the-bar Burpees
5 rounds +3 box jumps
Box jumps ok, only cycled the 1st round. Those last three were step-ups–but the rest involved a jump.
Thrusters unbroken except for round 4–4+2–resting on the collarbone for a couple breaths.
Burpees ugly. Crawling, not sprawling. I could jump back to a crouch after the pushup, but couldn't shoot my legs back before the pushup. By the end I was going over the bar one foot at a time, steeplechase style.
This is definitely a WoD I would like to see in the rotation.
@samir "strictly business" nice old school right there. The youngster don't remember that stuff. how about, in the same vein:
Big Daddy Kane, smooth operator, not for a metcon though.
Eric B. and Rakim, paid in full.
Kid n Play, Rollin with Kid n Play
and of course, if we are going old school requests, how about a little Philly in the house:
Tuff Crew, "my part of tpwn"
Three Times Dope – Greatest Man Alive
a little old school in the mix! 1989, wearing z cavariccis, turning it out to Philly
1. Hurray for new MWODS!
2. CrossFit New Haven has a Beautiful Gym
3. Moving Teaser Class to 1:15 is one of the best things I've done lately. I used to get so flustered by trying to navigate an unknown number of people (sometimes 20) though an already busy Group Class.
4. The "A Whole New Person" is pretty inspiring.
5. Big thanks to the foxes for bringing me my all time favorite brunch. The Dominican from Bogota
That Irene story is pretty great. Like, goosebumps-great.
Today was fun! Great energy in the gym.
7 rounds + 12 bj's + 3 thrusters (rx'd at 20", 65#)
-this looked so much easier on paper than in reality. knew it was going to be tough after seeing the first 2 classes go through it and end up wasted.
-had a hard time the first round getting used to the games standard box jump but that got easier as i went on. I was able to keep to my goal of unbroken thrusters. I. hate. thrusters. The lateral-jump burpees were slow and my legs didn't want to jump.
Took a 1 hour break for brunch at Bogota and then came back for Ken's Ring class later. Good day all around!
This was harder than expected.
6 rounds+12bj + 3 thrusters rx'd
Box jumps were great at first, but trying to keep that game standard pause at the top was rough. Also, BJs completely took the momentum out of my hips and made the thrusters way harder than normal. I trudged through it, thanks to Christine for keepin me going. I'm starting to lose the need to rest and understand keeping a steady pace going… Definitely feel like my work on box jumps over the last two weeks has helped.
1/2 hour mobility before in hips, shoulder + lats. 10 strict overhand pullups. (wooooo!) it's exciting to see progress there, will work on kipping more in tues.
Minutemen-Double Nickels on the Dime
Killdozer-Intellectuals are the Shoeshine Boys of the Ruling Elite
Patti Smith-Horses
and how about
Emerson, Lake, and Palmer-Brain Salad Surgery–burners only.
and X.
9am with coach fox and a HUGE class
pre wu
droms and intros
6 rnds + 8bj
1pm ring strength with ken haller. fookin great!
Jenn Jones and Sarah La Rosa have the same box jump style.
I thought the SAME thing to myself this afternoon.
@Stella and Lana (and anyone else who is thinking about NOT competing in the Open):
I'm planning on competing, and you should too.
I looked over the WODs from last year, and all of the movements were things I (we) could do, it would just be a matter of how quickly we could do it. Yes, it might be embarrassing to not even get one round in a WOD when everyone else is getting, like, a million. (Remember the OHS during Hail to the Queen? I only got through the first 21 OHS of a 21-15-9 rep scheme. Embarrassing? Yeah, a little. Still a PR? Yes, by a lot.) Here's how I figure: if it's something that I really think I'm going to struggle with, I'll come in and do the WOD at open gym on Friday rather than publicly humiliating myself at another gym. I know people would be nothing but supportive, but I'd rather struggle on my home turf. That's just me.
That said, I'd rather struggle (at SBK or somewhere else) than not compete. I've done two competitions so far. I was so afraid, especially before my first competition, but I'm glad I did them. The energy at these things is infectious, and they made me feel like I was training for something. The way I see it, the Open presents a unique opportunity to push myself a little past my comfort zone. Sure, I can't do most (ok, any) WODs Rx-ed, but I'm never going to get there if I play it safe all the time.
So what do you think? Want to do it together?
Oh, and you are not too weak!!
8 rounds + 1 box jump rx'd
@katie: SOLD!
Not exactly sure what that means yet, but I'll get on the researching ๐ Thanks for the inspiration. I'll just pretend I can do pull ups…
Yes, KMo! Yes, Lana!
trying trying to keep my intent in mind these days at the gym. keeping my form solid and avoiding movements that i could do, but that will aggravate old injuries. i want to be able to climb, hike, skate and run among other things forever. the thought of injuring myself while training is preposterous. with that said, its hard not just say, "fuck it" and have fun with the WODs as programmed.i'm trying to remember that i train hard and finish fast for the response, not just to finish fast. I like what David said the other day. "i like the benefits of competition, but not enough to sacrifice my form" paraphrased.
12 24 inch box jumps, 9 1.5 pood kettlebell swings and 6 burpees. 7 rounds plus 5 swings. in 15 minutes.
Really dug the ring class with Ken today! Would love to delve into the rings further. 4 weeks hardly seems like much time.
Maybe it's a nurse-y kind of box jump. (Says she's a nurse on DCF's site.)
good wod – AWESOME would feel on a Squat day thinks I!
On another note, I feel I should be able to count 5 rounds @ rx (ie., 24", 95lbs) because on my first round, I did 10 lateral barbell burpees thinking it was 12, before I realized it was 6 per round.
I ended up with 4 rounds + 2 lateral bar burpees in the end…………………………. (not including the extra 4 lateral bar burpees from my first round)