8 Intervals of a 250m Row.
Rest at least 2x what each sprint takes you. Try to stay consistent for all 8 repeats, don’t blow up the first interval and lose your lunch by round 5
Post time to comments.
compare to 11.26.11 or 9.26.11 or 7.14.11
Jayson S mid workout, 5 Rounds of: 5 155lb Back Squats and 10 Kipping Pull-Ups
Thus Ends Mobility WOD
Kelly Starrett has completed his 365 Day Mobility Project! Looks like a new site with better searchability and some more features is on the way. Below are the most important lessons K Star has learned while doing the MWOD.
- Athletes need to be treated like athletes. Tubes of foam are for children. Mobilization tools for athletes need to be legit.
- We’ve got to keep mobilization within the context and language of the movement we are trying to change.
- Humans are hard to kill. We have enormous capacity to heal and change. Anywhere, anytime, anyplace. We can probably fix about 80% of our business ourselves.
- There are no days off. Fifteen minutes a day is more than enough time to deal with your crap. But you need to do it everyday.
- Programming to the movements of the day drives the relationship between cause and effect for athletes. Daily, topical, specific mobility interventions allow for dynamic programming for large groups and meaningful use of time. Test and retest progress and position.
- Prioritize Motor Control through well performed movement first. Then mobilize second. Much of the pain and dysfunction with which athletes deal is a result of crappy movement.
- Never go in the pain cave. Leopards don’t live in caves. Pony up.
- Performance is the only metric that really matters, because good mechanics and technique is never a compromise .
- You should never sit down. Ever. Don’t you even think it.
- People are clever, smart, and greedy. Empowering athletes to deal with own crap before it becomes critical is the way of the future. And they can do it. Tying changes in behavior to ego (everyone likes going faster, being stronger, and hurting less) always works.
- We have so much untapped potential.
Do you have a favorite Mobilization or lesson you’ve learned from MWOD?
Bob Harper from America’s Biggest Loser talks CrossFit
Info Graph: Carbs are Killing You
Some really positive physical gains from the Crossfit-Paleo-Swimming-Oly Lifting (read metcon-diet-endurance-technical/cns) combination punch I have working on as evidenced by the fact that security was called on me for changing the ladies locker room at the pool Saturday morning. This gal was pretty sure I was a man there to assault her, and that I was looking at her breasts (and not searching for an empty locker) which is hilarious because I was limping and exhausted from being in the ER until 3am getting the run-around after refracting my toe while cooking dinner the night before, and she totes wasn't my type, at all, and clearly I wasn't hers.
I recognize that us a traditionally attractive white gal (like my mom and sister) she has probably been socialized to expect constant, unwanted, sexual advances. And that it is appropriate for her to feel threatened by someone like me because of this. So sometimes I feel genuinely sad for women whose sole concept of strength is that of someone who wants to be sexually violent towards them, but at the same time, in a non sexual way, I really wanted to break that girl's face for putting me in a scary situation where I could have been hurt by a security guard with a taser (is that a good idea in such a wet room?). Luckily I am just a big, nerdy, non violent, introverted gender queer with okay muscles and not a rapist (thank you very much). So generally I can duck out of these situations with minimal bodily harm and an ever evolving chip on my shoulder.
But I also sometimes feel sad for men, that they must get that reaction from women quite a bit more often than I do as a non man. It makes me just a touch teary to think all my great guy friends probably learned to see themselves as the physical embodiment of a threat at some point in their youth and that they carry that wall, however subconsciously, around with them. I think this may be especially true for particularly fit guys, hence my sharing here.
In all seriousness, though, I am feeling pretty positive about myself and my mind and my body feel much more okay with each other as of late, which is great.
After, ducking out of the locker room, I swam my first continuous 800 meters. AKA goal #1 for the paleo challenge accomplished! It felt incredible. My body just clicked about 400 meters in and I realized a few meters later that I was just counting my strokes in sets of five and seeing the water (not at all thinking about fingers/elbows/feets/head/breaths/lanes/streamline/etc). I was also aware of my hips tilting and a relaxation in my wrists as they entered the water. How excellent it felt to be able to swim and not think about technique for the first time since who knows when? 20 years? Wow. Awesome. After I was so relaxed and calm and happy.
Hoping to make it in for 250 repeats, seriously my favorite rowing thing, if I can fall back asleep here soon. Accidentally fell asleep around 7pm, whoops. So my internal 8 hour alarm clock has me up and about too early.
Also, it is difficult for me to use words like men, gal, women without putting them in quotes, please don't think that I really buy into these concepts, its just I use them as a way of trying to navigate a world in which other people do believe in these ideas. And I only bring up her perceived whiteness, not as a poke at her, but as an understanding that gender stereotypes and feelings of gender are sometimes very closely intertwined with racial/cultural stereotypes and feelings of belonging to a particular racial/cultural group, and that seemed to be a key part of what was happening in this situation, though I won't take up a lot more space by going into that part of the story today. I know white is a loaded term and might set off a bomb in a non social justice forum such as this, so I apologize if it feels awkward and out of place and not appropriately contextualized above.
Excellent morning read Billie. Without taking too much enjoyment from your less common life experiences- I enjoy hearing your perspective on things quite a bit. Glad you are feeling so comfortable in your body lately, that is fantastic!
hate. erg. sprints.
-not my best performance for sure. i guess i blew it on my first go. boo. great partnering with Sarah H. though!
Post 6-mile run, strung together 3 chinups for the first time! I think I have my goal for February: 5 in a row.
Billy, I'm sorry you had to go through that this morning, but congratulations on 800 meters!
Billy: I think about this stuff a lot, the gap between perception and reality and now to navigate it, and how we white girls get encouraged to regard the world from a position of narrow-minded fear, and how bullsh*t it is. The dynamics of power. I remember when I was 15 or so two of my proto-guy friends talking about being called in to a female teacher's office for a discussion, and how they had each independently thought, "What if I raped you, right now?" And of course neither of them would do it (unless they wanted to) – but they were aware that the potential was there, that the power was there in an absolute sense, vibrating around them, this power that cut through all the social hierarchies that declared her to be above them, and that it could not be removed. And we sat for a while, thinking about this strange potential that was just always present. I find myself intensely aware – as a very much NOT non-violent, pacifist kind of person – that I will lose any fight that I manage to get into, and also that I can get away with so much aggressive behavior that other people can't, without destroying the (undeserved) image people have of me as innocent or essentially good and nice. Why? Because I'm short, and white, and female, and can turn this bigass smile on and off like a searchlight. What would it feel like if the reverse were true? Pretty terrible and unfair, I imagine. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt – it helps that I cannot conceive of myself as a desirable victim – but then, I've been harassed, followed, and assaulted, as a result. Not that I always understood it in those terms at the time, but so it was defined for me, later. But who hasn't? It seems like the price of functioning in the world. Or, at least, of wandering around alone at night/in out-of-the-way places/where I want to go. An appropriate price to pay, for me, for being who I am, in this skin, and getting away with what I do. (Not trying to belittle others’ experiences, here; I’ve definitely been undeservedly lucky in a few situations where I know others haven’t, and so my reading of these things is rather light – but it seems to me that the world is just complicated, and we should accept and deal with it as such. Fairness is a pretty useless concept, in the end.)
All that by way of saying, a) it sucks that that happened, b) I wish she had bothered to talk to you before jumping to conclusions and calling security, and c) I'm really damn impressed you had an awesome swim after that, 'cause I imagine I would have gone home and sat on the floor of my closet (um, if we had a closet) and hugged my knees for a couple of hours.
Unrelated to the above: Dudes, that is possibly THE WORST "infographic" ever. Take a close look at steps 1-12 at the top. Evidently you will get fat if you THINK about carbohydrates and then have the temerity to eat anything at all.
Squats, less set squirrelly. Press was good. Prowler was great. "I'm a man, baby!". – Austin Powers. Enjoy the game, everyone!
Um, I'm sitting down right now… sorry.
2nd pull on the ERG was my fastest 49.6
6th pull was slowest–I lost a strap–56.7
Go Packers!
I think the graph just points out the fact literally thinking about eating starts a hormonal shift in your body that releases insulin. This is similar to Pavlov's dogs hearing a bell and starting to salivate. What's missing in step 5 would be what one eats
Billy: as always, I sincerely appreciate your critical reflection on an otherwise shitty experience. Social justice forum or not, I think we'd all be remiss not to consider the body-politics of fitness and self-improvement, and your insights on gendered ideas of strength are always spot on. An congrats on the swimming, that is awesome.
Great day at the gym today! I pr'd all of my lifts, and I did it for Tom Brady.
Squat: 210x5x1
Bench: 100x5x3
Deadlift Rack Pulls: 260x5x1
Regarding today's conversation about gender expression and roles: as a women's college graduate who has moved in both queer and heterosexual circles, I am very familiar with, and find great value in this conversation. It is an often overlooked topic – maybe invisible is more accurate. Yes, it gets talked about within closed communities, typically by people who are on the short end of the power divide, but it is rarely discussed in front of a broad and diverse audience, such as the readers of our blog. For that very reason, there is tremendous value in having this conversation in "mixed company" since it will hopefully provoke new thoughts and a range of reactions.
That being said, I wonder if this blog is the appropriate public forum. My understanding of the purpose of our blog is to discuss topics related to fitness, health and diet. Our community is close and engaged, and we occasionally veer off into different territory, sometimes even prompted by The Management, but I think those tangents are often about simple things like favorite music or movies, etc. To engage in substantive discussion about major social and political topics is probably beyond the scope of what we should do here. It does not give such topics room for real thought development, which may then create space for miscommunication and, consequently, ill will.
I realize this may come off sounding like censorship, and well, maybe it is. But it seems to me that because we've become accustomed to the internet's public/private paradox, we are not always good judges about when and where it is the right time to have certain conversations. My suggestion is to have this kind of dialogue in a space that is meant for personal expression, such as Facebook or private blogs or in person, rather than in the comments section here.
Point taken, Margie. Apologies, all. 😉
9am with coach fox
pre wu
foam roll
250M ERG repeats
fastest 41.9
slowest 48.6
Would love to be able to use a fitness facility without feeling like a ghost on the sideline or a threat to everyone's everything. Guess its just not going to happen.
So, roger that, bossman. Read you loud and clear. Over and out.
I don't think anyone needs to apologize today.
I am just dropping by, though, for a personal reason: to thank Fox and David for my birthday present, which was to sub for Nick today so he could hang out with me. I really appreciate it.
And, as I enter my 40th year, I take 100% to heart Kelly's message that 15' a day of mobility work will solve 80% of your crap. I am to spend my next 40 years cultivating that habit.
Margie: I think I'd like to respectfully disagree. I think the subject matter of Billy's post is very relevant to the blog. Fitness and the body, are, I think, inescapably political and emotional. I don't know how we could draw a principled, non-arbitrary line around some permissible topics and not others. For example, talking about food gets us into the food industry, governmental regulation of subsidies, dietary choices, eating disorders (and whoa, we are back into the body and self-image, and personal relationships.)
Today's WOD was a beautiful ski day at Sugarbush, in VT, under bluebird skies. Followed that up with some fun work at the local gym – a bunch of Turkish getupz (1×30, 35, 40, 45, 50, both sides) – felt really strong but coulda used a spot for bigger weights, so stopped there.
Fox, I did it for you and the Giants, and double under practice, too. I strung together 26 and after a bit 30 unbroken, a pr! Then, steam and jacuzzi. What a great day.
Personally I like the body image things – and where that stuff dictates roles in society fascinates. And Billy and coach Noah have become my favorite authors. But what really fascinates is the Giants!
Sorry, my last was childish. Samir put it much better.
2. PIIIIIIIEEEEE (In JR's face).
3. Perhaps the Mgmt could look into setting up a forum page not on the main site of the blog. I don't know if they're a pain the ass to host, but this community is so strong and interesting, with varied interests (like recipes for paleo, football, politics, etc.) that it might be nice to have a place to go where those sorts of things are fostered, but at the same time require active pursuit rather than a passive visit to the comments section of the main blog.
Been thinking about this post all day, and would feel remiss if I didn't chime in.
I felt uniquely un-qualified to say anything substantive to Billy's post, and am glad Margie replied in her usual diplomatic, measured, and inclusive fashion. No, nobody needs to apologize, and yes, a blog about fitness can branch off into a million different subcategories, but at the end of the day, with some digression, this is a blog about lifting things up and putting them down.
Nobody should be made to feel ashamed about who or what they are. At the same time, by the first (and second) posts of the day being what they were, this community of 200+ members was now held hostage to what one specific person wanted to talk about. That isn't discourse, instead (to use a term spawned in cyberspace) it's just threadjacking. Note how much discussion of KStar's incredible MWOD accomplishment, or anything else for that matter, occurred today- almost none.
I was reminded of what a strong, thoughtful, and principled community we have when I read Melon and Margie's and Samir and Joel's comments. I thought Joel's idea about having a more topical forum-style comments section was interesting, but I heartily enjoy the normal daily zig-zag our comments take. In the end, what to post (or not post) is going to be a grey area, and a personal decision.
I think the big takeaway from Margie's post is that there are plennnnnty of forums for expression on the internet- Facebook, topical blogs, or your very own blog about whatever you want to talk about. Then its up to each of us to post our thoughts, experiences, triumphs, and defeats wherever it is most appropriate.
In the Actual Reality CFSBK we all perform our individual workout within the context of a larger community. We must share equipment, space, and make sure we aren't doing anything in our own workout that interferes with, endangers, or infuriates someone else. It is much the same here, in Virtual Reality CFSBK.
Like Bill and Ted say, "Be Excellent to each other."
Also, in case you missed it, there was a football game tonight. Go G-People.
Dude, hijack, really? I love you Noah, but that's really messed up.
I'm late on this, but I just wanted to say a couple of words. I'm new to crossfit and I don't know a lot of people, but the single thing that has kept me coming despite the price is the community. I've never felt so welcomed into a group of new people and encouraged to make changes in my life.
That said, I don't see this as a gym. I see it as a community of friends and relationships, of people who are making changes in their lives together. I see Billy's post as a comment on the traditional gym experience in relation to gender and body image issues. I feel that crossfit (or at least my experience at this gym) eschews the stereotype that "men should be big and women should be small and dainty" that other gyms seem to promote. For this reason, I don't think the discussion is out of line for this board. Although there are endless internet forums to talk about whatever you want, it's obvious (to me) that Billy chose to share this experience on this forum because Billy felt it was relevant to this community in some way.
I don't think that Margie and Noah's friendly reminders were out of line either. It would be nice to have a broader forum with a variety of topics, but that may not be necessary or feasible right now to do that. It's unfortunate that people didn't talk as much about the Mobility WOD (I'm just starting to get into the blog). And I think a more respectful way to introduce an "off topic" would be to be sure and include a little something about today's topic as well.
…or maybe I'm too much of a newbie to be talking about such things. Advance apologies and due respect all around.
One of the original posts that was put up on this blog regarding to the Paleo challenge said the following:
"Always feel free to post experiences and lessons learned to comments, you may be helping someone out!" – Jan 2
I wasn't going to comment but I saw the "lifting things up and putting things down" line and it just didn't settle with me well. I'm not attacking Noah by any means but keeping an ongoing discussion here. Yes, this is a blog focused around working out and if it was simply about how much weight you handled each day, I would expect nothing more from the comments then "Time, load, and prescription"
Obviously, topics of discussion on here range from food, lifting methods, recreational activities, and it's clear that we discuss a lot more than simply our time and weights.
To be honest. Billy's post to me looks like a direct correlation to feeling good about her accomplishments and gains while participating in the Paleo challenge and CrossFit in general. I appreciate the details of her story as it gives some real life examples of how to use our physical gains from eating healthy and staying active in motion. In essence, how to take our discipline from the gym and apply that to our daily lives. That to me is what is really great about hearing feedback from all members within the community, regardless if those subjects might be considered "controversial" or not. It's appropriate.