Novice lifters will continue thier linear progressions adding 5-10lbs as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 1.25.12 or 1.10.12
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Deadlift, Bodyweight
Post time to comments.
compare to 5.6.10
Eli and Maggie send CFSBK a post card from Cape CrossFit in Cape Town, South Africa. Quite a view with Table Mountain right outside!
Register for the 2012 CrossFit Games Season
Registration for the 2012 CrossFit Open Sectionals goes live today! If you’re interested in competing go ahead and sign up below. Here are some important dates for the 2012 Season:
Feb 1: Registration for the Open goes live. Register Here
Feb 25: Open Sectionals Event 1 at CrossFit Queens
March 3: Open Sectionals Event 1 at CrossFit South Brooklyn
March 10: Open Sectionals Event 1 at CrossFit Virtuosity
March 17: Open Sectionals Event 1 at CrossFit Metropolis
March 24: Open Sectionals Event 1 at CrossFit Long Island City
May 25-27: North East Regionals at Reebok Headquarters
July 13-15: The CrossFit Games at the Home Depot Center in Carson, Califorina
The Paleo Challenge Hits Its Halfway Point!
Today marks the halfway point for the 2012 Paleo Challenge. Many of you have hit your stride and other are starting to think that 2 months is looking like a very long time! As I mentioned in the Paleo Potluck at the gym, this is what I like to call the “Practice Period” of the challenge. In the beginning, you’re excited about the challenge on a rational level because you know this is going to help you look feel and perform better, while on an emotional level every bite of fresh veggies and clean protein feels like an affirmation of your commitment to your well being. But as time goes on, your emotional side may start to “miss” your old comfort foods and your rational side may begin to rethink the nature of a challenge and start to create arguments against what you set out to do. If this is you, worry not! This is a natural phase many folks go through and your mind’s attempt to return to the status quo. Change is hard, and it takes work, patience and consistency to make any switch permanent. Change requires you to think about things you normally wouldn’t, it requires you to go out of your way more often than you’d like and it forces you to tell your in-the-moment emotional self that what you want NOW will affect how you feel later. So how do we approach this “practice phase” of the Paleo Challenge? Here are three tips which may help you keep the momentum going and finish the Paleo Challenge with a strong sense of accomplishment and increased confidence for sustainable change.
1. Remember the Critical moves
We all started this challenge filling out questionnaires about why we wanted to participate and what our parameters were. Many of you had long lists of goals you wanted to achieve within the next two months. As time went on you might have either found out you tried to put too much on your plate or that all these new goals required even more research, more options and more reasons to become overwhelmed. Here are the three critical moves that Everyone can benefit. Think of it as a simplified cheat sheet that covers the major points of the challenge.
- Avoid Grains and Gluten (Is it a grain or contain gluten? Don’t eat it.)
- Avoid Refined Sugars and Overly Processed Foods. (Does this food have added sugars or tons of hard to pronounce words? Don’t eat it)
- Take Fish Oil Daily. (take 2-4 grams/pills everyday, fight inflammation)You
2. Find the “Bright Spots” and pour more energy into them.
Us humans are very problem-focused creatures. We want to analyze all the things that go wrong and try to fix them over and over again. We obsess over our flaws and constantly think about how to correct the problems in our lives. Well what about the “bright spots”? What about the things we do well and the practices we’ve cultivated that make doing good things easier? Look back on what aspects of the challenge are working for you and why they have become second nature. Maybe you found an easy breakfast that is tasty and you don’t have to think about making. Maybe there’s a dish at your local lunch spot that you’ve fallen in love with and makes eating it every day enjoyable. If you can understand the things that are working for you, you can magnify and replicate those behaviors in other parts of your life. These are like “paleo hacks” that will help you create a sustainable lifestyle switch.
3. Remember you’re in Training
To get something right, you need to practice it and put in the hours and time to really “own” that skill. Think about practicing Double Unders. You might get a few in the beginning but still struggle to link any together. Workouts with more than 20 per round seem daunting and you know that without dedicated training you won’t get any better at them. The same is true for the Challenge and adopting healthy eating habits. You may need to trip up a few times and struggle with these changes before they can become second nature. No one said it would be a smooth transition and things would be easy from day 1. Struggling with this stuff only means that you’re human. However with persistence and an athletes mindset you can overcome and make changes that will extend far beyond the challenge, which is what everyone Really wants out of this. Right?
What are the Bright Spots in your challenge so far? Why do you think they work?
Paleo Hacks
“Faileo”: Paleo Cheat Recovery 101 CrossFit South Bay
CrossFit Cribs: Intergrated Fitness Gym Tour
Ew, coffee.
That's the one Jeff. Same thing happened with me when I tried it. I'd really like to complete it. Plus I'm feeling a little guilty about missing out on the Paleo Challenge. So it's on, start today.
Coffee is amazing and I miss it.
I drink it black or with LIGHT coconut milk. Light coco means it doesn't get all oily on the top and weird, works really well, in my opinion.
What I don't miss about coffee – being tired because my sleep wasn't as good or getting jacked out on it in the last afternoon and being a wreck at the gym.
I feel like i'm getting a better handle on cooking ahead. Meat CSA has made me a better cook regarding large chunks of meat. I've done 'paleo' for awhile now, but I have been very good this past month and it's paying off.
No booze is huge, I know it's also contributing to good sleep and leaning out.
I've been feeling myself get antsy about wanting treats recently, so I went and bought a few more pieces of fruit last night, some sweet potato chips and I'm gonna let myself dig into that when I get itchy again. I had a super cranky moment this weekend with the booze.. Ellie's whiskey smelled so good and would have been lovely at fette sau post comp, but I can do that in March. Right now I have to focus on what I have going on.
***I second what Mishik says. Jess, thank you for writing them. I just feel like they weren't looking out for the girls' safety this weekend and that's not cool.
Fun Wod! I enjoyed it. Look forward to starting back up on Wendler when the wave comes through again!
That ham steak looks reee-DI-culous!
wendler 3's: 202×8
WOD@140lbs: 4:21
I've been a real douche about not logging my work this Strength Cycle so I'm going to start again.
Week 4, Day 2
Squat: 255×4 (Fail 5th rep); 255×3 (fail 4th rep); 225×5 (255 was where I failed the last cycle as well so this is a disappointment, but I'm glad there are three weeks left so I can do some more heavy squatting to try and break through the barrier).
Press: 117.5x5x3 (new 5RM, after failing on the 15th rep at this same weight last Friday)
Chins @35lbs: 5, 5, 6 (last week, did 5, 5, 5 so had to repeat – on to 40lbs now)
Yeah, I know I'm biased but a shoutout to Noor for doing her old 1RM squat (135lbs) for 5×3 today!
Er, that last post was Samir, not Noor (looks like Noor is sending a shoutout to herself! )
Safety Squats
In a hurry to sneak the lifting in before a client. Enough weight to have to work to keep the back up. Will squat something heavy tomorrow
Did the Deadlift Pushup workout with the 5PM class 2:01 @ 190lb
Samir, I was wondering how Noor got to a 255 lb squat! 🙂
Tonight was the first night in a month that I actually felt like I was actually healthy. 295×7 on my rep out, then 3:59 on the WOD at #155.
3, 2, 1 GO, Michele: What the arse do we do with ham hocks?
Re: Paleo Challenge… I guess I'm one of the mid-stride rationalizers, but what I'm failing to rationalize is the whole challenge. Particularly now, halfway in, hanging with weird digestive issues (too much coconut is my current theory, but damn it was nice to have something creamy and fatty to turn to), otherwise mostly unchanged, I don't know why I'm doing this. It starts to feel more and more like Crossfit Lent: we give up these things because it's correct, it's expected, it's virtuous according to our revised Rules of Good Living ™. We have faith that if we do these things, Robb Wolf will descend from a cloud of SCIENCE and clonk us on the noggins with his special wand of physical perfection.
What's worse/strange is this is not that different from how we usually eat – it just feels different, because it's enforced, so I want to rebel. What would I change if I stopped doing the challenge? I dunno, maybe try some yogurt. Stop writing down everything I'm eating. Not feel guilty about a tiny piece of chocolate (no shit, I totally went 29 days before deciding that it was stupid and having a piece, and then it wasn't even all that good) or a banana. Feel free to make choices about what I put in my face, because I'm an intelligent adult who can do that sort of thing. Eat nuts even though they aren't great for me. Regret it afterward. Etc. Little brain talks and talks. Shut up and deal, brain.
Billy: I think I may love you.
here you go.
site ate my post AGAIN.
*Snort* Crossfit Lent! If you're IFing it could be Crossfit Ramadan…
Bright spots: My palate is definitely adapting so that PWO sweet potato tastes like effing candy, and a few hands full of blueberries counts as "dessert." I'm shocked to discover cocoa is not actually an essential nutrient. Squatting three days a week, and working consistently on presses, which are a goat; I need to find a way to do this after strength cycle.
Dearest Melon-Belon, luckily my domestic partner and the mother of my future non-biological, artificially inseminated children does not read this blog (which reminds me: any sperm donors in the house, this shit is crazy expensive), so we can venture forth in an elicit wanton eFling unencumbered by the shackles of discretion. However we may have to bribe M Lloyd and Ricky into secrecy as they know my gal in person. I say this not because I would ever want to hide our most beautiful love, nay, only because she is handy with knives and frying pans and i would hate for you to get hurt. Ever Yours, Billy.
whoa, lots of posts today!
7pm class:
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 140×3)
-have i mentioned my love/hate relationship with squats? tonight was a hate/hate kinda night. all felt heavy. my left hip has been feeling super wonky so it's a little painful to get to the bottom of a squat. also, my left foot started cramping during the first set of my rep-out set. hit my 3 and didn't want to fight for any more. blah.
4:39 at 147#
-all deads unbroken but why do pushups fall to shit so fast! still really enjoy this wod. Big thanks to Mackenzie for counting me out. I'm pretty sure I would have done an extra round of something if she wasn't there!
Wendler 3 week
Still not always getting to depth
3;42 @ 165 lbs ( a few pounds over body weight)
Dont see how its humanly possible to knock over a minute off that time. Maybe ill try it one day at iek 75 lbs and see if I can get anywhere near jeremy's 2:01
back squat 145 3×5. WOD deadlift 145, time 3:50.