Huge Congratulations to Bethany and Allan on the birth of their first son, Alexander Connor Erskin aka “Rocket”!!!!!
Coach Margie recenly broke one of the bones in her foot at a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class. She’ll be hobbling around on crutches until she’s all healed up. Get well soon, Coach Margie!
CrossFit South Brooklyn Alumni Steph “Snip” W was recenly published in Mikro Kosmos Journal, congrats, Snip!
Hail to the CFSBK Queens! Check out the photo album from this weekend’s event. Thanks to Dan R and Asta F for taking pics.
New Rates for CFSBK
CrossFit South Brooklyn will be implementing some increases in Group Class training rates that will take effect on March 15th. Since our humble beginnings under the F line back in 2007 CFSBK has never raised prices but due to increased overhead costs and substantial investments into our program, the time has come for a little bump. In the past 2 years alone our gym has grown exponentially and invested right back into the business to ensure a high quality experience for all our members. Firstly, we made the big plunge and moved into our current home here at Degraw Street as well as added 3 coaches (Jess, Noah and Josh) to our team. On top of that, we upgraded the website, acquired boat loads of new equipment, hired a nightly cleaning staff, increased the number of weekly classes, training options and are currently in the process of hiring a full time office manager. Finally, we’ve spent thousands of dollars on staff education to ensure we can provide the best experience for everyone who walks through our doors.
We firmly believe that CFSBK is one of the best physical culture establishments in Brooklyn (and beyond!) and we can’t wait to take everyone along on our continued growth and development. We appreciate the commitment and the hard work everyone puts into their health and count ourselves lucky to be a part of your journey.
Personal Training
30 Minute Session:
$55* New!
Single Session:
$90 +$15 per session
10 Pack:
$800 ($80 per session)
20 Pack:
$1,450 ($72.50/session)
*PT Rate changes are effective immediately.
CrossFit Group Classes
Drop in
New Rate: $25 (+$5 per class)
10 Class Punch Card
New Rate: $200 (+$1.50 per class)
2xW Membership
New Rate: $175 (+$2 per class)
3xW Membership
New Rate $215 ($1.50 per class)
5xW Membership
New Rate: $230 (+$1 per class)
We’re increasing our discounted membership rates from 10% to 15%. The following populations will be eligible for discounts:
+ Military/Armed Forces
+ NYPD and All State/Local/Federal Law Enforcement
+ Students
+ Teachers* New!
All current memberships will stay active through March 15th at which point we’ll start transferring to the new prices. We’ll honor the current rates to your first charge after March 15, so if you get charged the 20th of each month, on March 20th you’ll be asked to switch over to the new contracts.
Brains and Brawn NY Times
Obesity Epidemic May Have Peaked In U.S. NPR
The Secret Advice of a Vegan CrossFitter Breaking Muscle
Congrats, Bethany and Allan!
Interesting note, in that picture Fox is performing an ancient ritual that will allow young Alex Erskine to come out of the womb with a plus 300# back squat.
Badass pregnant mother squatting+fairy dust=LIGHT WEIGHT BAYBAAAAAYYYYYY!
Dear Mgmt: I apologize if you found the disinfectant wipes and a dirty wipe by the cage next to the lifting platform after the 6 a.m. class. I forgot to clean it up and I'm not sure if Jessica picked it up. We used them to clean up some dried up sweat drops that were freaking us out while pressing.
Congrats Bethany & Allan & welcome Rocket to the CFSBK community!
Welcome to the world Rocket! (And congratulations Bethany and Allan).
Congrats Bethany and Allan!
Last nights WOD was a deceptive ass-kicker:
4 rounds on the nose with 1pd/24"
I didn't like the floor presses much — mainly because I haven't done a bench press in 2 years or so, and the floor press is just a weird bench press. So basically I'm just whining. But that's okay, because tomorrow is Squat Day AKA BestDay.
Congrats Alan and Bethany,
Like you said Alan, "any second now".
Congrats to Bethany and Alan on your little Aquarian. May he be as strong as his mom (sorry Alan)
I have a question about the requirements to receive a student discount. Do you have to be a full time student?
Congratulations, Bethany and Allan!!
Congrats!! Excited to have another adorable CrossFit baby crawling around the box!
p.s. Here is the action packed video of me doing 100 burpees for Sameer's $100 donation! These were really really really hard, I thought my shoulders were going to explode during the last 20 or so. None the less, Joy, I will do your 65 tonight! I hope you are excited! Dan H. I believe you said you would do yours with me? We'll have to plan that date out 😉
Takin' Care of Business:
Awesome news. Congrats Bethany and Allan.
congrat b&a and welcome lil rocket.
6am with coach lady fox
foam roll, jumping jacks
(45×3 135×3)
185 205 225 245 265
5.5 rnds
1.5pd kb
30lb slam ball instead of box jumps.
trying to avoid work so I did yesterday's work:
Floor Press:
(45×5, 75×5)
95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 120×3
7 min kb swing & bj AMRAP:
-4 rounds even with at 20kg American swings and 24" box.
Congrats to Bethany and Allan! Can't wait to meet Rocket!
Yea Rocket! Congrats B&A!
Strength Cycle. Texas Method Volume Day
Squat: 275x5x5
Pretty good sets overall. Came forward out of the bottom on my first rep of my last set so that was pretty wonky, but otherwise pretty solid.
Bench: 185x5x5
2nd and last sets were tough.
RDL: 195x5x3
Reduced to 5 reps as this is getting heavy, it was a loooong workout and I don't want to be insanely sore.
My grip strength seems to have suffered over the last few months– I even had a hard time with doing these with a hook grip, wth? I used to be able to do 5 reps of Deads OH at 275…. . I'm going to start doing fat bar holds….
Congrats Bethany and Allan! And welcome, Rocketman! I hope it isn't a "long, long time" before we get to meet you.
Did yesterday's floor presses with the very strong Mr. McGrath:
135 • 185 • 225 • 245 • 255 (FAIL) Couldn't keep up with the big man.
Got 5 rounds + 8 BJ in the amrap using 24" and 1.5pood. Not so good at cycling 24" jumps.
Hooray for the Rocket!
Sigh, I should have built in a cheat day in my challenge plan for Super Bowl Sunday. Because I just got a look at this.
I know the Paleo menu I have planned will be tasty, but man, I could totally down a piece of that.
@Rob, I find the RDL's tough on my grip as well. You're going so slowly, and moving down for the majority of the movement. I think it allows more time for gravity to take its toll.
can the increased revenue be used to buy more benches so we can do real bench presses?
…and they say there's no inflation….. just kidding. An excellent gym, with excellent coaches, delilvering a superior product. That doesn't come for free. Time for a bigger gym? <:0
Congratulations, Bethany and Allan!
Welcome, Rocket! Can't wait to meet you!
"first" huh? a whole gaggle of mini-erskines!
For those of us with jobs that require us to set a desk most days, I was just wondering why Rogue, or any other equipment companies havent come up with a proper chair that is comfortable.
Any suggestions on good chairs?
Dh3 if you or your company has the extra cash–I prefer the Herman Miller Aerons. In my current office I have a fake one that doesnt quite do the job.
Do university staff count as teachers? 🙂
Margie, get well soon! Sounds like a hellish experience.
a friend posted this on FB today. very cool.
Kettle bell article in the NYT:
Congrats B & A. I cant wait to meet Rocket.
I had been "complaining" about not being nearly as sore on off days during strength cycle, and Samir said "wait till Week 4…" and like clockwork, here come the DOMS. Still not as bad as usual, though.
I need to unconfound strength cycle from paleo challenge, somehow. I suppose it's sensible to expect that a lower inflammatory load from diet would lead to less soreness? The only way to find out is to try out strength cycle + donuts next. That's literally the only way I can think to test this 😉
DH3: I sit in one of these bad boys:
It looks funny, but it keeps your hips above your knees and lets you sit backwards or sideways if you want. Good times.
Congratulations Bethany and Alan!
Last night got a massage so I am in much better shape for tomorrow.
Congrats Bethany and Alan!
Margie, that sucks a lot, I hope it feels better soon.
Dh3 – Hook yourself up with one of those treadmill office stations!! You can spend the whole day walking at like a 3 mile an hour pace.
Yay Bethany and Allan! Welcome, Rocket!
DH3: I sit in one of these:
It's awesome! I hate the Aeron chair and all its knock-offs. In this one, your knees are always below your hips, and you can sit backwards or sideways if you want to. Not just a chair; also entertainment. Definitely an awkward conversation starter around the office, too… the only problem I've found is getting my boss to let me raise my (adjustable-height) desk high enough to suit it.
Didn't have much time to warm-up and my legs were feeling yesterday a bit. Went light, felt ok
5/3/1 Bench Press
1 Rep PR for this weight. Felt really strong through the first eight.
Kroc Rows
Time to go up in weight
Gripper work
Yay Rocket! Congrats Bethany & Allan! Allan – if I don't see you tomorrow night for our monthly CSA meat trading, please take your favorite cut out of my bag for Rocket.
Tired. 1st comp class. snatch heaving balance, which I need to work on getting my knees out of the way faster, I think I need to work on mobilizing my hips more. with lighter weights it didn't feel bad, but when I went up to 83ish I slowed down a lot, so I backed off and just tried to work technique. Still feeling Saturday in the shoulders.
15AMRAP 2round+25WB
30x 12'14# wallballs, 20 PU yellow band, 30 20" box jumps. i'm thinking I need to work this on Friday and get a better handle on my WB and BJs. I seem to have lost my cycling on the WB.
Thank you, thank you, Josh for helping me get my speed rope set up!
Back squats
BW Deadlifts @180
Rx–don't get to write Rx that often, felt good and still does!
Yeah, and put me down for one o' them teacher discounts!
Wanted 8, got 8, win.
10, 9…2,1
Deadlift 185
Push Up
Fran cough.