Burpee 101
Power Snatch 101
For time:
40 Burpees
20 Power Snatches 95/65
20 Pull Ups
20 Burpees
10 Power Snatches
10 Pull Ups
Post time and RX to comments.
All Hail!-Team SBK at Yesterday’s ‘Hail to the Queen’ Event
Congratulations to all of the Team SBK on their performance yesterday!
Congratulations to Mobina on completing her first ever 5k Run and congratulations to Peggy PL on her first double unders!
Teaser Class Moves to 10AM Starting Today!
Our weekly free Teaser Class is now at 10AM. This is the perfect opportunity to come experience what we do for yourself. RSVP to info(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Steve I. Can Show You How to Stunt
Steve I. recently joined our ranks and is not only a great addition to the SBK community but is a kick ass stuntman as well. Steve has quite the filmmography and has worked on everything from Inception and the upcoming Batman film to Gossip Girl! Steve has a few badass videos of him training and practicing his craft:
Flipping with Guns aka “That Sh*t Cray”
Flips and Tumbling
Stunt Driving Practice
We welcome Steve to the gym and ask you to remember that he is a trained professional. Please do not attempt any of the things you’ve seen in the videos at home or at the gym!
Stone-Age Social Science May Have Resembled Ours Ars Technica
From 83 Pounds to the Games: Cheryl Nasso CrossFit
Kicking Door Down: Deb Cordner Carson CrossFit
Looks like a fun wod!
NYT has a bit about Milk Thistle shutting down ::curls up in fetal position on floor::
Just heard back from Dean Sparks who runs NYFoods and he said re: Milk Thistle that "Dante is a hard working farmer and all his years of ball busting did NOT pay off" – also sent me the link to a blurb in the NYTimes – waiting moderation. They're done but hopefully will manage to regroup and come back. What a heartbreaker.
This was a doozy.
13:41 at 85#s
Snatches actually ended up being the "easiest" part of this workout
presses and deads 5/3/1 day. 150×7 no points for style on last rep
squat 315×8 felt heavy
3×7 chins
10 prowler runs 70 pounds every two minutes clock running
generally sore
12:39 @ 75#
That was just as sucky as I thought it would be, but fun as usual.
10:00 @ 75#
Fun WOD. I felt like maybe (maybe) I could have gone heavier. But I was running out of gas at the end so probably not.
With the coaches help I've been scaling the WODs to the appropriate weights and there has been a huge improvement in speed and strength with a decent stride in form. Thanks coaches!
Every time I think I'm making good progress, a day comes along to utterly humble me. Today was that day. Still laying in the fetal position.
is it just me or do our CFSBK ladies look a little possessed in that photo? Well done all!
I like getting gassed!
12:13 @ 85#
'CFSBK Ladies – Kicking ass and sucking the souls out of our competitors with our demon eyes'
Mentally preparing to get back to my fundraising burpees toon… super sore from Hail To The Queen today.
1. gym was JAMMIN today, whoa.
2. recovery day on the platform is the bomb.
3. thinking of Bethany and wishing her good rocket vibes.
Picked up yesterday's deadlifts per Lady Fox rec.
working off max of 260
wu: 95×5, 135×5
Felt really nice. My thumbs hate doing that hook grip, but at least I was doing it properly today so I could hold onto the bar. The last 5 was easy to pull. Made up a metcon-y thing to get in some work, trying to avoid shoulder involvement since I'm a bit toasty from yesterday's competition. Got through 5 rounds + row.
15min AMRAP
300 m row
10 situps
15 air squats
The best part of yesterday's competition was hanging out with our great group. I really appreciated all the support we gave each other, plus some of our SBK boy squad that came out to cheer us on. Yesterday just reinforced why I like our gym and feel safe here.
I'm totally going to do that Flipping with Guns move on the first day of classes tomorrow. Walk in,hand out syllabi, and then, BAM!
We totally need to do a flipping with guns wod.
Yesterday at CFQ was kind of a shit-show. I'm proud of our ladies for showing mucho resolve and getting through it all, and finding the bright spots in spite of…
Busy 9 and 10am! I loved it, keep it coming!
I like how the 'confidential' milk thistle prospectus is right there on the NYT web site
Busy hour at the gym today, much fun. Quickly made up my 5 week deadlift (205,235,270×5) then did todays WOD, 10:58 RX.
Kind of horrific, after finishing the 40 burpees you realize a)I'm super tired and b)I still have the whole workout to do, Ouch.
Also, I just watched those stunt videos HOLY SHIT! I want to flip with guns more than anything in the whole world!
After watching that, I'm curious, does anyone know where can I take a beginners adult gymnastics class?? I love gymnastics days so much at CrossFit and maybe I should try and make that a more regular thing in life. I just feel like I NEED to do a backflip!
deadlift 5's: 175, 200, 225
WOD: 7:47? with 75lbs. maybe more weight would have forced me to clean up my snatches. too much back and arms, not enough hip pop. thanks nick for the cues.
Wod in 10:24 with 75#
Started quick but then rested alot. Left shoulder continues to hurt some on overhead stuff and bottom of pull-ups. I keep hoping it just goes away, but maybe it's time for a more targeted strategy.
Flipping with guns was a big hit in the Guerra house.
I predict some flipping with nerf guns.
So much to say about the Hail to the Queen event yesterday. First and foremost though, I'm super proud of all 11 of us that represented CFSBK! I do think we had the largest contingency there between athletes and spectators (as usual!). A HUGE thanks to our cheerleaders who were there for WAY too long (Mike M., Jeff Z., McDowell, Dh3, Marcos, Steph P. and Fox) We worked hard, dealt beautifully with some unbalanced programming, patiently waited in line repeatedly for the one bathroom, jumped into wods without appropriate warmups, got bruised heads from unpadded handstand pushups, bruised egos from weighing in with a scale which was off by 6+ pounds, bailed barbells unsafely close to our fellow competitors and spectators, and stayed 3.5 hours over the expected finish time…all while keeping smiles on our faces! 😉 While everyone did do a fantastic job, I have to shout out congrats to Stella and Lana on their 1st CF competition! Also, excellent work by Christine D. who got her first 2 HSPU's (about damn time girl!)!!! Also to my lightweight superstars, Ellie and Kate who can HANG with the big dogs. Love it. You all are were an amazing crew to spend 8+ hours with. Excellent work all around!
Today, I decided to make up by Wendler deadlifts and bench:
(95×5, 135×5, 155×3)
-damn these felt heavy! really had to organize each one.
(45×5, 60×5, 75×5)
-took about a 20 minute break between 1st and 2nd worksets to talk to some folks who walked into the gym. got 8 reps at 100 when i started this so i guess this is progress!
Finished with a little 1/2 tabata situps and 1/2 tabata pushups. hard to remember my numbers.
9am with coach fox.
3rd day back. easing back in.
strict pu
Thanks Coach! 🙂 going from struggling to get to 4th ave and back to this felt pretty good. Congratulations to Team CFSBK! And, to Peggy for the DU!
55 lb. + small green band… glad to finish.
It's in midtown (26th and 7th) but I just tried out "brgr" and it was decent. All organic/grass fed meat too. You can order it bunless.
I also like Zaitzeff grassfed burgers in lower Manhattan (72 Nassau St). They have amazing sweet potato fries cooked before your eyes in a cast iron skillet. I'm thinking about having my first post-challenge meal here.
sorry, i meant to post that to another thread where people were talking about burgers.