*If you made all your reps plus a few extra on the rep-outs then increase your squat training max by 5-10 lbs
Post loads and reps to comments.
Compare to 1.3.12
8 20 Second Rounds for reps of:
Power Cleans
Rest 40s
*Cleans should be heavy. Your goal is 4 to 6 reps per round.
Post loads and reps to comments.
Moving forward on the Wendler 5/3/1 cycle
By Chris Fox
If you made all your reps plus some on the rep out sets:
…you will increase your maxes by 10 lbs on the squat and dead, and 5 lbs on the press. This will not change your work weights too much, you will attempt to match or beat the previous weeks rep out volume.
If you hit the required minimum but no extra:
…you will stay at the same maxes and attempt to go above the minimum on the rep out sets.
If you missed on the rep out sets:
…Was it a technique fail? Then stay at the same weights and work it out
…Was it just too heavy? (maybe you used maxes that you currently don not own?) Lower your maxes and attempt to go above minimum on the rep out sets.
Noah’s Kipping Pull-up Workshop is Saturday!
Join Coach Noah Saturday, January 28th at 1pm for an entire hour dedicated toward mastering the kipping pull-up. The buy-in is 3 Strict Pull-ups for guys and 1 Strict Pull-ups for ladies. Contact Noah at noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to RSVP.
Based on the advice above, are you increasing, holding or decreaseing your training max? How many reps do you think you can hit tonight?
CrossFit Football for CrossFit Talk To Me Johnnie
Brown Fat’s Busy Slimming You Down NY Times
No Obesity Link to Junk Food in Schools NY Times
forgot to post my numbas from last night:
strength cycle B, intensity night
squat 160×5
not bad until the fifth rep. thanks rob and bails for the moral support; a bitch was wussing out.
press 58x3x3
dead 175×5
everything is SO MUCH BETTER since we switched intensity day from sunday morning (boo!) to tuesday night (yay!)
i mentioned this last night, but it bears repeating: the new BBQ joint opened by the Palo Santo owner had its first evening open to the public last night, and we hit it after class. it's just two blocks away, at Union and Fourth Ave, and it's showing some promise.
10-year-old girl breaks world squat powerlifting record
Squat: 270x5x5
These were hard enough where getting 5 perfect reps in a set was a challenge– i really had to concentrate, get tight and go. About 3-4 reps per set were what I would call good.
Bench: 180x5x5
Better than the squat. Second time doing 5 sets of 5 on the bench which I am digging.
This took 2 hours including the warm-up, so there was no pulling last night. Ungood.
But there was BBQ and it was good.
that squat was incredible.
Naomi Kutin FTW
I can only imagine what that girl is going to do when she grows up!
Strength cycle:
BSQ 147.5x5x3. My last warmup set was a little rough, so I was wondering if I was going to make these. I did.
Bench press 95x5x3. Next stop, triple digits!
Clean 78x3x3, with three tries before I made the last attempt of the last set. Oh well, at least the first set felt a lot cleaner (pun intended) than I've been doing lately.
Chins 5×3 with white band. Time to switch to the pink band next week.
I think there might be BBQ in my future tonight.
My first 8am class! My new life begins.
Wendler fun, i used my old 1RM for the reference 1RM, so I did
160, 185, 210 – repped out at 8.
then wod fun at 85 pounds, 50 reps
Hey did anyone post recipes from the potluck to Lana's blog yet? I really want to make that Asian Red Beef or whatever it was, and then whatever the slow-cooked beef dish next to it on the table was, that I have since forgotten the name of, but I am hoping someone else remembers so I can beg for the recipe. Also, Noah, I'm dying for the Mediterranean stew recipe, too!
I'm def going up 10lb on the squats. I hit all my reps with usually 8-10 extra every week. Pretty excited to start the new cycle!
Also, if you are able, I would REALLY appreciate any help you can offer in getting my latest design project kickstarted! Art Not Arrests is a community driven architecture installation to help stop gun violence by funding art and education programs in Brooklyn.
In addition to the original awesome rewards already offered on the kickstarter, I am offering 1 burpie for each dollar donated by a CrossFitter…. seriously. If you donate $100 I will do 100 burpies for you (please be understanding that if you donate more than $50, It will not be pretty). I'm sure some part of that is appealing to you sadistic coaches ๐
I only got the carrot salad recipe. I will be putting them up today!
It was Asian red-cooked pork, and it was amazing, and it had my vote up until I tasted those roasted grapes. I want to learn how to make it, too!
If you made all your reps plus some on the rep out sets:
I updated the Wendler spreadsheet I made to add 10/10/5 to your Working Maxes.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvWtOUIyk-5WdHRVWkdQT3l3T2FKSXIyU19jZkk4VEE — save/make a copy and throw in your 1rm numbers
Obviously tune the additional pounds according to Fox's guide
squat 220x5x3
bench 145x5x3
clean 145x3x3
chins +25#s 5,5,6
I left a classic CFSB hoodie in the gym on monday. size S with the red skyline and lettering. Anybody see it? it was not in the lost and found.
BOOM! Carrot Salad to the people!
Holy wow on the 10 year old 97 pound girl squatting 215 pounds!!! She made it look easy too.
I think y'all are looking for Allan's Chinese "Red" Pork recipe, I'll bug him about it tonight. ๐
@Kate Brash-Your phone number didn't come through on my voicemail! You can email me at bodyfundi@earthlink.net if that is easier!-Deb P.
@JJ – I know you technically asked Noah, but I can answer your question. The Mediterranean beef stew is from health-bent (same site as the pumpkin chili, which is how I found it). Enjoy!
Good share, Jeremy.
That mediterranean stew is the same thing Jon and I made. We tweak it a little by:
– omitting the raisins!!! (very important.)
– being somewhat generous with the balsamic vinegar and garlic
– adding some more carrots
– being rather generous again with the olives and the basil in the pesto. also, we've found that the mint doesn't really add anything.
if you're increasing the amount of the stew generally, it probably wouldn't hurt to throw in a second lemon.
Looking forward to squatting today. Hoping to hit 7 or 8 squats on the rep out.
Also, Im thinking I may hold the training max from last cycle on the squats and deadlifts but definitely increasing on the press.
BTW for all you temple runners: 2,000,000 plus FTW
two good podcasts of note today:
1. robb wolf getting pretty explicit about the the dangers of endurance sports
2. chris kessler on losing weight
haha DH3- apparently i have some work to do on the subway tonight.
Today's squats:
* 200lb x 5
* 235lb x 5
* 265lb x 9
Did the power clean WOD at 185lb and hit 4 reps every round. I don't think I could have gone any faster with good form since I bailed the bar from the rack position after each rep. My collarbone is DINGED UP.
Thanks to Andrew for the good words while doing the Cleans this morning.
went up to 210 as my "estimated" 1RM
5 x 75
5 x 95
3 x 115
5 x 125
5 x 140
5 x 160 + 5
6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 X95lbs cleans… The bar hit the jaw on that second round cost me one. :-/
I saw this and wanted to share… for anyone that eats fast food… http ://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/166939_212481012180221_100002549723726_435709_637982925_n.jpg
Take out the space to see it. Frightening.
For my Beef Stew Recipe (given at 1/4 what I cooked)
1 pound grass fed organic Beef
2 cloves garlic
1 tbs fresh black pepper and salt
1 pint of mushrooms
1 bunch of kale
8 tomatoes seeded without skins (hand crush and chop)
2 tbs tomato paste
1 cup tomato juice (no not v8)
Cook the meat in a pot then set the meat aside in a bowl.
chop and put the mushrooms in the same pot with the EVOO and garlic
once cooked put aside with the meat.
Make a quick tomato sauce in the same pot with the remains of the meat and mushrooms.
(Put in all the tomato stuff) the salt and pepper… you can add other spices if you wish oregano, basil etc. don't go too nuts.
pour the meat and mushrooms back into the sauce bring to boil then drop to simmer.
chop the kale into bite size pieces and add 10 minutes before serving while still simmering.
keith, where'd you get that pic of my kitchen?
Squats today were much better than I thought as I squatted last this past Monday to make up last week.
45×5, 95×5, 135×3
160×5, 180×5, 205×10
Went up 10# on my 1rm
Did the accessory WOD @ 135 – 32 (4 each round)
I tried out the new BBQ place (Fort Reno) this evening on Mig's recommendation. They definitely still have some kinks to work out but it has potential.
I was very bummed that they were already out of the ribs by the time I got there (at 6:30!). So I had to settle for brisket and pulled pork. The brisket was disappointing — salty and a bit dry. The pulled pork on the other hand I thought was very good, as was the cole slaw.
Thanks for pointing it out! I hope they're able to figure out supply and demand a bit better so I can have ribs next time ๐
After a week off in Chicago, back in action!
Squat: upped my training max by ten pounds = 131.5
65% = 85×5
75% = 100×5
85% = 112×11 (rep out)
Helpful coaching from Noah tonight — taking some deep breaths b/t reps and slowing it down during the rep out made a huge difference and allowed me to keep going strong.
Cleans at 63# (nice and light!)
8 20sec rounds: 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7 = 47 total
These are feeling better and better, technique wise. Again, thanks to Noah for the perspective — wasn't waiting long enough before opening my hips and jumping the bar up. Getting patient with it made a huge difference; so much easier. This workout was fun and relatively easy — ready to go heavier on this lift.
Some foam-roll action after class. My right shoulder continues to jam up and bother me a bit (with most lifts), but rolling out the lat and pec seems to help.
Outside the gym… have been keeping up with yoga x2 and swimming/spinning x2 each week. Nutrition took a small detour while I was at home in Chicago, but not derailed. Also, cleaning my apartment for 6 hours on Sunday feels like the healthiest thing I've done all year.
Picked the weight for the single out of sheer laziness, I already had the 45s and 25s and didnt feel like walking over to get change. Felt alright.
Massive failure at 480. Not happy about that, I have no drive off the floor. Program will change to address that. Stripped the weight off and hit:
370x2x6 with 90s rest.
3 Rounds of Grip/Ab work
7sec Bar Holds @ 455lb
3 Ab Wheel Roll Outs (from the feet)
Great 5 pm class. I was a little draggy this afternoon, so wasn't expecting squatty greatness, but: 130×5, 145×5, 165×12 (last week was 9 for the rep-out)
Accessory: 95 lbs x 6,5,5,6,5,5,5,5 = 42.
Tomorrow's presses? Bring 'em on.
Today's WOD was awesome. And by awesome, I mean hard. But it felt good. Great stress reliever after a really long week at work.
Started out with cleans at 80#, then switched to 75# at the halfway point.
20sec rounds x 8: 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 6 = 38.
BSQ: I don't have a 1RM, so I've been doing 3 sets of 5 across. No build, no rep out. Today's squats were at 105#. Felt good, but I have to remember to push my knees out. You can bet I'll be practicing!
honestly i'm a little fatigued with the mostly-meat diet i've been on. a new totally paleo kale salad (secret ingredient: anchovies!) solves that problem for tonight.
Good day today at the gym, good vibe. Came in a bit early to stretch and foam roll etc to prep for squats, hit the cycle at 10lbs heavier than last time.
Hit all the reps 225×5, 255×5, 290X5. The last set i def had more in me but the bar slid up my back. Not sure how i feel about not getting more than 5 on 290. Its a def new 5RM, but at the same time people are saying they are getting 8-10 reps.
Huge shout out to Noah tonite. Its amazing that coaches can say things a million times and on the millionth and 1 you actually hear it. My hook grip had been totally off wrapped around index instead of middle. This although it felt weird made cleans feel much much better, as well as allowed me to get purchase on the bar. Thanks Noah for seeing that.
So nice to finally hit a Wednesday night squat in the gym. I hit 275×9 on the rep out, working with Fox and Josh. Then I went 155 for sets of 3 in the WOD, just working on form and getting under the bar with a heavyish weight.
Felt good.
WOD at 185
that was about right.
Some light Foam Rolling
3 Rounds:
8 Reverse Lunges holding the big sandbag zercher style
16 Hip Extensions
10 Ring Rows
45 minute Intermission to assist the 8pm class…
135×5, 185×5, 225×1, 275×1, 305x1x3
DB Bench
25×10, 35×5
I wanted to do Jackie tonight but she will have to wait until tomorrow.. it's already 10:30 and I need to be up at 5:30!
I'm super excited about Saturday and all the awesome girls that we're bringing to the Queens competition.
My brain was on hiatus tonight, so I lifted too much for my first two sets.
Upped by 10lb to 250 (initially did all my calculations from there, until I got through the 2nd set and though, "Damn, that's heavy, what's going on?")
wu: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5
I'm happy with repping out at 8, considering that my second set was only 2lbs lighter. Hah.
WOD: I worked the 1pood kettle bell snatch instead of the cleans. I got 9 each round, switching arms each round. It felt good, I trying to not push it too hard, but wanted to see what my capacity with those are so I have an idea for Saturday. Worked DU for 15 minutes or so, got 17/18 for several sets, so massive improvement from last week. Did a bit of pullup work, but my hands were a bit shot from the KB snatches. Stretched a bit, especially my chest, did some wall balls with Mirian. Was kind of awesome to have many of the girls in competition in the gym tonight so that we could chat about Saturday and get hyped.
Did I say I'm excited about Saturday?!
I heard I went a bit wide on the last set but that was heavy. My training maxes are probably a bit skewed coming off 2 strength cycles then a month off of training. Was happy to get 5 considering how heavy 235 felt but the goal was to hit 7-8.
Wod at 135
4 x5
Don't know how I could hit more than 4 in a round
Squatday: still the best day
Work — Repped out at 175×10, had a few more in the tank, eays — but didn't want to push it too much
WOD @ 105 — 37, hit mostly 5's
I still think my cleans are bullshit, they feel like bullshit, but I never hear too much critique, so I guess that's good? ๐ Still need to make an open gym and do them for an hour, for form and not time.