Work up to a heavy single
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15-9-6 Reps For Time of:
Hang Squat Clean
There is a 10 Minute Cap on this workout
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Why Do I Feel Funny? (On Paleo)
By Margie Lempert
(Orginally Posted on 1.7.11)
It’s a little over one week into the Paleo Challenge, you’ve done at least one big shopping trip, you’re getting into this cooking thing, you’re diggin’ the meat, feeling hardcore, totally rockin’ it!
Except. Well. You feel kinda funny. Not like gym class funny; more like slept too long, contact high funny. What gives? I mean, paleo eating is supposed to make you feel really good. “Look, feel, perform better” Right?
Right. And you will, but first your body has to adapt. Unless you are cracking out on fresh and dried fruit and coconut water (which is hopefully not the case), your carbohydrate consumption has dropped considerably. No more grains, legumes, sugar, even dairy – aka carb, carb, carb and carb. The standard american diet is carbohydrate intensive, and carbs are super easy for the body to turn into energy. You’ve just dumped most of your main supply of gas, and your body is a bit pissed. Feeling weak, nauseated, dehydrated, constipated, even flu-ish are all very common reactions. And engaging in strenuous exercise (ahem) generally exacerbates such reactions.
But this will pass. Once your body figures out how to run on fat, both dietary and your own, things will smooth out and the real health benefits will begin.
You might be thinking that if it feels this crappy to “switch” your fuel source, maybe it’s not such a good idea – this whole paleo thing has a fatal flaw. I think Gary Taubes’ puts it best: “Carbohydrate withdrawal is often interpreted as a need for carbohydrate. It’s like telling smokers who are trying to quit that their withdrawal symptoms are caused by a need for cigarettes and then suggesting they go back to smoking to solve the problem.” (From Gary Taubes’ Why We Get Fat.) Excess carbohydrates may be easy to burn, but they promote all kinds of problems including fat growth, insulin insensitivity, metabolic derangement/type II diabetes, a crappy cholesterol profile, and, many believe, can contribute to cancer growth and heart disease.
So, what’s a girl to do? Eat lots of protein and fat, throw in some starchy veg post workout, give yourself a break if your workouts feel harder than usual and hang in there. Once you’re passed the initial week or two, you should start feeling back to normal. And then you’ll start feeling really damn good.
RSVP for the Potluck Today!
Are you going to the CFSBK Paleo Potluck next weekend? Please RSVP to the event page listing what you’ll be bringing and how many will be in your party. Because we need to order extra tables, chairs and cutlery, please post by this Wednesday so we know how many to plan for.
Nick’s Rowing Workshop Today
Nick’s Workshop covering the mechanics of the drive is today at 1:30pm. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to improve their technique especially if you’d like to represent SBK at the 2012 CRASH-B’s in Boston. The workshop will finish with everyone’s favorite a 2000m row! Don’t come in hungover.
Sequences of the great lifters of the last quarter of the 20th century Flickr
2011 CrossFit Games Men’s Champion Graham Holmberg Speaking at CrossFit NYC
7 Signs of the Foodpocalypse FITBOMB
Weightlifting Shoes: EVA Heels vs Wood Heels
There seems to have been a blip in the system and today's WOD post is incorrect. When you get to the gym be prepared for something else…unknownunwknowable.
I remember the feeling when I started eating Paleo over three years ago. Wow – it has been that long! Maybe longer. Whenever the first paleo challenge was held at the Lyceum.
The funny thing is that now, if I go off the reservation and eat a slice of pizza or rice or have dessert, it makes me feel just like that first week of Paleo.
Keep it up my paleoites! It gets better and you will also start to develop a more acute sense of taste. At least I did. Super cool.
Presses, chins, deadlift. That repout set on the deads felt really good. Prowler outside. nice and cold, felt good. I should have done them naked. Long story short, I was an animal, Gabrus!
Got up early and made pumpkin chili 'cause all the cool kids are doin' it.
10am class. Cleans. Well. What can I say about that. Not much. BIG. ASS. LEARNING. CURVE. Felt awful. And ripped thumbs from hook grip. Squats used to feel wonky, too so…
I'm not completely off sugar, but my grapefruit this morning had so much more flavor than I remember and was actually really sweet without the little bit of maple syrup I used to add to it.
175# clean (PR)
WOD @ 115# – 6:10.
I made the pumpkin chili last night and it is awesome! The pumpkin makes it taste like a bean chili and I love the heat in it. AND it's so easy, jess fox can do it!
Pre-class Bench:
(45×5, 65×5, 75×3)
82×3, 95×3, 105×7
-might have been able to eek out an 8th.
Chose to work singles on Snatch instead of Clean:
(33×5, 53×5, 63×3, 73×3)
83, 88f, 88, 93, 98f, 98PR!
-2 pounds away from my 100 goal!
-subbed 65# snatches instead of cleans.
-was able to stay pretty fast and keep a steady pace. Thanks to MLo. for keeping me moving!
-freestanding handstand/walk practice
-a few handstand pushups.
first off, rest day dinner #2 at mel's place on friday was super fun! such a lovely apartment, and everyone is freaking hilarious, mel could totally do standup, and all the food was ohsotasty. also neat to see workout buddies, and coach shane, in actual clothes – no workout gear or bedhead!
good workout this morning, subbed heavy double front squats for cleans and the reps for time were front squats and kb swings – could have gone heavier with the kb's but still gotta be careful with le thumb, my grip can be iffy, but overall was worn out in the best way. thanks coach fox for the subs!
was working next to jr and i think his crazy big deadlifts inspired me to super push it so hit my heaviest fsq today! yessssssss!
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 155×5 175×5 205×6
Quads were sore going in to this, and 205 felt heavy out of the rack, so I'm happy to take my 6 and go home. I should spend most of the Giants game on a foam roller.
Warmup: 45×5 95×5
Work: 110×5 130×5 145×15
Felt solid. Might have been able to eke out a 16th.
Press Assistance: 45×5 85x10x2, 75×8
Didn't take much of a break after benching. Upper body was torched. I decided to call it once I couldn't finish a set after taking weight off.
Tried to do some back extensions, but my quads weren't having it. Again, foam roller.
Busy 11am class! Where were you all at 9am?
Quickly worked up to 225 and ran out of time.
WOD at 115#
Fast, no rest kinda WOD. Nowhere to hide.
2K rowing test.
3 Rounds NFT
20 KB Swings 20k,20k,24k
10 L-Pulls
:20 Isometric planks on GHD
5/3/1 Deadlift
(135×5, 185×5)
215×3, 245×3, 275×4
did on extra rep by mistake
Dumbbell Bench
3 Rounds for time
1:00 Wall Ball 20#, 10'
1:00 Box Jump, 24"
1:00 Rest
WB: 16/13/12
BJ: 20/17/17
95 Points
Jim, post your numbers dude– inquiring minds want to know what you lifted!
I believe Jim's numbers can be summed
Up as 'less than Gabrus'
Go blue
Squat: 175×10
Press: 67.5x5x3
Rack Pulls: 215×5
That workout knocked me out, I fell asleep for two hours as soon as I got home.
we open tomorrow?
DH3 is worried about Petey Hopps…has anyone heard from him?
Normal Schedule tomorrow
Thanks David! 🙂 look forward to finding out what the wod is now!
Sorry Peter.
What is the address for kettle of fish. Wanna swing by next sunday
15 minutes of double unders. Got up to 12 in the flight simulator, still work to do, but they're getting better. Focusing on light feet.
Nick's rowing class was great. I actually feel like I know what I'm supposed to do now when I get on an urg. I'm really pleased with where my metabolic work is going, I'm staying really consistent throughout workouts and not burning it all up in the beginning and then tanking on the last 2/3s. My stroke stayed pretty consistently between 30-32s/m. I feel like I can definitely do some work on this and improve, which is cool. (Must remember that opening 4 stroke pull.)
2000m row: 8:20.4
A great read!