On the rep out save 1-2 reps in the tank. Remember that these percentages are based off your training max.
Post load and number of reps completed during rep out to comments.
Partner WOD
AMRAP 12 minutes:
5 Manmakers (with DBs – push up, row R, push up, row L, clean, thruster)
130m Run
Partner WOD
AMRAP 12 minutes:
3 Manmakers (with DBs – push up, row R, push up, row L, clean, thruster)
5 Box Jumps
7 Slam Balls
Partner A completes a round while while partner B rests, and so on.
Post rounds to comments.
Tracy Ready to Give Erica N. a Helping Hand.
Rest Day Dinner #2 is Full!
This Friday’s Rest Day Dinner is filled to capacity time but don’t worry we’ve got room for you at next week’s Paleo Potluck! Also Jess Fox will be hosting Rest Day Dinner #3 at Bogota Bistro on Friday January 27th. You can get full details on the event at the link above.
Paleo Potluck Still has Plenty of Room!!
Does the challenge have you whipping up new recipes? Do you have a caveman-friendly culinary trick up your sleeve? Well there’s no better place to share it than our upcoming Paleo Potluck. On Saturday, January 21st at 6pm we’ll host a full on feast at the gym to really kick-off our 2012 Challenge and you and yours are invited!
To get started, if anyone can volunteer for set-up/breakdown, has extra tables, chairs, extension cords, or the ability to cut ice sculpture likenesses of the coaches, please email david(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
Please post in the event page comments both to RSVP (include guests) and to say what dish they are bringing so we aren’t up to our eyeballs in guacamole. Please limit comments to the dish you are bringing and number of people you’ll have with you.
Remember, if you are bringing hot food you will need a crock pot, hot plate, or some other way to keep it warm. Everyone is asked to bring a dish no matter how simple!
Unfortunately Ugly Kid Joe will no longer be performing due to actually having 2 hits. They have been
Rowing Workshop #2: The Drive
Coach Nick is continuing the three-part rowing series this Sunday, January 15th at 1:30p! This second workshop will focus on the drive. Then you’ll tie up your new-found skills with a neat little bow called a “2000m Erg Test.” That’s right! Fun for the whole family. Be sure to take it easy the day before, skip Sunday’s WOD, and eat and sleep well leading up to Sunday.
Also, if you plan to join the CFSBK Rowing Team for CRASH-Bs, register before midnight Sunday (i.e., Saturday night at the latest). Go here to register: http://www.crash-b.org/web/competitors/registration-info/.
At the end of Sunday’s workshop Nick will distribute and discuss a month-long training regimen for the lead-up to CRASH-Bs. You’ll arrive at CRASH-Bs prepared, confident, and amped!
CRASH-Bs will be held on Sunday, February 19th, in Boston. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email Nick at nick(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
How has the Challenge affected your meal planing/preparation strategies?
Greg Amundson on the Burpee-Pull-up CrossFit
This Sculpture is the Most Beautiful Piece of Recycling You’ve Ever Seen Gizmodo
Young, Obese and In Surgery NY Times
Is Your Personality Making You Put On Pounds Wall Street Journal
Couple of tweaks to meal planning, but frankly was pretty dialed in already. We have been eating more fish. Rita made a Spanish monkfish stew last night that is unbelievable! I am trying to get her to post it up here. it's awesome.
Partner AMRAP in 12 minutes w/ Jon yesterday:
3 Manmakers @ 25#
5 Box Jumps @ 20"
7 Slam-balls @ 30
10 rounds + 3 manmakers
Go Pack!
Dorky Meal Planning Post!!
I was already a freak about meal planning – mainly because I hate grocery shopping and want to a) do it as infrequently as possible and b) get it over with as quickly as I can. Right after we got married and moved to the Land of No Takeout (Michigan), I got incredibly mad that I would have to keep going to the store every time we wanted to make something… and a System was born, which I will describe in Great Detail, because I am a huge dork.
Now, every week, generally Friday or Saturday, I draw a diagram of the upcoming week (# of days that have to be covered, who is busy on which evenings), grab the current meat inventory (list of what's in the freezer from the meat CSA; items are crossed off when we use them and added when we get 'em), haul out the binder of dependable recipes (new ones get added if we discover something awesome) and any cookbooks/websites I want to look at, and figure out what we'll be eating for the week. We eat 99% home-cooked meals, and (duh) leftovers are key. I try to schedule leftover-heavy meals for the beginning of the week (Sunday – Wednesday) so I'll always have something to take to work for lunch (generally I bring 2 lunches to work and eat one around 12 and the other around 4 or 5), and non-leftover meals (steak, fish) for Thursday – Saturday (I don't work on Fridays, so it's easier to make something new for lunch), keeping in mind how long each recipe takes and who will be around to make it (crockpot recipes for when we're both going to be at the gym, etc).
Then I write down all the ingredients for the meals, see what's already in the apartment, generate the grocery list, add any non-meal items (eggs, vegetables to go with meals if not included, meat snacks), and then re-organize the list in the order of the store (an only-slightly-insane step that really does save time) – I go to Fairway, so the list starts with vegetables and fruit, then goes to meat, then things inexplicably stored in the organic section, then other grocery items, then eggs/dairy/frozen). It takes a good hour or so to do it, but I'm in and out of Fairway in about 30 minutes (depending on how many other lunatics are in there), we always have what we need for the week on hand, we know what we're cooking on which day and who's making it, and at the end of the week the fridge is *empty*, meaning we didn't waste anything.
The biggest change to this for the challenge has been making sure we're cooking a big meal on Sunday night. Sunday night the grocery store i s *empty*, so I had been putting off the shopping trip until then, rather than trying to fight through it during the day, but that meant having to scrounge restaurants for Monday's lunch, which I'm trying to avoid.
@Melon I like the "Binder of Dependable Recipes." I think I am going to incorporate that idea.
I dork out on the grocery shopping too. Organize the list through the store and even go so far as to bag the groceries in accordance with where they go in the kitchen.
Melon, you're not the only OCD one making a list of meals and CSA items. I too was doing this way before the challenge started. The only thing that has changed is that now I plan a weekend meal to have enough leftovers to allow for bringing my lunch to work twice a week. Oh yeah, and that the meals I plan are 100% Paleo instead of just 80%.
Strength cycle:
BSQ 140×5, 137.5x5x2. I didn't notice that Jeremy had switched my work weight until I was already a set in. Thank you to Carlos, without whom I would not have noticed at all.
Bench press 85x5x3
Cleans 73x3x3
Chins 5×3, thicker blue band. I forgot there are two blue bands, and should have tried the thinner one.
Also fun to watch all those man-makers going on!
I bow at the feet of the meal masters! Laurel and I have just started doing this, and will be mining your post for good ideas. So far Laurel and I had been doing meals in a spread sheet, but this sounds better at least in part as it can go on the fridge and guide us.
The form ate my original post, so I'll try again, if abbreviated
Top tips for meal prep:
1) Buy a crock pot
2) Use Fresh Direct
3) Carve out 2-3 hours on Sunday for food prep
4) Eat repetitive meals;
Tip for fellow FreshDirect users (and/or those who use online recipes a lot): I have my menu plan, including my list of CSA items and other food that needs to be used up, set up as a Google doc, and that works really well for me. That way when I have down time at work, I can use it to plan out meals and create my weekly grocery order (and I'm not trying to remember, "is it London broil we have in the freezer, or pork chops?"). I also share the document with my husband, not that he ever looks at it — he's FAR more spontaneous than I am.
thumbless wod: 1 seemed to go pretty well. head wasn't screwed on tightly so effed up and instead of x3 i did x5, repping out at 7. oh, well, down a digit is discombobulating.
i'm a huge fan of choosing one day to prep and or make big for leftovers, so grab and go is easy, or heat and eat without stress. typically i do the staples cooked one day, big protein – baked tubers and sweet potatoes – veggies – stock, anything that takes time, and will prep and container up all the rest individually so the base is done and now to cook the accessories fresh. good times!
DavidT: I like the way you think. If I weren't married I would probably cook the exact same thing every day.
Squats were fun as always (best lift?):
180×6 last set
Partner WOD was rough, got 6 rounds. Good working with Alan — we went maybe too light on the dumbells — I didn't mind the rows or thrusters but the pushups killed me — I'm still pretty bad at them.
Hey Allison K- can you forward me whatever pearls of wisdom Jess et al dropped on you? I'm running my first half marathon in March and need to start thinking about how to train for it.
I used to run 4-5 miles outdoors 2-3 times a week until I did Foundations back in November. I recently ran 8 miles for the first time (after not running in weeks) and felt good, so that's a good sign I suppose. I feel like I could "get through it" now but what's the point of that? I'd like to feel confident going in, finish strong and not totally wreck myself.
forgot: noahbarth@gmail.com
MELON!!! AHHH!! That is so amazing and it just BLEW MY MIND SO MUCH!
I wish I had that kind of focusing power, unfortunately I am WAY to ADD to make a plan like that. Plus, Jeff and I live next door to a grocery store, so this has spoiled us. My usual 'plan' of attack is massive grocery shopping on the weekends to last the whole week. Then, HUGE meals on Sunday to last Monday and Tuesday… and then pure chaos on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (where I make enough food to pack for lunch during those meals).
This mornings squats rocked. 120#, 11 reps. Made me very happy. Partner WOD was fun also!
@Jeff, yes, best lift! Also, you do cook the same thing for every meal, being married has not stopped you. 😉
Holy eff, Melon, I am totally inspired. My meal planning, if you can call it that, is totally on a 2-day cycle of just making sure there are enough leftovers for lunches. (Do we have work tomorrow? Yes – check in fridge – are there 2-4 lunches? No – Cook something HUGE for dinner. Else – cook whatevs!)
But one of my 2012 resolutions is to 1. clean up my huge hoard of cookbooks and clipped recipes and 2. use them. Now I am kind of tempted to add inventorying my chest freezer and keeping an up-to-date list of what's on hand for menu planning….
Melon is my meal planning hero!
Melon and Stella:
I NEVER would have thought of making a list of what we have from the meat CSA to inform meal planning, and facilitate remote meal planning. You dudes are geniuses who have just improved my life. My inventory attempts are usually limited to squinting into the freezer and grabbing whatever seems to be an appropriate size for tomorrow night given the number of days remaining till the weekend.
Also re: crockpot- anyone else notice/get sick of that very particular crockpot flavor? Or have remedies for it?
KATE BRASH: you mean the way everything just ends up tasting like beef stew, no matter what? Try this for something different:
2 pounds boned pork loin
2 cups julienne-cut red bell pepper
1/2 cup tamari (sub with broth and extra salt if you don't want to do tamari)
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons OJ or pineapple juice
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
3-4 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 to 1/2 cup almond or cashew butter (cashew is better)
garnish with green onion, lime, and chopped nuts
serve over veggies like broccoli, snow peas, carrots, etc.
Yay, meal-planning dorkitude! Nick and I have a "Chopin Liszt" that lives on one of our phones as a note (one day we will buy a fancy app that allows us to share the info more smoothly). At the top of the list is the menu. It always includes at least one huge meal that can make a 2nd meal during the week PLUS leftovers for the freezer. Key to this is owning a 24-quart stockpot, which I was inspired to buy by Malcolm (but his is only 18 quarts, so I am cooler). GIANT recipes of chili, goulash, etc. get cooked in there on Sunday night. Then we have a rotating menu of 8-10 meals that we do 3-4 of in a week–bunless burgers, pork chops, sausage & peppers, paleo burritos, etc. Then usually there's last week's huge meal in the freezer for emergencies. As for lunches, Nick cooks 10 chicken legs every Sunday (thighs & legs) and 4 bunches of kale and that's his lunch every day of the week. I work from home so I scrounge dinner leftovers and/or have a stash of cooked chicken thighs.
We totally do our list in order of where we find the stuff in the store, and bag groceries according to where we live. We also shop EARLY Saturday morning at the Coop when the crowds are nil. We started doing this when Linus woke up at 5:30; we would just take him to the store with us and bribe him with a croissant. Now he sleeps in until 7 so we either get there later or one of us goes alone.
I'm always looking for new ideas for 24-quart meals, Lana's blog and Michele have both been great resources…
If you're not looking at chowstalker, you should be. you can search for anything, for example crockpot, and a ton of stuff comes up, good visual site, too. Also categories by food type as well. I've gotten some good stuff from here.
Woah! Fantastic website JR
All, I am not doing the Paleo Challenge, but I really love all of the food-related posting, especially the recipes, so please keep it coming. Yesterday, there were 50+ comments; very cool. Also, I feel duty-bound to point out that Hostess, makers of Wonder Bread and Twinkies, just filed for bankruptcy. I am confident that it is no coincidence…
Yeah, thanks JR. One second on the site and I'm already planning to make the Mexican Hash Egg Bake.
Big 5pm class!
Warmup-2 rounds of:
-5 banded muscle-up transitions
-5 arm-assisted pistols/leg
-10 ghd situps
-10 hip extensions
(45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3)
150×3, 175×3, 195×5
-last set felt so heavy!
Partner WOD: 12 min AMRAP of:
-5 manmakers @ 20#
-130m run
Loranger and I got 7 rounds plus 2 manmakers. I was partner B so she did more work. I probably should have finished that round like JMD did…
-foam roll and girl talk
-free standing handstand/walk practice. I'm getting better!!! Today I "walked" across one black panel. Hey, that's the first time I could actually measure a distance! I'm feeling like I'm finally finding my balance upside down. This is exciting to me!
Good work out today, felt on.
Great working with Brandon! Squats: 45×5, 95×5, 115×5
150×3, 170×3, 190×9
Partner WOD we got 7 rounds plus 2 manmakers @ 20#
Good times!
The coriander avocado cream is sheer genius. I made it to go over London broil — far easier, not to mention more Paleo-compliant, than the homemade steak sauce my recipe called for. Delish.
i wish i could take credit for anything about that recipe, honestly! i've eaten the cream on other things besides the chili, too, and totally agree. it's yum.
speaking of food, because we never talk about it on here, here's today's recipe post, sweet potatoes sauteed in duck fat.
PS, did anyone catch the reference to the Paleo diet on last night's Jeopardy episode?
Except Alex Trebek pronounced it "puh-LAY-oh." D'oh.
1) Holy crap Jim that site is amazing. Plus 1 on the mexican hash egg bake
2) @Stella I've made that pumpkin chili recipe a gazillion times but never bothered with the avocado coriander cream because all summer THERE WERE NO ORANGES AT THE COOP. Gaah. So, I forgot about it. thank you for the reminder!
chowstalker is, imho, the best of the paleo recipe aggregators. not least of all because, as they say, no effing cupcakes.
Today marks three weeks in a row of 2x/week group class (M+W)! Fulfilling on my commitment! Two yoga classes, a spin, and a swim will fill out the week.
warm up 45×5, 65×5
work: 85×3 (70%), 97×3 (80%), 110×5 – rep out (90%)
partner WOD with The Great Rebecca Behan!
5 manmakers @ 10# (all from feet)
130m run
we got 6 rounds + 5 manmakers + 10 seconds of rebecca running her a$$ off! she did the extra work!
this is the first time in a while that I can say running felt really great.
In my own food/nutrition/health challenge + goals, I've been doing consistently well… making 2-4 of my circa 5 meals/snacks each day with a big focus on protein (for me: fish, beans, eggs), veggies/fruits, whole grain and then minimal on the dairy and essentially cutting out processed stuff. also a huge cutback on sugar!! i never put sugar in my coffee/tea, so the adjustment has been in cutting out dessert/treats, which I definitely had as a norm in my day. have felt a big, quick, positive impact in my energy levels thru the day!
Low Volume/ Medium Intensity Back Off
Wasn't really supposed to rep that last one out, but 350 felt way heavier than it had any right to. Sometimes you can't let the bar get away with that kind of shit, so I attacked it.
3 rounds of Grip/Ab combo
190lb Axle Holds :30
30 Ab wheel rollouts
Good day.
10-15 min of DU practice
45×5, 95×5, 135×4
work: 150×3, 173×3, 195×7
Was kind of wigged out about finishing in time, whipped through the warmup and first two sets really fast, pulled 195 off the rack and all of a sudden realized that my legs were a little tender. Things got a little hard around 5 reps, but managed to pull out 7.
20#man makers, I can't remember what we got through.. they were hard. My abs still hurt from annie, so the first few were fine, but then my core just started losing it at the end.
Thanks to Jackie & Jess for help re:DU. I'm going to work on that flight simulator and keeping light on my feet. I really want to get those worked out for the Queens competition at the end of the month.
Back in business.
Since it was my 1st time squatting in over a month I kept it light
Partnered with Nathan on the WOD
I think we did 6 total in the 12 minutes.
I did an extra round that I finished after the time limit.
I was gonna go with 25 lbs, but so glad I only did it at 20. My weakened body was dying.
135 3×5
Partner AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 Manmakers 10#
4 rounds