McDowell and Melissa L. Hang Out
Why am I So Hungry?
By Chris Fox
You’ve been doing great with food choices during this first week of paleo, but some days find yourself wracked with hunger.WTF? Recognize that by removing grains, legumes, dairy, and refined sugar, you’ve removed potent calorie sources as well. Be sure to make up for those calories by eating enough protein and fat. You cannot expect be satisfied with an egg or two and a few veggies for breakfast if you expect that breakfast to last you any more than a few hours. You need to be eating enough. Don’t throw hunger pangs on top of cravings for foods that you’ve removed from your diet. If you’re starving you’re much more likely to satisfy said cravings. Try combining 2 or more animal protein sources in meals and be sure that you have enough calories coming in. A good drizzle of olive oil or a small handful of nuts added to a meal can make all the difference. Each of your meals should be centered around a generous serving of animal protein and garnished with veggies/fruit/nuts. A plate full of cauliflower and a boiled egg will not provide the energy you need to be a sane, functioning human being. Paleo choices give you the permission to EAT!
Speaking of Hungry… Remember to RSVP for the Paleo Potluck on the 21st! We want to make sure that we get enough table space and cutlery for everyone. Please post in the event page comments both to RSVP (include guests) and to say what dish you are bringing to help avoid overlaps.
We’ve Just Added a 2nd January Late Morning Foundations Cycle!
We’re adding a second January Late Morning Foundations Cycle + Learn the Ropes Course w/ BKB. This cycle will be 8 classes and meet 3x/week.
January Late Foundations, Second Cycle
1/16/12 – 2/1/12
Mondays, Wednesdays at 9:30am-10:45
Sundays 12pm-1:15
Register Here
We’re into our second week of the Paleo Challenge! How’re you feeling, responding so far both in and out of the gym?
10 Stubborn Body Myths That Just Won’ Die LiifeHacker
A Year in New York Vimeo
Pepsi Says Mountain Dew Can Dissolve Mouse Caracasses The Atlantic Wire
Coming Clean Whole9
Fox, how did you know I am hungry? My partner and I have come to call it "Paleo Hunger" aka a mind-sucking need to eat some effing meat, now, people, shut up and lets all start running, yes, I mean running on foot, to the nearest decent restaurant before I find myself gnawing on your small pet/small child.
The *lack* of hunger is one thing I've really noticed, but then I haven't been afraid to eat meals with a pretty serious fat content. Yesterday for lunch I went straight for the "brisket moist," not the "brisket lean," at Hill Country. YUM.
On the other hand, I'm really hoping the carb flu is over soon. Every afternoon around 2-3 PM I get hit by a wave of fatigue and I hate it! I also wonder if that's not part of why yesterday's lifts felt like such a struggle. I know part of it is also that I've had a 2-1/2 week break from strength cycle, but I didn't quite expect to be struggling *that* much.
Say, can anyone recommend a probiotic supplement (let's call me too lazy to make my own sauerkraut, just for the sake of argument) that can assist in restoring and maintaining… normal system functions?
hey @melon, i don't supplement probiotics but eat kimchi or 'kraut daily – homemade or purchased. if you ever want to buy mama o's for the kimchi and hawthorne valley for kraut. i can recommend both as being solid tastycakes. hawthorne valley farms is a biodynamic farm that is pretty cool – you can visit, take classes there, etc.
Thanks for the rec, Jules!
Feel awesome. Re-jiggered a lot of my routines. cutting back on coffee, getting WAY more sleep than I used to, and drinking a LOT less. almost none. I wake up feeling refreshed, and have more clarity.
Been alternating between yoga and starrett mwods. Instead of drinking scotch and sitting on the couch, it's eating sardines working stretches.
Great start. I feel awesome.
I have been eating paleo (more or less) for a couple of years now. I had previously not enjoyed much weight loss, but I have enjoyed a lot of energy, satiety and excellent blood stats.
I started this year's paleo challenge with a twist: No beer, wine, or tequila. Nothing. So far the results have been good. I've lost 5 pounds since new years without really doing too much.
If you're not losing the weight, while indulging in "an occasional glass of wine," drop it and see what happens.
Strict paleo always makes me feel better and this year is no exception. I stay full on fewer (large) meals, I cook more, and meal choices are simpler. Right now I am eating a Scotch egg (courtesy of the wife…great thing, or greatest thing ever?) and some leftover broccoli and cauliflower. If you have never had a Scotch egg, and/or are stuck in a rut with your portable breakfast you must try it.
I guess I've been lucky but I don't think I've ever had the "low-carb flu" when transitioning to a grain-free, low-carb diet. Conversely, I feel pretty evenly energized and focused throughout the day. I do remember being horribly haunted with cravings for chocolate and alcohol and all things sweet and doughy the first time I took part in a paleo challenge but those have diminished *almost* entirely. Most noticeable benefit for me has been waking up feeling refreshed each morning. Funny thing that going to bed after without having knocked back a few glasses of wine or beer will do that to a man š
I'm not following the challenge strictly, but I have cut WAY back on sugar and caffeine (boy do I miss the chocolate brioche at Root Hill and a morning cappuccino with sugar) and I'm eating no grains. Back in the box after a way too long hiatus so it's too early to tell exactly how I'm really feeling (except sore EVERYWHERE ALL. THE. TIME.). Hunger doesn't seem to be an issue. I'm Southern, I have no problem eating fat. But, I can't sleep. I have a little slump around 8pm but by 10pm when I'd like to be asleep, I'm WIDE AWAKE. I've read that insomnia can be a side effect of cutting suger and carbs. Anyone else?
Also, foodies….
My friend Laura has a great site
hardly paleo but there are tons of great recipes that are paleo or can me modified.
her husband is gluten intolerant so there are recipes with work arounds for that.
plus it's a good read.
One more question…
Fish. Where do folks buy fish in the Slope. Aside from the Farmer's Market. I have trouble eating a lot of red meat and need a break from chicken.
I'm def. feeling hungry but I am certainly taking in the same amounts of calories. I have upped my working out intensity I think which might be causing that. Also not having beer/booze is going to effect my metabolism.
My problem I am starting to see is that I burn through dinner and when I get up I am beyond starving. This causes the dreaded nothing in the tank to work out. (Even when I eat before I get there. Its not in my system until I'm almost done with class.
I am also no cutting out dairy. I can go no sugar in the coffee but I need some milk. Also greek yogurt and some berries really helps post workout.
I want to thank my partner today Eric with killing that partner WOD.
10 rounds combines with scaled UP with an extra pushup in there man-makers with 17.5s
24 inch boxjumps and 20 pound slamballs.
I only got 7 squats today on the ripout at 175 pounds again not feeling I had the energy. :-/
Also my left shoulder is still janked. I slept on it wrong now a little over a week ago and it keeps hurting when I try to sleep or have my arm is certain positions. (sigh) What is weird is I have no pain lifting, using my muscles, no strength loss is only at rest at the end of the day that it comes to haunt me. I will have to find a massage soon I think.
Is regular butter Paleo?
Also Is Almond flour and coconut flour? I am looking at various Paleo recipe sites and it varies all over the place what people are saying is and is not ok.
I found a killer recipe for "monster bars" but I don't know if they are good to go. (I do have to note they do have a touch of honey in them 1/2 a tablespoon for a doz of them) I will acknowledge that people say no sugar but honey was def around when our hunter gathers where scratching in the dirt. (and before I hear it I am not eating honey… just wondering why we can't have it in moderation.)
@Corbett – Not in park slope, but near by depending on where you live is Fish Tales on Court St. Between Bergen and Wycoff (not too far from the Gym). They have great fish. I go to the fish market on 7th Ave and 3rd st, but I am not in love with it. Decent quality, but nothing has been stunning.
As for the paleo challenge, it has been interesting. I wasn't planning on doing it as I already eat pretty close to full time paleo, but Laurel wanted to, so it has happened :).
The biggest thing we are doing is planning more. Previously dinner was a day by day thing where I would try to come up with an idea and then get it and cook it. This meant that week night dinners were tricky as they frequently required a Coop trip after being at the gym, which is a recipe for eating at 10PM. What we are trying to do now is plan out the weeks meals on Saturday, shop Sunday morning. We are two weeks in and so far I can say my shopping time is about 20% what it was, and my cooking time has probably gone up by a bit. I have more free time, and we are eating at home 6 nights a week, with a dinner out on Friday and one weekend brunch out. Versus hitting Bare Burger basically every week night we went to the gym. Even though the food items are basically the same in name (we had bunless burgers, fried yuca and salad last night) the impact on the way I feel is non-negligible.
@Corbett Fishtales on Court st. also you can check out the fish at Brooklyn Fair. (Not in the slope per say but still walkable from the box.
There is also Pork, lamb, and if you hit paisanos meat on Smith st. They sometimes have game (or you can special order it.)
@ Malcolm and Keith… Thanks for Fishtales… Court is an easy walk from my studio. I'll def. check them out. I feel exceedingly lucky that Fleisher's is a mere 2 blocks from my apt. I lived in Columbia Co. for 7 years and would happily drive down to Kingston to shop at the store there.
I buy fish at Trader Joe's in Cobble Hill because it's super cheap for wild-caught stuff — yeah, it's frozen, but I hear most wild-caught fish is frozen and then defrosted before it's sold in stores anyway. If I haven't planned ahead (I am a bit OCD so this doesn't happen often), those two dueling fish markets at 7th Avenue and 3rd Street are pretty good (Park Slope Seafood and Ocean Fish Market).
Also, performance-related item: I gave an overhand-grip strict pullup a try this morning. I was THIIIIIIS close! I'm pretty sure my chin would have made it over the bar if I hadn't done 2 chinups first. I've never been that close before, and I can't wait to try again tomorrow after strength cycle. I choose to attribute my near-success to having lost a bit of weight already from Paleo Challenge!
@Keith – Hunter gatherers didn't eat honey in moderation. When they found it they ate it all, immediately and with gusto, same as pre-agricultural populations do now. But that may or may not be ideal. It is historical fact versus nutritional dogma. Some people do well on a little honey, others (me) do not. The best paleo sources of info are pretty good at differentiating the framework (we eat like our ancestors) from the actions (we actually eat agriculturally produced products that roughly approximate what our ancestors ate).
I would suggest everyone tries going sweetener free for a while, but I doubt everyone needs to observe the same levels of strictness for positive outcomes.
And who knows maybe it is healthy to once every month or two crack open a bee-hive with friends and eat a half kilo of honey while getting dozens of bee stings and then relaxing in a sugar coma while nursing your wounds. I don't feel like finding out.
I have been feeling pretty excellent getting the paleo thing going, after a couple of days with a headache. The biggest challenge for me is that I have serious non-paleo kid food in my house, often being proffered directly to my face by my kids. I found last year and am finding again that the structure (peer-support) of the challenge and eating plenty of high protein high fat foods offers a pretty good defense against that persistent assault on my paleo intentions. The paleo diet also helps regulate my mood, so the downs are shallower and less intense. Basically, it's magic.
That said, I didn't get enough sleep last night and feel groggy and shaky today. And I was a wreck at the gym. Onward and upward.
Toi address that waking up starving thing. This guy Martin Berkhan has a pretty cool site called leangains which isn't a crossfit/paleo thing, but there's a lot of good info there.
As we know protein satiates you. What this guy says is that eggs are a slow metabolizing protein worth a shot before you go to bed, otherwise, if it's other proteins with some fibrous veggies, as these will slow down the absorption of the protein.
This may help you. I've actually been doing a little of that. late night eggs or something like that, and then go right through until lunch the next day.
leangains is pretty cool.
jarrow probiotics.
This may not help those in the last throes of carb-flu, but it sure is funny…
Sweet Tea: A Love Story
@Kate, it's good to hear that eating more paleo helps regulate moods. I'm weaning off anti-depressants for SAD now with my Dr.'s blessing. He seems to think lowering sugar intake is a good plan for dealing with my moderate seasonal depression. I've been on some chemical or other from Oct. to March for longer than I care to cop to and I'm really hoping to manage it in a better way. Fingers crossed. That said, I'm weaning off sugar, too, rather than go cold turkey given the circumstances.
But I only drink sweet tea when I go home.
Thanks for the Trader Joe's tip, Stella. Yeah, most fish is frozen on the boat so that's ok by me. I forget about TJ since I'm rarely in that neighborhood.
Well, it finally happened — my bosses made me write an article/shoot a video about Crossfit. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to cover our gym ā I had to go to the Black Box ā but it was fun to do.
Check it out here.
Also, had some paleo-friendly Peter's Rotisserie Chicken in Williamsburg yesterday. Great place for fast, paleo grub.
i LOVE rotisserie chicken, so much that i've been sorely tempted for YEARS to buy a countertop model. they are generally poorly-reviewed, however, which is the only thing that has kept me from buying such a thing.
today: THE RETURN of strength cycle! thank you, thor!
Malcolm explained it pretty well, but just for anyone wondering about honey, agave, etc. Despite being more naturally occuring, less sweet, less processed, etc they all send basically the same signal to your body which is SUGAR. While a natural source is slightly more optimal for other reason, it all boils down to basically the same thing. Even if paleolithic man/woman ate it once in a while,I try my best to keep perspective that I'm not doing this simply to mimic paleolithic man, but to eat what fuels optimal health and performance.
That being said, I've been loving the Challenge so far. Since settling into a pretty nice groove for a year or two I had become more and more lax since the Spring of last year, and the last month before the Challenge was especially poor. Since Jan 3 (I started a few days late to accomodate the Badgers, and will stay on a few days later):
-Better energy, not feeling nearly as tired during my drive home, during coaching etc.
-Skin is clearer and less dry
-Generally feel less puffy and more like a ninja
Really freakin psyched. Doing a lot of meal planning and cooking, but also enjoying it immensely.
Personally, I've been feeling great for the most part. I do have a bit of trouble falling asleep at night lately as Corbett mentioned (not sure I've attributed it to the paleo thing though, maybe). Overall though, I am very happy.
@stella and all the other low carb flu sufferers: here is a good read (especially if you're a bit nerdy about things)
a quote from the above that furthers Fox's writing:
"A Short Digression: Please Stay Off The āFaileo Dietā
Some āpaleoā books still insist that saturated fat is bad for you and paleolithic people didnāt eat much of it, which is absolute nonsense. But your calories have to come from somewhereā¦if not fat, then from protein or carbohydrates. And since those same books also usually disallow potatoes and other convenient sources of starch, youāre basically stuck eating lots of lean protein.
As a result, youāll eat very few calories, because of the satiating effect of proteināwhich is fine if youāre just trying to lose weight, but disastrous if youāre physically active, because youāll be perpetually exhausted. This is why fat-phobic āpaleoā is called the āFaileo Dietā."
Um, Michele, "poorly reviewed"?? I THINK RON POPEIL BEGS TO DIFFER.
I posted this last night but just in case you missed it, anyone up for a RT baths field trip Monday afternoon? I think I might let the shirtless man beat me with the leafy branches this time.
After week 1 I am feeling GREAT. The second time around on this challenge is INSANELY easier than the first time (so take heart, first timers, it gets easier). I haven't hit the headaches yet, so I don't know if I will, but my sleep is better, and I just feel better and lighter in general. I already lost 5 pounds of water weight since I'm not eating so many carbs (and retaining so much more water), and I've only broken from my plan once–I said no dairy, but I used some grass-fed butter to roast a whole chicken with, and it was 100% worth it. so yummy! I am not feeling too hungry, because I am eating BIG breakfasts and lunches, lots of protein. Mostly I just feel really good because it is nice to know that I am actually capable of controlling what I eat.
The Paleo challenge has been going well. The results so far have been good. The Giants won, Ive cooked a few meals, and I havent logged into facebook in about a week (deacivated my account)
Seriously, im doing 8 weeks no booze, and it was really hard not to have a beer or cider at the game Sunday. The biggest challenge for me vis a vis paleo is always breakfast. I usually am super hungry and lazy in the am, so I have been forcing myself to cook breakfast.
So far so good.
And whatever the hell the carb flu is. That sounds horrible.
I need to make this butternut squash soup, like, yesterday.
I was feeling pretty good by the end of week 1 but now at the beginning of week 2, I feel terrible. I don't know if it's the carb flu, regular cold or a combination, but I'm groggy, foggy, and tired. While I havn't weighed myself, I certainly don't feel like I've lost any weight, and I feel heavy.
I've cut dairy and my body is definitely feeling the absence of my daily morning ritual of greek yogurt and fruit. I eat kimchi pretty regularly but it doesn't have the same probiotic effect for me as the greek yogurt. Should I go back to my greek yogurt or give Jarrow probiotics a try? @Michele: Anyplace local that sells Jarrow probiotics? Also, what kind do you recommend?
jarrow is super common, i'm sure (aside from the co-op) that you can get it at back to the land on 7th ave.
people who are having regularity problems, i would also say ask yourself if there is enough fat in your diet since the switch. that helps.
The first week or so of the challenge has been surprisingly easy. I'm not super hungry, which is surprising because the main change I had to make in my diet was ditching "occasional" sugary snacks.
Scotch eggs are just genius, thanks to whoever posted that link to the Invictus recipe. I made a batch on Sunday with DiPaola's spicy turkey sausage and eggs from that lady at the Carroll street market who only has honey and eggs. One or two of those and some greens, fruit, a handful of nuts, and breakfast is solved.
Also, I found it impossible to read this article without thinking about squatting.
Sorry to spam the page with non CrossFit related stuff, but if anyone is able to vote for my installation project on this design competition I would love them forever. A friend and I are trying to use art/architecture to reduce gun violence in Crown Heights. Help us win money, so we don't need to pay out of pocket for construction materials.
P.S. If anyone wants to use their super CrossFit strength to help with construction this spring, let me know š
I absolutely love that video, āA Year in New York.ā I want to live inside it. But I guess I do?
Week 2 is going well. Iāve gotten past the headaches and am excited about the new recipes and inspiration to cook new things. The best is enjoying clean local meats via the CSA and the grass-fed options right here in our neighborhood restaurants. I feel utterly spoiled.
On the other hand, Iām so sore that Iām uncomfortable almost all the time. Iāve been doing mobility work as much as possible, including yoga poses in the bathroom at work.
Oddly, I think the best part of the Challenge for me, so far, was prefacing it with a week of being non-Paleo. We've been doing the mostly-Paleo thing for a couple of years, but the week between Xmas and New Years … let's just say it involved 5 types of cookies, candy for breakfast, and some cinnamon raisin toast. It was crazy watching my body change – tired, sluggish, face completely covered in zits, skin drier and flakier at the same time, etc. And then the first week back on strict Paleo – even though I was sick all week – was awesome. Skin cleared up, I felt better (except for the fish oil, um, miscalculation), more energy, etc. I've never been so excited to stop eating sweets.
I'm also going further this time than I have before: the biggest change for me has been completely eliminating nuts and nut butters. I've suspected (and had pretty concrete evidence) that my body does not like them for a good long while, and just never been able to commit to going without. I'm trying to get rid of all the sub-optimal "crutch foods" I've been leaning on or just keeping out of something like nostalgia (chocolate, wine, etc). So far, so good…
@ Michele – thanks!
Paleo Challenge is going great for me. I'm similar to Fox in that I luckily don't experience Carb Flu or Sugar withdrawal symptoms.. I just start feeling better immediately. My energy levels are much better and more consistent, my motivation is noticeably higher and I just feel really good. I also feel like if I don't get enough sleep one night I'm better able to buffer it than had I not been eating as well. I've also cooked more since the first than I probably did in the previous 2 months combined and finding it actually EASIER than stopping somewhere after work to pick up dinner or having to run somewhere to get food mid day.
Despite saying that I would allow myself the occasional alcoholic drink, I've not had any yet. Even when I was at a bar for a friends birthday party and everyone was getting tipsy, I just drank water simply because the idea of it seemed really unhealthy and I didn't want to spoil some of the improvements I'd already worked towards. Similarly, at the birthday dinner right before the bar I ate a really clean paleo meal and gave all my french fries away (I didn't know they came with the steak) and instead of people being weird about it, everyone was saying how they wished they could have the will power to eat like that. It felt nice!
I also found that without including dairy, my latte addiction has completely disappeared. I tried to drink an iced black coffee at bogota but only got about 1/4 done with the cup before not wanting it anymore. No caffeine withdrawals either.
That's not to say that I haven't had a few moments of temptation, a few days ago i reallllyy wanted a burger but I went home and made the pecan crusted chicken which was awesome and filled 3 meals.
Also- to touch on the honey thing, this video shows what people will do for Honey.
Bee stings and a 40m climb all for that sweet sweet diablo blanco
Great blog articles today. "You say you found a mouse in your Mountain Dew? Impossible, Mountain Dew dissolves flesh! The Defense rests."
Yeah, drink up.
Paleo Challenge is going pretty well for me. When I first tried paleo back in November of 2010, I would feel so good some mornings that it bordered on euphoria. I'd love to get that back, but that was probably a one time deal.
This time I'm messing with a Leangains style 16 hour daily fast/8 hour eating window. It's tough because I love breakfast and get f'n starving at about 10 AM daily. It's hard to wait until 12:30 to eat, but they say it gets easier. I have also been having some trouble sleeping and have had some very vivid dreams, but that might also have something to do with adding in some new supplements. I had a few cheats a Giants party – chili with a few beans, one bloody mary, one red wine and some 85% chocolate. I can live with that once a week. Especially if the Giants keep winning.
Sweet diablo blanco? Sounds like something you can get arrested for carrying! And we're talking about honey. good grief things have changed!
Week 2. I feel about the same as I did pre-holidays. I slipped a little on my diet leading up to and during the holidays, so I felt a little crummy then. Now, I feel like Iām back to normal. Stress at work is probably keeping me from feeling exceptional. I will say that my skin looks much better, which I attribute to drinking more water.
Iāve been trying to get more sleep (goal is 7 hours per night), but I end up stressing out about all of the things I need to get done before bed. After I get to bed, I stress about all of the things I didnāt get done before bed. Iām the queen of midnight mental lists. Itās a vicious cycle that doesnāt lead to very much rest. I know Iāll feel better after I start getting more/better rest.
Sorry this is not on topic, and I know this was posted a couple weeks ago, but I can't stop thinking about it:
I don't think I walk duck footed (but maybe I do?) and my arches don't collapse when I am just standing, but I think they do when I squat, and now that I am aware of it, I have been looking around the gym and seeing other people with this problem as well. Just how problematic is it, and what else can be done to prevent it, aside from just "spreading the floor"/loading the outside s of your feet? I assume the collapsing is just me compensating for an area of weakness that can be improved in some other way?
You're right that this is a pretty common problem, and lots of things can cause it, among them:
1. Lack of ankle mobility
2. Lack of awareness or proprioception
3. Footwear that doesn't allow you to feel the ground
My biggest fix for this that I recommend to people is to try and "grab" the ground with their feet as they squat, which tends to automatically shift your foot to the outside edge. That often works for people who are simply unaware that their feet are collapsing, the mobility problem especially is one that takes more fixin'.
One more thing. I am not hungry. At all. In hopes of being helpful (and not annoying), hereās a sort of template for what I eat. Iām not saying itās ideal, but itās better than starving. Breakfast: 4 eggs, 3 strips of bacon (or other meat), and a cup of black coffee; Lunch: leftovers from dinner, āwichcraft salad with double meat, or Ā½ rotisserie chicken from Whole Foods; Snack: veggies; Dinner: meat (usually red meat) + vegetables. Iām not sure of the exact portion size for the meat at dinner, but Iām not skimpy about it. I have been trying to add more veggies to breakfast and lunch, but those are mostly in addition to the protein Iām already eating. Sometimes, I need another snack before or after dinner. If Iām hungry, I eat something. Again, Iām not holding this up as an ideal, just an example of how much I eat to feel full. Note: Iāve been Crossfitting 3-4 times per week and going to Active Recovery once per week. I ate much less when I was less active.
Jenna – the collapse is likely (for many, but certainly for you) the result of lack of ROM at the talo-crural (ankle) joint. You lack dorsiflexion ROM (shin towards top of foot, and vice-versa) and you make up for it at the sub-talar joint by turning your foot out and collapsing. The lack of ROM at the ankle joint can be due to a number of things: Previous injury to the ankle, tight posterior lower leg muscles (particularly lateral heads), or bony structure. Weak muscles on the anterior side of the lower leg can also lead to collapsed foot while squatting and/or running. You've also had shin splints in the past so I'd guess you have: a) tight calves/achilles tendon b) weak or under active anterior tib c) overactive peroneals (muscles on the lateral side of the lower leg
Steps to take include:
manual therapies for increasing soft tissue length of the gastroc and soleus muscles of the posterior lower leg and the peroneal group on the outside
manual therpies for increasing ROM at the joint itself (a good chiro or bodyworker)
exercises to strengthen the muscles of the anterior lower leg, particularly the anterior tibialis (try walking around on your heels, 10 sets of 10 seconds each)
Check these resources for some DIY tissue work
Jarrow probiotics can be found at Whole Foods and Fairway.
@Katie: One trick I have been using to avoid the mental lists keeping me up at night to good effect is writing it down. I always had a mental to do list and was frequently bothered by it, but now that I commit it to paper my mind can set it aside. I don't then have anxiety about remembering it later.
In the most dorky analogy ever to grace a gym's webpage (not meant to be a factual statement). I think of this like a computer writing to the hard drive to clear out the RAM. Then you can go to bed knowing that you won't forget anything you need to do.
co-sign on making the liss… there are also a lot of apps out there for iphone, online etc if you want to go digital with your to dos.
I'm always hungry! I am hungry right now! š Getting rid of dairy has helped me a lot with bloating, I think I have lost weight as well. I do have CARB attacks though. I want a piece of bread right now and I'm totally craving a nice plate of pasta. This is going ot be incredibly hard…
I feel really good out of the gym–strict paleo always helps me with skin, digestion, joints, etc. I don't feel so great IN the gym though, especially in term metcon capacity. But it's hard to know what to blame for that one; it's clear that three months of strength cycle (NO metcons) + no caffeine + really low carb isn't exactly a recipe for success in the 8-20 min domain. So I'm trying to be nice to myself while I get back in shape/get used different fuel and keep lifting heavy to cheer myself up.
I did make the CSA pork shoulder much like Michele's slow cooked carnitas and brought the leftovers on the plane with me. That also cheers me up.
Today's tiny hotel WOD:
4 rds of 10 DB swings (as if it were a KB) + 5 DB thrusters ea arm + 5 burpees. 30# DB. No good way to keep time but tried to go fastish. less than 5 min, no way to know.
Then… 3 rds of max DB bench press + lat pull downs. I haven't done lat pull-downs in years but couldn't think of a better sub for ring rows in this useless workout room. 15 presses + 10 pull-downs each round. Tomorrow? Tabata stair sprints if the weather is still ugly.
my return to the blog… ahhhh, it feels good.
paleo paleo paleo….how quickly i forget how much i love you! it's so easy to let you go sometimes, but then i realize how awful i feel without you. now that you are back, i never want to let you go…
seriously – one week and i feel pretty damn good. fox must have known i was hungry. today is the first day where i've been craving food ALL. DAY. i don't think i ate enough at breakfast but picked it up and have had 2 lunches since which has helped. i've been having a lean meat and/or veggie in almost every meal, sleeping better, and more energetic in the afternoons. i've even been cooking more which for anyone who really knows me knows that this is a HUGE deal.
i'm looking forward to keeping it up the remainder of the 2 months.
today was a great day also because i got to see THE Yoshi Stone at the gym!
Well into week 2 I have found this challenge interesting – I thought I had gone 'Paleo enough' to not have withdrawal but was def. wrong. Combining that sugar withdrawal with coming back to the gym off of injury I have to say I do not think I respected how much time I took off or what I did with that time so it has been a big wake up call. Working on a training plan now (thanks coaches!!) that I think will help. But anxious to get my squatting back to strength cycle quality (or at least not a sh*t show). The lightheaded feelings are passing but still def. having a harder time sleeping so have to work on that.
Food wise it has not been as hard as I thought – probably because I am highly motivated by social events and if I cheated I guess I would feel like I am cheating on everyone else who is trying so hard at this thing. The other motivating factor is I dropped WAY more weight the first week than I thought I would. But I need to mentally prep myself that I will probably balance out more this week and not loose near as much.
The other great factor is that I work with our fellow CrossFitter Billy K. so we are sharing lunches – if there other folks that work in Downtown Brooklyn let me know and we can arrange a paleo luncheon š
275×3, 315×3, 350×6
Front Squats 135x10x3
db shrugs 80sx10x3
sprints 80ish metresx6
I have dropped 6lbs since starting the challenge. I cant tell if i have carb flu or any of that, bc I am not used to waking up sans a bit of a hangover. I feel better. Im allowing alcohol this time around (red wine/tequila) and i think psychologically its helping. I have never ate this many veggies in my lifetime. I find making scrambles in the AM helps big time, just a way to jam veggies into the meal.
as for all the people who complain about being hungry, i might be a little old school about this…but have you tried eating? Like when I get hungry, I usually eat some food and that helps with it.