McDowell and Melissa L. Hang Out
Why am I So Hungry?
By Chris Fox
You’ve been doing great with food choices during this first week of paleo, but some days find yourself wracked with hunger.WTF? Recognize that by removing grains, legumes, dairy, and refined sugar, you’ve removed potent calorie sources as well. Be sure to make up for those calories by eating enough protein and fat. You cannot expect be satisfied with an egg or two and a few veggies for breakfast if you expect that breakfast to last you any more than a few hours. You need to be eating enough. Don’t throw hunger pangs on top of cravings for foods that you’ve removed from your diet. If you’re starving you’re much more likely to satisfy said cravings. Try combining 2 or more animal protein sources in meals and be sure that you have enough calories coming in. A good drizzle of olive oil or a small handful of nuts added to a meal can make all the difference. Each of your meals should be centered around a generous serving of animal protein and garnished with veggies/fruit/nuts. A plate full of cauliflower and a boiled egg will not provide the energy you need to be a sane, functioning human being. Paleo choices give you the permission to EAT!
Speaking of Hungry… Remember to RSVP for the Paleo Potluck on the 21st! We want to make sure that we get enough table space and cutlery for everyone. Please post in the event page comments both to RSVP (include guests) and to say what dish you are bringing to help avoid overlaps.
We’ve Just Added a 2nd January Late Morning Foundations Cycle!
We’re adding a second January Late Morning Foundations Cycle + Learn the Ropes Course w/ BKB. This cycle will be 8 classes and meet 3x/week.
January Late Foundations, Second Cycle
1/16/12 – 2/1/12
Mondays, Wednesdays at 9:30am-10:45
Sundays 12pm-1:15
Register Here
We’re into our second week of the Paleo Challenge! How’re you feeling, responding so far both in and out of the gym?
10 Stubborn Body Myths That Just Won’ Die LiifeHacker
A Year in New York Vimeo
Pepsi Says Mountain Dew Can Dissolve Mouse Caracasses The Atlantic Wire
Coming Clean Whole9
so many good things today.
1. i made active recovery at 6
2. i ate 100% delicious homemade paleo food all day long
3. strength cycle started! woot!
4. blog comments were awesome and amusing
so i'm stating publically that the best way to finish this day would be if i were to actually
5. get 8 hours of sleep. BOOYAH.
strength cycle day 1
working our way back up to real weights today – light workout. however, i'm making rapid progress on REGAINING my fucking chinup – i'm back down to the thinnest band already.
squat 135x3x5
press 55x3x5
chins ORANGE BAND bitches! 1,1,1,1,1
I made a resolution to start posting my workouts and am starting a week late…
Day 1 of Strength Cycle
Squats: 165x5x5
Press: 65x5x3
Chins: none because I hurt my shoulder, but just a little so it should be ok soon. JJ, RT baths might be in my future…
I am finding the paleo challenge much easier the second time around, and my sleep is already a lot better. Also Michele introduced me to duck fat, and it is a whole new world.
1.1 Strength Cycle
Squat 200x5x3
Bench 145x5x2, 145x9x1
DB Press 30x10x1, 30x8x1, 30x6x1
Finished last cycle with a 225x5x3 squat, I think, and this did not feel particularly heavy. However, my squat form is a little iffy, so I have some kinks to work out. Other than that, happy to be back at CFSBK.
Malcolm, Im gonna try that as I think that is def something that keeps me up.
Too much to write about the workouts today. Suffice is to say that I am tired and thankful tomorrow is a rest day.
Recovery Squat
5/3/1 Bench (super-set with 3×10 chins)
Kroc Rows
Gripper work at home.
Comp classes have been doozies lately. Tonight's was a 3-parter.
1) 5x Clean & Jerk 1-1-1 (10 sec rest between reps and 2min rest between sets)
105, 115, 125, 130f, 125
2) 3 rounds of: 7 deadlifts, 21 pullups (2min rest between rounds)
-goal was to do everything unbroken. deads at 185 were all unbroken. Pullups were very broken seeing as my hands are still torn up from Mary on Sunday. Ouch.
r1) 1:36
r2) 2:34
r3) 2:31
3) 7 min AMRAP of: 30 double unders, 15 burpees
-4 rounds plus 20 du's.
-I couldn't do this with the rest of the comp folks because i had to coach, but josh and i did it after classes. good times.
Loved reading everyone's posts today! It's currently 11:20pm and I just got back from a very long day at work and am surprisingly not tired! I think I am finally seeing the light at the end of the CarbFlu Tunnel…Felt groggy and lethargic since Challenge started and did horribly on yesterday's Annie wod which left me questioning this whole Paleo thing. But today I'm feeling a lot better and clearer mentally and more energetic. Have been cooking a lot more lately which has been fun, too. Looking forward to the two Paleo rest dinners I'm attending. I only know a handful of people at our box so it'll be nice to talk to people when I'm not still groggy in the morning or suffering from post-wod exhaustion. Thanks for all the recipe links, guys!