Spend 20 minutes working up to the heaviest weight possible on the complex:
TGU to Windmill
if you’re feeling ‘leader board-ish, go for a heavy single TGU
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 10.23.11
For time:
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Post time and RX to comments.
Compare to 6.27.11
Tough Titsday Plus Still Has Slots!
TTD Plus is the third iteration of Tough Titsday. This 6 class series is all about lifting heavy and playing hard. Each Saturday, we’ll meet after classes are done and we have the gym all to ourselves. We’ll get our lift on and then break out the fun stuff you’re always eyeing like the prowler, sled, slam ball, sledgehammer, sandbags, ropes and more!
Limited to 6 participants who have some experience with lifting heavy and the desire to be awesome.
Saturdays at 2:00pm, 1.5 hours
1/21; 1/28; 2/4; 2/11; 2/18; 2/25
Register Here
CFSBK Paleo Potluck!
On January 21st, at 6PM, Crossfit South Brooklyn will be hosting our 2012 CFSBK Community Paleo Potluck to kick off our Paleo Challenge!
This will be an awesome opportunity to hang out, socialize, and share recipes and strategies. Everyone is asked to bring some sort of dish, limited only by your creativity and payload of your pickup truck. You’ve got a pickup truck, right?
To get started, if anyone can volunteer for set-up/breakdown, has extra tables, chairs, extension cords, or the ability to cut ice sculpture likenesses of the coaches, please email davidcrossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
Please post in the event page comments both to RSVP (include guests) and to say what dish they are bringing so we don’t have overlaps. Comments should be limited to dishes and headcounts, we’ve got a whole gym blog for normal tangential gym banter. Remember, if you are bringing hot food you will need a crock pot, hot plate, or some other way to keep it warm.
Also, Aerosmith will no longer be performing. Instead you’ll be treated to the musical stylings of 90s 1-Hit Wonder Gods Ugly Kid Joe!
AM Foundations Cycle for February Still has Slots!
Are you an Early Bird interested in getting started with us? February AM and Late Morning Foundations cycles still have slots!
February Morning Foundations
2/7/12 – 3/1/12
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00am-8:15am
Register Here
February Late Morning Foundations
2/13/12 – 3/7/12
Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00am-10:15am
Register Here
What’s Inflammation Mark’s Daily Apple
Humans May Taste at Least 6 Flavors Live Science
Fishing Under Ice Youtube
i roasted that boneless pork shoulder from our CSA last night; i've made this cut dozens of times in the past, but this time it really was special. obviously the quality of the meat made all the difference!
boneless pork shoulder with garlic and herb rub
Late Post: Yesterday's Mary.
Really happy with how my HSPU have progressed. I will def work on the lock out of elbows/. Did 6 rounds of Mary with 4 HSPU. Assisted pistols.
Then 200 5th for the Giants game. Hey Peter, NO PACK NO!
Also quick q. I have the roast pork butt in the oven at 250 with oregano and garlic and salt. 6-8 hours sound right? Sorry fox forgot how long you said to keep it there at that temp.
Someday I will do a Turkish get-up! But for now, another strength cycle.
BSQ 135x5x3
Press 60x5x3
Deadlift 175×5
I knew these might be somewhat difficult given that I'm deep in the throes of carb flu, but I didn't expect to be struggling like that. I guess two weeks off is a bigger deal than I thought.
Chins: 2×1, 1×2. Yay, I strung two of them together!
Oh yeah: JJ, I miss you! I'm all alone on my lady bar now!
while not an original song, ugly kid joe did get a decent amount of radio play for their cats in the cradle cover. that makes 2 hits
deb, check your email.
Public shout out to Michele for pointing me to and walking me through making the amazing paleo chili recipe from her tumblr. I even gilded the lilly and made the orange avocado coriander cream sauce (no cream in it!) Mig, there's some in the fridge at the gym for you. Loooking for your feedback!
You just made my day:)
i also made the paleo pumpkin chili from michele's tumblr and it's incredible! i thought it was really easy, too. everyone should try it.
i'm feeling awesome today. super sore all over but satisfied and energized. a big improvement over last week's tired and grumpy demeanor due to sugar and carb withdrawal!
every inch of my body is sore. seriously.
must try this recipe! sounds like something even i can manage.
Just wanted to say that the lamb kofti recipe Michele linked to was also awesome and easy to make. Yum!
To my fellow CFSBK distance runners: I'm about to start training for my first half-marathon, which'll be over Memorial Day weekend.
I know a couple of you (lookin' at you Noah + Jess Fox + Melissa L.) have successfully trained for distance running without running like, 4-5 days a week (I don't like running thaaaaaat much — I'm mostly motivated by the beer and ice cream at the end of this race!). Any tips for subbing CF workouts for days that you'd typically run or balancing a race training schedule with CF programming in general? Happy to read comments here, or email to: nosillajkgmail.com.
Thanks a million!
sending you an email allison!
I ran my first half-marathon in Aug 2010 and trained for it in about 4wks… though I don't recommend my "cram-training".. I did regular CFSBK work outs up until that "you signed me up for what? when is it? really?" 4wk prior point then I did cfsbk 2x a week and ran 1 increasingly long run a week (up to 11mi 5 days prior to the actual race) with 1 5k and 1 5k+. You could mix in the CF Endurance work outs for the non-long run day(s – depending on how many you want to do). They're more sprint focused.
Basically it worked out to 4-5 days of TOTAL TRAINING (both cfsbk and running) and I just split them evenly and tried not to do anything incredibly stupid at the gym or during my runs (harder than it sounds….). 2wks prior to the race I tried to do work at CFSBK that wouldn't fry my legs and then did not go to CFSBK the 1wk prior to the race and basically completely backed off after my last 11miler so I could recover and not hate running in time for the race itself.
To put everything in perspective, before beginning my training for the half marathon the longest distance I had ever run was probably 4.5miles. Soooo…
If you can decifer the past few paragraphs I hope you find some nugget of usefulness. 😉
Macbook users – Mine took a spill and is now on the fritz, won't boot. Am I headed to the Apple store? Or, is there a better repair option?
I can't wait for the wife to make that chili…
Last night I made Pecan Crusted Chicken:
I made 4 breasts that were yesterdays lunch and dinner and today's lunch. It sort of tastes like Fried Chicken. Really easy to make and Really tasty. I recommend it if you're in the mood for some fried chicken but want a healthier alternative.
If you still want to buy in to the CSA *and* are willing to split a share, please email me.
mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
Asta, Lady Fox, Noah: thank you guys a bazillion!
Adding my thumbs up to the Paleo chili recipe too! I actually made this for Christmas dinner for 16 and it went over great. Even my hardcore traditional WASP uncle kept raving about how good he felt.
I am loving all these recipe posts!
I am so using that chili recipe for my Super Bowl party.
Which means I am going to be eating an awful lot of chili that weekend (because I'm serving a different, brisket-based chili at my Rest Day Dinner the previous Friday). But that's totally not a bad thing.
Fox, if you need a house call, there is a Park Slope person named Mike Jonas who is excellent.
If you need to venture into the city, these guys are in the 20's betw. 6th/7th. http://mikestechshop.com/
Excellent a.m. class - TGU's and Windmills were awesome. I went over the time limit, but I did Annie in ~11:34.
And one fun thing. I spent the weekend upstate, and drove past Herondale Farm. It wasn't open, but I did sneak up to the fence and saw some cool-looking cows.
Anyone with Monday off wanna take a field trip to the Russian Turkish baths?
6pm Group Class
Warm-Up x3
:15 L-Sit
10 Tall Snatches
10 Push-Ups
5 Chin-Ups
Turkish Get-Up to Windmill
Never done a heavy windmill before, really enjoyed the combination of TGU and Windmills. Used Dumbbells for all of this.
:01 PR, heh. I seriously have no idea how Rickke does this so fast.
Good workout tonight, but loooonnnggg. Too many sets, I may have to move the RDL's to Tuesday.
Squat: 260x5x5
This wasn't easy but it certainly wasn't a grind.
Bench: 175x5x4
Felt good overall. Still not happy with how my shoulder is feeling. I found a more stable pulled-back, externally rotated set-up, am pulling the bar apart, but my left shoulder still feels like the humerus is pushing out against my rotator. Will work with Alec on Thursday on this….
RDL: 170x8x3
Doing 15 pound jumps for a couple of weeks. This feels really light.
Today's workout is a creeper. I didn't think of it much until I'm sitting here are home and feeling about every single muscle in my back.
Worked up to 45# on the TGU/Windmill, ran out of time, could of gone heavier.
DU – my arch nemesis. Annie w/halved DU: 9:52
It's always so nice to have that encouragement when you're trying to bust through that kind of workout. Thanks 6pm!
I said it on FB, but Malcom gave me a divine&easy recipe for the sirloin and I still can't get over how good this stuff tastes. I'm starting to gain courage in the cooking of large chunks of meat…
tweaked shoulder had me making up Saturday's deadlift instead of the non limber hell that Turkish get ups put me through.
135×5, 145×5 for warm ups
160×5, 195×5, 230×5
Annie in what I thought was 6:43 but I think I might be remembering wrong and it was 6:53. Either way it was a PR with my previous best being 7:16.
Unanchored and no ab mat on sit ups.
Some real kick ass folks in the 6pm!
Fox, Id take it to apple if its still under warranty.
If it isnt, take it to Tekserve. 23rd and broadway. Also what type of "spill" fall down, or water?
Todays TGU at #45 very hard movement for me. Annie in 6:15 rx'd.
Does anyone know when is the teaser class is? Sat 11?
sunday at 11
I had resolved to start posting my workouts in the new year and of course immediately forgot about it. So I'm starting with today's.
5/3/1 Squat
Surprised by how well the 10 went, bar felt heavy all day.
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press
Worked up to a strict set of 425×5, did a dynamic set at 475×5 and the did a strict drop set 315×10
Grip/Ab Combo, 3 sets
Wrist Rollers at 45lb
Ab wheel rollouts x15
TGU and Windmills…
10#, 15#, 20#, and 25#. FUN and much more integrated in my body than the last time I tried these.
WOD in 7:52
Did DUs Rx'ed and scaled situps so I just did 10 each round. Was feeling soreness from last Monday's sit-ups through today, so wanted to take it easy and scale back the volume.
This is actually pretty huge for me — when we did Annie in June I did half DU volume AND counted attempts, so I'm pretty stoked I got thru the whole thing. Was great to test endurance on a movement/skill that I've gotten more comfortable with in the last 6 months.
Srength Cycle, Week 1, Day 1:
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 195×1
Work: 205x5x3
WU: 45×5, 75×3, 95×1:
Work: 100x5x3
WU: 135×4, 165×3, 195×1, 225×1
Work: 235x5x1