AMRAP 20 minutes
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
AMRAP 20 minutes
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups
Post workout, rounds completed and Rx to comments.
compare to 1.29.11
“Cindy… Or Mary??” … “YOU DECIDE”
Rest Day Dinner #2
Attention all Bed Stuy/Clinton Hill (and beyond!) CrossFitters. Melissa Lloyd is hosting the second Rest Day Dinner of the 2012 Paleo Challenge in your hood. This will be a potluck style dinner at her apartment with a cap of 7 people. If you’re interested, please RSVP by January 9th. The contact information and location details are listed below.
Host Contact Information:
Melissa Lloyd
melag2001 <AT> gmail.com
Date and Time:
January 13th
107 Jefferson Ave. apt 4F
Between Bedford and Nostrand
One Size Does Not Fit All CrossFit
Training with Champions, Part 6 CrossFit
no internet at my house yesterday or this morning!!! Lo siento
came home to visit my mom and she 'made my favorite' chicken parm. Had to indulge, ate string beans instead of pasta and then late night snacked on a pepperoni omelet. back on track.
even if I am gonna watch the giants kick ass today (WITH OUT BEER?!?!?)
Cindy w/ small green band
11 rounds + 5 pullups + 4 pushups (almost three rounds better than last time–which employed the LARGE green band)
Great 9am class today. We were missing Bjorn and McGrath, though.
Had Norwegian Eggs w/o the English muffins and extra salad instead of potatoes for breakfast.
Cindy w/ blue band
8 rds + 5 pull-ups + 2 push-ups
push-ups were by far the limiting factor. Probably should have used a smaller band…
Wendler deads: (135×5, 185×5) 205×5, 235×5, 265×5. Heavy but doable, had another rep or two in me on that last set if there'd be a rep out.
Came in a little early to get my Bench on, Wendler style.
(45×5, 60×5, 70×3)
75×5, 90×5, 100×8
Then 10am class with a great group.
-7 rounds even
arm assisted pistols everything else rx'd.
pullups were the hardest because there were so many. also really slowed down towards the latter rounds because I was trying to prevent a tear. still ended up tearing but not too bad. hspu's felt great.
foam roll lovin'
man am i sore!
I think it's time for me to write another restaurant review for my blog, but can't decide where to go. Anyone have a recommendation for a good Brooklyn Restaurant to check out?
Bar Bruno, Prime Meats, Palo Santo, Brucie, Fort Defiance, The Good Fork
3 Rounds:
10 OHS, 45lbs
15 GHD Hip Extensions
30 Double Unders
5/3/1 Deadlift
(135×5, 185×5)
205×5, 230×5, 260×5
700m Row
3 Rounds of:
7 DB HPSn (r)
7 DB OHS (r)
7 DB HPSn (l)
7 DB OHS (l)
9:39 @ 35# DB
Went too easy on the row (3:03 finish) and I should have gone with my gut and tried a 40 or 45lb DB. 35 was too light. Still got some good conditioning.
@Lana I like the pork chop at James, and they make a fantastic drink there.
presses, deads, chins, prowler.
Thanks guys! Good suggestions.
Mary (with arm assisted pistols)
8 rounds + 5 hspu's + 6 pistols
lol @ the photo!
i have an abiding fear of what would happen if david became fascinated by front-end web development….
Last year there was a link to a piece in Mark's Daily Apple (i think) that talked about why animal fat is not actually bad for you and how Robb Wolf rues the day he ever used the term "lean protein". It may or may not have had something to do with Omegas. Does anyone remember what I am talking about, and also have the link? Thanks one billion.
my initial reaction was that you mean Cordain backing away from lean, not Robb.
anyway, is this the post you were looking for?
or maybe this one, a tome on sat fat that talks about Cordain's stance:
Can't remember exactly, but those are helpful regardless. Thanks, Michele.
Jumped into Mary after finishing with a client right beforehand. Reeeeally fun workout to start cold!
7 rounds and 2 HSPUs with Box Pistols.
Felt pretty good, 5 is just about enough HSPUs that I can keep in the fight and not just have to stand around for 10 minutes praying for the HSPU gods to grant me another one (like when I do Diane.) Pistols were fine, and pullups felt great, played around with a shortened kip that was more efficient and kept my hands feeling good.
Nice to be getting in some longer conditioning again.
Also, Giants.