5×85% (no rep out)
Post Loads to comments.
Row 700m Then:
3 Rounds of:
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches Right Arm
7 Dumbbell Overhead Squats, Right Arm
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches Left Arm
7 Dumbbell Overhead Squats, Left Arm
Post time and load to comments.
Paleo Curry Seafood from Rest Day Dinner #1
Hail To the Queen
Calling all Hail to the Queen Ladies! You all should have received an email from Crossfit Queens describing the movements that will be used during this event. Though we don’t know the exact WODs we do know to expect burpees, double unders, handstand pushups, jerks, kettlebell snatch/swing, pullups and wallballs! If you signed up, please contact Coach Jess Fox at Jessica<AT>CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com… She’ll be coordinating a Comp-prep to go over the movements and related scaling options as well as talk strategy.
CFSBK Paleo Potluck On The 21st
Calling all carnivores, omnivores, cavepersons, and their Paleo Phriends! On January 21st, at 6PM, Crossfit South Brooklyn will be hosting our 2012 CFSBK Community Paleo Potluck to kick off our Paleo Challenge!
(Yes, we understand that the Paleo Challenge started 3 weeks before the Potluck. The Management wanted to make sure everyone had gotten over their Carb Flu, Sugar-Free Funk, and other general maladies, so that we all had enough energy to rock out with our Groks out.)
This will be an awesome opportunity to hang out, socialize, and share recipes and strategies. Everyone is asked to bring some sort of dish, limited only by your creativity and payload of your pickup truck. You’ve got a pickup truck, right?
To get started, if anyone can volunteer for set-up/breakdown, has extra tables, chairs, extension cords, or the ability to cut ice sculpture likenesses of the coaches, please email david<AT>crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
Please post in the event page comments both to RSVP (include guests) and to say what dish they are bringing so we don’t have overlaps. It’s first come first served on the dishes (I call Ants on an Almond Log!) so post early, but don’t post often- comments should be limited to dishes and headcounts, we’ve got a whole gym blog for normal tangential gym banter. Remember, if you are bringing hot food you will need a crock pot, hot plate, or some other way to keep it warm.
Also, Aerosmith will be playing. See you there!
Garlic Shrimp and Tomato Slices Brooklyn Paleo
Chicken and Mushroom Sauce Brooklyn Paleo
Switching to the Paleo Diet, 10 Tips to Make it Work Brooklyn Paleo
Super excited for the Paleo potluck! In fact, so excited that I accidentally posted twice to the event page because the first post didn't look like it had gone through. Sorry, MGMT!
If last night's Rest Day Dinner is any indication, we have some killer cooks in our bunch.
Aerosmith? Really?!? You want people to come to this thing, right?
WOD 30#
Then PR'd on the Dominican breakfast at Bogota, yum.
unable to post yet again, what the hell is going on???
trying again.
Gorgeous day out! Loved that we could open the gate.
Warmup-2 rounds of:
5 banded muscle-up transitions
10 ghd situps
10 hip extensions
5 assisted pistols/leg
(95×5, 125×5, 150×3)
160×5, 185×5, 210×5
these were a lot tougher than I thought they'd be. definitely had to organize each one. tried to keep a regular grip as long as I could but had to switch grip it for my last set.
8:35 at 20#
row was fine, snatches were cake but those damn OHS killed! holy mobility. I regretted giving Josh M. such a hard time as I watched him hit the wod. This was a tough one.
1 mile run.
felt good but maybe that's because it was so nice out.
steak and eggs at Bogota (without any booze!) WIN!
DL 215, 245, 280
Wod: 6:50 at 25#
Too conservative. Should have gone heavier.
I like the #7 theme. Not such an emotional journey to complete a set. Also not divisible by 2 or 3, which is the deal my evil brain likes to make with my body to tempt it to rest.
Felt better today here in Florida and got my lifts on.
I warmed up and things out and decided to go for it:
Squat: 310×5
Felt strong. Definitely had more but didn't want to push it in the JCC since I could dump the bar.
Bench: 190×5
This was suppose to be a triple at 192.5, but they didn't have tiny plates so I went down in weight. Overall strong. Clueless spotter didn't get in the way too much.
I skipped deadlifts for recovery purposes. Better less than too much. Did a little push/pull complex instead:
T-Row: 80x8x4
DB Press: 35x10x2, 40×5 and 45×8
Felt great to work out and feel strong right after being sick. Glad I didn't ruin my schedule in the first week of the cycle.
I need to proof read more…
wow that curry looks awesome!
Could someone post the recipe to that seafood curry up there? Or direct me to it if I'm just missing something.
Maybe we could all post our paleo recipes as the dinners happen.
By the way my name is Alan and this is my first post.
hi alan – i am posting it as we speak, hang on.
asta's spicy caribbean seafood stew