The three sets listed above are your work sets with the last set being a “rep out”. This means that you’ll perform as many reps as you can with good form. Keep 1-2 reps in the tank on these, you should be confident that every rep you attempt will go up.
These percentages are based off of 90% of your true 1RM. So if your 1RM Press was 100lbs, you would be doing 85% of 90lbs for the last set. Please come to the gym prepared with your numbers.
If you don’t have established 1RMs and are a new trainee, you’ll be doing 3 sets across at the same work weight.
Post loads and reps to comments.
3 Rounds NFT:
Dumbbell Bench Press Rep out
Supine Ring Row Rep Out
Load the DB Bench Press about 40% of body weight. The cap on this rep out is 20 repetitions per set. Novice lifters will perform 3 sets of 12 reps each at an appropriate weight/angle. Rest as needed between rounds
Post load and reps to comments.
Skill Session: Double Unders Workshop
Hey you! Yeah you! The one with the jumprope tangled around your neck! Come get your skip straightened, your bounce bolstered, and your jump jazzed up- Join Coach Noah on Saturday, January 7th at 1:30 PM for a Skill Workshop focusing on everyone’s greatest nemesis- THE DOUBLE UNDER!
This will be an hour long session incorporating technique discussion, movement prep, and guided practice to try and smooth out the kinks in people’s double under game. There is a $10 drop in fee and participants should have at least 3 linked double unders in their repertoire. Space is limited to eight people, sign up on the sheet next to the bulletin board at the gym.
CFSBK on Flickr and Facebook
Want a little more digital CFSBK? Connect with us on Facebook and participate in caption contests, see some sexy yoga and check out pictures of coach Noah krunked on new years (just kidding about that last one). We’ve also got a Flickr account so you can see some in house super heros and sheros getting down in some constantly updated, fun pictures shot at high resolutions.
Today is the last day do get your Paleo Registration materials in. If you’re not paid up, written up and pictured up by the end of the day, you will not be able to join the challenge. CFSBK is overjoyed to report that we’ve got over 100 people ready willing and able to take control of their health in 2012!
The Dumbbell Rack Starting Strength
CrossFit All Star Annie Sakamoto makes the cover of Competitor Magazine
“Nasty Girls“
The Reebok CrossFit/Weightlifting Shoes are now available online!
hey meat CSA kids! do you need some ideas for the meat in our january bags?
i put together a recipe guide for the cuts in this month's delivery. the picks are sorted by ease of preparation (week night, feast night, other) and many are my personal favorites.
the daily paleo: meat CSA recipe dilemma? i got you.
That is awesome! do you know anywhere around here to get yautia? I have arrowroot starch, but that's just not that same. Awesome post!
JR – Any good latin market/bodega will have yautia. Rossman's on 26th and 3rd also has it.
Michele, you rock. Nice work!
michele, incredible recipes! pumpkin chili omg. yesterday was our first ever meat pickup and i'm totally stoked to try new things. no more boiled chicken!
can you or anyone else talk about clarified butter a bit more? is it tasty, what do you use it on, where can i get some etc.?
Really cool picture today! (Completely unbiased opinion and has nothing to do with the fact that it's my first time being in a blog picture!)
you can buy pre-clarified butter – "ghee." but it's easy to make yourself.
it can be used for cooking in the same way regular butter can. removing the solids (which is what you do when you 'clarify' it) does these things:
1. gives it a higher smoking point (useful for higher-temperature cooking without burning it)
2. removes the milk proteins, ostensibly making it "more paleo" and possibly making it easier to digest if you have issues with that (i don't)
3. gives the butter itself a very yummy, nutty taste
more info on why to clarify butter
more info on why to clarify butter
oops; the second link should be "more info on HOW to clarify butter." damn.
(one more thing for ellie, sorry):
the pumpkin chili recipe is really good and quite easy. the "avocado cream" topping is totally gilding the lily; i've made it once in the dozen times i've made the chili. it's quite good – a genius use of avocado, even – but the recipe is great without it.
thanks, michele! dairy is part of my paleo plan, so i'm loving the new information and recipes. can't wait to try it all!
ahhhh michele that is a really awesome tumblr, thank you! i feel like i've been making the same things over and over. i am definitely going to try that pork carnitas. i wasn't aware you could do a dry cook in a slow-cooker. i've always been adding wine or stock to cover it but then end up with a lot of broth that i don't necessarily want.
btw if you do decide to buy (not make) clarified butter i highly recommend the grass-fed ghee by 'pure indian foods'. there's a store locator on their website. i'd really love to make my own from some kerrygold though.
Guys, I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself for the .gif today. Expect more in the future!
Little note for all you Cobble Hillians on Paleo. Bar Bruno has a GREAT chicken dish that I had last night. The chicken is sooooo tender and delicious. I ate half last night and then made more salad to accompany the left over chuck for breakfast this morning:
Lemon Thyme Chicken
Free range Lancaster County boneless chicken, pan fried, garlic, thyme, lemon $16
I'm very excited about how many vegetables are becoming part of my body!
Still a bit sick today, kind of "warm" and "buzzy" feeling but much better than yesterday.
Did anyone spot a cute little grey/silver knit beret kicking around the gym after the 7:00 class? I lost my favorite winter hat and am hoping it's just chilling at CFSBK…
I think that pumpkin chili recipe is coming to my Super Bowl party, oh yes it is.
Why are vegetables becoming part of David's body? This sounds like a science experiment gone wrong.
I'd also like to mention that at my Double Under class we will all learn how to do:
Weird noises are extra credit.
play around of is it paleo?
Plantain Chips?
Buffalo Wings? (this is wishful thinking) they bread these at most places right? or fry them in bad oil?
also anyone have good recs for ready made sauce/dips that are paleo (i.e. pico, guac. hotsauce)
thanks handsomes
Michele, you just won the post of the day. I just put that into my browser. #winning
if anyone does find the paleo recipe for buffalo wings please makes some for Giants game Sunday, where there will be more #winning
Awesome recipes guys! Pretty proud to say that since one of my goals is lowering my mile time I signed up for my first 5k with the New York Road Runners for March 4 eesh now have to plan to run home from the gym – Gowanus to Bed Stuy for practice 🙂
LOL @DH3 congrats on the win. I just bumped into Tom Coughlin's son, and told him the same. high fives all around. Good luck this weekend.
This sleep thing is pretty awesome. I have absolutely killed it the last two days at work. Put that coffee down! Oh yeah, cutting down on the coffee too. I am in it to win it! let's go!
Your hat is in the lost ünd found.
Plantains and plantain chips are paleo. and.. Chicken is paleo.. Im not sure what makes them "buffalo" per say.. but here are some paleo subs
I hope David replaced all of his fingers with carrots, like Edward Carrot Hands.
Jeremy Fisher also makes an appearance in this one.
7am was great – a few very important break thru press moments for me. woo!
post wod meal: steak, braised greens, japanese sweet potato, broiled avocado – 1/2 plain and 1/2 filled with some chopped bacon and turkey.
@gabrus – the marks daily apple wings via D Oh's link are solid. for your ? re: hot sauce louisiana's pure crystal hot sauce, just cayenne red peppers, distilled vinegar, salt – same with good old tabasco.
Sweet WOD!
My shoulders are completely trashed today. I will be making this up over the weekend for sure though.
I am so seriously disturbed by that video David. Thank you.
Michele! Thank you soooooooooo much for this!!! 🙂
Gabrus – Please don't use anything but Frank's Red Hot for wing sauce, other wise don't call them Buffalo wings! And a breaded wing is sacrilege! I can't imagine what there might be in Buffalo Wings that would make them non-paleo. If conditions are just right, I might share my super secret, long toiled over, super perfected, award winning Buffalo wing sauce.
Just one last thing – I know neither of these are paleo but… blue cheese, never ranch!!!!
Noah- I wanna learn that!
One of the first internet things I sent to Dan… apparently the video also helps one pick up boys (via extreme disturbance). Careful David, you may have hooked Noah.
See ya'll at class tonight. I think i'm getting a cold though so if you hear someone sneezing, its me.
Life changing…no blue cheese obvs for the challenge…no ranch EVER
oh shiz! almost forgot the most important thing of all from today! huge mongo thanks to coach josh for fixing my speed rope! it's seriously excellent and it most definitely hurts when you miss, so i shall never miss again (yes i will.) thank you thank you!
I'm with Noah on that video. David, Asta, why? Though maybe i should blame JJ for leading us there…
Also, I'd like to know which ladies signed up for the Hail to the Queen event at the end of January. By now you all should have received an email from them discussing the movements and scaling options. I'd like to coordinate a time for all our ladies competing to get together, talk competition and review the movements. If you're signed up, please email me at jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
michele, thanks for putting all that together!
and I'm with Dmak on Frank's hot sauce!
re wings:
it's the likelihood of vegetable oil in restaurant-produced wings that represents the greatest "risk." that said, wings are still one of the "best choices" for pub food.
they are really easy to make at home, gabrus, and inexpensive —- would be worth learning.
No, no one should ever blame me for a good Edward Anything-Hands reference. This one is on David.
noah, i was hoping you could cover some of this too.
I made a big batch of wings the other night and they turned out pretty damn tasty, if I do say so myself. I think Jeremy woudl agree. Now I used butter in my wing sauce, but if you are avoiding that you could use lard or organic refined coconut oil and that should work fine. Ghee would be great. Anyway, I slathered them in some tasty stuff involving the butter, tabasco and garlic and worchestershire (sans high fructose corn syrup) and maybe some other stuff, baked them for a while at 350 degrees and then quickly crisped them under the broiler.
My sauce was yogurt/garlic/lemon. Sacrilege, I l know, but it worked really well.
SALAD FINGERS!!! wow, it's been way too long. disappointing that we don't get to find out what jeremy tastes like.
inspired by Bethany's success, I wonder if a sort of ugly black wool hat with white and purple and blue shapes on it might also have showed up in the lost & found since last night? i kind of suspect i dropped it on the street in front of brooklyn boulders. holding things – it's just so darn hard.
ps. say, can we mass-hallucinate that guy Baz again this year? that was fun.
Ugh with press!
75×5, 85×5, 95×8
Dumb bell bench press
35×15, 35×15, 40×15
supine ring rows 3×15
…and out
Took the 5pm Group Class
2 Rounds:
5 Inch Worms
DB Thruster Lunge Complex
10 L Pulls
5/3/1 Back Squats
(45×5, 95×5, 115×5)
135×5, 175×5, 200×11
AMRAP 8 Minues
10 Push-Ups
15 Pull-Ups
20 KB Swings, 1.5p
2 Rounds + 10/15/17
Really had no engine today on the AMRAP. I think a combo of transitioning to eating a bit lower carb and still being kinda sick drained a lot of life out of me. Still okay with my effort
Post WOD I had a Vita COCO drink. They sent them to the gym as a promo hoping we'd sell them. Waste not, right?
75, 85, 95×9
DB bench press: 30sX20, 35sX20, 45sX20
Rows: 15, 15, 13
Press (lost log book + bad math)/inconsistent attendance = HOT MESS
Thanks, Jess and Shane, for helping me recover and figure out a new plan.
I'm sore all over and it feels so good. Nice to be back.
DB Bench Press 25×12, 25×15, 25×16 ( apparently I got mad after the first set )
Rows 8 on box, 10, 8
Felt good and fast and I decided that 10 was plenty. I am ALL KINDS of sore right now…
Not too happy with the rep out. We'll see how next week goes.
10 Push Ups
15 Pull Ups
20 KB Swings 53
3 rounds + 10/6
Hahaha…the comments today really made me laugh. I needed that after a long day at work.
I've been trying to settle in with the paleo challenge while living/working in Chicago for the next 2 months. Landing here on Monday morning when all the stores were closed for the federal holiday made stocking up on paleo goods an added challenge. I also had no idea what kind of cooking situation to expect at my rental apartment. But thankfully I planned ahead and was able to stow away a few precious items in my checked luggage (ghee, coconut oil, raw macadamia nuts, chef knives) that made shopping at the one store I found to be open just a little bit easier. And finding a nice set of stainless steel cookware and a full stove in the rental apt. definitely made my day! I sure wish I had some of that CSA meat right about now…
Giving up coffee has been way easier than I ever thought it would be. Except for yesterday, I've had very minimal caffeine withdrawal headaches and have been sleeping better.
I can't wait to head over to my local box on Saturday (Crossfit312) to start getting active again. I'd go sooner, but I've been running around like crazy since I landed here. I'm looking forward to making some new friends and hopefully getting a few recommendations on Paleo friendly places to eat in downtown Chicago!
Of course, if anyone has any suggestions here, I'm all ears 🙂
Warm-up: got through 2 rounds of 5 muscle-up transitions with low rings, 10 GHD sit-ups, 10 GHD hip extensions, 5 pistols each leg. Fun – particularly as I was doing drunken pistols last night at my work holiday party (bet you didn't know central bankers ever had that much fun) and could feel them today.
Press 68x5x3. I decided against the 5/3/1 because I haven't pressed in ~5 months. With my spotty gym time, I somehow missed out on all the strict presses. I'm trying to get back to my old strength levels, so going slow and steady.
Accessory: DB bench @ 25 and supine ring rows with feet on kids box. 20,10; 14,10; 16,10. Great to work with Sarah H!
Warmup–2 rounds of:
-15sec ring support
-5 muscle clean/ohs/tall clean complex @ 22#
-5 dips on matador
(33×5, 45×5, 50×5)
55×5, 65×5, 72×6 (or 7 maybe)
-those warmup sets felt silly. plan to take one out next time.
Accessory work:
DB Bench Press @ 30#: 17, 15, 13
Supine ring rows: between 8-10 each round (book is at the gym). only the first set on the little box.