The three sets listed above are your work sets with the last set being a “rep out”. This means that you’ll perform as many reps as you can with good form. Keep 1-2 reps in the tank on these, you should be confident that every rep you attempt will go up.
Also, these percentages are based off of 90% of your true 1RM. So if your 1RM Squat was 100lbs, you would be doing 85% of 90lbs for the last set. Please come to the gym prepared with your numbers.
If you don’t have established 1RMs and are a new trainee, you’ll be doing 3 sets across at the same work weight.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
10 Push-Ups
15 Pull-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Teresa and Micheal visit us from Europe and take an Active Recovery Class
Do you think a stretch like this could help counter act the effects of slouching and looking at a computer screen?
Standardized Warm Ups
Version 3.0
The start of the new group strength cycle will bring new standardized warm ups as well. Here’s what’s on tap.
Warm Up 1
3 Rounds NFT of:
10-20 Second L-Sit/Tuck Sit
10 Muscle Snatch to OH Squat w BB/PVC
10 Push Up/Knee Push Up
5-10 Pull Ups/Negatives or Bands
Warm Up 2
3 Rounds NFT of:
5 Inchworms (walk hands out only as far as you can maintain a solid hollow body position)
5 ea DB Thruster-Reverse lunge (perform 1 thruster then one reverse lunge with the DB held in the rack position)
10 Ring Face Pulls w/ External Rotation (this guys first rep is really the only good one, don’t be that guy)
What we hope to accomplish with these new versions of the standardized warm ups is to continue to build competence in some basic movements (lunges, squats, push ups, pull ups) while incorporating some shoulder girdle and rotator cuff work and some different ways to work on the hollow body position. The L-Sit and the Inchworm work the hollow body position combined with an active shoulder girdle. The Muscle Snatch/Overhead Squat and the DB Thruster/Reverse Lunge work the squat/lunge basics with some added external rotation work at the shoulder. Push Ups and Pull Ups explain themselves and will always be staples in a healthy program, and Ring Face Pulls work the shoulder girdle and external rotation combined with maintaining a stable mid-line. We’ll be going over the warm ups at the start of each class for a while until they get rolling but as always, please don’t hesitate to ask a coach for help.
Announcing Tough Titsday Plus+
TTD Plus is the third iteration of Tough Titsday. This 6 class series is all about lifting heavy and playing hard. Each Saturday, we’ll meet after classes are done and we have the gym all to ourselves. We’ll get our lift on and then break out the fun stuff you’re always eyeing like the prowler, sled, slam ball, sledgehammer, sandbags, ropes and more!
Limited to 6 participants who have some experience with lifting heavy and the desire to be awesome.
Saturdays at 2:00pm, 1.5 hours
1/21; 1/28; 2/4; 2/11; 2/18; 2/25
Register Here
…And Tough Titsday Novice!
Ladies, it is time to get your estrogen on. This four part series is geared for beginning lifters who want to develop competency on the four barbell lifts: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and Press. We’ll focus on technique development, how to establish appropriate warm up and work set weights for the novice lifter, as well as the mental aspect of preparing to manage heavier loads. Titsday is a practical class using moderate volume and weight; it should complement your regular CrossFit life.
For beginning lifters who have been out of Foundations at least one month and had some exposure to the movements. Limited to 4 participants.
Sundays at 11:30am, 1.5 hours
1/22; 1/29; 2/5; 2/12
Register Here
Tomorrow is the last day to get your Paleo Registration in order. Dude.. Get on it!
Ape Lights Camp Fire, Makes Burgers Yahoo News
Training With Champions, Part 5 CrossFit Journal (free)
Frank’s Strength CrossFit Journal (free)
Surgeon General: Smoking Fine As Long As You Only Do It When You Drink
High Fat Diet Leaves Its Mark On Sperm New Scientist
Dang! Woke up and realized I hadn't checked off the "publish" button on the blog again. Sorry early birds.
And I'm so OCD about checking the blog, too!
BSQ: 100, 115, 130×7. Yeesh, I repped out sooner than I thought I would!
WOD: Knee pushups (on Josh's advice I modified the pushups instead of the volume), fat green band pullups, 12 kg KB. Probably could have gone with the Rx KB. 3 rounds, pushups, and 4 pullups. Forearms are fried.
Can't wait to start the next strength cycle on Monday!
Hey guys, space still open for my Double Unders workshop on Saturday at 1:30.
If you suck, get unsucky.
Hey all,
With the girlf out of town and me stuck at work all f'ing night, I need to make the same request Rickke did on the blog last night. If anybody could be so kind as to pick up my meat share, I'd happily compensate w/ a nice ole cut. The Union Street residents might be best/most convenient for everybody. Rob Is? Michelle? Beuler? Email me at Joel dot Wertheimer at gmail dot com if you can. You're all the best. Truly.
I has a sad that I can't do Tough Titsday Plus this time around, and I hope it comes back!
Joel, I'm sorry — the spirit is willing but the freezer space is weak ๐
"Tough tits day plus-plus". Am I reading that correctly? That is ultra plus.
Today's photo is amazing. I may have to go bring one of the foam rollers into my office and get a coworker to do that to me. PLUS I will also need someone to bring me Felix and Herschel.
I really liked the new standardized warm up today. I feel like the PVC-OHC practice will help me to flounder less when weighted OHSs come around again.
Squats: 5×76, 5×88, 5×99 (no rep out, this felt heavy). Only 3 rounds on the WOD because WHOA i am deconditioned.
JJ – It should be known as TTD Plus. The Management added some embellishments. ๐
Greetings from Denver Colorado! (Free airport wifi, yay!)
I'm on my way to San Diego for the rest of the week. Planning on visiting a box or two…. anyone been to any and have recommendations? The Pacific Beach Box is the closest to my sisters place… anyone been there?
First of all anyone new should completely go for the Titsday work – you will be amazed at how it helps you attack your mental aspect of lifting if you have not been exposed to it before. My stupid shoulder tear jerk is keeping me out but will be living vicariously!
I think this is my first real day of sugar withdrawal – feel super light headed and have the attention span of a gnat (even worse than usual) and am super foggy. Thought I had done enough cut back to avoid the symptoms ahead of time but guess not, sigh. It sure will make squatting interesting though!
I am really interested in everyone who says that it helps with not getting hungry – does that come later? Cause I have ate a lot of salad and paleo meatloaf (a lot!) and an hour later feel like punching a buffalo in the face and gnawing on its shank – hmmmmm…..now to stop over thinking those goals and write them down!
Ok still doing yoga. I can't do anything. I don't know how these people get into these positions. One the one hand, it's ridiculous. honestly it looks like a comedy sketch, me trying to get into these poses. On the other hand, I've got to start somewhere! Opened up my hip flexors and quads really well. Been frying my absurdly tight calves.
several nights in a row with 8+ hours sleep, and only had one wee sip of scotch. and I do mean a wee sip. seriously. I woke up today and felt awesome. Had a really productive day, and I'll finish it on the platform!
I'm always hungry, BUT I do find that I'm a wee bit less hungry when my meal is high protein AND high fat. Example… chicken breast with brussels sprouts that were cooked in bacon fat WITH bacon and a salad with a big ole chunk of avocado on top. When I was done eating, I was done eating (i.e. FULL).
So maybe try adding some more good fats into your meal and see what happens. I've started just adding avocado to every meal because it tends to satiate me the most.
I second what Asta says about fatting it up to feel less hungry. I also find veggies cooked in coconut oil (vs olive) go a long way towards contributing to satiety.
Tough Titsday++ sounds AWESOME, wish I could join!
I've actually been shocked to see how little I need to snack since starting the challenge — but I have indeed been packing my meals with fat, especially breakfast.
Mel, for me, the eating less/less hungry thing DID come later. I went through about two weeks of feel completely insatiable and needing to eat constantly (it was probably part mental because i knew i couldnt have what i really wanted), and then finally getting used to it and suddenly needing to eat WAY less often. Like I would just forget to eat sometimes.
note to self and others: if downing the minimum dose of liquid fish oil is making you feel a little gross, probably the right response is NOT to up the dose a bit and chase it down with some paleo chili to drown out the taste. severe unpleasantness may ensue. aaaaagh.
@melon: you'll eventually be able to drink it straight from the bottle and it'll be like mother's milk.
Excited to see the 5/3/1 protocol being used for folks here at the gym. Implemented this training protocol last year and saw phenomenal improvements in strength over 6 months without dampening 3 – 10 minute time domain.
Will be joining y'all for the lifts today, but scaling WAY back to prevent my knee and hip from exploding on the platform. Doubt I'll beyond @60% body weight as the 1RM for this exposure.
And may need a sub for those KB swings. Preferably nothing that involves more squatting or violent hip opening.
Dan –
Mother's milk? REALLY?
Glad your getting back into it Dan Rx'd
Came to the 12pm with Josh M. First exposure out of strength cycle was a pretty rude awakening. Hit all the lifts but the 85% of 90% of 1 Rm was tough. I hit my 5, but it was a grind.
Should this have felt that heavy. Should a true 1 RM be scaled back a bit more, or should those grinds be what its about?
Joel I picked up your meat share. You will be light a porterhouse though ๐
You all are hilarious and thanks for the advice!!! And thanks especially to Mellon for helping me avoid that pitfall – I am going to start the fish oil tomorrow as I am coming off a icky tummy bug – ohhhh who am I kidding I felt like crap after New Years Eve – but will avoid the Chili Pitfall!
May I be the first to say thank you for scaling back the water component of the challenge. Even approximating 1 oz. per lb. I felt like the only time I didn't have to pee was when I was actually peeing.
JZ: Hear, hear!
Melon: OMG, you have no idea how much better I feel now that I know I'm not the only one who was feeling a little…icky…from the fish oil.
Taking a much-needed rest day today after yesterday's ridiculous competition class, but hoping to do these squats on Friday. In the meantime, here's Matt's Paleo Update!
Monday was hard. My vegetarian roommate held a potluck, which involved a ton of cheese, bread, beans, and amazing smells. It was hard to sit and be social while it was all going on, and I had to duck into my room once or twice to compose myself, but I survived on my babha ganoush and paleo pita chips. Woo!
Also, you don't make much money on a reporter's salary, so I'm doing Poor Man's Paleo โ using a lot of ingredients that are cheap and/or purchased from the bodega down the street because I got home too late to go to the grocery store. Last night, I made a fritata โ six eggs ($2), three chicken sausages from the bodega ($4), onions, sugar snaps, green peppers (approx $3) โ add in some paprika, salt, and pepper, and I got myself two meals for about $9.
Up next: I'm going to experiment with bacon-wrapped paleo muffins. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
Hi SBK- does anyone happen to have a GP/doctor who is familiar with/encourages a paleo diet? I'm being told i should go on a lowfat diet because my bmi is too high and i'm really not interested in having to argue with my doctor and im kind of tired of having a doctor i have no faith in. I thought maybe someone here might have a recommendation.
DH3- I had the same experience and questions this morning.
Matt Katz –
I have some inexpensive meat (sausages, beef dogs) from the CSA i'd like to sell to someone who might use them. Super cheap. I"ll even bring them to the gym. They're good – it's super high quality – I just don't have freezer space and have to prioritize.
If you're interested, email me at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
@ Nicole
I am no doctor but how did they determine your BMI?
I ask because unless they put you in a submersion or pass electricity through you to find how much really is fat their old school charts based on age/weight/height/sex won't be accurate.
At this point if I just plugged in my numbers I would be listed as overweight (almost obese) for my height, age, sex, weight and for anyone that has seen me knows that is just not true. Muscle does weigh more after all. How do your clothes fit you? How do you feel?
If the low fat diet is because of your Cholesterol hdl/ldl ratio or blood pressure is off that is a different story.
If they do the measure test with a tape measure and calipers that is much closer to the mark. So I hold back my comments if that was the case.
If it's about weight loss its pretty simple burn more than you take in. When I trained clients the largest issue they wanted to tackle was weight loss but like David said with the Paleo Challenge, you have to want to change. A diet is not a short term change it is a lifestyle change. You have to change what you eat, how much you eat and how often you eat.
Some things are pretty commonly heard. No Soda, if its made in a plant don't eat it if its made from a plant eat it. Portions are also very important and depending on what your body type is and what you want will effect portions. If you make 2 fists that is about how big your stomach is. If you open them up that is about how much food you should shoot for in a meal. use your left hand to judge protein and the other in vegetables if you are out at a restaurant and have no way to know how much you are getting. Eat that much and leave the rest.
175 for 10 reps
3 rounds with 16kg KBs
I was trying to find the app for the iphone to figure out the formula but I can't remember the name of the type of workout we did and its not on the blog. Any help?
just finished my outline for the paleo challenge. i was on the fence about signing up until mcdowell told me he already signed me up. i think what iโm looking forward to most is doing this with a community. i tried something like this before with just mcdowell and it was tough.
i was tired and hungry yesterday, and therefore felt especially punished by fox's killer competition class. then free pizza arrived in the office this afternoon, which caused me to be surrounded by a swarm of giddy co-workers happily munching. the pizza is still sitting just a few feet away and i've somehow managed to resist. here i sit, eating boiled chicken and drinking water. the glory!
also, i think stella mentioned working on some movements for the upcoming hail to the queen competition. i would def be interested in practicing at open gym in the future if any ladies want to join!
ellie – i am similarly faced with a huge box of good-quality chocolates just 10 feet from me , all day. thanks to the challenge, they are not calling my name. i renounce them!
Thanks Keith! actually, i'm pretty familiar and not worried about my bmi or my eating habits – just wondering if anyone has found a doctor who isnt an idiot…. i should have given more information, i'm very strictly paleo for i dunno, going on two years now. i did just have a baby so in all honesty my body fat ratio probably is a little on the high side, but i'm not worried about that, it's not better advice i'm looking for. I just would really value having a doctor who's nutritional ideology was in line with my own.. and though its been quite a while since ive visited cfsbk, i thought someone in the community might have a recommendation. My doctors visit was just the motivating factor behind my post.
Hey there I go to Dr. Stephen Dahmer and really like him as a GP. Not sure how over the top paleo he is but he certainly likes the no processed foods approach and likes a very balanced approach to healing. There are also sports docs there that have lots of Crossfit types so the office is familiar with it. Mainly he listens, thorough, gives good information and best of all is not patronizing ๐
thanks so much! i'll check him out. i'll check back here to see if anyone else has any recommendations.
@ Dan – what Asta said.
@ Ellie – it sounds like you may need some kind of butter-based intervention. Congrats on the resistance, but boiled chicken and water? No wonder pizza sounds good! Paleo-ing it up in the face of sweets (my office is 18 floors up from a nice french bakery) and other delicious junk food is a lot easier if you're eating food that tastes awesome. Make the pizza-eaters envy you, and you will have won.
@Matt re: bacon wrapped Paleo muffins – are you talking about making little bacon cups and then cracking an egg in or frittata style? I make them both ways and if I can give you any advice for success, pre-bake the bacon first in the form that you want then fill. That way you avoid bouncy eggs and not so crispy bacon. 350 for about 10 minutes, pull out, fill with egg and whatever else, back in until done. Umm.. I've also done it as a weave over a shape to actually make edible serving bowls – all inclusive turkey avocado blt action. Good luck – they're pretty fun ๐
My Paleo challenge has been going exceedingly well. Something I learned last year was that 100% paleo was much easier than say, 90% (or way less) paleo. When I indulge in bad food, I end up thinking about it more and feel like I'm always confronted with the choice to eat Paleo or buy something that comes with a side of fries. So I feel like I've been on auto pilot since day 1, which is much less stressful. As far as hunger, my Paleo always biases high protein, high fat low carb which keeps my energy levels super consistent and high throughout the day.
Also- the mngnt says you're welcome about the H20 modification. I've not been tracking my water intake, but it's plenty. Maybe 7-10 cups throughout the day and when i'm at the gym I'm always sipping on a gallon jug I've got. However I really really like water.
Last note
Was hoping to make it into the gym to get in this exposure of squats and train my clients but I'm laid out with a cold. I'd been coughing really consistently for like 3 weeks and then yesterday it got a lot worse and today I took a nose dive. Lots of congestion, low energy, mild headache all day. Trying to work from home and get lots of rest.
Nice workout today, great seeing so many peeps! And welcome back Dan Rx!!
Did todays work based on 90% of 1rm equaling 205.
So, warm up of 45×5, 95×5
135×5, 155×5, 175×10
I rounded up slightly on the numbers. I stopped my rep out at 10, could have probably gotten a couple more but listened to the great Coach Fox and left a couple in the tank.
AMRAP Rxโed (1.5 pood)
3 rounds plus push ups and 8 pull ups.
JJ and DH3
Are you basing your percentages off your true max or training max? Remember you should be using 90% of your true max for this
Squats were friggin' great. Love squats. I've, until now, been doing high-bar — figured this fresh strength cycle would be a good time to switch to low-bar which I've never really felt comfortable with.
Today went great though, 170# x 9 reps.
WOD … was tougher than it looked. One of those AMRAPS where the first round takes 1 minute, the second round takes 2 minutes, the third round takes 4 minutes…. ๐
Great Scott, the gym was jumping again tonight! Great to see so many faces, and great work done by everyone. There was a lot of new stuff to get through and you all did well.
To answer the questions about the links for the 1RM calculator and the 5/3/1 app, read the blog post from a few days ago.
I didn't get to workout (again) today but am looking forward to getting both the squat and the press in tomorrow.
I used 90% of my 1rm I set in the strength cycle as the base weight for 65% 75% etc.. The first 2 sets flew up but the 3rd set was a real grind.
Is there a difference between true max and training max. ? If so,,,,
Started out with the new standardized warm up, which was good, except for that L sit thing, that sucked.
Squats – sets across
3 x 5 65 lbs
WOD – 3 rounds + push ups and ring rows
@Downward Facing JR (love the name!)… Just curious where you're doing yoga and who's teaching? Sounds like you're having fun with it and knowing that (like starting anything new) there's a certain amount of patience and humor that must go along with it. can't take yourself too seriously when you're trying to put your leg somewhere you really don't think it belongs! Anyway, I always like to ask new-to-yoga-peeps where they're taking class and who the teacher is, as that can make a HUGE difference now and a big impact over time with your experience and progress. I know a lot of different studios and teachers in the 'hood so I would be more than happy to make some recommendations based on what your needs/goals are or just have a conversation about it! (And that goes for anyone wanting some yogafication!) feel free to drop me a line… whitneymhubbard (at) gmail (dot) com
squat: it's been MONTHS, so I guestimated my 1 RM around 135.
(90% = 121.5)
65%x5 (85#) – this was a lil high in terms of math but just did it anyway
75%x5 (90#)
85%x10! (100#) – was glad I undershot the weight a bit. it's been quite a while so wanted to be clear with form and get in a good amt of reps.
WOD… 3 Rounds + 10 pushups + 10 pullups
*pushups from knees
*medium width green band, kipping pullups, 10 ea round
*KB @ 12kg
grip failure was the limiting factor, fo sho.
thanks to Noah for calling me on keeping my heels grounded throughout the KB swing. wasn't aware of it until then!
going well! this was my second trip to SBK this week and got a yoga class in already so i've got 2 spin/swim sessions and another yoga sesh to complete the week! have brought/made all my food for lunch and dinner so far and plan to continue til the wkend.
Great to meet new folks tonight! The Paleo crash defo lasted in the workout the swimmy head had me calling it quits before the legs, lamo – super glad we will be getting more cracks at it during this cycle.
Thanks to all the coaches esp. Noah tonight for helping me sub in things while the shoulder is hurt – Yep my shoulder and its crappy tear is now an entity apart from me – an evil nemesis. Soooo did one handed kettlebell swings and ring row pull ups and box jumps and got in 6 rounds. Happy with that even though I bit it on the box jumps – but in a weird way now that I've bit it properly once I think I am less scared of the box jumps ๐
Great to see so many familiar faces at the gym today, feels like forever since I've been around. Missed everyone something crazy while I've been down for the count.
First squat exposure since getting injured and got to lift with Michelle and Melissa, both of whom are hilarious and TFBA's!
kept it light with a training max of my body weight (175) so the rep out set was at 135×30. Felt solid until 19 and there was a little wobble, decided to dial it in and try to focus on keeping weight evenly distributed between the two limbs. Injury has caused me to favor the left limb and I can feel the bias. Hoping it goes away as it's such a strange sensation.
Felt solid while squatting, although my hip felt odd afte racking the weight. Something akin to extreme localized muscular fatigue, which faded away within moments.
Then hit the 8 minute AMRAP. Decided to scale the kettle bell down to 1pd. Otherwise the rest was Rx'd: 4 complete rounds + 10 pushups +9 pullups prior to time being called.
Great to be back home. ๐
2 rounds of:
5 banded muscle-up transitions
10 hip extensions
10 ghd situps
(forgot the pistols)
140×5, 165×5, 185×8
-good stuff. felt pretty rushed but able to get everything in…barely.
2 rounds + 10 pushups + 9 pullups
-rx'd with games-style pushups.
-this was pretty tough after everything we did at comp class last night.
I'm gonna be sore as hell tomorrow.
Felt good and fast and I decided that 10 was plenty. I am ALL KINDS of sore right now…