Laurel teaches handstand progressions
Paleo Challenge Rest Day Dinner with Michele K!
There are still slots available for the innaugural Rest Day Dinner of the 2012 Paleo Challenge hosted by Michele K. The dinner will be held January 6 at 8pm. This is a potluck style dinner so it’s the perfect opportunity to show off your favorite Paleo recipe or experiment with a new one! Please RSVP to mignyc(AT) no later than January 2nd.
Congratulations to Kristen S on Winning “Best Desert” in the Paleo Holiday Recipe Challenge!
Our very own Kristen S. of It’s a Lifestyle LLC won “The Best Desert” category of Robb Wolf’s “Paleo Holiday Recipe Challenge”! Thanks to all who voted for her Chocolate Almond Cups! You can check out all the winning recipes at the results page HERE. Congratulations Kristen keep the delicious recipes coming!
The Paleo Challenge Countdown Continues!
Only 7 days left to sign up for the 2012 Paleo Challenge! Sign up today!
What’re your New Year’s Eve Plans?
Dr. Loren Cordain talks the Paleo Solution w/ Robb Wolf Robb Wolf
Zilla March: Flexing in the New York Subways BoingBoing
WOAH! That ZillaMarch video is absolutely amazing. Talk about external rotation!
CrossFiter are just one step above these guys when it comes to jumping jacks..
Jumping Jack?
Yeah, what is everyone doing for NYE? I'm on the prowl for something low-key to do to ring in midnight but most of my friends are going out raving…
I'm going to a party in Gramercy. I'm so glad I'm not hosting anything, because that means I can get to bed at a reasonable hour. (Cue "get off my lawn!" jokes.)
A couple of things. First, Happy New Year to all.
I will hopefully be skiing if there is any snow in upstate NY.
Yesterday Grace as rx'd 2:50. This is a 1:30pr for me and I was super happy with this. Workewd with Josh M. on the Split Jerk and got #240.
Today came in and did sat wod which was really sneaky.
did a 10RM backsquat at 245.
Be good all.
i'm staying in for new years. we invited about 10 people over, maybe 1 or 2 will come, and that's fine. tbh i am a total new year's scrooge. i'm just gonna eat my weight in bacon wrapped dates and have a benadryl cocktail and probably pass out around 11pm. ~good times~
So apparently I've been a bit over-worked this holiday season because I could've sworn today was Monday and when I rushed into the gym for the 8am class I realized that, no, it's actually FRIDAY and that there are no 8am classes- D'oh!! Came back for the super-gigantic noon class and got my 1RM for the rack jerk @ 57#. Finished Grace in 2:30 with 37#.
Staying in for NYE and then going for a run in Central Park with my running group the next day. Happy New Year everyone!!!
New Year's is for amateurs… gimme a Wednesday at 4:00 in the afternoon for the pros to step up to the bar. That said, I'll prolly be in bed by 10:00.
Split jerk 125. Psyched myself out for 130.
Grace: 3:05 @ 80lbs… went up 5 lbs in weight and down 1:18 in time. PR. (yakked)
Great working with Matt and Kiki and watching Matt U, Baz and Alan do a million double-unders. Happy New Year everyone!
chins are interesting. they don't react like other parts of strength training to lack or sleep or shitty diet… thank god for that, or i'd have got very little accomplished today.
Thanks for this post. Looking forward to read more.