15 Minutes to find establish a 1RM Clean
“Flight Simulator”
5, 10, 15, 20…50, 45, 40…10, 5 Reps of Consecutive Double Unders
Rest as needed between rounds of double unders. Must complete a round unbroken to progress to the next round.20 Minute Cap on this WOD.
If you don’t have double unders then use 20 minutes to practice
The Alpha and Omega-3
SBK will be stocking fish oil to make taking your omega-3s even easier. Throughout the Paleo Challenge (and beyond, if there’s a demand) we’ll be stocking Pro-Source Omega 1250. They’re a great value at 200 softgels for $25. They contain 750mg of omega-3 fatty acids (450 EPA/300 DHA) per softgel which is far more than the average drug store brand, all from small deep sea cold water fish. Nordic Naturals by comparison contains 500mg of omega-3s per serving at $35 for 180 softgels. If you plan on taking 3g (4 softgels) per day of omega-3s then 1 bottle of Pro-Source Omega 1250 would last you 50 days.
Herondale Meat CSA still open!
There is still time to sign up for the next cycle of monthly meat deliveries from Herondale Farm! Each month, you’ll receive 15lbs of a variety of cuts from beef, pork and lamb – everything from porterhouse steaks to bone-in leg of lamb to english style bangers. Deliveries happen the first Wednesday of each month and run from January – May.
Total cost is $750, payable in installments, or $695 if you pay up front.
Questions? Email margie(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com, or info(at)herdonalefarm.com
6’7″ 250lb Jason Pierre-Paul Does Back Handsprings Sport Science
Cool on the fish oil. I've actually been confused about the latest take on the stuff. Just re-read Robb Wolf's last salvo on the topic, and if I'm getting what he says, one should stick to 2-4 grams a day. Any more thoughts on the topic from this well informed community? Thanks!
Ian L (from sunny, and hot, Miami)
What only 1 post and none re: the workout today???
Today's noon class was fun.
-500m row
-tricep mobility stretch (on barbell)
-paleo chair
Squat Clean:
(drills at 33, 63, then 83×3, 103×3, 113×1)
work: 123, 133, 143
-I had put 153 on the bar for my last attempt but I only deadlifted it up and didn't give it a go. I felt rushed and knew I wouldn't get it. It was a pretty deadlift though. ๐
Flight Simulator:
-FINALLY completed this bastard!!! Love my new rope. Really only tripped up a few times so I felt good about the rest I was getting between jumps.
p.s. Love that link. I'm so impressed!
Warm-up: ran from gym to 4th – first time running in weeks and weeks, felt nice!
Front squat: 110x3x3
WOD: "Flight Simulator" with single unders, got to round 40 then called it. I also snuck in some double under work at the beginning but then Margie caught me and called me out on it. ๐
Bad pregnant lady! No biscuit! ๐
I'll be there to make this WOD up tomorrow at (gasp!) 5 PM. Looking forward to it — Cthulhu knows I need work on DUs.
Good to be lifting heavy today after a 7 day deload.
i wanted to test my bench and Dead since I didn't last cycle. Started with an easy, light squat to warm and get back on the saddle:
Squat: 225×3 and 225×5
Bench: WU and then 215×1 (PR) and 225xF
Really thought I would have this in the bag. 215 was fine and fast, but 225 was not doing. Weird to PR by 5lb and be disappointed. I guess I had that other number stuck in my head and expected it.
Dead: WU and then 385×1 (PR), 405xF and 405xF
DItto. WTH?
The first barely broke ground. I refocused and the second came off the ground better, but I lost my back almost immediately and dropped the bar. Bummer not to make 400 deadlift for 2011 which was a goal of mind, but there is alway 2012. Want that in March.
Ian – I think Robb's recommendations are pretty solid, he's certainly someone who's done a lot of research in this area. We took the conservative 2-4 gram/day recommendation throughout the Paleo Challenge directly from him and Whole 9. Personally I take more, and more still when my diet is a bit more 'off the wagon'
My triumphant return to cfsbk!!! was a small, fun 6pm class tonight.
tricep mobility stretch on barbell was painful and awesome. my right arm/shoulder has been bothering me so it's nice to have another way to roll it out.
clean: drills @ 33. warm-up 53×3, 63×3.
work… 83. 103 (fail. fail again.) 93. 98!
WOD: only made it to 10 on the way up! super disappointing. it's been at least a month or more since i've done any, so to be expected that i've lost some groove with these. 5 was easy, 10 was no problem, and then i got 13 and 14 probably about ten times and couldn't crack 15. deep breaths.
looking forward to getting back in consistently now that the holiday craze is over!