Noor Sure Has Some Fight in Her
Store Woes?
Skipjack, which is our online store’s Merchant Account (system that communicated between store hosts and banks) is currently experiencing techincal difficulties and “intermittent functionality” If you recently were denied an order or rejected a recurring payment, please sit tight while this gets worked out. They said it should be resolved within 48 hours from noon yesterday.
If you’re looking to purchase something from a program with finite slots, (foundations, strength) please email David(AT) so I can have your request on file.
If you recently got an email saying that your recurring billing was denied, simply give it a few days and the system will automatically try to charge you again.
Thanks for your understanding
– The Management
The Paleo Challenge Body Recomposition Templates Are Up!
The Paleo Challenge Body Reocmposition Templates are now up and chock full of great tips for folks who are looking either to lose weight/lean out, gain weight or stay the same. They can be found HERE as well at the bottom of the Paleo Challenge info page.
We hope what you read in these templates will provide you with jumping off points for weight loss, weight gain and weight maintenance goals during the paleo challenge. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and do a little of your own research. Whatever your goals during this challenge, keep in mind that it’s a work in progress. Be a good scientist by keeping your variables to a minimum, and allowing time for change to happen before you begin manipulating.
Paleo Challenge Rest Day Dinner #1!
During the upcoming Challenge we’ll have several Rest Day Dinners so you can hang out and socialize with your fellow Paleo Challenge participants and enjoy delicious paleo food. The first event is coming up on January, 6th and we’re looking to for a host!
These dinners can be potlucks at your pad or they can be a group dinner/brunch etc out at a paleo-friendly restaurant of your choice. We’ll need to know the following information if you’d like to host:
- The RDD you’d like to host (Date & Time)
- The Location you’d like to host it at (address included)
- How many people you’d be able to accomodate
- When you’d need the RSVP’s by
- Your contact information
Please contact David(AT) to put in your request!
Holiday Social Tonight!
-Where: Pacific Standard
-Who: everyone welcome…even dogs!
RSVP’s and questions can be sent to jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
CFSBK Holiday Schedule
Saturday 12/24 Normal Hours
Sunday 12/25 9am-10am Group Class ONLY
Monday 12/26 No 6, 7 and 8am Group Classes. No 7am On Ramp. 12, 5, 6, 7 and 8pm are on as usual
Saturday 12/31 Normal Hours
Sunday 1/1 Closed
The Paleo Challenge Countdown Continues!
Only 14 days left to sign up for the 2012 Paleo Challenge! Sign up today!
Are you traveling for the holidays? Where to?!
David Attenborough’s What a Wonderful World BBC
Foot Awareness 70s Big
I Am…Balanced CrossFit Invictus
I'm heading down to Philly today, home of the green birds, to see the family. We'll come up tomorrow night and do Christmas up here. Pretty exciting year for that , at 5, 3, and 2, the boys are very, very pumped! I am pretty sure that Santa is going to hook them up!
Have a Merry Christmas folks, and Happy Holidays all around!
Yeah Philly! If you haven't had Capogiro Gelato there, you gotta try it — even in winter (not that it really feels like winter right now), it is awesome stuff. Especially right before the Paleo challenge.
I'm up not-at-all-bright and early to head to the Cleve, where my in-laws are. I looked at the weather forecast and it's going to be below freezing pretty much every day we're there. Oh well, at least I like my in-laws.
I am hurtling toward Harrisburg aboard the 7:25. Happy holidays to the entire CFSBK fam!
Headed to Doylestown, PA tonight. I wish I could stay here and enjoy the holiday social. See you all next week!
am i the only person not going to pennsylvania? 🙂 i'm headed to syracuse NY where my parents live. on the road 6am sharp tomorrow morning.
My last strength cycle got over in oct 2010 with a total of 735 lbs. & I thought I had made huge jumps in my overall strength during that period.
After that, due to some reason or other I was not able to sign up for another cycle until the end of this year. In the 6 week cycle, my CF total jumped by 140 lbs (total was 875 lbs and not 810 as listed on the blog). My squat jumped by 50 lbs (315 lbs), OH press by 10 lbs (145 lbs) and deadlift by 80 lbs (415 lbs).
Jeremy has a unique talent for making some seemingly minor adjustments which result in these massive changes. He is definitely the best "GURU" out there…
Staying local for the holidays; going skiing on MLK weekend to vermont (hopefully there's some snow by then) & L.A for Radhika's show after that.
loved the info in the weight loss template about eating when hungry, not just because that is when you are supposed to eat. that should change everything for me. I am so focused on 3 meals, that it is insane.
thanks ya'll
also, I am currently in Strong Island doing frequency method chins, on my back yard pullup bar
I've been back home in Toronto since Wednesday. Canada is just as not-snowy as New York, which is a little upsetting.
Also, I just tried a P90x workout with my sister — supposedly the hardest one. Not to be a crossfit snob, but it was all kinds of easy. Makes me glad for what we've got at SBK.
…speaking of which, anyone know of a good at-home workout for someone who's never done crossfit before? the only read equipment we have is a bar that could (at max) go up to about 95 pounds.
I think you'd be shocked at how much you can just let breakfast go. If you eat a large enough amount of protein throughout the days (and maybe some coffee) and you just don't need that third meal.
Store Woes?
Skipjack, which is our online store's Merchant Account (system that communicated between store hosts and banks) is currently experiencing techincal difficulties and "intermittent functionality" If you recently were denied an order or rejected a recurring payment, please sit tight while this gets worked out. They said it should be resolved within 48 hours from noon yesterday.
If you're looking to purchase something from a program with finite slots, (foundations, strength) please email David(AT) so I can have your request on file.
If you recently got an email saying that your recurring billing was denied, simply give it a few days and the system will automatically try to charge you again.
Thanks for your understanding
– The Management
I'm not going to PA. I've been in Sioux City, Iowa since Saturday. I hadn't been home in a year, so it's good to be back. Athough I miss New York (especially SBK) already!
I'm visiting family in Australia. Gotten in a few wods at southern crossfit 12 days of christmas was rough, especially in 90 degree weather
strength cycle week 6.3 — last day
bench press: 145/150/
160kinda bummed i failed on 160. my old PR is 145. i think i could have hit 155. but a PR is a PR.
power clean: attempts 155-165-175-180-
185fairly pleased with this. i had like no speed tonight but my pulls were ok. 180 is a 15 pound PR. really i have so much work to do on my form here but i'm good with a 15 pound PR. i've made more progress on the clean this cycle than any of my other lifts.
so overall i've PR'd all my 1RMs except for press. i'll take that.
I just submitted my paleo challenge plan and I am just struck by how lucky I am to have this community and especially these coaches to help me find myself after 2.5 years in the fitness wilderness. Not a particular coincidence that Linus is also 2.5 years old–since he was born I've been struggling to figure out how to be a mom-athlete. A momthlete. Mothlete? Anyway, I think lots of moms go through this and most of them don't have a team of 8 or 9 super-fit, super-supportive, super-awesome coaches/cheerleaders/badasses who create intricate worksheets to help them figure out what their @#($ problem is and how to fix it. So, yay CFSBK. Many joyful holiday wishes to you.