7 Rounds for time of:
3 Muscle Ups
7 Thrusters 95/65
7 Rounds for time:
7 Burpees
7 Thrusters 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
Great Job Tough Titsday Ladies!
CFSBK would like to thank all the athletes who participated in the Tough Titsday Powerlifting meet yesterday. We’d also like to thank our spotters, judges and everyone who came out and made the first TTD PL Meet a huge success. How did everyone do??
Only 19 Days Left To Sign Up For the 2012 Paleo Challenge!
The Reason For Brains (To Control Movement) TED Talks
Reducing Muscle Pain and Injury Dr. John Berardi
I am so proud of all the women who lifted yesterday. I think every single one of you showed some real guts on the platform, which is tremendously inspiring and joyful to witness. Thank you for bringing your A game and congratulations on all those PRs!!
A word of advice: these totals take more out of you than you might expect, so plan to take it easy for a couple of days.
I also want to reiterate the thanks on the blog – I deeply appreciate all the judges' and spotters' effort, and it was such a generous show of support from the community.
I can't wait until the next one!
I'm so excited to see everyone's numbers!!! Congrats ladies. Good job!
The Tough Titsday meet was seriously amazing, so much fun both to participate and to witness. It was good experiencing lifting on cue (I missed my first squat due to racking too soon – oops!) and now I'm very interested in one day participating in a meet outside our gym.
Squat 170 / Bench 85 / Deadlift 220 / Total 475
Squat went well, I didn't really push it on the weigh in the name of safety but 170 felt nice and solid. According to my logbooks the bench was actually a PR, but I was most stoked at 32 weeks pregnant to pull the same deadlift number I did at my last Strength Cycle Total when I was 18 weeks pregnant. Strength Cycle Continuing Ed really works!
Huge thanks to Margie for organizing and leading, all the spotters and judges, to everyone who came out and cheered, all the ladies who participated for being bad asses, and to Bierkraft for the revitalizing meal after the meet.
Subbed and scaled:
1 Muscle-up
7 Front Squats @95lbs
Finished in 7:23
Later, staying on the Se7en theme, I did 7 short prowler pushes @70lbs.
Go Jets! (That's for you, JR! :))
Samir! Et tu, Brutus! You played rope a dope this morning! That's cold!
Great to get in there today and see a bunch of good peeps and get my workout on.
Good squats, good bench, some chins, and the prowler. I love shoving that thing around in the cold air!
Congratulations to all of the fine ladies on the total. That's awesome! I wish I could have been there!
tough titsday was an absolute blast!
squat 155 (pr), bench 90 (pr), deadlift 185 (previous pr).
i was feeling a bit taxed after the first few lifts and the last deadlift at 190 just wasn't there. overall i'm thrilled with two prs and glad to have picked up some very helpful tips from the coaches and judges.
it was so inspiring to see the ladies of our gym giving it their all. i think we learned a lot about what we're capable of, and i'm so thankful we had the opportunity to do so. thank you to everyone at CFSBK (spotters, judges, spectators, volunteers, coaches, bierkraft) for making this happen, and especially margie for supporting the women in our gym. we are so lucky to have you!
JR: Sorry, I thought you knew I was a Giants fan, and how we feel about the rest of the NFC-East 🙂 I'll make it up to you, don't worry!
So I already posted numbers yesterday but am so friggin thrilled I’m going to go ahead and post ‘em again. But first, huge thanks to Margie for putting this together, and also I really just want to express my enormous gratitude and love for CFSBK and (obvs) especially Shane for taking the hot, wobbly, injured mess that I was last March or so and bringing me so f’ing far. Also many thanks to Debbie P for teaching me how to stand and walk and all that good stuff, which turned out to be prerequisites for everything else. It was awesome getting to lift alongside women I’ve only ever watched with awe, and fantastic watching so many people succeed (and celebrate – Worm leaping in the air after her deadlifts was great).
This was my first time ever trying for 1RMs at anything, so I had not a lot of idea what I could actually do. It turned out to be a pretty great learning experience as well as a hell of a lot of fun.
Squat 220 (20 lb PR; felt like I got totally lost at the bottom and I have no idea how I eventually stood up)
Bench 100 (5lb PR; took much too big of a jump for the 3rd lift (120) and failed it)
(trap bar) Deadlift 250 (62.5lb PR)
Total: 570
As happy as I am with this, I think by far the most exciting thing is the idea that the process of working and getting stronger doesn’t stop here.
damn, ladies, I am so impressed by these numbers. Keep them coming, please!
I had a blast at yesterday's meet, and was sad to not be able to stay and celebrate after (damn you finals!). It was my first meet as well, and though I felt a little distracted with all the eyes on me, it was good to get the push and watch all the other inspiring and amazing women at our gym give it their all. I ended up with a PR on the back squat (135) and the bench press (110), but wasn't being able to get my dead lift on as well as I would have liked and stayed at my prior pr (165).
Thanks to Margie and all the coaches for making this a real event. Its been really awesome watching everyone get stronger and feeling so supported myself!
Wasn't sure how the muscle-up/thruster couplet was going to treat me so went for an AMRAP style rather than 7 rounds (Fox talked me up from my 1MU/3 thruster plan – thanks!!). AMRAP, 10 minutes, 3 MU, 7 Thrusters@65lbs. Got 4 rounds + 1 muscle-up.
Surprised and pleased by this result. Found this challenging and gasp inducing but fun. Fox cleared up my kipping dip, which made a big difference at the top.
Terrific Teaser class this morning – hoping to see all of them in group.
So sad to miss the lifting yesterday, studying studying for a final on Tuesday and then I'll BE DONE!! Hurray! Saw some great photos and heard tell of great numbers. Good work all.
The Titsday meet was a lot of fun to be apart of. Having never judges lifts from the front before, it was an interesting experience try to get a handle on what I could and could not see from that angle. Mostly it was just great to have a front row seat to so many great performances. A few of my favorite highlights:
Bethany killing shit.
Robin summoning up the hate for her third attempt at 250 on the DL.
Katie M getting her groove back on back squats, she's a had a rough few training months on that lift, great to see it start to come together.
Kate D, the bench arch artist. Awesome set up great control. Still haven't figured out how that last DL went up.
Mellon, the dark horse. It's been cool to peak over during strength class the last few months and watch Mellon transform herself.
Nicole, lightest lifter in the competition, hanging with the big dogs.
Worm, best DL celebrations.
Sorry for everyone one I'm leaving out, but there's a limit to how many words I'm allowed to post. I'll leave you all with this though. I've often heard the joke that powerlifting is the only sport that requires two balls. I think last night you all showed that two tough tits more than suffices.
Congrats to the ladies – I looked at the board this morning after class, and y'all are impressive!
Never having seen a muscle up before today, I wasn't sure what to expect. I kinda got into the technique work and can't wait to give the real thing a shot. But for the WOD I subbed the burpees and did 65# on the thrusters. 12:04. Those last couple of rounds were brutal.
Speaking of brutal, has anyone heard from Yitzy? That race course looked like hell enough for a single lap; I can't imagine anyone doing it over and over again for 24 hours.
Hello everyone. Been away for far too long.
MU wod today was fun. Did 1 MU/65# thrusters. 10:29– muscle ups felt pretty good, maybe could have done 2. Definitely 65# thrusters was the right weight, gotta work on getting that back before I go heavier with such things.
Was awesome watching the lifting yesterday. Very inspiring.
Yesterday's event was amazing. I was really stoked to have the chance to watch all the lifts and cheer everybody on. It was great to see so many people experiencing the satisfaction of grinding out a slow rep or hitting a heavy, never-before-considered weight. My fellow Badass teammate really showed the grit and determination it takes to grind out a lift. Super impressive Kate! Nice work everyone!
Squat: 275x5x2
These were tough, but the bar was moving fine. Jeremy and I thought I should get some weight on the bar but reduce the volume in lieu of the total.
Press: 145×2, 150×2, 155×2
Looking for an opener. I was going to do triples, but I was feeling tired and went with doubles.
On second thought I think I'm going to skip the total and go snowboarding. I totaled only 6 weeks ago and the one lift I really want to test is my DL, so I'm going to try to get a 1RM test done soon as I've had a goal of breaking 400 before the end of the year. In August that seemed absurd, but I think I got it.
Yesterday was fantastic, I had a lot of fun and I feel like I learned a lot. I definitely need to bring food for half way through next time, I was way too hungry by the time the deadlift came around.
It was SO nice to have everyone come out and cheer us on and it was really wonderful to be a part of all those strong ladies at our gym.
Squat: 240 (PR)
There is a lot more in me there. With the adrenaline of the meet it really didn't feel all that heavy.
Bench Press 125 (PR)
I failed at 135, I think I probably could do 130. That pause is really hard, in the sense that you have to stay tight the whole time, and I think I got a little relaxed.
Deadlift 240
Deadlift was a nightmare. I don't think I quite realized how tired (and hungry) I was going to be by the time I got there. I've been super focused on the squats for the last 3 months or so and I haven't been practicing this movement all that much. Looks like it's time to pay attention to my hamstrings again. I failed at 255.
Post party was great. Thank you Bierkraft for hooking us up. I had a ton of fun w/the post meet dodge ball session, although I can't throw for anything when I've been drinking, apparently.
Yesterday was fantastic. Thank you Margie for organizing and running such a great event! Even though this competition was in-house with my fellow girls, I was very very nervous before that first squat. After making that first lift, it was all smiles and laughs for me and I knew it was gonna be a good day. Also special thanks to Mr. Fox for his input in my warmups. I felt so relaxed having every warmup set mapped out. It was such a great experience and I'm pretty sure I want to compete in other lifting meets in the future.
215, 230, 240
-all yesterday I was thinking that my last lift was at 235 but Margie confirmed it was 240. That's a 10# PR which is great since I've struggled so much with my squat lately.
115, 125,
135-I think I gave up on the last one a little too soon and wasn't pushing through my heels enough. Still happy with a 5# PR.
235, 255, 275
-I've always loved deadlifts and these felt really really good yesterday. 275 went up fast and I've definitely got more. 300 here I come!
-A little disappointed now though after checking my old log book. I thought I hit a 15# PR but it's only 5#. I'm still happy though considering I haven't been deadlifting regularly.
Total: 640
Congrats to all of the ladies that competed yesterday! You all were seriously amazing and I hope you recognize that. There were many great lifting moments yesterday but my favorite, by far, was Melon running to give Shane a hug after that impressive 250 deadlift. Favorite non-lifting parts of yesterday that I loved: delicious hot food and cold beer ready for us at the end, post dinner dodgeball (yeah you suckers that left early missed out), and after party at Canal Bar.
Huge thanks again to Margie, as well as to the judges, spotters, photographers and our spectators!!! I couldn't believe we had those chairs full AND people standing around. AMAZING.
Nice work, Jess.
7 burpes x 7
7 front squats @ 75 x 7
43+ minutes of metcons this week and feel reasonably OK. F you Crush Week!
Had such a great time with everyone at the meet yesterday.
Yesterday more than ever I was reminded of how much this is a mental game. I've been off my game lately and my numbers were nowhere near my old PRs or where I was maybe hoping to be, but it was a fantastic experience just the same. And another reminder of how grateful I am to be part of such a welcoming and supportive community.
Big thanks to all involved, the lifters for great vibes and inspiration, the Judges and Margie for running such a tight event and for everyone who came out and watched the whole thing!
My last deadlift was definitely a group effort, and a testament to Jeremy's prowess as a coach– "get pissed" was definitely the right cue at the right time.
Hey, looking through the titsday pics I noticed my wrists are broken during my bench. This seems to be a recurring problem for me. Anyone had success fixing this issue (aside from tape)?
Robin– that last DL was awesome. I was really impressed by tenacity you showed by returning to the bar, at the same weight tp make another attempt. I knew you had it in you, but what was it going to take to summon that effort? Super power that's what! Freaking great.
I was also just reminded of some great lifts by Melon, Jess and Sarah– super tenacity and effort. It's great to see the actualization of effort, but also the untapped potential– so energizing to witness.
Three cheers to Margie for getting such a fantastic event together.
my post keeps getting eaten…
Yesterday was great. I've been fighting off a cold so wasn't sure how this was going to go, but I was really pleased.
Squat: 235, 260, 275F
Bench: 160, 170F, 170F
DL: 335, 345F, 345F
I wish I had another shot at squatting 275–so close on that one. Next time! Thanks so much to Margie and all the other coaches/judges/spotters/fans. Energy in the room was amazing.
I echo all the ladies' comments about the Titsday meet! Margie, thanks for organizing such a great event for both the lifters and the audience! Thanks too to everyone who made it a legit, high-energy event! I happily made an aggressive attempt on my third BSQ, but still happy with a solid 130# squat. I PR'ed on the bench press (85#) and the deadlift (205#). Super happy with the deadlift in particular (thanks Coach Fox for encouraging me to +15# from my second attempt).