3 Rounds For Time of:
30 Wall Ball Shots, 20lb/14lb, 10′ Target
30 Box Jumps, 24″/20″
30 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
There is a 20 minute cap on this workout. Scale so that you can complete it in time.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Good luck to Yitzy S on the World’s Toughest Mudder Race this weekend. Yitzy will have 24 hours to complete as many laps of the race as possibe… intense!
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet Today!
Good Luck to all the women competing in today’s Tough Titdsday Powerlifting meet! These 21 women from SBK will show off how strong they are. Come cheer these ladies on as they attempt personal bests for the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.
List of Competitors:
Bethany B, Colette K, Kate D, Sarah LR, Paloma S, Allison K, Charlotte K, Melissa L, Noor A, Jackie Z, Melon W, Billy K, Nikki S, Robin R, Ellie R, Marian L, Worm W, Liese M, Katie M, Jess F, Nicole A
Lifting starts at 2:30pm and will last approximately 3 hours; feel free to stop by anytime.
See you by the platforms!
Registration for the 2012 Paleo Challenge is now open!
Are you ready to take the leap and sign up for the Paleo Challenge? You’ve got between now and January 5th to get us your Plan, Photo and $20 buy in. Below each is explained in more detail
We’ve created a template for you to fill out so that you can create YOUR plan of attack for the challenge. The write-up template can be found as a google Doc here or as an html webpage here. Please take your time filling this out and send it to cfsbkpaleochallenge (AT) gmail.com. Coaches David, Margie and Chris will be reviewing your plan.
Submit your “before” photos. One from the front and one from the side. You should be wearing a bathing suit or under garments in these. All photo submissions are private will not be published or seen by anyone outside judges without your expressed consent. Again, email them to cfsbkpaleochallenge (AT) gmail.com.
Buy In
The cost for signing up is $20 per person. This money will help us create awards (monetary and otherwise) for all the winners. We’ve provided envelopes for you in the community area for you to put your money in. Please put your name on the outside of the envelope and give it directly to any of the coaches.
We’ve also included a sign up board in the gym by the community area. Please fill out your name (neatly!) and check off each part of the registration process you’ve completed.
For more information on the Paleo Challenge, click here
The Paleo Diet Wikipedia
Leaning Out Talk To Me Johnnie
Ask Robb Wolf Anything Youtube
Have a blast today ladies!
Warmup: 45×5 75×5
Work: 95×3 110×3 120×8
Warmup: 135×5 185×3
Work: 205×3 235×5 265×7
Good luck to all the Tits Day Ladies!! I wish I could be there to lift with you!
30 Wall Ball Shots, 14lb, 10' Target
30 Box Jumps, 15"
15 Kips
I hope all you tough gals had a great day lifting! Wish I could have joined you.
30 Wall Ball Shots, 16lb, 10' Target
30 Box Jumps, 24"
30 C2B Pull Ups
That was a tough one! Pull Ups went to hell in the last round when I got two big rips. Totally forgot to bring my grips today. Still fun though!
congrats to all the competitors at the tough titsday meet! i wish i could have stayed the whole time but i was there for the squats and it was just amazing. can't wait to see everyone's numbers especially for the deadlift!
I signed up for the paleo challenge today and noticed later that someone had inadvertently noted that the $20 was paid but put it next to my name. I'd hadn't paid yet, I think someone wrote their payment in the wrong column. So check it out, especially these guys who were around me: Alex Tinney, Mike Green, David Turnbull and Allen Gaoiran.
Today's WOD: DNF. I still had one set of 30 kips left when the time ran out. I need to learn how to push through and take shorter breaks. 20" box and regular kips, not chest to bar.
30 Wallballs, 20lb ball, 10' target
30 Box Jumps, 20" box
15 strict chin-ups.
I'm the poster-child for appropriate scaling; finished in 19:59.
Later, stuck around for the TTPL, and was blown away by the wonderful strong women of CFSBK! You rock bigtime! Well done all; you should be very proud of yourselves. Big thanks to Margie for running the show and to all the judges and spotters.
16:54 rx'd
Excellent job to all the ladies who made their lifts today! Very fun to watch!!!
Big thanks to Margie for organizing the meet today; it was incredibly fun and also inspirational to lift with people I've only ever watched in awe. I was really happy with my numbers:
squat 220 (20lb pr)
bench 100 (could have done a bit more – got waaay too greedy on the third jump and totally failed)
(trap bar) dl 250! (62.5lb pr)
It was the first time I've done 1RMs, so a completely new experience.
Hugely impressed by everyone who lifted, as always, and grateful to those who hung around to watch. Totally different thing, lifting in front of people. Rockin.
Congrats to all the strong women who competed today! I had a blast watching and cheering. Sorry I didn't wear my cheerleader outfit as promised. Nice job to Margie, the judges, and spotters on pulling together a fantastic event.
Catching up on posting —
Friday (before we knew what today's WOD would be):
4 rounds
15 C2B pull-ups
15 ring dips
270m run
Today's WOD: 15:43 rx. Good one!
I was just mentioning how I haven't done many chest-to-bar pull-ups recently. I won't be saying that again for a little while..
Melon, you did awesome today.
Charlotte, you devil! I can't believe I let you persuade me to go for 150 on my last bench. Hahahaha. It was really only just a shade to heavy for me.
Had a great time, so nice to see so many smiles after the lifts! I am glad everyone came out and gave it a shot.
Margie, really great job putting this together. It was awesome.