For Time:
70 Double Unders
600m Row
50 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
40 Burpees
30 Overhead Squats 95/65
20 Pull-Ups
10 Strict Ring Dips
Post time and Rx to comments.
Unfazed by David creepin behind him, Chris P sets a new personal record at the Total
Congratulations on three new leader board performances with Teresa B, Jackie Z and Melissa L pulling off 13:26, 16:08 and 18:00 (respective) Diane scores!
Good luck to Coach Margie who will be taking her GRE test today!
Big thanks to Tom C for hooking the CFSBK Coaches with some sweet FDNY Engine Co 226 Shirts!
The Paleo Challenge Cometh
As 2011 comes to an end, we’re excited to look forward to 2012 and start things off with a bang. Last year’s Paleo Challenge was a huge success with over 70 participants, many of whom adopted healthy habits all throughout the year. We hope this year will be bigger and better than ever. Please go to the challenge page and read the overview. Registration for the challenge will open up on Saturday. Get Stoked!
Lurk us on Facebook!
Are you on the Facebook machine? Do you like sweet videos, even sweeter pics and the sweetest shout outs on the face of the earth? Maybe you just want to see the cutest Tae Kwon Do fight of all time.. whatever your reasons.. be our friend on Facebook!
What are the best books you read in 2011?
WNYC’s Picks For the Brooklyn Book Festival
The 10 Best Books of 2011 NY Times
Best Books of 2011 Publishers Weekly
“Language” Greg Admunson CrossFit
Flexibility For the Overhead Squat at 6’5″ Cathletics
Kate Atkinson's "Left Early, Took My Dog" Jackson Brody's rescues of and by the dog in this book are joyful.
Re-read Dennis Johnson's "Nobody Move"–a perfect little noir that was even better the second time around.
Re-read John Hersey's "White Lotus" a book that changed my view of racism when I was 15 and changed my life forever… it's still a pretty interesting book.
Gary Shtyngart's "Super Sad True Love Story" Hysterically horrifying.
20:35 on the chipper. Bleh.
Books? i don't read good.
Books! It was kind of a slow year for books, for me. Some sizeable disappointments, some sequels not as good as their predecessors, etc. But there were some fun ones:
MT Anderson's Whales on Stilts was an awesome fake middle grade book really written for adults, with fantastic David Foster Wallace type footnotes in one part that make your brain explode a little,
Ted Chiang's Stories of Your Life and Others has some amazingly beautiful stories in it, particularly the title piece,
Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls was really fresh and different and fun,
and Ron Currie's Everything Matters! was surprisingly heartbreaking at the end.
No best-books-ever this year, but some pretty solid reads. (Much agreement, btw, about the first couple of GRRM novels and the Rothfuss ones, and the Hunger Games, but those were mostly previous years.)
MT Anderson was a grad school colleague of mine and a good friend – he was SO WEIRD and awesome back then; none of us are surprised at ALL he turned out to be such a famous author, although the YA thing was completely out of left field.
The books in 2011 that i read that i loved.
The brief and wondrous life of oscar wao, & Three cups of tea
I love all of the posts today! In no particular order… (And, yes I realize that most of these are nothing new)
Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins
Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shetyngart
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
Currently reading Triangle by David Von Drehle and loving it.
Lonesome Dove and The Master and Margarita are on my list from the last book-themed blog post. Can't wait to read them!
I've been waiting to post on this all day. A lot of these selections are some of my favorite books of all time. I've been loudly talking peoples ears off for a long time about Lonesome Dove and George RR Martin in general (who is also an accomplished SF writer- read the Haviland Tuf stuff.)
Dance With Dragons was easily my most disappointing book this year. I started reading GoT in 2007, and have been waiting for this book for a long time, and it just wasn't that good. Plot moved nowhere, chapters were unbalanced and inconsistent, etc. Wackness.
The Dispossessed, on the recommendation of the Squat Philosopher Rob Is and Katie M. was what good sci fi should be- an opportunity for a writer to shrug off the chains of the real world and really think outside the box.
Forever War by Joe Halderman had been on the list for a while and didn't disappoint. A space war novel written by a Vietnam Vet, makes clever use of the concept of time lapse during interstellar travel and has some pretty poignant moments in its own right.
Oh, and Dan B., or anyone else interested- if you want to read the nerdiest book ever, read Dies The Fire by SM Stirling. The premise is that suddenly the entire world loses the power of electricity/combustion, of any magnitude more than just simple fire. There is mass confusion, looting, lots of people die, starve, etc. THEN THE WORLD BECOMES RULED BY WARRING FACTIONS OF WICCANS, RENAISSANCE FAIR REENACTORS AND SPECIAL FORCES SOLDIERS. It was almost too nerdy for me to finish. Then I read a few more.
Wod in 19:40, everything rx'd except did banded ring dips. The ohs's killed me and really beat up my wrists.
Sadly I've really only read the hunger games series, game of thrones and the first 2 dragon tattoo books–all of which I really enjoyed. You all make me want to read more. Actually if anyone has clash of kings that you'll lone me please bring it in. I'm waiting for Chris to finish but am growing impatient… 😉
Hey Samir,
I really liked Perdido Street Station and The Scar. Read Kraken this year and loved it! Vernor Vinge came out with the long-awaited Children of the Sky, which was good but not quite as enthralling as the previous book, A Fire Upon the Deep.
Nnedi Okorafor's Who Fears Death was very interesting African post-apocalyptic fiction. Cherie Priest's Fathom was great modern horror.
Aravind Adiga's White Tiger and Amitav Ghosh's The Glass Palace were terrific looks into South Asia.