21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push-Ups
Today’s “Diane” is dead stop, meaning each deadlift needs to be pulled from the floor without the benefit of a bounce. For some, this may mean decreasing the load since this version is more challenging. As always, prioritize alignment on your set ups.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 8.8.11
Sarah H2 shows us her game face
Check out Teresa’s first muscle-up from the Hoboken competition this weekend!
You’re invited to the Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet!
Saturday, December 17 at 2:30pm, these 21 women from SBK will show off how strong they are. Come cheer these ladies on as they attempt personal bests for the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.
List of Competitors:
Bethany B
Colette K
Kate D
Sarah LR
Paloma S
Allison K
Charlotte K
Melissa L
Noor A
Jackie Z
Melon W
Billy K
Nikki S
Robin R
Ellie R
Marian L
Worm W
Liese M
Katie M
Jess F
Nicole A
Lifting should last approximately 3 hours; feel free to stop by anytime.
See you by the platforms!
CFSBK Recipes Galore
Do you dream of Kimchi? We know Julie B does and she’s happily shared her recipe for some badass kimchi with us. Take notes, kids.
As always Lana Z at Brooklyn Paleo is cooking up some Uh-May-Zing dishes for you to dig into. Here are some new treats for you to peep:
Cinnamon Water!
Bacon Broccoli and Tomato Frittata
Super Slammin Slaw
“Diane” Demo with Pat and Texas Annie CrossFit
Are you Ignorant When It Comes To the Deadlift? Mark Rippetoe, T-Nation
Where I Got These Abs Bob Odenkirk, The New Yorker
Damn, what a line up for the Tough Titsday Competition! Wish I didn't have to go out of town. Have fun all!
Where I got these abs LOL
First of all, I was blown away by all the badasses doing HSPUs this morning. Luca, Keith, KH, and everyone else who was doing that, I'm in awe!
Strength cycle:
BSQ 145x5x3. Sorry to disappoint those who were waiting for a Harajuku scream from me, but I was more Serena Williams than Renee Fleming today.
Bench press 90x5x3. Getting challenging, but I still feel like I have room to grow here.
Clean 78x3x3. Oh god. I got the weight to my shoulders each time, but as to how it looked…to paraphrase Boris and Natasha, "she's got ugly she hasn't even used yet!"
Chinups 1×3. Whew! The last two times I tried, I couldn't do a strict chin so it was nice to have them back today.
So long post here. I went to Dharma Healing Studio to get a massage yesterday. I've been there before and I really think the people there know what they are doing.
The therapist gave me all sorts of cool takeaways and as Fox has been telling me for months ive been able to isolate my flexibility issues that have gotten better but still have a long way.
They gave me this website exrx.net which looks like a really cool resource for looking at stretches. It'd be great to get some of the coaches or other peoples opinion on this site before diving too deep.
Lastly, she suggested trying the NYC Ballet workouts as it will show rapid help with flexibility. Anyone want to buy tights and prance around the gym?
No takers, okay.
First official bad day in strength cycle. Weights that felt easy last time suddenly took everything I had to move today. Not even wearing a sweet hat helped my cause. Looking forward to crushing these weights at the total next week to make up for this. Maybe I will get some inspiration from each of the TFBAs competing in the tits meet this weekend.
haha– Dan, I will prance around the gym with you any day of the week.
Rahhh, comment wouldn't post from my phone. Time to repost!
The abs article just cracked me up so much! Soooo good.
Excellent 7am class today! Thanks Coach Josh for giving me handstand & (modified) HSPU 101 this morning. I officially rocked out my first of each!! I felt pretty friggin proud of myself for doing them (and totally bad-ass!)!! Never thought I'd see the day I was doing something like that! I did the WOD in 9:44 with 115# on the deadlift and 3 ab mats under my head for the HSPUs. WOOHOO!
Stella, while you were in awe of our handstand pushups I was in awe of your super strength cleans! Nice work!
MGMT, thanks for sharing the Brooklyn Paleo links! I always love when you post the blog on here 🙂
LANA! That's amazing! I have not tried a HSPU in some time but your post makes me want to!
Thanks for the shout out Stella!
Today was hard and I think I could have done better. I will have to look back and see how I did last time.
21-15 – 9 with 185 pounds
21-15 – 9 HSPUs with 2 ab mats
Minor request to MGMT: When sharing articles from T-Nation can we get a link to the "print" version. That site is the worst and I feel dirty opening it at work.
Well that sucks…
I did worse then last time…
from 8/8/11
11:30 with 180 pounds, 1 ab mat :-
lol joel — that is my biggest complaint about T-nation. those awful pictures. you'd think a basic article about nutrient timing wouldn't need 10 pictures of screaming dudes with rippling muscles… but T-nation does not agree!
Can we stick to the regular version please? it makes me feel dirty at work….
wait, so 'normal' diane isn't 'dead stop'? what is the point of a deadlift if not a measure of absolute strength? does this mean you can just buy bouncier plates for a better regular diane time?
Jim – exactly!
Dan H – NO!
JJ – you'll get 'em next time.
Nick – A single (1rm) deadlift is a great measure of absolute strength. The point of 45 of them at what is meant to be well (50-70%) sub-max coupled with 45 Handstand Push Ups is a measure of stamina/work capacity. There are lots of rep ranges used by many and valid reasons for working in most (not all) of them. I don't imagine that anyone should buy bouncier plates to better their time, but people do really, really wierd stuff in the name of fitness and vanity all the time so you never know.
i feel like it could be easy to 'cheat' in a regular diane by forcing the bar down to get a better bounce off the ground. maybe that's not as easy as i'm imagining. i think i like the 'dead stop' version of diane.
The way I deadlift, I throw a few bouncy plates on there, lift once, drop the bar from a great height, let it bounce, and then catch it as it clears my knees.
Echoing what Fox said. The deadlifts in Diane are not there to raise your absolute strength within the workout itself (unless you're a novice, in which case everything is helping everything a little bit), they're there as part of a test of muscular stamina with a slight strength bias. I think the point that gets lost here is in the context of the particular movement in this particular workout. If you're pulling a heavy triple on the deadlift, you should absolutely stop at the bottom. If you're using the deadlift as part of a mixed modal conditioning piece, then how you approach it depends on what you want to bias that day.
In terms of cheating the bar down to increase the bounce, we saw that 2 years ago starting in regionals. The following year CF made a rule that you can't force the bar down to gain an excessive bounce. You might also recall that in the most recent Games, one of the Deadlift workouts used steel 25's to load the bar which took away almost any bounce.
The difference is again in context. While it's whack- it's understandable in that a basic law of human psychology seems to be that if someone can game a system to leverage their efforts, they most certainly will.
thank you fox and david for clearing that up!
so much bad assery happening in the 7am this morning! shut up keith, i saw you being all strong and stuff in the corner. totally happy to see deadstop diane – diane in general is actually one of my favourite wod's – i find it strangely satisfying.
coach josh, your ice cream will be delivered by monday. aiming for sunday so it would be sundae sundae sundae! umm.. i think i should put the cortado down now.
a client cancelled last night so I was able to jump in with the comp girls.
~16 mins or so.
I forget my exact finish time. Deadlifts as rx'd (not dead stop though) and went 11-10, 5-5-5, then all 9. Intended to do the hspu's rx'd but quickly realized I'd have to scale when i struggled to get to 12. Ended up scaling to 12-6-3.
-Just didn't have these tonight. Probably still fatigued from Hoboken and I also could have used more warmup. Goal for next time is rx'd volume on the hspu's!
-Awesome to do this with Kate, Christine, Jackie and Melissa! Nice work ladies!
3 Rounds
16 KB Swings, 20kg
8 Rev Lunges each leg, with 20kg
8 Butterfly Kipping Pull-ups
Back Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 215×2)
225×5, 225×2
On the second set my back got a bit tight and I had to rack it. I'm having a hard time at the bottom being able to really send my hips back without hyper-extending my lower back. The last 3 or so exposures have not been great so im trying to retool my squat and develop a stronger bottom position.
Afterwards did some handstand walking then called it a day
I substituted a little made-up workout instead of Diane (long story).
21-15-9 squats @165lbs (approx bodyweight)
15-9-6 strict chin-ups
Finished in 6:07. Nice little ass-kicker. Thanks to Chris for accomodating my sub.
Then, later, did GRE math problems with Margie – good times!
Thanks again Samir! It's nice to do math with someone who likes it. Makes is much more fun.
Today, I sort of went in blind. I scaled based on what I did last time and it was way off. To their credit, both Fox and Joy said something.
Diane, modified
Deadlifts 70#
DB presses 12.5#
Plus 400m bonus run
nice night in the gym. i'm pretty sure every single person we have was in there for the 8pm group class tonight! i've never seen so many barbells lined up… awesome stuff.
anyway, i felt much better tonight than monday, which was not one of my better days. i came in feeling strong and recovered and ready for my lifts.
strength cycle week 5.2
squat: 242.5x5x3 (PR)
i'm counting this as my technical PR, even though i've squatted an ugly 245 (twice). this is only 2.5 pounds above my previous PR but i'll take what i can get. overall these felt pretty good, especially when i reached proper depth. i'm excited to lock 245 in on friday which is a nemesis number for me.
bench press: 135x5x3 (PR)
these were strong and consistent. i focused on my setup and not being in a rush to start or finish the set. really happy with this number. this is a 15 pound PR over last cycle.
deadlift: 275×3 (PR)
deadlifts are one of my favorite lifts but also one that i face a tough mental game with. and physical game, obviously. though i didn't get 5 reps, i'm happy with a 3RM at 275. i ended last cycle with one rep at 255, so this is an improvement. i am really feeling these right now! i never get DOMS but i'm expecting some pain from this tomorrow or friday. 😛
overall a really good night for me.
8:30 on Modified Diane
175# dl
17.5# db press (after totally failing through 21@30# dbs)
Went too heavy on the deadlifts, tried to keep it together, with a modicum of success. Great group stretch afterwards got me straightened out, thankfully. As did some hangin-from-the-bar. Thanks to Fox (and Dave).
Dan H3: If you want a decent exposure to ballet training, there's an adult beginners class at Joffrey Ballet. I'll even go with and introduce you to peeps from my other tribe.
Oh man I would totally trade math problems for coaching. I love those sorts of math problems.
As to tonight's Diane, it was an ass-kicker and a reminder that I have to get in the gym more and work on my flexibility and work on my form. To that end, I've started doing Romanian deadlifts weekly, to work on my hamstrings and my back positioning–which i still continued to lose consistently tonight during the work out. Did 185 and 9-6-3 no-abmats, in 13:47.
Yowza, I hate when I can’t do a movement.
21, 15, 9: Deadlift @ 205# and dumbbell press @ 40#
Modified per Fox's suggestions to save myself for Saturday.
155# DL
HSPU w/2 abmats
I went slow-ish and focused on form. HSPU felt great. I felt really in control when I would invert, felt all my back and core really engaged in the movement like a solid piece. They got hard at the very end, I was piecemealing 1-2 at a time.
Deadlifts were good too. I'm happy to have the sensory/proprioception reminder before Saturday's meet. I had a bit of a rough day Monday with them, so thank you Fox for reminding me to breathe appropriately and thank you David for complimenting my form. That really meant a lot tonight, coming from you.
P.S. Stella, you can totally do HSPU w/an abmat. Try it!
Diane roughed me up