Back Squat 1-1-1
Press 1-1-1
Deadlift 1-1-1
This is a CrossFit style powerlifting meet in which you have three attempts to find a 1 rep max in each lift listed. Your CrossFit Total is the sum the highest successful lift in each section. For a detailed explanation on the event and standards for each movement, please read Mark Rippetoe’s CFT overview here. To see how you rank, check out these strength standards.
The CFSBK Competition Team at the 2011 Winter Challenge
Congratulations to Melissa L. and Teresa B on getting their first muscle-up at the CF Hoboken Winter Challenge! Damian M, Josh G, Marco and Chris A on getting their first muscle-ups during yesterday’s workshop! Here’s to many more!
Happy belated birthday to Ian and Martin!
CF Total Schedule
We are not running our usual group class schedule today due to the Total. Instead come to 1 of the 3 following slots
Block 1: 9AM-10:30AM
Block 2: 10:30AM-12PM
Block 3: 12PM-1:30PM
Please arrive 15-20 minutes before your slot to complete whatever DIY warm-up you’d like so that we can promptly start with the movement standards and warm-up sets right at the designated time. In the interest of efficiency please come in with an idea of where you’d like to open each lift and what warm-up weights you intend to use to get there. For advice on how to approach the total please review Coach Fox’s article on Preparing to 1 Rep.
**Teaser, Strength, and Foundations are at their regularly scheduled times.**
Coach Nick’s Rowing Workshop at 1PM
Coach Nick’s Rowing Workshop on the the Recovery is today at 1pm. This is a great way to dial in one of the most elusive concepts in rowing to maximize your efficiency during WODs or if you have an interest in participating in next year’s Crash-Bs! For more info on the 2012 Crash-Bs contact Nick at Nick(at)
Herondale Meat CSA still open!
There is still time to sign up for the next cycle of monthly meat deliveries from Herondale Farm! Each month, you’ll receive 15lbs of a variety of cuts from beef, pork and lamb – everything from porterhouse steaks to bone-in leg of lamb to english style bangers. Deliveries happen the first Wednesday of each month and run from January – May.
Total cost is $750, payable in installments, or $695 if you pay up front.
Questions? Email margie(at), or info(at)
Congratulations all you muscle-uppers! And good luck to everyone doing the Total today. I can't believe I'll be doing it too, in a week and a half!
Press 105 (tied PR)
Back Squat (215–20lb. PR)
Deadlift 285 (tied PR)
First Crossfit Total: 605
Big fun today. Thanks to Margie, Fox and Brandon for all the support.
Go Packers!
Congrats Peter! Awesome work.
Today was without a doubt the most fun I have ever had at CrossFit (and at any physical activity ever probably). Who knew I would love finding a 1RM so much! I had so much fun with Worm as my partner, thanks to the coaches for such a fantastic class. I blew right by my expected numbers and kicked my own ass!
Squat: 145 (I think I could have done more than this too)
Press: 45
Deadlift: 185*
*I dropped the weight at the end of my last rep, not knowing it was against the rules … rep didn't count, but I am counting it as a rep for my own personal growth.
great time at 10:30 total
squat: 255, 265, 275pr (10#)
press: 115, 125pr (10#)
dead lift: 335, 355, 365 (I'm calling this a pr. I lifted a little more in the past but with serious rounding of the back.)
I felt really good and limber and pain free. I'm usually guarding something. Mobility work pays off!
Fun to watch everyone totaling today. Get strong!
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 150×5 170×5 195×10
Asst: 110x10x5
Bench Press
Warmup: 45×5 95×5
Work: 110×5 125×5 140×16
Close Grip: 95x10x5
Really enjoyed working with Luca and Dave who pushed me much farther than I would've gone on my own. Great time for my first CF total.
Squat: 335 (PR)
Press: 155 (PR)
Deadlift: 375 (PR)
Total of 865!
Came in for the rowing class today with Coach Nick, which was great. I've never had any proper instruction on how to row and the 8 minute piece at the end really helped me put together what we were working on. I really had a revelation with the 'catch' bit, because I know that I have frequently started my pull way before I put my heels down, which always caused me to jump my butt off the seat. I'm looking forward to the next one. (Can we have it in January? I know we said post Christmas, I don't come back until Jan. 3rd…)
Looking forward to Tough Titsday Meet on Saturday.. Coach Fox, I hope you're in the gym tomorrow, because I have a question for you re:my knee hurting.
anddddddd being inspired by the Stella post a few days ago I decided to attempt a chinup on Friday at open gym and GUESS WHAT?!
I toally did a chin up.
I retested today, just to make sure it wasn't a fluke and it isn't. Pretty exciting end to a week that started out super shitty. (Because of things completely unrelated to the gym.)
it was extremely fun to be strength cycling today with everyone else doing the same lifts 🙂 great energy, so many people, awesome coordination by all the coaches – loved it all.
also big ups to Coach Nick. really enjoyed the rowing workshop, as always.
i had an epiphany about how much i enjoy rowing. i realized that i am on a continual quest to identify activities i'm not that good at, and can never be that good at, and then obsessively pursue them.
looks like i found the next one!
also congrats SARAH!!
9am with coach fox and coach margie
horrible night with lots of broken sleep. hadn't done a total in quite some time so didn't know what was going to happen.
pre total wu
lotso foam rolling
CF total with bjorn
(45×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 275×2)
295 305 325PR
screwed up our math. 305 was supposed to be our first exposure. 325 felt solid, i had more.
(45 95 145)
185 195 200PR
went up pretty easy, again, had more. happy with this. i did a triple at 185 last week i think. felt easy so was happy with this.
(135 225 315)
felt ok, but hadn't dl'd in an age and didn't want to push it.
1k total. i'm coming for you!
great energy in the gym today. thanks fox and margie for judging all the 9am's. well done to me wife for battling her fears and getting to the gym and doing her first total.
I've been too disappointed by my numbers to want to post them, but in the interests of full disclosure, here goes:
Squat = 255 265 275F (best lift 20 pounds below PR)
Press = 135F 125 136F (best lift 10 pounds below PR)
Deadlift = 265 275 290F (best lift 15 pounds below PR)
So this is 665, 45 short of the 710 I got at the CF Total after Strength Cycle; I didn't expect to make those numbers, but I was still surprised by how much I struggled today. I thought I would do better in the press but that didn't happen either.
My diagnosis: not enough squatting; some loss of squatting form over the last cycle; my deadlifts remain weak and remain compromised by poor mobility; I planned my presses poorly. Lots of work to do ahead.
On the positive side, I was very happy to be partnered with Craig, who put in an inspiring performance at his first ever CF Total. I also quite enjoyed the little prowler workout afterwards with Deepak.
Thanks to Chris and Josh for all their help and advice.
Good morning at the gym.
Strength cycle is starting to get really heavy. Squat was a rep out at 285. Managed 9 reps, failing on rep 10. I think I could have had rep 10 if I managed my breathing better on the setup.
Bench rep out got 5 at 177.5. Also did deficit pulls with 295. Need to work on lower back strength as this is a limit.
Really enjoyed hanging out with Worm and Lana as they lifted today and both blew through their own expectations. Very inspiring.
My first CrossFit Total. 9:00 wave. I had done some calculations the night before to come up with goals, but expected them to be off.
BSQ: 185/195/200. Attempted 205 before 200, but psyched myself out and didn't get depth. 200 wasn't actually that hard, so I know it psychological.
Press:95/100/105. That was hard: felt super heavy, and my legs really wanted to help. A lot of push presses lately.
Deadlift: 205/225/245. I thought I'd hit 200, so was very happy with this, though it didn't feel super heavy and Fox said I probably could have added another 20. Next time.
Cool experience, thanks in no small part to Margie, Fox & especially Peter, who pushed and corrected like a good coach.
A BIG THANK YOU to all of the coaches. I've never seen trainers at other gyms motivate the athletes so well. Nothing like watching coach Fox will somebody to stand up with several hundred pounds on their shoulders. Yet another factor among many that separates CFSBK from other gyms.
I came into foam roll after Hoboken yesterday which was an experience.
I felt better than anticipated although my teres major/minor (google imaged this) is killing me.
I really rested today, and am eager to see how well i can recover for tomorrows strength class.
Seemed liek a lot of totalers in the gym today? Who didnt post?!?!
@michele: ooh, rowing is a cruel mistress. for later, park capoeira in the back of your brain…
Today was one of the most enjoyable days of my SBK career. Congrats and thanks to ALL Of you for your effort. It makes a man happy.
9am and my first Total – the best thing I could have ever done. For reals, now I have a solid goal to work towards, and maybe beyond, until the next Total. PR'd on all the lifts. SQUEEEE!
Using the strength standards link and the 1RM calculator I was literally exactly where I needed to be and actually went heavier than expected. Huge thanks to Margie for adjusting my Press. I failed my 2nd attempt and with her adjustments and a quick "do this not that" with the PVC I nailed the 3rd attempt with the same weight that I had just failed with. Super nice to see Dave Luca and Mark to give "go go go" high fives – sad that Luca was not wearing the promised jorts.
BSQ = 100 – If I had not done the dreaded Pause of Doom at the bottom of my squat it would have been 110 – could have had it in a squeak, fuhhhhhh so mad!, so that is my goal
Press = 42
DL = 120
Big big thanks to Fox and Margie! You guys rule.
To the person that left a note on my car (parked at the corner of Sackett and Henry by Maybelles) – Thank you, it made me smile (and still is making me smile)!!! I love our community.
Sarah, way to bring the Thunder, congrats!
Thanks guys!!