Spend 20 minutes working your handstand with a spotter. Your goal is to work on maintaining a better position over a longer time. Come down if you start to break at the shoulder, spine, or hip.
As many rounds as possible in 16 Minutes of:
20 Sit-Ups to Target
15 Box Jumps, 24″/20″
10 Push-Ups or Ring Push-Ups
Sit-Ups terminate when both hands touch a target placed just beyond your feet. Elbows must finish above knees
Box Jumps are 2011 Games Standards
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach Jeremy (red sled) Gets Ready For a Foot Race
By David Osorio
(reposted from WOD 7.3.11)
Today’s workout contains 3 calisthenic movements in addition to a run. The advanced version which is posted above contains 288 repetitions in total. That’s 288 opportunities to ingrain and develop the motor skills and strength required to successfully perform these seemingly simple movements. Will your first push-up look like your 96th? Will your 144th air squat include planted heels, full depth and a neutral spinal position? Range of motion is only one component of functional movement. When you initiate a movement, what happens between the start and finish dictate the adaptation you’re pursuing. Soft technique builds soft athletes. Lazy attention to details builds laziness inside and outside the gym. Virtuosity is defined in Gymnastics as “performing the common uncommonly well”. Will you settle for mediocrity today, or will you pursue virtuosity? No opportunity is too small!
Happy WODing!
If you could travel back in time to when you were 15 years old, what advice would you give yourself?
Strength Cycle day 5:
BSQ 120x5x3. Finally starting to feel heavy. I think this is a PR for me, and I know I have more room to grow, so that feels good!
Press 55x5x4 (accidentally did an extra set). I had to fight for the last rep each time, but made it.
Deadlift 155×5. Really need to be more vigilant about my form. This was my old 3 RM, yay!
Afterward I stuck around for chinups with the white band. 5×2, failed on fourth rep of the third set. I'm hoping I can complete 3 full sets of 5 in the next couple of weeks.
Advice: My 15 year old self was a religious goody two-shoes. I'd tell her to lighten up and have more fun.
Advice at 15:
1. Lighten up on the drakkar noir
2. z cavaricci's and a mullet won't always look good.
3. yes, "It takes two" by Rob Base will become a classic
4. I am not really in love with this girlfriend.
5. 87 is behind us, buy the market!
1. It Gets Better.
2. <Insert career advice nobody here will care about but that would have changed my life considerably for the better.>
Latest from the NOT PALEO AT ALL DEPT:
If you enjoy baking, eating and receiving holiday cookies, please join me for a holiday cookie exchange.
If you haven't done this before, it simply means everybody bakes and then shares cookies. We'll pick a day convenient to all, get together, and pound some sugar 🙂
To determine how many people are interested, please shoot me an email:
mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
Smile more and smoke less pot. You're gonna be fine.
advice: You're a giant geek who likes being surrounded by geeks and geeking out. Swallow your damn pride and take some bloody science classes, even though people tell you to. It's occasionally OK to take others' advice.
Yesterday's WOD was awesome -I thought I was about to die on that 21st thruster…. but I lived to tell the tale 🙂
Advice to 15 year old Lana:
Your boyfriend is going to dump you soon, it's seriously NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL! You'll meet your future husband in just two years, so calm the f*%& down! Until you meet Jeff though, go out, have fun, hang out with your siblings, and feel free to kiss lots of other boys (it's OK!)… but DON'T KISS STEVE!! He has a cold-sore that will haunt you every winter for the rest of your life.
Interesting, somewhat disheartening read about the gaining popularity of gluten free living
Shows how some sense of a more optimal way of eating is permeating society, but also how far we have to go. There isn't a single mention of the word "vegetable" in the article, just constant talk about how to make it scientifically feasible for celiacs to get fat on gluten-free garbage as opposed to gluten-ous garbage,
Before I post, I want you all to know that I did not cheat on the Math exam because I lazy, but also because math (trig) made no sense to me even with tutoring, and studying (while smoking "reefer" in Prospect Park.
Advice to 15year old self: Dont get caught cheating on the Trig exam. Also when you get caught, dont deny it because you wrote all the formulas on your arm. Also, when coming up with an excuse dont call it a tattoo because it erased easily. Also dont change the lie to "it was a stencil of a tattoo" because that is way too dorky, and the only tattoos you would get at that time would be a chinese symbol.
Advice to Deb at 15:
1. You are not fat
2. Take more chances, you'll be fine.
15 year old Marc:
put down that cigarette and don't ever gamble on football. Also pick up your pants for christ sake, get a belt and a haircut, stop trying to grow that beard it'll come in your late 20's the patches are a bad look. Ohh and skip all that bodybuilding crap and go to crossfit.com. Oh and stop trying to show off that you are the first kid on your block with a 28.8, 56k is just down the block and you will not be able to afford it. And don't fight Andy Tang, you lose. ok that is it i think.
Advice – It's really is not that serious. Lighten up, almost everyone feels this shitty. Really.
Also see #1 on JR’s list.
Nice little WOD tonight – 8 rnds + sit ups + 9 BJ (24”)
I wish we could edit our posts, that second is will bother me all night!
Good times in this morning's 8am class. Did my first handstand EVER, today! (Thanks Jayme and Josi for spotting me.) WOD of sit-ups+(modified)boxjumps+(modified)pushups- 5 rounds + 10 sit-ups.
Advice to angst-ridden, punky-colored pink and purple haired goth 15-year old self:
-Keep staying out of the sun. One day your skin will thank you.
-Don't worry. You will never use algebra as an adult.
-Stay away from boys in bands. Especially guitar players.
-Your parents aren't as dysfunctional and horrible as you think.
-Fifteen is an awkward age for everyone.
strength cycle week 3.1
squat: 240x5x3
i was a little worried when my warmups felt unusually heavy but this went up pretty well. just a little bit of grind in the last set. this is my previous PR. my squat next class will be all new territory…
press: 87.5x5x3
this was also fine except for the last few reps, which were a little sticky. and this is also my previous PR. next time i press i imagine i'll try 90, which is where i previously failed (oct. 19).
deadlift: 250×5
i was worried about this bc i've been having issues getting past this number. i failed at 255 last cycle and at 250 last week. but today i belted up and gave it my best and got through all 5 reps. so i'm pretty excited about that.
all in all a good day.
as for what i would say to my 15 year old self… well there would be a lot of things. i do wish 'it gets better' were around when i was a kid, because it did, at least for me. but at the same time all the things i experienced for good or bad have made me into what i am today, and i kinda like myself. oh but i would have told myself to not be a republican douchebag, because that wasn't charming anyone. thank zod that phase is over. #obama2012
This was a fun WOD. Glad to get in some handstand practice. 9 + 8 sit-ups on the AMRAP.
Advice – I also could've used a large serving of the "it gets better" and some frequent, friendly reminders that it's ok to ask for support.
Yes, the sign is fabulous!
Fun WOD tonight. I wish I could do it again though because I would have went harder and conserved less and maybe tried the rings. I'm sure my abs will be sore nonetheless.
7 rounds + 20 sit-ups + 15 box jumps (24") + 1 push-up (no rings)
Thanks to Dave O for the new stretch to (maybe one day) allow me to jerk properly.
Oh and the sign looks proper.
Yay for new door paint!
This was totally one of those days where I spent the whole train ride home thinking about how awesome the gym I go to is and how much I like everyone there.
Handstand practice was good. I think I thought I'd do a bit better, but whatevs. I'm gonna keep working on it at home.
5 rounds + 20 SU + 15 BJ @20" +3 PU
Pushups deteriorated fast after doing those situps and box jumps. The box jumps felt high, subsequently I fell at one point… but overall I think I'm still going faster than I was a few months ago?
I drank wayyyyy too much the last 2 weeks, and ate whatever, so I've got to reel it in and start concentrating for the meet! Looking forward to bench pressing w/Noor and maybe pushing a prowler around on Friday?
Strength cycle day 7.
Squat 245X5X3
Press 135 X 5X3
Deadlift 265X5
Lifts feel suprisingly good. Im really enjoying "lifting."
<3 the new door!
for my 15 y/o self i would say: when you shave your head, do the right side only and not the left – the left has a mole the size of a quarter with a pale middle so it looks like a donut. and don't go green for the colour as it bleeds, just bleach it and do the tips so you don't have pale green skin and are called leprechaun for a year.