EMOTM for 8 minutes
2 Power Cleans
1 Clean and Jerk
Go heavy as you can handle with good technique.
Post loads to comments.
“Unbroken Fran”
21-15-9 reps
Thruster 95/65
Pull Up
You have 10 minutes but this is not “for time”. Your goal is to break up the sets of thrusters and pull ups as little as possible, with Rx’d being unbroken. If you already have an unbroken Fran then go heavier on the thrusters and consider doing the pull ups strict.
Post time and RX to comments
Compare to 9.10.11 and 8.27.11
Nino D. Gets Serious about Front Squats
King of Queens Competition at CrossFit Quens
Fellas, do you think you have what it takes to be “King”? This king will not be decided by Divine Intervention but by a test of skills against the best that the city has to offer. Enter the Gauntlet of 4 events across numerous modalities to see if you are strong and fast enough to wear the crown! As an added bonus, this event will serve as a great tester of where you stand against the same people you will be competing against in the 2012 CrossFit Open Sectionals!
For more information and to register, click here
How do you plan to approach today’s WOD? Make sure to watch the video below and make note of how relaxed, consistent and efficient Spealler is.
Chris Spealler does “Fran” in 2:05 CrossFit
Expect the Unexpected w/ Leah Polaski a CFJ Preview CrossFit
It’s Ok to Wear a Lifting Belt Site Gone Bad
Laura Phelps-Sweatt 100lb Kneeling Jump Youtube
strength cycle week 2.3
nice working with the B cyclers today as I was making up my missed class from friday.
squat: 185x3x3
this was a back-off squat since i'm squatting heavy in my normal class time tomorrow night. it felt pretty light, obviously, but i still focused on keeping it organized, and also slowed my pace a little bit more than usual. it's fun to think that this was my work weight on october 5, and it felt heavy then.
bench press: 120x5x3
this also felt fine, but i had trouble pushing down with my legs today for some reason. not sure why. this matches my PR on october 20 from last cycle.
power clean: 140x3x3
my favorite lift… i'm really trying to clean up my form on this, and i think i'm making progress. i have a decent pull, but my catch hasn't been great. i'm trying to get faster and lower under the bar, and the drills i've been working on (tall cleans) have been helping. the bar is no longer crashing on my hands, but i still have a lot work to do on the catch. i have the occasional really good rep where the weight feels 20 pounds lighter, so i know the capability is in there, i just have to make it consistent.
so anyway these didn't feel too heavy but 140 is still a PR for reps.
treated myself to a quart of milk thistle from the carroll gardens farmers market on the way home. huge benefit to working out on sunday mornings.
hmm quiet day on the blog but i'm hoping someone can help me out..
where can i find good bacon?
humanely raised, free of nitrates, not loaded with sugar, etc.? even the higher end supermarkets (like union market) don't have acceptable bacon that i know of. i'm considering just getting a huge slab of pork belly from herondale and making my own. so if you have a good recipe, please share.
You can get wonderful bacon (and many other things) at The Meat Hook in Williamsburg
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 165×5 185×3 210×6
Asst: 105x10x5
Bench Press
Warmup: 45×5 95×5
Work: 120×5 140×3 155×15
Close Grip: 105x10x5
Great to be back at the gym today. What a beautiful day!
Made up 3×3 front squats at 225 – up 10# from last week. Skipped the rowing and did 8 high prowler pushes with Kate at 140. Glad I didn't feel like vomiting afterwards like last time.
Then today's EMOTM at 145#. Felt pretty good. I probably should've tried 155#.
Unbroken Fran in 5:34. I like the thinking behind this WOD. Definitely a good mental test that will hopefully translate the next time we do Fran.
9:31 all unbroken
Only 6 seconds faster than my Subway Series Fran time in September which was really broken up.
So what does that mean?
I just rested a lot between "sets" instead of during them.
I think today I couldve maybe shaved 20-30 seconds if I didnt rest as long, but my arms were also on fire for a good 10 minutes after the workout–so not 100% sure.
Interesting to do this unbroken though
@Nick – definitely second The Meat Hook but also don't forget about Fleisher's and their new spot in Park Slope across from Bierkraft on 5th, I've bought too much from them since they opened as its WAY TOO CLOSE to CFSB so its easy to skip in and skip out. Sunday at Carroll Gardens and anytime at Union Square Greenmarket you can get Hudson duck bacon. On occasion the other meat stalls will have beef bacon.
I completely support making your own – get a nice pork belly, have the butcher take the rind off for you, and start the experimentation. And bring samples in for taste testing.
I was feeling crappy this morning and actually not looking forward to lifting today. That has never really happened to me, but I'm feeling pretty beat up and bruised from moving. I decided to change things up because doing 5×5 just did not seem appealing… I decided to feel out some heavy triples. This turned out to be fun and challenging.
Squat: 295×3, 305×3, 315×3
Press: 137.5x 5×3
Clean pulls: 185x5x3
Glad I shook things up– it made it nice to be back in the gym after a week off. Now, to get back to the prowler. Oh boy.
PROWLER! i'm there!
Holy meat market! Fleisher's looks AMAZING 🙂 Thanks for sharing.