Melissa L. gives running a great review
Congratulations to Rolando M. on his 131# weighted pull-up!
Congratulations to Dave B., Yoshi & Josi S. who competed in the Rugged Maniac 5K run this weekend as well as Craig C. who did a Tough Mudder this past weekend! Great stuff guys!
Remaining Fight Gone Bad 6 Tees on Their Way!
A small batch of FGB 6 Tees arrived last week if you didn’t receive your items yet fear not! The Sportsgrant Foundation has assured us that the remaining t-shirts and hoodies will be coming in the next couple of weeks!
December Foundations Sold Out
Our 3 upcoming Foundations cycles for December have sold out and are now full. We will still be running 1 on 1, 2 on 1 and 3 on 1 Semi private cycles so contact us at info(at) if you’re interested in getting the ball rolling before the ball drops!
Last year’s Paleo Challenge was a huge success. We’re currently planning our next major Paleo Challenge. Who is interested? Those who participated last year, what was your experience and will you do it again?
American Football’s Hardest Tackles Youtube
Westside Barbell Speed Bench Day with Louie Simmons (CFJ Preview) CrossFit
Great Father-Son Moments in Sports The Onion
Burger King Introduces New Product The Onion
I'm interested in the paleo challenge (having always been out of town when it has kicked off). I will be back in town from Jan 8th onwards so if it starts after that, I'm in. I hope it will kick off the new year right, and help me recover from what will have been a decadent vacation.
Hey Friday during open gym im gonna do some work on muscle ups and some 5×5 benching … Who is with me?
I'm interested. It might be tough, because my husband is not on board with the whole Paleo thing (and gets hugely offended if, say, he decides to spend a whole day making lasagna and I don't eat any), but I'd like to see what doing it at 100% does to how I feel.
What the hell, I am in. Can always do a better job.
i am so down for a paleo challenge. i eat mostly paleo right now but the sweets have really been creeping back into my diet too much. i'd like to eliminate most sugar for a while and see if i can improve my body comp a bit. i'm getting a little too fluffy.
I'll extend my paleo challenge ๐
I am 100% in. I really need the external motivation/accountability of an official challenge like this. I have no self-control, so I have found it really difficult to maintain strict paleo on my own. Last year's challenge was a huge eye opener for me and I was thrilled with the changes in how I felt and looked by the end.
I'm down too. It's always nice to have that external motivation and help to be 100%.
In for the paleo challenge. This year I want to work on the rest component going to bed earlier, more rest, less electronics.
Im in.
Will and I were just talking about last year's paleo challenge the other day. Definitely in for another. Anyone interested in making it longer than last year? Three months? Or until some easy marker like St. Paddy's day?
An I'm also into the dh3 plan of more rest. We're hopping on the blackout shades ASAP.
Jim Ryan submitted an EXCELLENT video on Smoking a Turkey to the BrooklynPaleo blog. All you pre-paleo challenge people should check it out and take notes… might be the best paleo meal you ever make ๐
i also want to try cutting coffee in the paleo challenge. on the occasional days when i have no coffee (which only happens by accident), i sleep so much better. i'm now down to one cup in the morning, but i'd like to cut it to 2-3 cups a week max.
I am definitely in for the paleo challenge. But I'm not giving up my coffee. I'm actually down quite a few cups from when I used to work from home and would just drink the stuff all day long. But my morning espresso is sacrosanct.
Came in this morning to do yesterday's WOD. I think Fox almost fainted when he saw my mug at 7 AM. It was a real struggle. Last Friday I did 3 push presses for 155, and today struggled to get even that above head. Then David asked what WODs I've done since then and I was all "oh yeah, I did thrusters on Saturday and Sunday". Yeah, a few days off will do my body some good.
+1 for the Jim Ryan Paleo Cooking Show. Awesome stuff! Great video, very entertaining!!!
In On the Paleo challenge. Last year i had a lot going on and i think that this will be a great way to kick start another year of the same new years resolution, to loses weight and be fit and healthy.
At CF old bethpage in LI we did the FAT ASS CHALLENGE: basically whoever losses the greatest percentage of their body fat percentage wins the price money. Since it's the percentage of their body fat percentage that scales it fairly for contestants who have a lot vs those who have little body fat to lose.
Very very in for the challenge. Last year I was doing a weight gain while everyone else was getting all buff and healthy, and it just felt weird. I organized a bunch of my schedule with cleaning everything up come January. Definitely been very lax on sugar, chocolate, and booze. Also interested to rededicate myself to good sleep and possibly play with coffee a bit (I was a one cup in the morning person until recently when I've been basically bathing in the stuff.)
If you are thinking about it, on the fence, or otherwise hesitant- Do it.
I'm in for the paleo challenge, but like other folks, not if it means no coffee!!
In for paleo challenge.
Definitely in for the paleo challenge. I tried last year, but fell off for a number of reasons. I am moving into my own place in December, will be joining the CSA, cooking more without worrying about my roommate eating all my food, etc… I have seen that even in small periods of eating well and training, I can make significant gains. I want to see how farther I can go.
I am so excited for all of you to be so excited for the Paleo Challenge! I am in, of course. and then I'll have to program Cindy again in late Feb or early March to see if I can get back on the board ๐
paleo challenge is a big hell yes over at stone manor. last years's challenge set my world completely upside down in the best possible way, and I couldn't be more excited to dive back in. do we get bonus points for eating nothing but human meat and narwhal?
also, the rugged maniac was a lot of fun, especially in the company of fellow SBKers marion c and isaac w. next time, you're ALL invited.
I'm in for the Paleo challenge. Also, can't wait for Movember to be over…this creppy guy look ain't cutting it.
i'm in for a paleo challenge. a friend told me getting the wheat and sugar out of her diet really helped her seasonal depression (something i've suffered from for years now). winter without anti-depressants would be a good thing.
Most definitely in for the paleo challenge. I'm strict about 75% of the time, and undo it all with the other 25%.
greetings from BCN. when i come back i will be big a a house. and not in a good way.
I'm totally in: have been slipping lately in a number of areas. The kickoff potluck and other dinners were inspiring and very helpful last year. Hope we'll be doing those again.
I'm definitely in for the paleo challenge (and in for a personal back-to-the gym challenge) in the new year! I didn't participate last year but did my own paleo-challenge before it and felt amazing. Have been unable to really lock in my eating for long periods of time this year and will welcome the structure and accountability of the gym-wide.
Thanks for the birthday wishes and shout out yesterday! So nice to feel the love even though I've been unable to make it in to the gym at all in the past 3 weeks. I will be very glad to not be working 6-days a week in the new year. I miss you all so much!
Count me in for the challenge!! OK, except for the coffee part (you can thank me later). I don't even want to ask about booze…
Paleo challenge last year was brutal – gave up the four cups of coffee a day and was ketogenic for the last month. I felt great and have managed to keep the coffee dose low since. Not sure what my goals would be for this one as I already eat 95% paleo as a norm – this is paleo plus potato following Rob Wolf. it was a great gym wide event – particularly loved the paleo dinner club and potluck!
This was the first day of my new gym plan. After work on T-Th I have a class at columbia that has made it hard to get to the gym regularly. Today I went straight from class to cfsbk and did the following mini workout based on stuff from the gymnastic cert.
WU. 250 row. Dynamic stretch.
3 rounds: 20 seconds L-sit alternating legs, two ring dips, 3 handstand lower to headstand, 3 strict C2B pullups.
Tabata kettlebell, 20kg.
Warm-Up x3
15 Squats
4x :05 V Hold on Parallettes (feet about face level)
7 Chin-Ups
Front Squats
(95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×1)
Took these all from the deck. It was light enough to power clean so I figured I'd go lo tech on these.
Then did my 8pm client. I've been biasing squats and not making time for any real conditioning. Feeling less fit because of it. I have however been doing a ton of L-Sits on the paralletts which has been really nice. My pretest was a :53 hold with my feet above 2 bumpers. I haven't been really working longer holds, moreso multiple sets of like :20 with weightlifting shoes on and higher difficulty holds like today's V holds.
I'm in for le Paleo shallenge
Bench day today. Stalled for the first time last week on my 3×5 at 175×4. Went down to 167x5x2.
173×5, 173×4, 160×5
I miscalculated how much I needed to drop after my first fail. Thanks, Margie, for all the help today. Are you sure I can't get some kind of exemption to join the tough tits club?
Then made up yesterday's AMRAP:
10 min
5 power cleans 155#
10 over bar burpees
6 rounds + 3 cleans
probably rested a little bit too much on the cleans. definitely another fun WOD I'd like to try again.
I would do paleo challenge
but leave in coffee, booze, and maybe even other things.
maybe I shouldnt do it. but I would love to get to 80 percent which would be about 80 percent than I normally am.
would love to weight 240/250 in the near future (but still squat 405)
I'll totally do the Paleo challenge again!
Following last year's challenge, I've remained 80-90% Paleo for most of the year, and it's just become the norm for me. I started falling into bad habits again while training for the marathon the past few months and I know that with the holidays here, the next month will be a little rocky as well. But that's what makes the challenge so great. A solid two months to start the year off so fresh and so clean clean.
Last year I didn't give up coffee, maybe this year I will…
Paleo Challenge a Go-Go.
Starting a new job has made my diet go downhill pretty quickly, and normalizing a new schedule has also affected it. I find that I'm able to eat 90% paleo at home (thanks, Dan!) and then at work it will vary which, in my mind, negates the home goodness. So I guess this years challenge will be focusing on cooking more food to take for lunches, etc.
On a positive note, all the new recipes that I've learned to make at home have been paleo or adjusted to paleo so my cooking skills are pretty on target. As long as I never own an ice cream maker I should be all set. ๐
Have a great thanksgiving, everyone!
Im definitely in, plus coffee. Since starting my new job, eating habits have gone completely out the window. But there's no time to change like the present!