If you can’t add weight to your deadhang pull-up, scale it such that you can work in a 3-5 rep range for each set. All of today’s pull-ups are Overhand Grip.
Post loads to comments.
For time:
500m Row
40 KB Swings 53/35
30 Pull Ups
20 Thrusters 95/65
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 11.22.09
Kate D concentrates while overhead
Happy Birthday, Robert F!
Even More Leaderboard-Worthy Performances!
Gabrus: Bench Press (325lbs)
Gabrus: Press (225)
Rickke M: 30 Muscle-Ups for Time (5:51)
McDowell M: 2000m Row (6:46.2)
Ellie JM: 2000m Row (8:31.4)
Dan R: Max Reps Kipping Pull-Ups (39)
How Much Weight Should I Lift? CrossFit Sioux Falls
Skating Inside the Subway Train SLAP
Rodney Mullen
Greg Glassman ASEP Lecture Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
i had a dream that fox made us do the filthy fifty again, just a week later. except this time it started with eating 50 eggs. scrambled. i woke up before the work out started, thank god. i can still eat eggs in my daily life.
Awesome 10am with the fantastic Mr fox. 65 lbs on pullup
Wod as Rx in 9:50…..awesome stuff….
Is it just me or has the programming this month been brutally awesome…. Good work coach.
Love these kind of WODs on Sunday mornings. Seeing some improvement in my pullups and even a tad better on the burpees. First time doing barbell thrusters, so started at 65 lbs, good place for me. Time was 9:05 I believe. Oh, and tracking all my workouts on WODStack.com. Check it out, sign up for free, follow me.
Great 9am! Definitely improvement on my pullups, went down a size in the band. Also big high fives to Fox for working with me on scaling the WOD pace down + breaking things up so I wouldn't have an asthma attack and fall over. It was VERY hard not to be competitive and he saw me start to ramp it up, I think he has 11 all-seeing eyes, and came over to slow me down. I finished only a lil bit wheezy but feeling great. Thanks again Fox! Yer the best.
another new 5-RM squat this morning – 160x3x5.
Giants v Eagles – 500 Fifth?
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 155×3 175×3 200×11
Assistance: 100x10x5
Warmup: 455 95×5
Work: 115×3 130×3 145×17
Assistance: 100x10x5
Really enjoyed Jeremy's comp class today. Good squat clean drills. Then we worked up to a heavy single. Hit a PR at 205#. Felt good – speed is getting better. Did 225x3x3 clean pulls afterwards.
Short metcon to close out:
bodyweight deadlifts (scaled up a bit to 155#)
Seconding Micheles 200 5th request. Any Eagles fans brave enough to show their faces?
Noah – Yes! 200 5th.
Michele – correct, Eagles fans will all be going to 500 5th…
Great job by everyone in the gym today, especially my 9:05 am class 😉
Tough workout for me today. We packed all day yesterday and I'm pooped. Finally got my ass out of bed and hit volume day:
Squat: 255x5x5
Much harder than Tuesday. Was suppose to do 260, but everything felt so heavy I stayed put.
Bench: 190×4(f)
Uncool. first fail on the bench. Five pound jump too aggressive for this week. C'est la vie. I'll just go at it again when I'm more rested and less stressed. (Next year? 😉
A pleasure to work out with Joe a bit and spot each other. Hope my queues on the squat rep-out were helpful…
Doh! Just saw the post about the Eagles game! I'll be there in spirit. Go Iggs!
Made up yesterday's front squats this morning.
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 125×1)
work: 135x3x3
Today's WOD:
9:31 rx'd
-can't remember my split time on the erg, all kb swings unbroken, pullups very broken in 2-3's, thrusters in 10-5-5, burpees slow.
-this was a real hard one to do after a very late night.
Go, Giants!
yay, something to delay my packing even more! I'll be there.
I'm doing this one tomorrow. I'm a day behind. I did yesterday's WOD tday. And the Goose beat me. My little brother is on my heels. I'm gunning for sub 9:50 on this tomorrow. Look out.
Took it a little touch easier on the pull-ups as the met con had them too.
Pullups: 40 lb
Metcon: 11:34 RXd
Loved the whole thing until the thrusters, with were done 5/3/2s the rest of the way. Hate thrusters!!
9:20 Rx'd
Not bad at all. Last time I did this in November 09 it took me 14:33 and I wrote that I spent 25 min on the floor afterwards. Yesterday I only spent 7 minutes on the ground afterwards.
Row took it moderate with about 10 hard pulls at 250, then eased it in.
Kettlebells, worked hard to keep these unbroken. Told myself get to 30, then put it down for a few seconds, when I got to 30 I was like, lets just power through. Grip was fried for pullups.
Pullups need to get these back to form. 5 then some combo of 3 and 2 the rest of the way.
Thrusters 6,4,3,2,5 Really powered through the last 5, but that made me have to stop before burpees.
Burpees, just chipped at these. Next time will get sub 9.
Oh and did press at 115×5, 120×3 122.5×1