King Of Queens Competition at CrossFit Queens
Do you think you have what it takes to be “King”? This king will not be decided by Divine Intervention but by a test of skills against the best that the city has to offer. Enter the Gauntlet of 4 events across numerous modalities to see if you are strong and fast enough to wear the crown!
As an added bonus, this event will serve as a great tester of where you stand against the same people you will be competing against in the 2012 CrossFit Open Sectionals!
For more information and to register, click here
CFSBK Bloggers
We’ve got some folks from the gym blogging about CrossFit! When Lana Z isn’t delivering delicious Paleo meals on Brooklyn Paleo, she’s steppin it up with her most recent post, Goal Setting. Also, “The Professor” Samir C has started a new blog as well. In one of his first posts, Samir waxes philosophical about Prescriptions and Suggestions. Finally, Dan B uses his blog, “There Will Be Sweat” as a workout log.
Do you blog? If so post a link to the comments section and share with the community. Additionally, what blogs do people read daily? (please indicate if something is not work/family safe)
Damien Walters 1
Damien Walters 2
Damien Walters 3
Very timely post. I am going to try to do a video on brining and smoking a turkey, for Lana's awesome blog. going to try to do this over the weekend.
I read a lot of blogs, just throw them in the reader. Here are just some:
Artwork of the day from the met
Cafe Hayek
Catalyst Athletics
Cato Institute
Eric Cressey
Free the Animal
Mish's Global Economic Blogspot
Norcal Strength and Conditioning
Theory to Practice
A mix of stuff, that I personally happen to find interesting.
Have a great day!
I tried to fight it, but that damn Reebok video gave me chills. I'm a mark, what can I say.
@MGMT: Thanks for the plug for the blog!
The Damian Walters reels gave me chills!
NSFW sometimes
its mostly videos i do, and pics of my dog.
225×1 (PR!)
Anyone else feeling choked up after watching that Rebok/CrossFit video?
I could watch Damian Walters jump around buildings all day long. So… thanks for the afternoon entertainment AND thanks for the blog share 🙂 I am really looking forward to JR's Smoked Turkey recipe (and you all should be too)!
Oh to answer the question… I follow an insane number of blogs (mostly design blogs). But I also follow handful of Paleo blogs:
30 Days of Paleo
Elana's Pantry
Everyday Paleo
Mark's Daily Apple
…and a bunch of others that I don't follow quite as regularly.
If you like (or used to like, and are now angry at) Project Runway, and are not already reading the Tom & Lorenzo blog, you should be! (Language not always family safe.)
Missed a rep on the deadlift which throws me off track a bit, bummer. The squat and the bench at least tie old 5rms though. Onward!
Maybe I'm a mark too, but I really think the Reebok/CrossFit commercial nailed it.
I was thinking about it, and I really don't read that many blogs or websites anymore.. I basically check, our site do email and then random stuff that comes across my path. Sounds like I might need to diversify..
I read too many blots for my own good. The awl, marginal revolution, and Matt yglesias are favorites.
Ummm don't judge me but what is a blog really? I think the only thing close to a blog I read is, Doest that count?
Again don't judge me
Good open gym tonight. Nice to chat with Margie and get in some mobility work. Worked on some muscle ups since it's been a while. Felt ok, so I went for 30 muscle ups for time in 5:51. Didn't go as planned since I went down to singles by the last 10, but glad to be on the rings again.
I read a ton of blogs, but im mainly a redditor and 4Chan /b/ lurker. Does anyone know what i just said?