3-3-3 Advanced
3×5 Intermediate/Novice
Athletes doing 3×5 try to add weight to previous expsosure
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For Sets Across, Compare to 11.3.11
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of
KB Swings 53/35
Strict Knees-to-Elbows
Scale to perform partial ROM on the K2E if needed. “Lat Active” is a must on the K2E, i.e. no off tension swinging of the torso and legs.
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David F’s pup Benson Does a Mean Forest Whitaker Impression.
Happy Birthday 1st Birthday Olivia D! Happy Birthday Dan R. and Allison K!
Winter CSA Interest
Earlier this week we announced that Herondale Farm has put together two more meat shares and a chicken share for the coming months! The next one will run from January to May and is mixed meat. Chicken will start up again in June.
For those of you wishing to continue having the tasty goodness delivered to you, please sign up! And for those of you who have jealously inspected everyone’s meat over the past few months, now’s your chance to get in on the action!
The key is for us to have enough members to make it worth the farm’s while. We had roughly 42 members between meat and chicken last time, this go ’round we want to match or exceed that number.
Questions? Email Margie(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com or info(at)herondalefarm.com
Those who participated in the last round of the CSA would you recommend it? Are you gonna do it again?
CFFB488 Talk to Me Johnnie
Stress Addicts Anonymous Part 1 Whole 9
I am interested in the meat CSA but would like to split my share with someone – the share is too much for a single person, but perfect for two.
If you're interested, please email me: mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
I've already signed up to do it again! It's good stuff.
neck stiffened up a bit again fighting through a tough rep but not as bad as last time.
WOD at 1.5 pood
k2e suckage. Need to work on strict.
kettlebell swings not too hard. hurt the grip a bit.
Tried to make up a little bit of the front squatting today:
Front squat: 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165×3, 175×3, 185×3
Press: 45×5, 75×5, 95×3
Work: 110×4 (fail on 5th, dropped down), 100x5x2
Accessory WOD: skipped K2Es because of shoulder sensitivity. Subbed 2X situps. Worked with 20KG bell.
Finished in 4:31
Oh, and yes, the meat CSA rocks! Awesome, tasty cuts.
Two days of unfocused training, felt like I was in a weird funk
FSQ 155x3x5
Worked up to 60k
Some rope climbs, L-Sits and active recovery mixed in there too.
Hope to get some good sleep tonight and hit the upcoming week with more intention
145 on the press with more in the tank. Fun partnering up with Joel who went into beast mode on his press.
WOD as rx in 4:32…… fun 12 o'clock with coach Noah….. I might do 12
ore often on.Sundays…..see y'all tomorrow
9am with coach fox. good times.
pre WU
droms, names
(45×5 95×4 135×3)
165 175 185
all felt good.
tough to keep lats engaged.
Paloma and I completed the Tough Mudder yesterday (12 miles of craziness) with some still left in the tank. Our training solely consisted of CFSBK group class programming, with a few (literally a few) short runs here and there. I have a new level of respect regarding our programming and how it relates to "real world" strength and functionality. I have actually felt worse during some of our 10 minute WODs. Mad props yo.
Did some prowler pushes today with the ladies from tough tits day. We loaded 140 and did 7 or so 10 second pushes. Really fun, really tough. My heart hasn't pounded like that in a while.
Then a lovely noon class with Noah:
3-3-3 press
105-115-125 (PR)
K2Es / KBS in 4:50 – another fun grip and forearm burning WOD.
Awesome time practicing the snatch in comp class…
Worked up to a 157# snatch. Felt really good and think if I had more time would've eventually pr'd today.
10 mins amrap 50# db snatch : 174 reps
First day back in the gym since the Total. I took a longer deload than I had planned– 11 days.
Squat: Ascending sets: 215×5, 225×5, 235×5, 245×5
It was all fairly heavyish and not all that fast. OK, and designed to not be too sore tomorrow.
Press: 125x5x3
This was disappointing. I was planning on starting at 135, but 115 felt so heavy I went to work at 125. Hopefully I can do 5 pound jumps 2-3 times and it gets easier.
Chins: 3×3
These felt Ok on my forearm/wrist, so that was good. I'm going to try to do threes all over the place, on rest days, as warm ups, etc. and hopefully build back up to 5-6 quickly.
All in all not a bad session for a first day back. I definitely took too much time off. Fairly achey afterwards– knee, shoulder and low back. The rest period didn't really seem to help much in the regard which is disappointing. I tried one clean and it really hurt my wrist, so that is definitely out of the question. I'm going to do high pulls from the ground instead this cycle. I definitely need to get back to pulling 3 days a week….
The CSA is amazing, well worth the "investment" (it's actually a really good deal for well-sourced GF meat) and I am definitely doing it again.
i am also definitely in for the CSA again. it is fantastic. it comes out to about $10/pound, which i think is a great deal for the quality. the pork products are by far my favorite part. i could be happy with 15 pounds of pork chops a month tbh
me too on the chops! in fact chops are my favorite food item, period, since i went Paleo. they are the perfect compromise between the unbeatable savory-ness of long-cooked braised or roasted meat *and* quick prep time, which is crucial for weeknights.
plus you get bone. nothing makes a meal like some bone to suck on 🙂
lamb chops, pork chops, any chops. love.
Does anyone want to share a Chicken share w/me?
email me at s.archenbronn (at) gmail dot com
Did today's WOD in 5:43, followed by a second WOD: the brooklyn beer mile (4 rounds for time: 1 beer, 1/4 mile run around the track). Finished in 15:30-something. It wasn't pretty.
Sarah – Chickens are seasonal and won't be back again until spring. But if you want to split meat, see Michele's post!
I know Margie, I was just trying to see if people were interested in that when it comes back..
Thanks re:Michele, I already wrote her and we're divvying it up.
This meat share has been the best thing ever to happen to our freezer. SO MUCH delicious foods at a really sweet price.
We are supposed to email Herrondale directly to sign up right? I did last week but haven't heard back…
Press: 85x5x3
wod: 4:59 with 20kg kb American swings and 2x situps sub for k2e. Shoulder feeling wonky.