Heavy sub-max triples. Consider using about 60-70% of your back squat weight from Wednesday. Leave room to go up in weight over the next 5 weeks.
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 11.9.11 and 3.4.11
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Clean
3 Push Press
*Go only as heavy as will allow proper technique on the barbell. Jerks are fouls.
Post loads and rounds to comments.
Bethany B. demos perfect parallete push-ups
Happy Belated Birthday to Joe O!
Good luck to Jay R. who is running the Richmond Marathon in Virginia this weekend!
Shout out to Earl who knocked out a Veteran’s Day “Murph” in 44:50 wearing a 20lb flack jacket on the runs!
Teaser Class has Moved to Sundays!
In the interest of alleviating some of the congestion during our Saturday primetime classes our free teaser class will now be held on Sundays at 11am.
Kipping Workshop Today
Coach Noah’s Kipping workshop is today at 1:15pm. This class filled up super quick this go around so if you didn’t make it in email Noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to express your interest in attending the next upcoming workshop!
Anne I. Has an App For That
CFSBK Alum Anne I. has been hard at work on a new app called Go HD for the iphone. You can check it out a demo of just how it works in realtime here!
Our Warm-up is Our Warm-up Catalyst Athletics
Yankee Stadium Made Out of Legos Sean Kenney
Did this at my globo did 3 sets across.at 185. I feel like I left a little in the tank…probably could have done 205 and still be sub.Max. next week ill come in for this. I had the wrong attitude going in today… I hate my globo gym, too bad I live so far from the oasis that is cfsbk. Amrap I couldn't do effeciently so I did a complex we did a few weeks ago.
5 p cleans
5 pushpress
5 fs
5 p cleans
5 deads
did 3 rounds at 135….was really hard not being able to dump, but a good workout.
See y'all tomorrow.
Fun 9 AM partnered with Teresa, for which I am very grateful — she pushed me to go up from 100 to 105. So I did 100×3 for 2 sets and then 105×3 for another 2 sets.
WOD 52#, 7 rounds + DL + 1 power clean. Maybe I should have gone heavier on this — it was challenging but I wasn't bushed by the end.
Hello everybody. Fun working w/ Rolando today.
Front Squat: 5×45/5×75/5×95/3×115/3×135
metcon: 85#, 6 + 9/6
Haven't squatted in about a month, so decided to back squat. 3×3 @ 93#, felt pretty good. Really glad to be done with traveling so I can start squatting regularly again.
I really liked today's WOD. 5 rounds + 9 + 6 @50#. Limiting factor was grip.
Nice to squat today with my long lost CF buddy Mike Mishik.
I really liked the AMRAP – 7 rounds + 9 DLs + 2 HPC at 115#. Yep, all grip!
Just caught up on the AOTM yesterday. Congrats DMak! Loved the write up. Great guy, great person to workout with.
thanks to Noah for letting me back squat instead of fsquat in group class today. it's coming up on the end of the mandatory intra-cycle hiatus for us strength cyclers, and a bitch really needed to get under the bar.
hey, that was not bad at *all.* my legs felt very fresh.
i meant to do a single heavy set at the end of the triple, on Jeremy's advice, but decided to cap it at 155 because i was alone on the platform by the third set. i don't squat well when lonely.
no metcon. i didn't see the point of repeatedly deadlifting 60 pounds, which is what i can press over and over for 10 minutes. call me crazy.
i stayed for today's version of the class formerly known as Active Recovery, now known as
with Coach David Osorio.
Front Squat
185 x 3 x 3
Still felt easy. Lots of room here, but havent fornt squatted in so long, I didnt want to go crazy.
I need to watch my back from rounding and keep my knees pushed out. 2 problems I dont have as much when I back squat.
Metcon @120#
6 rds flat.
The most taxing part of this to me is bringing the cleans down–that kills my grip.
My right thumb/wrist also got caught in a bad position so I had to stretch it out a bit.
I didn't get to back squat this week, so I did the 3×5 from Wednesday, followed it up w/ some GHDs, and then rowed 500 to test my Crossfit levels, and not feel like such a jerk as the noon class was panting after they finished their WoD.
I did 295x3x5 from the back squats. I believe the last time we were doing 5s I got up to 305 and it was a real struggle, then we dipped down to 3s for a few months, and I got to 325 at the end of this last one. Dropped to 285 last week, and then back up to 295 this week. This felt nice and solid, except for the one time i had trouble racking (thanks Jeremy).
Rowed the 500 in 1:43 flat. Could have probably done a second or two faster, but as Noah said "that's a nice short guy time."
Good to be back in the gym!
Front squatted 185 across. Felt good for sets across.
Metcon: 135# and 9 rounds, would've liked to have been able to hang on to a few more rounds of unbroken hang power cleans but overall felt solid.
8am with coach margie
175 x 3 x 3
quite manageable. haven't been at the gym for a while, so took it light ish.
8 rnds @125
hang muscle cleans
good to be back. hope i can step up my attendance.
Front squats at 160 – felt easy. I was front squatting 5 x 5 for my third weekly exposure during the last strength intensive (most of the time.) I took it easy today, but I intend to continue with front squats on Sat. Can never have too many squat exposures, right?
Metcon- 5 rounds plus at 95. Was a bit gassed. Not sure I liked this one. Deads were too light, hang cleans are a garbage movement for me (I can't get my ass firing like I can with cleans from the floor.) my grip was fried. Meh
Nice working with Allan today. Good luck, man!
Great to be in the gym on a weekend and catch up with some long-lost faces. Lovely to meet Sarah La Rosa at last! Followed her lead and squatted 115, felt great. Then, WOD at 85#–6 rounds plus DLs. Grip was totally the limiting factor here; I should have used a 33# bar.
And, catching up with the AOTM post–D-Mak, it is an honor and a privilege to know you and work out with you (not that I have recently, alas!). I remember that Filthy Fifty workout back in the Lyceum; I remember thinking, "who's this nice friendly new guy who turns into a beast when the clock starts??"
Was awesome to meet/chat and workout with you Charlotte!
Front squat @115#
9 rounds at 78#
I went w/the 33# bar so I could get more grip purchase and wanted to go a bit light because I really wanted to make it a speed biased workout. I'm trying to work on building speed in my metcons, it's easy for me to go super heavy and end up slowing down a ton. (The bar was definitely heavy by round 9, however.)
Done on Friday AM:
Front Squat:
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3)
work: 125x3x3 (a little less than 70% of what I did for LBBSQ on Wed)
-felt a little challenging but my goal is to increase by 10# for each exposure.
WOD: 7 rounds plus 9 deads at 83#
-thought I'd be able to go heavier but my grip/hands were shot and it just hurt to hold a barbell. probably could have pushed a little more though. I had to organize each clean and push press. Nice work Peter! I'm glad you tackled this with me or my numbers might have been lower.
Yay! Thanks for the plug, David! I will dedicate all my front squats to CFSBK