Complete 1 rep every minute for on the minute for 15 Minutes
Add weight at the 6th and 11th reps, if approriate.
Post loads to comments.
With a partner complete the following for time:
100 Wall Ball 20/14
100 Supine Ring Rows
*All Wall Ball shots must be completed before moving on to the Supine Ring Rows.
Post time and RX to comments.
Grown A** Man. Happy Birthday to David O!
Congrats to Melon W. on her first strict chin-up!
Attention all carnivores! Herondale Farm has put together two more meat shares and a chicken share for the coming months! The next one will run from January to May and is mixed meat. Chicken will start up again in June.
For those of you wishing to continue having the tasty goodness delivered to you, please sign up! And for those of you who have jealously inspected everyone’s meat over the past few months, now’s your chance to get in on the action!
The key is for us to have enough members to make it worth the farm’s while. We had roughly 42 members between meat and chicken last time, so let’s try to match or exceed that number.
Questions? Email Margie(at) or info(at)
Authors of The Perfect Health Diet speaking at CFNYC
Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet, authors of the “The Perfect Health Diet” will be giving speaking at CrossFit NYC on Saturday, November 19th from 12pm-2:30pm. Paul and his wife Shou-Ching will discuss “evolutionary evidence for the optimal diet, factors that can impair health or sabotage fitness, and lifestyle and dietary steps to overcome those factors, with a special focus on a few bottlenecks to fitness that may commonly be overlooked by Paleo or CrossFit adherents.”
To find out more about Paul and the event which is being co-sponsored by John Durant and the Paleo NYC crew and costs $15. To find out all the deets and register click HERE.
Post birthday love to comments!
MWOD and Warm-up: Olympic Lifting MobilityWOD
Hips, Meet Bar Performance Menu
2011 NYC Marathon Time Lapse Buzzfeed
Does Music Change the Taste of Wine? Wired
happy birthday, david, and many more.
you're a good egg.
happy birthday coach d. top man you are.
Happy Birthday David!!
Happy birthday!
Happy burpee-day, DO!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, David!
Great 6am with the birthday boy… all the regular 6am-ers kicked ass as ussual.
Got 125# on snatch. This was my.first true exposure to snatches. They are tough and.would love to do more. WOD got done in around 10:00. All in all a good start to the day.
Happy Birthday David!
I hope your next trip around the sun is the best yet!
happy happy day, david o! wishing you the best as you begin this next year – here's too accomplishing more goals, taking more ridiculous pictures of hershel and eating excessive amounts of food. 🙂
Once again I was the only girl in the boys' club at 7 AM. Damn, DO, if it were my birthday I'd be sleeping in!
I was very happy to take birthday boy's suggestion to do mid hang power snatches if you're not super familiar with the movement. Had I taken these from the deck I think they would have been a mess, as I had to keep reminding myself every time to set my back deadlifting the bar up. I did these at 55, 60, and 65, which went well except for the downward part at the highest weight. Definitely something to work on.
Fun partner WOD with Greg. I did the 14# ball to the 8' target, and was shocked at how much easier wall balls have gotten for me. This stuff really works! 8:46.
Happy Birthday David!!
Much love to our fearless leader David on his day of birth!
David – you freakin' rock star Happy Birthday!!
I am definitely missing the gym as I finish out week too of doctor dictated hiatus! But I got great news yesterday that my buddy from Dallas that talked me into Cross Fit is coming to visit next week and will come by to work out with us – he warned me he has a lot of orders for Brooklyn Cross Fit t-shirts people want from his box – even Texas knows the cool kids are hanging out in Brooklyn!
Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
Happy Birthday, David. I hope you get a killer birthday WOD.
Happy f-ing Natal Day, my man!
Happy Birthday, D.O.!!
Really fun workout this morning. Great job, 8:00AM.
I'm posting for the first time ever on the "new" blog format (yes, it's been that long) just to wish you a Happy Birthday, David O!
Happy Birthday as well to all of you Wonderful people! I'm happy to say that I'm at my favorite place (CFSBK) right now but will be off to enjoy the day shortly. Thanks for the kind words and liberal use of exclamation points. See everyone on Saturday
Great to see La Penguina!!!
Also, Keith- your comment took me like 2 minutes to get.
Happy Birthday David!
Havent been this sore in this many places since I dont even know when. Taking a day off, will make up tomorrow.
Happy birthday O Captain, My Captain.
Happy Birthday David!
Anyone on the fence about the meat CSA, please know it's the best CSA ever. It's a good deal and getting the mix (pork/beef/lamb) is fantastic. Awesome, great tasting cuts…
Cool to see Paul Jaminet coming. I've been having trouble with his concept and seeming fixation on "infection" so I'm glad to have the opportunity to hear him in person and have the ability to ask questions…. This will provide a good break from packing– we are finally moving into our new place!
Having a week off from the gym is tough. I needed the deload, but I miss working out and seeing folks. I almost came in yesterday just to shoot the shit, but that's a lot harder to do without strength classes running; talking to people in regular classes seems disruptive, talking to the strength class peeps is just what we do– lift- blab- lift. Repeat.
I saw the workout last night and was like, "I wanna do that". Even the 50 burpees.
Thought I would feel out some heavy singles to prep for the meet
405×1 (4 wheels) also a huge PR
325×1 (3 wheels, and then some) also a huge PR
stoked for this meet, just found out I have to fly to branson to do some stuff for a buddy's indie…might miss a few key days of training, but not gonna let that get in my head about the meet
Happy birthday David…you can finally drink legally, you tiny colombian hipster
Not La Penguina…Steinsquat. Shoulda been more specific. : )
David, thank you for wishing the rest of us a happy birthday. I was really beginning to think you were getting way too much attention. Hope you're having an awesome day!
I liked today's WOD because I got to be partnered with Katie, who is a total bad ass, and under no other circumstances would I get to be partnered with her, since she can lift more than me in her sleep. Did the snatches at 45#, thanks to Josh for the extra cues on elbows and extension.
Unrelated: where do folks donate clothing? Had a thrilling day of cleaning out my closets and need to drop off some clothes. (Preferablly in Prospect Heights?)
Happy Birthday D.O.
Side note – I know Friday is Rest Day, but in honor of Veterans Day, anyone up for Hero WODs?
Earl, let me know what you're thinking.
did todays workout as cleans (elbow still bothering me, me not to mention my mobility still isn't there)
started out at 135 and went up to 155 at round 10
partner workout with the legendary Samir — 10:09 I believe Ring rows started breaking down fast.
DMak – Was thinking about breaking out the body armor and doing "Murph" (just realized that CF main site posted it as tomorrow's WOD) or "White" . I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow afternoon, so I'll probably be in at 7am.
First time I'd done anything with a barbell since finishing foundations in October, so had to refresh form and first time with any weight. Really felt strange, but got a few good reps in. Advice for wall balls, don't attempt to eat the ball by allowing it to land on your upper lip on the way down. Bland taste, needs salt. As for ring rows, has anybody seen my upper body strength? I think I left it somewhere back around age 25.
Happy Happy, David!
Great to be tiptoeing slowly back into regular classes, good times at tonight's 5p. Kept the snatches super light at 53 then 63 at 11 min. Felt good about form after Shane told me to move faster and do some foot stomping. Hit all the reps, though had a wonky, not-deep-enough squat at 10 min.
Partner WOD in 11:33 with Corbett and a 10# ball. Regular ring rows. And my arms are vascillating between mild soreness and vague numbness.
Also super fun to see Gabrus moving some serious weight. Nice work!
David’s a lad full of charm
And a rather impressive strong arm.
He helps us to grin,
While we jump, lift and spin,
And he gets us to eat from the farm.
Happy Birthday David – this is a mighty fine community you've brought into being. I toast my bedtime tea to you.
Shoulder still isn't feeling the snatching, so I did cleans instead:
155 (5) – 165 (3) – 175 (4) – 185 (3)
Partner WOD with Mr. Knuckle in 8:57.
Happy birthday, David!
Earl, can't do the morning, I was hoping for noon or so. Too bad, I was down for Murph. Represent, brother!
Thanks for the mention of the Paul Jaminet nutrition seminar we're hosting at CFNYC. It should be great, hope to see some SBKers there.
Happy birthday, David!
P.S.: It's only Paul that will be speaking, his wife isn't able to join him.