We at CFSBK owe a very special thank you to Mike M. and McDowell M. for leading the group track workout this past weekend! Thank you guys and great work!
Kipping Pull-up Workshop This Saturday!
Are you an athlete who has strict pull-up but hasn’t learned the elusive kip? Do you have a decent kipping swing but seem to always get stuck at the bottom of your pull-up? Can get a few kips in but quickly fall out of rhythm and have to start over? On Saturday, November 12th at 1:15PM Coach Noah will run an (approximately) one hour mini-workshop dedicated solely to the kipping pull-up, and iron out all of your funky kipping issues.
The Kipping Pull-up is a core gymnastic movement often utilized in high volume pull-up workouts. While not a true strength builder like a strict pull-up, the kip allows an athlete to incorporate both the strength of their hips and their own momentum to link pull-up together with less effort and a faster cycle time than a traditional pull-up.
The class will involve a warmup, mobility work, a brief overview of the elements of the kipping pull-up, and partner drills and pull-up practice. Kipping pull-up require a significant amount of integrity in the shoulder girdle and as such this class requires a buy in of 1+ Strict Pull-Up (women) or 3 Strict Pull-Ups (men). The class will be a $10 drop-in and space is limited to 8 participants. Email Noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to sign up, make sure to mention your max number of dead hang pull-up and issues you’ve had learning/perfecting the kip so he can better prepare to get you swinging smoothly.
CrossFit Powerlifting Cert at CFSBK in March 2012
Join Laura Phelps the Women’s World-Record Holder of the Back Squat at 725lbs at 169lbs and a powerlifting Total of 1720lbs as she teaches the CF Powerlifting Certification at CFSBK. Laura and her team will be instructing participants in the methods popularized by Louie Simmons and the Westside Barbell crew. Come learn how to develop speed-strength, strength-speed, proper box squat technique, how to use bands and chains, and what special assistance exercises can help you achieve PRs you never dreamed possible. The cert will Saturday, March 31st-Sunday April 1st, 2012. You can get more info and register at the link above.
Are you a November Baby?
If you’re a November baby go ahead and let us know when your birthday is so we can help you celebrate! Next time you’re in the gym put your name and birthday on the whiteboard in the community area.
December’s Foundations
December AM Semi-Private Foundations
12/11/11 – 12/22/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:00am
Sundays from 10:00-11:00am
Register Here!
December Afternoon Semi-Private Foundations
12/2/11 – 12/14/11
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12pm
Register Here!
December PM Semi-Private Foundations
12/11/11 – 12/22/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00pm
Sundays at 11am
Register Here!
If you were to create a workout named after yourself what would it be? (Question courtesy of Stella Z.)
Laura Phelps-Shweatt CrossFit Oakland
The Push-up: Why Is This So Hard Catalyst Athletics
Re-Building a Deadlift Robertson Training Systems
My college nickname, is Flaco. Everyone I went to school with calls me it. So if I had a workout named after me it would be the "Flaco".
5 Rounds For Time
100M Sprint
10 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
10 Situps
10 Squats
I'd name it after one of my sources of motivation, my friend, M.Fox. He was born with Cystic Fibrosis and I've seen him suffer more in a week than I've suffered in a lifetime. I've known him since we were 13 and I've never heard him complain. Here is his WOD
Run 400m, then 5 RFT
7 front squats, 185lbs.
4 muscle-ups
20 hand release pushups
Row 500m
AMRAP 20 minutes:
Solve 1 New York Times Monday crossword puzzle
20 burpees
I'd shoot for at least 4 rounds, and the burpees would be the limiting factor. 😉
Great that we're doing kipping-specific class on Saturday. Can I nominate another nemesis that might deserve similar treatment? Double Unders.
The Jimmy R:
3 rounds FT
5 Turkish get ups each arm
4 prowler runs with two weight classes to choose from
5 cleans 95/135
5 chins
Late post from last night – Bottomless Cindy, scaled for preggo:
5 Pull Ups – green band kipping
5 Push Ups on paralettes
50 Single Unders
About 9 rounds. I originally planned to cut the entire workout off at 10 minutes, but I never got winded so I kept going. The pushups were so limiting – at some point I had to switch to my knees! Great class with Coach Laurel though, I'm looking forward to one day re-learning my push-ups the way that she demo'd them after the WOD.
Bethany, the workout:
5 RFT:
20 Tire Flips
20 Double-unders
"Knuckle Sandwich"
20min AMRAP
5 OHS 135/95
10 Push Press 135/95
15 Dead Lifts 135/95
Every 5min run 400m
Only use one bar taken from the ground.
I bow before Jessica Bailey and her powerful muscles.
That is all.
The Cyclop:
400 m run
50 Squats
400 m run
50 pushups
400 m run
50 Situps
400 m run
My WOD would be the first 21 of Fran, so:
21 Thrusters 95/65
21 Pull Ups
I would KILL that, in fact I already have.
a WOD named after me would have to perfectly represent me. i.e. be very short so i can get home to eat sooner, work up a good appetite so i can eat more, and consist only of things i'm good at.
3 rounds for time:
30 double unders
135 pound power clean, 5 reps
finally a WOD i can do RX'd!
The JZ:
If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son
Now do 99 burpees and a one mile run.
…which, oh god, just kill me if that ever comes up.
Got up early to do squats, which felt great at 3x5x190. I'm out of town for tomorrow's veggies *again* so please divvy them up or grab them.
All Awesome WODs! JZ, very clever!
"The Oso"
5 Rounds for time of:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters, 115
3 Muscle-Ups (strict)
JZ, you made me snort. Out loud. Although if I ever actually saw that on the white board, I would be crying, not laughing.
love it JZ!
"The Malcolm"
Back squat your body weight for your age in years. (For me 30 reps at 165lbs)
If you have to rack the barbell rest exactly your age in seconds before continuing.
Score is number of sets to complete. E.g. Perfect score is 1.
This is appropriate for me as it is hopelessly complicated and I would be awesome at it.
This is stuff we're good at, right?
For time:
* 20 Weighted Pullups (+ 50% bodyweight)
50 double unders every time you come off the bar
– – – – – – – or – – – – – – –
3 rounds for time of:
* 2 Turkish Get Ups (each side)
* 4 DB Snatches (each side)
* 6 DB Rows (each side)
* 8 DB Swings
Use the heaviest dumbbell or kettlebell you can handle.
i'm not sure about my own WOD, maybe something with pull ups and arabesques.
i know exactly what mcdowell's would be, though.
"man up"
run over a mountain
eat a stack of pancackes
repeat over the length of one weekend
Ouch Malcolm. That just means more volume for me!
"Debbie Does Double Unders"
1000 Double Unders for time
Bravo J-Bails.
I cant resist creating one more wod.
"The Loranger"
Set up 8 Bars on The Mats Loaded with Weight (Anything above 500lbs is suffice)
1 Round For Time
Clean all the weight.
Just to be clear
I cant resist creating one more wod.
"The Loranger"
Set up 8 Bars on The Mats Loaded with Weight (Anything above 500lbs is suffice)
1 Round For Time
Clean all the weight.
Cleaning all the weight means returning all the weights to their proper place. i.e putting all the bumpers & bars back where they belong.
5 rounds for time:
30 double unders
5 power cleans 135
explain to a stranger that you are NOT, in fact, japanese
10 pushups
20 squats
Every summer, I spend 2-4 weeks running a fieldwork program in a Maasai community on the Kenyan/Tanzanian border. Because of the schedule and environment, I always have to suspend my fitness regimen while there, so for today’s QOD I tried to imagine a WOD that could be done in camp, before breakfast. The ground is covered in thorny scrub, stones and scorpions, so burpees and push-ups are out. As are pull-ups, since there is no structure that can support more than 50 pounds. The name comes courtesy of one of last year’s students…
“The B-Shizzle”
20 minutes AMRAP:
100 meter farmer’s walk, 45 lb water jug in each hand rx
15 thrusters using a resistance band
300 meter sprint
4 rounds for time:
4 bear complex
50 m weighted prowler push
Expectations are high.
(um, yeah, that's not a workout.)
Michele, what kind of MiG is that? And how appropriate that a WOD named "MiG" should have a "bear" in there somewhere. (Any military nerds that get the joke? Please someone, tell me you do).
mig is my nickname. it is short for miguelita, my "name" in spanish class in high school. the russian jet part is purely coincidence.
Samir, if you are referring to the ubiquitous Soviet fighter jet, then I'm right there with you buddy.
Noah's Ark:
Walk around the gym and do 2 of everything.
apropos of the gymnastics cert
My third attempt at posting (I keep getting errors):
Just wanted to say that Active Recovery was super fun today. Thanks Fox!
Bench press Tuesday
170x5x3 – starting to get tough…hopefully have another 5# jump in me next week. Thanks for the tips, Jeremy.
Then a non-bottomless, standard Cindy. It's been a while, so I wanted to test where I'm at these days. 22 rounds even, a few rounds better than my last attempt. Push-ups got tough a lot sooner than I expected. I'm guessing the benching didn't help.
Speaking of Spanish, shouldn't "The Oso" also have a bear complex in it?
JZ, Yoshi, Noah: 3-way tie.
The JJ:
5 rounds for time
28 J erks
28 J umping slamballs
The Reverse TFBA, for time (one round each):
-A ngie (rx)
-B arbara (rx)
-F ran (rx)
-T acos (i don't know, what's the gym record on this one?)
i am pretty sure the record is 33 🙂
The Charlotte:
3 rounds
10 pushups
15 thrusters 65/95
20 KB swings 20 kg/1.5 pood
I actually do this workout sometimes and LOVE IT.