As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Double Unders*
*Athletes can sub Lateral Hops for DUs. There is a mandatory 7 minutes of Double Under practice for subbing in the lateral hops.
Post rounds and RX to comments.
John S. Hits Depth During the Total
Congratulations to all the 2011 NYC Marathon Participants!!
Yesterday Emily G, Shanna H, Jason H, Isaac W, Julia W, Steph P and Matt Katz’s father all ran the NYC Marathon. 26.2 miles is a hell of a feat and each one of you has put in many weeks and countless miles in preparation. We hope you all had a great time were able to achieve your goals for the marathon and look forward to having you back in the gym after a little well-earned R & R!
Still Space Available in the Upcoming Strength Cycles!
Cycle A (Novice Program)-2 Slots left!
11/14/11 – 12/23/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Learn more and Register Here!
Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
11/15/11 – 12/23/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Learn more and Register Here!
Cycle C (Morning)
11/14/11 – 12/21/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
Learn more and Register Here!
Strength Cycle Continuing Education
11/15/11 – 12/22/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-7:30pm
Learn more and Register Here!
5 Surefire Steps to Setting Goals by Matt Kroc T-Nation
School Lunch Proposals Set Off Dispute NY Times
Green band pullups (switched to chins after 2 rounds), strict pushups (switched to 5/round after 2 rounds), 20 KB swings 1pd. 7 rounds even. I'm glad David told me to switch to 5 pushups per round. Otherwise this would have been like 3 rounds and I'd have spent half the WOD staring at my hands. As it is I feel like I spent a lot of it staring at my hands and at the pull-up bar!
I have strict pushups…now I just gotta work on volume.
All the strength cycle links seem to be broken…
I fixed the links, thanks Rob.
I enjoyed the gymnastics certification this weekend. I would say that we've been using about 85% of the information in classes for the last few years, which speaks well of our coaches. It was good however to go back and get an updated perspective on the basics and play with some new movements. I reviewed the notes this morning and wrote out everything I learned which ended up being more than I had realized coming out of the cert. So overall happy with my weekend and excited to implement this stuff into the gym's training. AM folks got a nice taste of shoot throughs this morning which they all seemed to "love".
Also- my Hamstrings and triceps are totally useless right now
LOL shoot throughs were interesting forward was easy, back not so much.
WOD 7 rounds 2 DU. This was very frustrating for multiple reasons.
.. I need to get my DU down, ongoing goal but this time I'm serious. All in all this really kicked my ass today… good stuff
great to be back in the gym today after a brief absence. its amazing how a morning WOD with good people puts me in a better mood throughout the day. may the lord bless you and keep you, crossfit south brooklyn. kind of a rough WOD to come back to, but listening to the ill goose rhyme along with the beastie boys mid-double under kept me moving as best I could. 8 rounds plus 5 doubles, moved to thin green band pull ups after round three (strict before that).
shoot throughs are great, in a "if osorio orders me to do one more of these I'm going to hire ninjas to mutilate his nipples" kind of way. so obviously I'm looking forward to more of those.
Yoshi, if you would like someone to split the cost of those ninjas with, call me.
meat love
There are definitely people that do that kind of thing.
8am class today with… no one else. Geez Louise, am I the only person who does not have a typical M-F, 9-5 job? Anyway, thank you Coach Shane for my inadvertent "private" class!
Shoot-throughs were ok going forward and a hot mess going backward. Oh well, it was my first time doing them. Modified WOD: pull-ups with a thick green band and push-ups with a thin white band around my waist and did lateral hops instead of double-unders. Completed 10 rounds + 5 pull-ups.
7am was like grand central station and nothing at 8am interesting….
@Yosh I just figured you were motivated by my firebreather level double unders. I was born with the grace of a gazelle… I think I found my new Nickname.
Had the day off so I showed up at Noon.
I have a similar sentiment to those above, I can go through forwards on the paralettes, but it's murder to get me back. My shoulders felt super tight, I'm not sure I can hold myself up high enough to get through properly?
6 rounds + pullups today. I used the thin green band on the pullups. I murdered a whole bunch of DUs (but I'm still way better than I used to be) and pushups. Oh pushups. I was good in the beginning, but by the last round I was tanked and just couldn't string any multiples together. However! I am still proud of my first few rounds, I made it my goal in October to do a fluid 10 in a row, and that was the case in the beginning. Baby steps.
Worked w/Fox on my pullup form, shoulder activation. I'm going to start including that in my warmups, it was very useful to have him go through that with me and help me realize that I've been way overcompensating with my hips. Also, I need to buy a tennis ball and squeeze it.
Thank you Fox and CFSBK. I really appreciate all the wonderful coaching we have in you guys.
5-3-1 Bench Press 185×5, 200×3, 210×10
Psyched about getting 10, feels like theres room to grow here. God alone knows why I am blessed with an overabundance of chesticles and no hamstrings whatsoever.
Did the Cindyish WOD, got 17 rounds, final double under with 1 second to spare. Lots of pushups.
I really enjoy these workouts although I’m always frustrated with the breakdown in pushups.
15 rounds plus pull ups and 7 pushups. I was shooting for 18 rounds but pushups were the limiting factor.
Great seeing Bryan in again…twice in one week!!
10 lb jumps…its getting difficult, but wanna keep it up for another month
Metcon AMRAP 10 min of
4 pullups (green band)
7 pushups
7 box jumps 20"
Great day today! Gave my body some rest after this weekend but hung out at the gym, coached some classes and privates and even took a nap on the roof. just posted their first ever female "Hero WOD". Not a good thing per say- but I thought I'd make note of it. Workout looks miserable
Also- you guys don't know what kind of stuff I'm in to! Bring on the nipple ninjas!
Sorry for cutting out 7pm-ers. Took a spill on my bike right before practice. Thought I was fine, but I was in fact suffering from a deadly combination of hubris, high pain tolerance, and estrogen. Had to peace out so no one would see me cry. But I really hate crying, a lot.I know, ridiculous. Knee doesn't hurt, just bruised and wobbly.
Ordered my singlet. Que' SEXI!
Just signed up for the morning strength cycle. Six more weeks!
Warm up 2.
Shoot throughs. Not hard, unless I was doing them wrong. What's next? Are these part of a progression?
Wod: 17rnds + 4 push ups. I wrote it wrong on the board as 4 pulls.
Push ups slowed to 2s and 1s in the end.
Came in a little early to try and squeeze in some squatting and found JMD on the platform so joined him.
WU: 95x5x2, 135×5, 165×3, 185×2, 205×1
Work: 220x5x3
Then some benching:
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 155×2
Work: 165x5x3
The Bottomless Cindy didn't go so well. I did 5 strict chins, and squeezed in 9 round plus 2 regular chins, 3 jumping chins and 5 pushups. My arms and shoulders were shot.
@ Carlos – throw in a push-up on the front end and a dip on the through side (you have to drop your hips to hit the dip, then raise them back up for the jump back to the beginning). Ask one of us to show you if that is gibberish.
Gymnastics cert was great – I love the rings and getting upside down. New goal is to get a back lever. Looking forward to playing with some of these movements with all of you. My triceps and lats are destroyed and my hamstrings very tight, but amazingly my hip feels better than it has in months.