The amazing Teresa and her fearless assistant, Carlos
Happy Birthday, Leslie O
Reminder that there are no Group Classes, Teaser Class or Active Recovery this weekend due to the CrossFit Gymnastics Certification.
Park WOD Tomorrow
For those of you not participating in the CrossFit Gymnastics Course this weekend, we’ve organized a track workout at Red Hook Track which will be led by Mike M and McDowell M. Folks will meet at 10:30am, do some led warm-ups and then get into the following workout:
Each for time
800m x1
400m x2
200m x3
100m x4
Rest 1-3 times as long as your previous effort, as needed.
All are welcome and encouraged to come. If you can’t make it out, you can always Mobility WOD then perform a home based workout like the one below. A special challenge would be to get a non-CrossFitter to do it with you!
5 Rounds of:
20 Hollow Rocks
6 Wall Walks (with or without a push-up at the bottom or top)
Announcing the Tough Tits Day Powerlifting Meet!
We are hosting our first powerlifting meet and it’s for girls only!
What: 3 attempts at a 1 rep max of Backsquat, Bench Press and Deadlift
When: December 17 at 2pm
Who: SBK women who have been attending group classes for at least 3 months
How much: $20. Includes participation and a bench press/rules clinic with Margie on December 1 at 8pm.
Registration deadline is December 10, 2011
The Details:
Each woman will have 3 attempts to hit a max single in Squat, Bench and Deadlift, in that order. All lifters will make their attempts in each lift before moving to the next.
First, second and third place winners will be awarded in each weight class based on total combined weight of best lifts.
There will be 3 weight classes:
- Under 135
- 136-160
- Over 160
In the event of a tie, lowest weight wins.
Information regarding rules and logistics of the meet will be emailed upon registration.
Questions? Contact Margie at crossfitsouthbrooklyn dot com
The Most Important MWOD Ever: Slow Death By Text Mobility WOD
Heavy: A Response Margie Lempert
Getting Ready to Squat Margie Lempert
This MWOD WRT texting is huge for me.
Tough Tits Day Powerlifting Meet sounds like a great time. When is there going to be a men's meet?
Does anyone have Paleo suggestions for what to eat on an upset stomach? Conventional wisdom says the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast), half of which is verboten on Paleo (and the other half is considered on the high-sugar side, right?). Half of what I've seen Googling this is "well, if you'd been eating Paleo, you wouldn't have an upset stomach to begin with." Not helpful (and, incidentally, this happened to me after a nearly perfect Paleo day).
Or should I just accept this as a signal from my body that I shouldn't eat until it feels okay to eat?
Also, TITSDAY MEET! Awesome!
See if you can get some non hfcs ginger ale, or, just get some ginger. We actually put fresh ginger in chicken soup. Ginger is very paleo, and a natural stomach settler. It's also the color of my "california sunset" mustache.
Feel better.
Stella, I usually don't eat for a while to see if that helps–one of the beauties of paleo for me is that not eating for a long time isn't such a big deal. Once I'm starting to feel a little better, I'll start with chicken broth. if that goes okay, I'll go for some unsweetened applesauce. Not much, just a few bites to see how food goes. If I can keep that down, then maybe chicken broth + chicken + very cooked veggies. Small amounts, on the lower fat side has worked okay for me. Hope you feel better!
@Stella. I am going to echo Katie and JR. Ginger and chicken broth. I usually make a hot ginger lemon beverage with you guessed it Ginger and Lemon. Drink that as tea and it seems to help. But ginger filled hot soup is number one. I try to keep some homemade chicken stock in the freezer for this purpose.
On a separate note, CFT soreness is really hitting home this morning. I kind of wish I could just sleep for the day and wake up when I feel less thrashed.
stella –
seconding not eating and then drinking homemade bone broth (chicken or beef.) that stuff helps me a lot.
melissa mcewan from Hunt Gather Love had a ton of digestive problems and has written about them extensively. through a lot of trial and error, she started mixing canned pumpkin with bone broth to make a soothing soup whenever she had tummy trouble. i recommend her blog in general, but here's a quick hit from paleohacks (she started with BRAT and took it from there):
WooHoo I love the idea of a woman's meet!
For upset stomach this might just be my weirdo upset stomach but slightly sour things like Granny Smith Apples really really help!
On a random note – any college football fans in the house?? If anyone is interested in watching the epic LSU – Alabama game I am thinking 200 on 5th or somewhere similar will be a good vibe for the watchin'!
OMG Tough Titsday LIfting meet, so exciting!!! I guess being 32 weeks pregnant is going to put me out of the running (*sniff*) but I'll likely still come along to cheer. Or maybe I can just squat and deadlift? 😉
did anyone find a pair of blue shorts and two black lower leg compression sleeves at the gym yesterday? if anyone finds it today please leave it in the lost & found. thanks!
when i'm having any kind of digestive issues — assuming it's not just gas — regardless of what i eat, i always have a few cups of warm or iced mint tea. the menthol is anti-inflammatory and helps stop those awful gut spasms.
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Girls are dressed to impress on Dry Wall CrossFit….
Bethany – you should do an exhibition lift. Errr, what I mean is… like when figure skaters do flips but not for points.
Fyi sports fan, maybe the greatest fight card of all time. I beg you, PLEASE look at the undercard.
I am still in tears laughing about this, I think I am going to spring for the PPV!!
still feel like shit.
a very fine 6am with coach d.o.
very good to be back.
pre wu
mountain climbers
3 rnds
20 hollow rocks
15 air squats with mini band holding at bottom for a second
10 push ups
6 strict pull ups
(45×5 75×5 95×5)
125 145 155
felt good. bath path was good, stayed close to my body. happy.
15 burpee box step ups
15 db press
7 strict pulls ups
Combined yesterday-today post.
Thursday Night:
5-3-1 Press, X3 week, rep out at 130×6. Felt the best of this cycle although presses are still generally lagging behind other lifts. Figured out my setup a little better and felt fairly organized, just not very strong.
BurpBoxJump/PushPress/Pullup WOD with 35# DBs in 8:11. Felt pretty awkward, I like box jumps and tolerate burpees, but combined they are super tough for me.
Friday Noon:
Wanted to squat before I go off to a college friend's wedding this weekend. I figure my system will still be filtering out the Jameson come Monday and I wanted to get it done.
5-3-1 X1 week. 200X5, 225X3, 250X10 (!!!!!) Felt AWESOME. First rep felt like nothing, and I just kept plowing away. Lost count in my head, but I knew I was recording with my phone so I kept plugging away. I wanted 6 when I got in, thought I got 8, but video review confirmed it was 10. Super psyched, I was squatting 250 for triple fairly recently.
Off to Kennet, PA. Have fun at Gymnastics Certs, Track Days, and KICK SOME ASS STEPH PADDOCK!
Thanks for all the suggestions, y'all. The ginger ale definitely helped. I'm not ready to tuck into a big plate of spareribs yet, but I'm worlds better than I was 24 hours ago.
I am also very sorry to have missed out on the burpee box jumps (really!). I woke up at 6 this morning with the insane idea of trying to do the 7 AM class. Then I tried a burpee at home to see how it felt and my tummy said OH HELL NO.
ha I thought this was funny and just wanted to share with everyone..
What happens when parents eat their kids candy
Awesome photo!
bench press PR i've been chasing for over a year.
was it worth the back spasm i got in the middle of the lift? yes.
did the lift take like five minutes of grinding? yes.
did i hear everyone cheering? yes.
did it help?
yes 🙂
2 more lifts, 2 more PRs (so 4/5 for those of us keeping score here). I was super late due to work and train drama so didn't have time to think about any of this which was probably good.
Bench: (Old PR = 165) 155 easy, 170!, 175F
Clean: (Old PR = 153) 155!
I failed a couple times at 155, but kept getting it high enough–like collarbone when standing high enough. I failed on the "last" attempt but was annoyed and gave it one more shot. No thinking, got it.
strength cycle week 8.3 – final class!
bench press:130 – 137.5 – 145
i think i could have gone a little higher, but i'm happy with the number. i have a lot of progress to make on this still.
power clean: 140 – 145 – 150 – 155 – 160 – 165
bunch of attempts here because i thought 150 would be my max, but i ended up going a good deal higher. i'm happy with this number and i still think i have more in me, as well as a lot of room for improvement on the technique. i really need to work on relaxing my grip when i get under the bar.
btw, thanks to whoever put my shorts and compression sleeves in the lost and found! really happy i don't have to buy new compression sleeves.. that shit's expensive
Nice work on the benching & cleans tonight! Impressive watching Katie bench!
Got an early start on the 3×3 front squat exposure we start next weekend.
So glad front squats are in this cycle. Definitely my favorite lift. Hoping to hit 235-245x3x3 on the last exposure.
Had fun doing "Jackie" (the WOD:) with a big crew tonight. everyone rocked it!
1000m row
50 thrusters 45#
30 pull-ups
7:20 (PR)
Headed upstate to hike, relax, and enjoy the fall. Sad to miss the track WOD!
FSQ 160x3x3
12 min. AMRAP: row350m, 40du's, 35su's
3 rounds + 150meters
I read that drywall thing. Despite the picture, I don't think it applies to our gym at all. Thank god.
i came home and made the pork chops from the meat CSA.
that shit is yum.