5-5-5 Advanced
3×5 Novice/Intermediate
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Burpee Box Jumps, 20″
15 Dumbbell Push Presses
15 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
No Clases this weekend but…
As you well know by now, we’re not running classes this weekend for the CrossFit Gymnastics Course but McDowell and Mike M have offered to lead a workout at Red Hook Track on Saturday at 10:30am. This is a great opportunity to benchmarck some of your run times at an official track! Post to comments if you’re interested in going.
CrossFit Total
Great work to all the big PRs we saw last night at the Total. If you participated, let us know about you experience over the last 8 weeks and last night.
Interested in getting strong like these folks? Sign up today for our November/December Cycles
Cycle A (Novice Program)
11/14/11 – 12/23/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Learn more and Register Here!
Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
11/15/11 – 12/23/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Learn more and Register Here!
Cycle C (Morning)
11/14/11 – 12/21/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
Learn more and Register Here!
Strength Cycle Continuing Education
11/15/11 – 12/22/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-7:30pm
Learn more and Register Here!
“As far as training partners go, if you run with the lame, you will develop a limp. So only train with those who have the same goals as your own. Everyone can’t be a world champ, but we can all be better.”
– Louie Simmons
Awesome 6 am….. packed house, looks like everyone is trying to get it in before shutdown weekend 2011…
5-5-5 press
I'm thinking this is a PR, it was fun working with Josh one of our newer members, pushed me through the heavy triple, thanks broseph….
wod @ 35lb dumbbells 11:45…….box jump burpees officially are on my "i suck at" list…… everyone was kind of bad ass today, hopefully that mood continues tomorrow…..
heavy 5 not triple…*
CFT reflection post:
Entering this strength cycle I just expected to get back to where I had been before. I had allowed my strength numbers to slip a little relative to previous highs and I wanted to reclaim those PRs.
I didn't expect what happened, but I am really happy with the outcome.
Old PR's: Squat 310, Press 125, Dead 350. (Total = 785)
Last night's new PR's: Squat 325, Press 140, Dead 365. (Total = 830)
45 pound increase in my total! 15 in each lift.
But this is more for me. I have done a lot of totals now.
Oct-07: 390 (Squat 120, Press 85, Dead 185).
Nov-08: 655 (Squat 255, Press 120, Dead 280).
Jan-10: 735 (Squat 285, Press 120, Dead 330).
Feb-10: 760 (Squat 300, Press 125, Dead 335).
Jul-10: 725 (Squat 285, Press 125, Dead 315).
Oct-10: 785 (Squat 310, Press 125, Dead 350).
I have had a goal of a 800 pound CFT since late 2009. The desire had become something of an internal mantra. Now that I have it I don't know what I will do, but I suspect the end result will be a desire for a 900 pound CFT.
Steady progress with your total's malcolm. I would keep doing what you're doing with the squats and deadlifts then add upper body assistance work like dips, tricep extensions and dumbbell pressing/push pressing for that stagnant press.
"If you run with the lame, you will develop a limp." = Best Quote Ever!
Stagnant press? 15 pound PR this cycle. I am happy with that progress. I pressed for 5 last week more than my old 1 RM (127.5).
I'm in for the Red Hook Track on Saturday.
Last night was fun. I was happy to PR in all 3 lifts. Even though I didn't feel super focused in this cycle and I missed the first week I still gained 7.5lbs on my squat, 5lbs on my press, and 10lbs on my deadlift. My total increased by 27.5lbs. I'm very interested to see where the 2nd cycle will take me. Hopefully over that 200lb deadlift barrier.
Also fascinating development over at Robb Wolf's blog.
Basically this is what I have been doing different diet wise for this strength cycle. Paleo + dairy + potatoes. And now it looks like potatoes are back in the orthodoxy for Paleo, just not recommended if you are trying to lean out or are not training hard.
i have the detailed results of my CF total in yesterday's post's comments, but i got a 685 (270 squat, 110 press, 295 deadlift). i didn't have any 1RMs before last night but before the strength cycle i was squatting 160, pressing 65, and deadlifting 190.
the total was really awesome. seeing everyone's numbers going up really motivated me to push myself. i came in thinking i'd attempt 250-255-260 on my squat, but seeing jess bailey add 10 freaking pounds to each of her attempts made me go for 250-260-270, and i think i even had more in me. jeremy pushed me past where i thought i'd attempt on press and deadlift, and i got better numbers for it. i think everyone really fed off the positive energy and encouragement from other lifters and the crowd to get good numbers. i was super impressed with everyone there last night.
talk about SLEEP OF THE DEAD last night… omg. tired!!
STRENGTH NOTE: we forgot to take our group photo 🙁 folks who are around for the bench/clean minitotal on Friday – let's try to remember to snap one.
whoops, i can't add. my total was 675, not 685.
Wanted to thank Jeremy for all his help in my first strength cycle. I blew by all of the goals I had set and PR'd everything. I totaled 1125 (460-190-475) and am looking forward to doing this again.
That was a really fun, really big, total last night. Awesome performances put in by everyone– plenty of impressive efforts and lots of courage and fight displayed.
This was my first cycle since spring where I was able to train from start to finish. From minor injuries to food poisoning, it's been one thing after another keeping me from getting 8 straight weeks of training and doing 1RM tests so I was pretty happy to get to participate last night.
That said, I've been feeling beat up the last couples of weeks, and the aches and pains have accumulated and I really need a break to heal up. Over-extending my back on my press 2 Sundays ago was the last straw and I think this negatively impacted both my confidence and my Squat. While I felt good after doing 315×6 on Friday, both warmups Monday and last night were rough so I sort of limped into my first lift. But I got my game face on:
Squat: 325-340-350 (10# PR)
Press: 155-165-170 (15# PR)
Dead: 365-380-400F (20# PR)
A 900 total was a 47.5 pound increase so I'm pretty happy with that. I also finally made my goals I set for August! Now I'm gunning for that 400 DL…
Great totals people! glad to see it!
@Malcom – I always do a sweet potato after a good workout, I think it's fine. I totally agree. Great way to get some fuel. I like what they call it down in PR, a "boniato"
Nice numbers. Steady progress, that's huge.
Big congrats to all strength cyclers! Shawn, Jon: post your damn numbers!
In other news: I have sore hammies from last night's RDLs.
Malcolm, Sorry I was glancing at the Oct 10 Total when I made the remark about your press.
@Malcolm: I'm curious: what is your bodyweight?
I ask because I've often fantasized about getting a 5X bodyweight total (made up of 2X BW squat, 2X BW deadlift, and a BW press). I'm not sure that breakdown is possible to be honest. But I still dream about it.
Well, if the professor says so:
Yeah total! I had a blast last night. The cheering makes the weight feel a little lighter.
Back squat: 250, 265, 275 (F)
Press: 125, 135, 140 (F)
Deadlift: 305, 325, 330 (F)
Total: 725
I came in with a goal of 700, so I'm really happy with that number.
This was my second strength cycle in a row. Here's how they went:
Pre-cycle PRs: BSQ 195, Press 110, Deadlift 245
Total: 550
Cycle 1: BSQ 245 (+50), Press 125 (+15), Deadlift 285 (+40)
Total: 655 (+105)
Cycle 2: BSQ 265 (+20), Press 135 (+10), Deadlift 325 (+40)
Total: 725 (+70)
Added 175 total pounds in 4 months. Heck. Yeah. Thanks to all the other lifters for being so encouraging and inspirational, and, of course, huge thanks to Jeremy, the squat whisperer. Any folks who are looking to get stronger fast, you know what to do.
Wow, Jon, nice work! Great increases across the board.
Encouraging post about potatoes. I've been mainly following a loose PaNu/Paleo 2.0 template since a blog talk a few months back where Nick A. shed some good light on "Paleo Best Practices." Haven't seen any real body comp changes, have felt good, and I get to eat home fries at diners (winwinwinwinwin.) I think its smart to ask ourselves "why am I doing this?" every so often, and I'm always encouraged when the Paleo-Orthodoxy (kind of a contradiction in terms) can admit they are still learning and refining.
Great job last night totalers, lots of focus and heart.
I'm definitely in for Red Hook Track Day!
burpee box jumps…wow
@ Samir. Last checked on Sunday. Fully dressed no shoes 168, so I would guess actual weight in the ballpark of 165. Which would give me slightly over 5x. With a almost 1.97x squat, 0.85x press and 2.21x dead. (Second decimal included so the squat doesn't round to 2 because I want that legit).
1x press would be amazing. That is going to take a long time barring a horrible machinery accident that costs me my legs.
Current dream is 2.5x Squat, 1x Press, 3x Dead for 6.5x total. At current body weight that would be a 1073, which seems impossible, but a boy has to dream.
Impressive work strength crew. I'm hoping to get in on one of those soon.
Would it be possible to get more details on the Saturday Red Hook Wod? Will it be only running? It's a bit of a trek for me.
I did today's WOD yesterday, but Fox gave me 21-15-9 of burpees, kb swings, and pull ups. I guess it changed or Fox was sparing me the burpee box jumps. I did it in 14:20, it took me a while to get through the pull ups. My kips sets were generally 3 at a time, no more than 5. Burpees were pretty much unbroken, with maybe an extra few breaths here and there. I think I put the 1.5 pood kb down once on the first set, second two sets unbroken. I spent the most time on the pull ups by far.
Squat 305x5x3
Bench 255x5x3
DWOD (scaled)
6 rounds
1' cal row
1' to do 4 plyo push ups 8 kb swings 1.5 pd
Nov/Dec Goals
bodyweight below 275 (eventually 250)
go 315/405/495 at the meet first weekend of Dec…might be pretty tough, we'll see
Waiting in line for shake shackat Madison square park. Guess there's no better time to post!
So this was another awesome experience. Coming into the cycle I wanted to get to 350 on the squat and 400 on the deadlift. Fore some reason I haven't posted on the blog much this cycle. I haven't been reading the blog everyday like I used to so I've been relying on Jeremy to track my numbers.
When Jeremy told me at the end of last cycle he could get me to a 350 squat–I reluctantly believed him–only because it's Jeremy and he's all knowing. 310 for my arm last time was hard as he'll and I almost didn't make it. How could I go up from there?
Samir and I had concluded that since we weren't super novices in lifting we didn't have much more room for immediate gains so I decided I'd go back to crossfit group classes and do another cycle next year.
Here ya confidence in me along with my work/life scheduled helped me decide literally on the last day to do another cycle. The first days of the cycle sucked. Jeremy rolled me back to 235×5 ( I think) and I struggled a lot early on. I couldn't get out if the hole and everything was super heavy when 235 last cycle was a breeze. No way in he'll I was gonna get to 350 let alone back to 310.
My confidence was a bitshaken, Jeremy saw this and backed me off an increase for a session. Around that time (week 2) things strews to click again and I was able to add 5 lbs to my squat through the end of my cycle!
Last Sunday I squatted 315×5 (although we only did 1 set that day. For rest purposes)
So my new RM matched and exceeded my 1 RM from just last cycle.
Press- I failed the first time at 125–where I failed last time, but finished by clearing 125 which had been my nemesis twice.
Deadlift is my strongest lift. Since Margie taught me to dial in the start position things are so much better. I made consistent gains and was able to finish pulling 355 or 365 for 5. My old 1 RM was 375–but it went up east enough that I felt 300 was in the cards.
Last night I decided to be aggressive I had been through a total before and even though I was super nervous–was a little more comfortable in knowing I could put up more weight than my 5rms.
Squat 335,350, 365(fail)
I went out the gate knowing I wanted to hit 350 by lift 2. 335 was easy so I went up to 350. I ended up a little disappointed cause I didn't quite get to the depth I wanted to–but it still came up easy enough so I went all out at 365. 365 was the weight I walked out with on Monday and it was spinecrushing. Yesterday with the adrenaline tl365 on my back felt fine. Unfortunately I never made it back out the hole. I think I could've hit 355 or 360, but conditions have to be perfect for me to get 365. I think I can do it though.
A little disappointed I didn't get to 355 or 360 but overall really happy to get 350. Or 4 mos ago was 235.
Press 145,150,155(fail)
Not much to write here. 145 where I finished last tine was easy, went to 150–then went to 155 an couldn't clear my head. I think maybe could've hit 152.5.
Deadlift 400,405,415
Whew… I got nervous when I pulled 365 for 1 for my last warmup and it was super heavy. Was 400 too aggressive? Could I get it off the ground? I didn't know but I figured pull 1 would be my best shot at it.
Pulled 400 and it was ugly–back a little rounded–not an easy lift.. Took some advice from Margie and tightened up for lift 2 it still felt heavy but a little more comfortable. I decided I got my 4 plates and I might as well go for a big jump to 415. Took some more advice from Margie and it wa best lift. My back was a little rounded but pull 3 was my favorite pull.
Now I'm back to regular crossfit for the holidays. I'll be back for more strength. I think I'm gonna commit to 2 cycles a year. I think rolling 2 will really help me get acclimated and then see results and now that I've done it I'd recommend 2 to everyone.
I have a short term goal of 950 but getting to 1000 is on the back of my mind
I think I need a 400 squat and a 450 deadlift to get it. We'll see what happens.
Btw u drank milk only on lift days this cycle (and only a half gallon). And my body weight went from 175 to 168. So I lifted more while losing weight and eating less
i am still toast. this total really fried me. not sure why.
Thanks for that post, Shawn, or shall I just call you Tolstoy? For the curious, that was 850 words, only 65 short of his total. Awesome! (Both the total and the post).
Especially impressive given that if he is waiting in line while writing it that means that is phone typing!
@Michele I am pretty beat today as well.
Malcolm and Samir– youre both right. Here are my corrections.
Here ya confidence in me along with my work/life scheduled helped me decide literally on the last day to do another cycle
^^^ this sentence should've said "Jeremy's confidence…"
Btw u drank milk only on lift days this cycle (and only a half gallon). And my body weight went from 175 to 168. So I lifted more while losing weight and eating less
^^^this shouldve said I drank milk only on lift days…
Anyhow yea this titak was 915 almost 100 lbs over my last toital of 830.
i feel pretty good right now I attribute it to my post workout meals.
last night I ate 2 double burgers (no bun), an order of fries, half a pint of ice cream, and 4-5 handfuls of kettle corn. Today Ive had another double burger and two orders of fries.
All of this talk of totals has me pumped to start the strength cycle in a few weeks.
i kind of want to die right now.
Before Strength Cycle:
Squat: 290
Press: 140
Final Numbers:
Squat: 330
Press: 147.5
Deadlift: 410
Rogue's MWOD t-shirts made me giggle: http://www.roguefitness.com/supple-leopard-shirt.php#
Lots of great work going on in the gym last night, squatters and totalers alike. Sneaking peeks at the platform while y'all were lifting made me exited/anxious for the meet in December.
Billy – I just ordered that shirt!
All of the Strength folk were impressive but I was particularly stoked for Jess B and John S. Nice work, guys.
@Michele, I recommend either a lot of water, or a lot of vodka.
funny, i have been avoiding water. that is dumb. will fix.
Anyone have good advice on rejoining general population.
Only metcons ive done the past 4 months are Fran and FGB.
Both felt good after rd 1, afterwards SUCKED.
Ive had to run to catch the train a few times recently and find myself huffing and puffing much quicker than in the past.
Press 95, 100, 95. Barely made the hundred and knew I couldn't do it again.
Wod in 9:54 with 25# dbs
I started eating potatoes again a while back. I couldn't figure out why sweet potatoes were ok and our well sourced "white" yellow blue red potatoes were not. I decided that was bs and started eating potatoes of all colors again. Not very scientific I guess but it felt right.
Congrats to all you Totalers!!
Todays press – 45×10, 75×5
Work set – 95×5, 105×5, 115×4 (that last one just wasn’t going up)
WOD – 10:40 with 30# dumbbells. Burpees gas me like nothing else.
yoshi and/or josi and/or felix is/are interested in the red hook outdoor WOD. what's the haps, peeps?
congrats to the totalers!
Presses felt good at 75; even managed to bust out an extra one when Shane deemed one them unfit for the count.
WOD: What fresh hell is this? Seriously, there are enemy combatants in island prisons who are subjected to this workout when they've been particularly uncooperative. Push presses@20 and it took a green band, a white band, and Shane to get me through those pull ups. Decided: my #1 goal in the next 6 months is to be able to knock out 15 pull ups unassisted.
Is it normal for a workout to make your whole upper body burn and your nose tingle?!
Congrats to all the fabulous totalers! Awesome numbers and a great crew of very supportive people.
Fun little burner WOD: 6:38 with 35# DBs — I love burpee box jumps! (don't ask – I don't know why)
I had to run out right after class to get to a work meeting with a burning throat and useless arms. Now I know how Jess feels (such as tonight) when she goes right from working out to teaching class. Geez.
did anyone find a pair of shorts and two shin compression sleeves at the gym today? i just realized i don't have it with my other gear from last night. 🙁
5 rep Press
155 – 155 x 3 (fail) – 150
7:38 – 40lbs dumbells
Day 3 Paleo
I'm finding myself still hungry about an hour or so after a meal except for breakfast. Im realizing my portions need some readjusting but so far so good. Say what you will, but I'm not giving up bananas.
I've been listening to Robb's podcast, plus Chris Kressler (now definitely my favorite) and reading a shit-ton of other nutrition blogs during the last 13 months and I definitely have noticed a big shift from absolutism to a more relativist approach to the Paleo concept. From panu website name change to Robb's "framework" and Kressler's "template" you find more individual adjustments (what works for you) and less paleo reconstructivism. Check out
The reason "yams, sweet potato and tubers" we're always on the Ok list and not regular white potatoes seems to be due to nutrient content and agriculture. However, since trying to reconstruct a caveman diet is no longer the means to ends and mechanistic reasoning has taken the fore, it's clear that minimizing harm thru the elimation of toxic, gut-irritating, metaboilc damaging elements (processed foods, sugar, grains) is the prime objective. Potatoes (sans skin) are pretty neutral, albeit not particularly nutrient dense, but some of us need that starch, so better that than not.
I also use white rice (grasp) and a fuel balance.
And yse, the low carb thing is done. Maybe good for some, sometimes, but that is not going to work for most super active (us) persons and will cause problems.
End lecture. Thank you for listening.
I would be interested in doing a track workout on Saturday.
5pm class!
-dislocates, flag poles, droms
-3 rounds of: 16 reverse lunges (17.5#), 12 one-arm db presses (17.5#), 10 ring rows
-90sec middle split hold
(45x5x2, 65×5, 75×3)
work: 80x5x3
-thought about going up but my upper body is feeling pretty tired from recent wods. Want to try to stick with a linear progression for this cycle.
10 mins and change at 20#.
-thought I was going to have to quit after 2 rounds to get to clients, but glad I was able to finish. BBJ's are awful.
I'm sore!