Start with 90% of you previous best 3rm Squat. The goal of this 6 week cycle will be to squat your previous 5×3 weight for 3×5
3 Rounds NFT of:
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Pallof Presses
Load the RDL about 45-50% of today’s squat. Focus on hamstring activity and spinal position moreso than load
Optional DIY Finisher
Test your 500m Row
See how you stack up on our CrossFit Levels list with this benchmark distance!
Who let a Skunk into the gym!?!
Remember there are no Group Classes, Active Recovery or Teasers this weekend due to the CrossFit Gymnastics Certification we’re hosting.
Strength Cycle Total Today!
Another series of Strength Cycles comes to an end which means another CrossFit Total graduation. All 4 Strength cycles will be competing against themselves to find a new 1RM Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. Good luck, Iron Warriors! All are welcome and encouraged to spectacte and cheer on these guys and gals.
The Brooklyn Paleo Blog
Brooklyn Paleo is a paleo food blog recently started by CFSBKer Lana Z. She’s hoping that a few fellow CFSBKers might be interested in getting involved and contributing to the blog to help it grow into a valuable resource for our box. Ideally, the blog will help us all stick to our diet goals as well as we stick to our gym goals, offer a place to talk about what we eat every day, and help us figure out what to make (or where to go) for dinner. This is very casual and you will not be scoffed at for occasionally featuring peas or dairy in your recipes (at least not by Lana anyway…)
Overall the blog will help us find out:
- Which neighborhoods have the best CSA’s?
- Where can we find affordable grass fed beef in Brooklyn?
- Which NYC restaurants cater best to our caveman needs?
- Where can we find a decent Paleo lunch near the office?
- What should we cook for dinner?
If you’re Interested in writing regularly, helping out occasionally, or just submitting a recipe get in touch with Lana at: lana(AT)groundupdesigners.com.
If you had a time machine and could travel back in time, which historical event would you like to witness and why? Would you like to be a participant or a fly-on-the-wall?
(Question Courtesy, Samir C)
To be honest, there's so many events in the past I'd like to witness that I'm finding it hard to stop at one or two. But here goes:
1. On the non-human end, I'd love to visit the earth when dinosaurs roamed free – I'd most certainly prefer be a fly-on-the-wall. I can't imagine what the planet looked like then; perhaps some sort of hallucinatory combination of a National Geographic special and Jurassic Park.
2. On the human side. A chance to see Napoleon in action: commanding his generals, perhaps in action at Austerlitz. I'm a military history buff, and the chance to see one of the greatest leaders of all time in action sounds kinda cool. A fly-on-the-wall again, just one that understood Corsican-accented French.
I don't think I'd like to be a participant in the action when I time-travel; I'd like to observe it as me, not as someone caught up in it.
I'm going to go with hearing Mozart play as a six-year-old prodigy, and fly on the wall would be just fine — I wouldn't need him to hear my gasps of amazement!
I wish I could've been a fly on the wall witnessing Hitler get embarassed by Jesse Owens' performance at the 1936 summer Olympics in Berlin.
Brooklyn Paleo is a great site. I'll will certainly use the suggestions and recipes mentioned. Nice work Lana.
I would love love love to have been in some way at the moon landing. Seeing the earth from space is kind of a dream of mine
Great Paleo Blog
Ridiculously cute skunk!
I'm also in on Paleo November!!!
Plus Dairy and Beer!
First of all,
THAT'S MY BOY!!!!!!!!!
Going back in time. First thing that comes to mind is that I'd find Adolph Hitler and just put a bullet in his head.
I can't think of anything off the top of my head that's better than that.
WOOT!! Back in the gym today for the first time since my disastrous failed "Elizabeth" on 10/13. Also my 5th time in the gym since August 17. It's been something of a crazy fall. I did 195×3 for 5 across on 8/17 so I decided to go w/ 90% of that, or 175.
WU: 500m easy row, "A" warmup. David stopped my air squats and made me do wall squats so I only got through 2 rounds. Time to work on some mobility stuff (see goals below)!
WU: 45, 95, 135, 155×5. 155 felt HEAVY so I just put some 5s on for the work sets. Good move, esp at 6am on my first heavy squat session in 10 weeks. 165x5x3 felt good but hard.
Acc work: 3 rounds 10 RDLs @ 80#, 10 Pallof presses w/ white band each side.
November goals: I wrote 'em on the board, too. I want to hit all the backsquat exposures and make it into the gym a total of 8 times this month. And I want to join Michele in doing 30 MWODs. I'm trying to be strict paleo plus booze on weekends but I've learned from experience that too many goals is a bad idea. So I'll just leave that one at "try."
Great seeing Carlos, Ash, and all the coaches this morning. It had been way too long.
Oh I forgot to answer the time machine question! Lots of good responses already. I'd like to go back in time and have a conversation with Abraham Lincoln. I just am really curious what he was actually like as a person.
#JR: Bullet in the head, yes. But when? 1933 or 1945?
What's the point of waiting? 1919 when he joined the German Workers' Party and started with his crazy ideas.
If I could get a second choice, I wouldn't mind hanging out with Sir Richard Francis Burton. That's living right there.
Ah the nightmare of counter factual history. 1933 bullet to the head of Hitler, results in no second world war. No shock to the long series of bloody European wars, with Germany, France and England battling it out episodically through the later half of the twentieth century. Millions more dead across 50 extra years of fighting. No quasi-unified Europe means the soviets are less checked leading to open conflict between the Americans and Soviets, millions extra die. No Axis versus Alies means no alignment between Japan and Germany. This suggests that Japanese would not bomb pearl harbor, preventing the U.S. from interfering with the Japanese occupation of China (billions extra die?) No East Germany means no section of Soviet union exposed to western style wealth (plus in this bleak history Europe isn't doing so great) so Soviet union doesn't fall. By now it resembles one large North Korea (millions extra die).
To paraphrase Steven Colbert. Adolf Hitler great evil dictator or greatest evil dictator?
I will stick to being a fly one the wall please. But where and when? I am torn by the 'Wow Dinosaurs' factor and the unresolved question issues in history. Maybe go check out our paleolithic ancestors to see if there health was all we have it cracked up to be. But I would probably go see Dinosaurs.
this is a tough question. i have a million answers. but i always think about how fun it would be to spend a day in new york in various periods. if i had to choose i'd like to visit the late 1800s new york, when a lot of brooklyn was still farm land, bed-stuy and crown heights were upper-class suburban neighborhoods with gigantic neoclassical mansions, and cows were still grazing in central park. it would also be fun to stroll around brooklyn heights then — though it would be the same in a lot of ways, the piers would still be really active shipping ports, and fulton street would be a bustling trade route. and in manhattan there would be no skyscrapers!
How can you possibly be so confident in the unknowable? That's a hell of a lot of extrapolation!
This question is easy. November 12, 1955. Hill Valley High School. Enchantment Under the Sea dance. Lead guitar.
@JR Mine wasn't THE alternate past, it was an alternate past.
Counter factuals are problematic. That is the point (or maybe the point was getting to paraphrase Colbert).
you never know. butterfly wings across the world, right? I'd take my chances and pull the trigger.
the birth of rock n' roll (yeah dan b!) so i could wear a poodle skirt, rise from a booth in a diner or some other public place to uncontrollably do the twist, hypnotized by a musical force brand new to me and the nation.
also, see dinasours (yea samir!), specifically a pterodactyl flying overhead.
Great Quantum Leap-esque question –
On a not so serious note I would have loved to have been at Woodstock when Jimi Hendricks played the anthem – or back stage at the Monterey Pop Festival when Hendricks and the Who argued who had to go after who and Jimi lost so he upped the anti and set his guitar on fire —- and a million other bits like that. Historical would be the moon landing – I would not be a fly I would have been hanging out there on a lawn chair with a beer in a coozy that said something like 'Shootin' deer and drinkin' beer that's how I roll'. And when Neil got out and been like 'What-Up!' The look on his face would be priceless.
Super crazy bummed my dumb shoulder is keeping me from totaling tonight cause I have loved every minute of the strength cycle – but I cannot wait to cheer people on you guys are going to rock it out!!!
Hey SBKers! There's a snowshoe marathon in VT in March. I've participated before and it's an amazing experience and a whole different challenge 😉 a fun weekend with a bed & breakfast right across the street from the mountain. They are discounting the race this week only. Here's the info below, sorry you have to coy and paste the URL I'm not tech savvy! Anyone interested? I will be driving up and can fit 3 ppl.
Registration is open for the snowshoe race.  visit http://www.peakraces.com  Â
Use the code PEAK for a discount. Â The code will only be active for a short time so take advantage of the discount now. Â
Whoa this Jackie not Moose Knuckle, apparently he stole my computer recently 😉 thanks Moose
Oh and I agree with Mel and Ellie, send me back to the fun times. I want to go all the way back to experience prohibition and speak easy's, be in the jazz clubs and see the flappers! I would want a chance to see the beginning of r &b, even Elvis, The Beatles, the birth of rock, and be at Woodstock! Alright I'm being greedy
@ David: The moon landings blow me away too. I wouldn't have minded being a fly-on-the-wall inside Apollo 11. Come to think of it, I wonder if any Florida flies got trapped in the rocket before it blasted off. Lucky flies.
A lot of great ideas here. I would go back and be a journalist during the civil war – it set the stage for so many issues that we are still confronting regarding civil rights, race, and federalism/states' rights. Also, another plug for Cloudsplitter by Russell Banks when the "fave book" question arose. It's the story of John Brown, the abolitionist who attacked Fort Sumter, as told by one of his sons. An unflattering an important time in American history.
jump rope physics!
For whatever reason, I read this question while thinking about recent books i read, so…
As a participant: the early 1920's in Paris with Hemingway.
As a fly on the wall: 1972 on the campaign trail with Hunter Thompson.
Oh on a Different Note Level 4 – Advanced for the 500M row this morning! Woot. 1:42.3
I don't know about time travel whenever you start messing with it bad things happen. =P
Great 5pm class today!
Got a lesson as to why I should be standing up while my partner lifts, instead of rolling out my calves. Must try not to multi-task that much.
3×5 at 185#
It was a little heavy by the last set, so I'm going to stay at this weight for next week. Overall things felt pretty good, I stuttered in my last set when I was focusing too much on my knees and lost the coordination of the other parts of my body.
RDLF at 95# and the white band for super action fighter goodness. I think someone should definitely take photographic evidence the next time that badness is released on class. Baz and I had a battle royal, not sure who won.
Stretch'n'Chat with Noor was fantastic. I'm working on my right shoulder as I'm feeling twingy from Monday and my triceps are screaming. That means new muscles, so yay!
@ Jackie, I'm really interested re:snowshoe adventure. I'm going to see if I can get my friend Michelle to come with..
BSq 5×3 225# heavy but I'm used to heavy.
Rdl 135# this brought back memories. I used to do these alot
White band paloff presses these were cool but I felt outstretched hold could be longer.
500m test in In 1:42.3. Easily level 3 but a ways from level 4. Consistent with the rest.
Farmer's carries with Eric using new Jerry? cans. Various.
Charlotte, Yay! And best to all!
Speaking of wounded superheroes, has anyone heard from Kevin Rooney?
History. So many choices. On a whim I'll go with Robert Johnson's recording session in San Antonio. Fly on the wall.
quick post post-total. Totally great night. I usually hate lifting with lots of people, but even I was sold on the atmosphere eventually. Great, supportive energy, and lots of impressive lifts.
Squats: (Old PR = 270) 245, 255F, 255
I probably could have had that second lift, but I gave up mid-way and that's always fatal. I got too soft at the bottom. Thankfully, I was able to rally and get it on the next shot. That 270 is replicable someday soon.
Press: (Old PR = 105) 95, 105, 110
This was a big victory. My press has been stuck in the 100-105 range for 2 years, and 110 went up without a terrible struggle. Might even have been a few pounds there. Mobility work works!
DL: (Old PR = 325) 325, 335, 345
Big PR here. 345 was slow and felt a little rounded, but apparently wasn't too bad. Rack pulls totally helped.
= 710!
(Seriously, Samir, your slavish devotion to courtesy is SO OLD.)
Back squat: 215x5x3 (partnered with Rikke, which was a blast – wait, did I spell your name correctly?). Plenty of space to grow.,
500 m row: 1:44.5 (Level 4, woot!)
Always great energy in the gym on a Total night! Congrats to all the Strength Cyclers!
Great Session with Alec and Shane tonight. KB warm up (15#): 3RNFT 8 snatches, 8 reverse lunges, 8 cleans, 8 squats each side.
Press 3×5: All done at 61# which is definitely a PR for me since my 1RM the last time I totaled was 60.
3RNFT 5 ring push ups, 10 step ups ea. leg 16" box and 15# DBs
QOD: So many things. I'll say Kitty Hawk to witness the first flight off the top of my head
Got a little too ambitious with the bsq weight… managed 165, but barely. Having recently made the switch from a regular gym routine, I find I'm consistently overestimating the weight I can handle in CF. I was squatting 200 before… it just turns out that I wasn't doing it well. I have to get better at keeping my ego in check and being ok with going backward to build a better foundation.
RDLF – 95. Nice and light. A step toward the aforementioned goal.
pallof presses – yup, harder than they look!
Response to question of the day: March on Washington, 1963. MLK's speech has the power to send chills today, via scratchy recording, in the solitude of my apartment. I'd give almost anything to experience it as part of the crowd. Wow.
5-3-1 Deadlifts, X3 Week. Had a mini DL breakthrough, played around with totally releasing my grip at the bottom, which makes me re-tighten and re-organize much better.
Repout was 265×10…Steadily moving along, started this kind of low and its still low, but I feel like I'm making some strength+technique strides.
I'm still thinking about the history question, and probably will be for a long time.
2 Rounds NFT
16 Lunges with 35lb Dumbbells
:20 Supine Hold with 10lb plate on chest
12 Hip Extensions with 2 bands
Back Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3, 205×3, 225×2, 235×1)
I came into this feeling really sore from my previous squats- The first time I'd actually gotten sore from them, I think it may have had to to with the run/pull-up couplet I did too. Anyway- I figured I'd warm up to work weight and see how things felt. Well- they felt really heavy and I didn't have the fight in my physically so I racked it and did some back off weight. Wanted to do the RDLs and Pallof Presses but Had to start my 6pm client. Tomorrow!
Great energy in the gym today! Great work to Strength Cycles and CrossFiters alike!
LOVE the adorable skunk video! I also really loved watching all the incredible strength cyclers tonight. Congrats, everyone! Some very strong people at CFSBK.
Great squatting with Samear (jk – I know how to spell your name, Samir 🙂 today.
215x5x3 – hoping for 10# jumps to hit 265×5 (maybe more?) at the end of this exposure.
115x10x3 on the RDLs
1:36 500m row (pr)
I'd use the time machine to transport me to the height of the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960-70's and the Stonewall Rebellion in 1969. Also, please put me on the wait list for the moon visit.
My WOD (besides my morning run) was a 1-mile meat and offal carry. Half Zercher, half farmer's walk. 🙂
I have PIG TROTTERS, people! You have no idea how exciting that is.
So many people in the gym tonight! And yes, such. great. energy.
Warmup-2 rounds of warmup 1:
-20 hollow rocks, 15 squats, 10 pushups, 5 (negative) pullups…interspersed with taking some photos of our strength beasts.
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 155×3)
work: 175x5x3
-these actually felt great. I've been having a love/hate relationship with my squat lately so I wasn't sure how this would go. Felt organized with each rep. Let's hope this sticks next week. 😉 So nice to partner with Bethany and ellie june on this one!
Accessory Work:
3 rounds of: 12 RDL's at 85# and 12 pallof presses each arm.
-I can already feel the soreness coming on. tomorrow's gonna be rough.
500m row in 1:51.7
-i think i can definitely get it sub 1:50 next time.
Regarding the Q of the day…my first thought was definitely MLK's I have a dream speech. Right on, Brandon. Although dinosaurs would be pretty cool…
And finally, congrats to our strength folk! You guys really put on a good show with some impressive lifts. So sorry I couldn't stay to watch the deads.
ok, really last thing. Jim, your skunk child is really too damn cute.
strength cycle week 8.2: crossfit total
squat: 250 – 260 – 270
i came in tonight hoping for 260, but when i saw everyone else's third numbers going up so high i had to push myself. 270 felt great and i think i had 275 in me.
press: 92.5 – 100 – 110
i think 110 was JUST enough. really happy with this number actually.
deadlift: 275 – 295 – 315(F)
jeremy really pushed me on this one and i'm happy he did. i wasn't planning on going above 280 tonight but 295 came up pretty well. 315 was just too big a jump for me but i'll get it next time! i want to do a lot of work on my deadlift next cycle.
total: 675. really happy with this number considering i came into the cycle with a 160 pound squat and a 190 deadlift. i didn't have 1RMs before tonight but i'm sure my old PRs wouldn't have been anything close to this.
absolutely loved the positive energy in the gym tonight. i thought all the people would make me nervous but really when you've got a bar on your back you don't even think about it, and all the feedback and encouragement really helped me put up numbers i didn't think i had in me. a big thanks to all the other strength cyclers, all the awesome people who came to watch tonight, and of course coach jeremy!
This was my first full Total since December – I did group programming Jan–>April, and then had to only sub-Total or fully bail in the next two subsequent strength cycles due to injury/life implosion.
Incoming PR was 170 from group programming in April.
167.5, 172.5 (PR), 177.5 (PR)
Should've gone for 180 in that final attempt. I had it.
This was a big surprise – I've had a bunch of injuries and training interruptions, including one meriting a knee X-ray in September. Thanks to everyone for encouraging me to go see a doc, and to Deb and Alec for their ongoing care of all my myriad mobility issues. The focus recently with them has been strengthening my back so I wouldn't be bent by heavy bars; the results I have seen from doing a few prehab-type exercises Deb gave me are undeniable.
Incoming PR was 72.5. Progress here has been good, and I was sure I would finally PR by a meaningful amount.
70, 75 (fail), 72.5 (fail)
Boo. The failure at 75 fried me and I couldn't get my old PR up. Lesson: just start heavy on the press next Total.
I was conservatively hoping to pull just 200, even though my PR is 210. My deadlift just hasn't recovered from my general life implosion this summer, so I brought my expectations down prior to the meet.
185, 200, 215 (fail)
I guess I got greedy with that final jump; had I set it at 210, perhaps I would've tied my previous PR.
TOTAL: 447.5
Last Total: 425.5
Looking forward to bench+cleans Friday!
This Total was really special – a record number of participatns, good support from the crowd, two great dogs, a cute baby and World's Most Adorable Strength Toddler, blissfully kettlebell-free platforms, and a great coach… what more could a lifter want?
Warm-up 1: my new version: 2 HSPU , 4 ring pull-ups looking for strict muscle-up depth (pull to armpits if possible) + normal stuff. The HSPU were not all perfect – last set was a lower on the second rep. Might try doing these with a band assist and upping the number.
Squat @ 150. Felt good. Thanks Daniel! Focused on butt back.
3 Rounds.
12 RDL @ 60lbs
10 PaloPress
Great fun watching strength class. So many PR's – great progress for everyone!
Squat: 125x5x3
Accessory: 3 rounds of 10 RDL @ 75 and 10 PPs
Cool down: gawk in awe at all the strength cyclers lifting a lot of really heavy weight! So much fun to watch. Can't wait to be back on the platforms next month. 🙂