Christine D looking FIERCE during Competition Team Class
Reminder: There are No Classes this weekend due to the CrossFit Gymnastics Certification we’re hosting.
Congratulations Avery!
Great job to Avery W on her very impressive results at the World Kettlebell Lifting Championships in Chicago this weekend!
“Despite world’s worst cold this weekend, first place in my weight division, rank one in long cycle and third woman overall in pentathlon at wkc worlds!”
December’s Foundations Dates are Live!
December AM Semi-Private Foundations
12/11/11 – 12/22/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:00am
Sundays from 10:00-11:00am
Register Here!
December Afternoon Semi-Private Foundations
12/2/11 – 12/14/11
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12pm
Register Here!
December PM Semi-Private Foundations
12/11/11 – 12/22/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00pm
Sundays at 11am
Register Here!
“The Professor”, Samir C had a great idea and thought we should survey you guys to see what kinds of questions you’d like us to ask on the blog. So- What would you like to know about your fellow CrossFitters?
The Shame of College Sports The Atlantic
Manny Adams Doin Push-Ups!
Looks like Kelly's in the home stretch – 337 of 365 planned episodes of the M-Wod. If he's still planning to stop at 365, he hasn't got much longer to go.
I'm sure the videos will stay up on the site after the project is over, but I still think it'll be extra fun to watch him wrap this up. A whole year!
When he first started publishing the videos, I watched and faithfully attempted his exercises every day. It was fun.
I think I'll play along again while he finishes up the project. Sounds like a November goal!
Ooh, I like this question!
If there were a benchmark WOD named after you, what would it be?
What are your favorite places to get Paleo-friendly grub in Brooklyn?
The Manny Adams video is really funny!
Christine, that photo is gnarly!!!
the gym is closed this weekend?!?! i think i might cry.
Ellie – there's talk of a meet-up for a WOD at Red Hook Track on either Saturday or Sunday.
Wod at Red Hook Track @ noon on Saturday. Be there or be square.
dammit. imma miss the AR real bad.
Hey does any know of a bike shop that will buy a road bike frame?
or is anyone looking for a road bike frame?
post on blog or email me at
If anybody knows anyone that is looking to get into the digital media space (online advertising) or is in the space and looking to change jobs, email me at
Im hiring.
Hey guys, I'm looking for advice on weightlifting shoes. I have narrow feet and have a hard time finding shoes that fit properly. Does anyone with a similar affliction have any recommendations? Or does anyone who owns a pair of 11.5s have some lying around that I can try on before class some time?
Meant to post last night:
Fight (or Fright) Gone Fran
57#, white band (approx. 8/6/7, 13/12/9, respectively)
I either went too heavy or just can’t do thrusters – maybe both. I struggled to get organized on the warm-up and it continued through the WOD. Lately, I’ve been over-scaling (i.e., too easy) so maybe it’s okay that I went a little heavier last night.
In response to yesterday’s question: My first Halloween I went as a pink bunny.
Still thinking about today’s question…. Maybe bring back some of the “greatest hits” from previous posts i.e., questions that got a lot of responses (e.g., Why did you move to New York? When/why did you start Crossfit?). Recommendations are fun – book, movie, song, restaurant, Brooklyn/NYC activity. “Firsts” – concert, CD/tape/record, etc.
Christine D – AWESOME
That picture of Christine is amazing!
Any chance of having an open gym before or after the gymnastics cert on saturday and sunday?
Josh, I would post it on eBay- you'll get the highest price for it there because of the much larger buyer pool.
I'm totally down for an outdoor WOD this weekend.
a) The photo of Christine is amazing – she embodies fierceness 🙂
b) Thanks for the mention – I can't wait to get back to lift at SBK! Between training for this competition and work I just haven't been able to get out to that part of Brooklyn in the past month. Once I recover from this cold, I'll be back on the platforms.
Congratulations Avery!
Christine….you animal you. I love it.
Today starts the Paleo challenge for Nov (with the exception
of Thanksgiving of course!!). Please excuse the grumpiness from Marcos :p
Anyone joining us?!
came in today with my broski……did yesterdays wod….it was hard
got up 175 on my thruster and then rx'd the wod……
question: what is your favorite movie quote?
i'll start
"Christ is everyone in this god damned house named Bobby Ricigliano?"
365×5 this was hard. even though I 5RMd 405 3 weeks ago
10,9….1 Ball slams and blue band strict pullups (did half volume on pulls so it looked more like 5,5,4,4)
A question about questions…SO META
5pm class, always a good time.
Thruster 1 RM got up to 83#s. It's been quite a while!
WOD @ 53#s, blue band + one of those teeny reddish bands
Round 1: 15, 7
Round 2: 11, 7
Round 3: 11, 5
pull-ups deteriorated on that last round. counting back from the previous round's number of thrusters helped me keep reps up. (11… 10… 9…)
a lil bit of accessory handstand work afterward. need someone to time me again soon to see if I can increase my PR!
Christine & Avery – two women on the list of the many people I really admire at our gym. You both rock! Congrats on the awesome placing at WKC, Avery. It'll be nice to see you around the gym again. Hope you feel better soon.
Bench press Tuesday (Tuesday is the new Monday)
Pendlay rows
Then I made up Sunday's WOD:
400m Run
35 Burpees
270m Run
25 Burpees
130m Run
15 Burpees
6:35 with plenty of burpee slop. Thanks for the push, Fox!
Comp WOD 5:20 Rx
Squats 21 set unbroken, 15 set 8-7, 9 set unbroken
All KN swings unbroken.
Taking the bar from the ground was difficult because it's left me in an automatic high bar position. I also didn't want to fail picking up the bar and wasting energy. I maybe rested too much.
Day 1 of Paleo November is in the books.
21 15 9 bw deadlifts and push ups. 3:41. Deadlifts felt good but I am still struggling to perfect them. Thanks for the tips coach fox, they definitely made my dl look and feel better! Good job to the comp class tonight! Animals as always!
i'll join the November Challenge tomorrow after the Total!
meanwhile, here's Gillian pulling 325.
Dan B, im an 11.5 normally but wear 10.5 weightlifting, u can try mine anytime, i leave em at the gym dh3 in silver on heel.
21-15-9 comp wod. did it rxd for 21 group had to drop to 165 due to lack of strength on clean.
nice challenging wod.