Take 10 Minutes to work up to a heavy-ish Thruster taken from the deck, then:
3 Rounds for max reps of:
1:00 Thrusters, 135/95
1:00 Weighted Pull-Ups 45/25
1:00 Rest
Use a Dumbbell anchored between your feet to weight the pull-ups.
Post total reps per movemet and Rx to comments.
Chantzy says, “Happy Halloween!”
Happy Birthday, Joel W!
CFSBK Costume Contest Today!
Jim K had been training at CFSBK while in town and left before using up his punch card. He asked us to think of a way to give it back to the community so we’re going to do a costume contest today! Anyone who dresses up will have their photo taken by one of the staff to be submitted in the costume contest. There are 4 classes remaining on Jim’s card which can be used for Group classes or Active Recovery. Happy Halloween, Everyone!
New Strengh Cycles Announced
We’ll be running 4 abbreviated (6 Week) cycles leading up to the December holidays. Peep the deets below!
Cycle A (Novice Program)
11/14/11 – 12/23/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Learn more and Register Here!
Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
11/15/11 – 12/23/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Learn more and Register Here!
Cycle C (Morning)
11/14/11 – 12/21/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
Learn more and Register Here!
Strength Cycle Continuing Education
11/15/11 – 12/22/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-7:30pm
Learn more and Register Here!
What were some Halloween Costumes you dressed in as a child? How about more recently?
The History of Halloween History
How to Create a Gaping Hole in your Gut Gizmodo
Has Halloween Become Too Comercialized? The Onion
Morning folks! The boys are dressed up as a golfer, spiderman, and a skunk! I was big on the pirate thing when I was younger. I made a hell of a pimp once or twice as a grownup, and as we all know, pimpin aint easy! Last time I took the kids out with an eagles helmet on and a dawkins jersey. Fly, eagles fly!
50#/fat green band, 31 thrusters, 39 pullups. I probably should have gone with the thin green band. Went into it thinking, "It doesn't sound so hard, therefore it is going to be hard." Yup.
I made it super easy on my parents as a kid for Halloween. Remember those '80s costumes (that would be illegal today, because didn't some kid asphyxiate with this type of costume?) where you got a plastic character mask, and then the body part of the costume was just a cheap plastic smock with the characters printed all over it? (As in, the costume didn't actually make you look like the character, more like a walking advertisement for the movie or the TV show.) I had a Smurf one, and I kept begging to re-wear it. I think I was a Smurf like five years in a row. I'm sure my parents were delighted.
I hate dressing up for Halloween, but I love seeing cute little munchkin kids in costumes. So I'm staying home tonight in my normal clothes and handing out very un-Paleo Kit Kat bars.
my favorite halloween costume growing up was the white power ranger costume i had in 5th grade. my mom spent like 2 months sewing it. and she was horrified when i ran out of the house on halloween night and immediately slipped and fell in the mud, totally ruining it.
i now loathe halloween and don't celebrate it or dress up at all. i'm really just trying to ride out the day and not permanently damage my extraocular muscles by rolling my eyes too much. christmas music starts TOMORROW.
I love Halloween. Easily my favorite holiday (large margin). First costume I ever had control over was when I was either 4 or 5 and after being asked what I wanted to be I answered "the cowboy who lost." Basically, standard cowboy outfit, but with an arrow through my chest and a bullet wound in my side.
Been trying to live up to that ever since.
Because I'm a redhead:
Child: Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Adult: Skully (The X Files)
Adult: Maud (The Big Lebowski)
Adult: Molly Ringwald (The Breakfast Club)
Because I'm a dancing machine:
Adult: Michael Jackson (back before he died…when it was cool to be MJ for Halloween)
Is there another joel w bc it is totally not my birthday.
As a kid… Mrs. Beasley from "Family Affair," the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio, Pocohantes, a "Jazz" Dancer.
I'm proud to say that costumes I had as a kid are still being worn by the next generations. My sister just sent me a pic of my nephew's daughter wearing a colonial dress my grandmother made me in 1976!
God I'm dating myself right now!
Dear Management,
Is the morning sesh open to novices? If not, will there ever be a morning sesh open to novices?
Thank you for addressing this query.
A Novice
Allison — as I understand it the morning session is novice-friendly. I'm signing up for it, so it must be 😉
Thanks, Stella. I'm gonna sign up!
I had a homemade Laura Ingalls Little House on the Prairie dress, apron, and matching bonnet.
My mother sewed them for me.
Unfortunately, I wore it as regular clothing, not as a costume.
I'm not management, but I'm tight with the Strength coach…
So if you have ANY questions about the strength classes, just email Jeremy, he'd love to hear from you and will answer all your inquires. jeremy AT crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
I was a pirate for as long as I can remember. As an adult I sported a mohawk and went to a frat party as a punk rocker, but that wasn't a costume. I'm too lazy for costumes.
Happy UnBirthday Joel!
For many, many years I have dressed as a disgruntled, broken hearted Buffalo Bills fan.
I was Jason for many, many years. Last year Sam and I were Wayne and Garth. The year before I was an alligator. Halloween is the best holiday of the year, hands down.
3 Rounds:
10 Back Squats, 95lbs
:20 GHD supine Hold
Back Squat
(135×5, 165×5, 185×5, 205×3, 220×1, 230×1)
240x3x3 heeeavy! (work sets)
195x5x2 (technique sets)
Then I did a hybrid of today's workout and one from earlier this week:
Run 400
35 Pull-Ups
Run 270
25 Pull-Ups
Run 130
15 Pull-Ups
Time: 8:06
Got the "Fran arms" after that.
oh yeah- AM Strength is open to beginners
This is in re: the discussion during DROMs today at 5:00 PM.
Todays WOD @115 on the thrusters, 35# on the first round of pull ups and 30# on the following two rounds:
12/8, 10/6, 10/4
Pull ups were all strict and were much harder than I thought they were going to be.
5 50# db HPC
7 wall touches about 9ish ft?
25 yd sprint
Favorite costumes:
In first grade I really really wanted to be a ghoul, ratted my waist length hair into a green and black nest standing out around my head, made my eyes look sunken in raging bloody sockets and dressed in raggedy black. Got to school where everyone else was a princess or a good witch or a fairy. My teacher was unnerved by me, and the other girls horrified. I was very confused. Wasn't halloween about being DEAD, scary??
Later had a Pippy faze, where I braided my hair and put wire in it so it would stand straight out from the sides of my head. Did normal Pippy and the next year Pippy of the south seas (Pippy in island mode.)
Older costumes included being a dead little girl, all in white dress, white pinafore, white face, powdered white hair, with a staring white porcelain doll over one arm. I like staying in character with costumes and I found that one actually bothered people – they would flinch away from being touched.
My most popular costume though was when I did Sally from Nightmare before Christmas – I was crazy skinny (113lbs when I am now ~140) and I had really long hair and reddened it, made a burlap dress and painted the various textures, put large stitching all over it with patches etc. Used tights on arms and legs and put the delicate stitching there too. I even had the black button up heeled boots and practiced her stilted walk. I got a prize for that one.
I love halloween. This year was a quiet year, but I am already thinking about what to do next year. Perhaps we should have a CFSBK halloween party??
My favorite halloween costume I dressed up as was def tetris. We all dressed up as one of the pieces, it was cool. Younger costume was spiderman, plastic mask version.
Enjoyed todays work at the gym. Nice to get back in after some time off.
hit thruster at 175 then did the wod at 125/45 and hit 9,9 7,5 7,3
Looking forward to the next strength cycle. should be fun.
child: charlotte's web
child: headless horseman
adult: the sun
adult: flower
Wod @95lb thruster, 25# DB strict chin-ups:
15/10/6 Thrusters
8/5/4 chinups
This was hard; things broke down quickly.
Today's WOD "Fright Gone Bad":
42#. Thrusters-34 and Ring Rows-32.
My favorite childhood costume was when I was a bumblebee in the 2nd grade. My Mom bought it at the local dancewear store. I got to wear really cool wings and these bobbly antennae-like thingies attached to my headband. The bodice was a striped textured leotard featuring my "Little Miss Sunshine" potbelly. It was fun to wear ballet slippers to school.
I actually dislike dressing up for Halloween as an adult. I already have to "dress up" for work as it is, so the thought of dressing up on top of dressing up is too much for me. I think it's great as a children's holiday, though.
Fun day at the gym today, although I was saddened at the lack of Halloween costumes. Working out in itchy, hot clothes is fun people!
5-3-1 Bench, 155×3, 175×3, 200×10 Very happy with this, felt really strong and organized.
Jumped into 6PM group class, FGF was tough! Worked up to a 175# thruster…I had more in me but warmed up too slowly and ran out of time.
WOD rx, I think my splits were 11/6, 9/4, 9/5. Didn't have a great strategy with how I wanted to organize, break up, and cycle my thrusters and it showed. Pullups were just heavy and awkward.
Yeah, I'd dress up next year if we have a party…
Feeling achy and sore tonight on recovery day before the total. Body generally not happy, maybe just not used to warming up in the cold– everything barked and squats were wonky. Then I walked out 365 and it was ridiculously heavy. I'll be happy with 350 Wedneday. Press was not much better. When I got home, iced back and knee and put on heat pads. Will definitely need extra warmup Wed.
Speaking of working out in costume, I wonder what the most outrageous one we'll see on Sunday for the marathon will be. Last year in Chicago (when the weather was in the high 80s, UGH) I passed by this guy. Now THAT is some uncomfortable workout wear.
Squat 285x5x5
Bench 195x5x5
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Made this up on Tuesday.
Working towards a heavy single – was limited by elbow pain/weakness in the cleans. Couldn't clean more than 95 today, this was no bueno. BIG GOAL: Figure out how to do a dang power clean so I can stop muscle cleaning.
83# thrusters-ring rows
All thrusters were in two sets. So incredibly important to NEVER put the bar down in this WOD. Next time.
Thrusters feel much improved. I feel like I am transitioning into a place with many of the core movements where I am refining and tightening, that is exciting. 🙂
ohhh, late to posting.
I had rad kid costumes – my mom handmade all of mine, which in turn got me into sewing my own when I got older. I was a mouse & rainbow bright pre-five and there are a whole slew of very specific ridiculous ones as I got older; little dead riding hood, queen elizabeth…
Worked up to a heavy thruster at 130#
Margie reminded me to control my arms a bit more, I was really throwing the weight, but not controlling it as much as I probably should have.
Rx'd weight at 95# then thin green band for strict pullups
This was one of those creeper workouts. I thought 95# would be light after the 130# thruster, but I was extremely disjointed in the first round and a lot of the second round, because I was trying to control the bar, but ended up losing a lot of momentum. I got angry in the last round and was able to really return to the feeling of what I should have been doing the first 2 rounds.
I'm making progress in regards to the pullups. Doing strict on the thin green band seemed pretty easy (first round), so I think my handstand accessory work is helping and maybe I should check out and see where I'm at in regards to getting that first strict pullup sans band.
Also, completed my goal of 10 pretty pushups for October. I was breaking up my pushups into 5s, but I can consistently do 10 with good form now.
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