of the following Complex:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
Power Snatch Demo/Hang Snatch Demo
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Good Luck to Today’s Urbanathalon Participants
CFSBKer Brandon C and Coaches Chris and Jess Fox are braving the cold today to participate in the Men’s Health Urbanathalon today. The course is 9 miles and stretches through not one but two sports stadiums and is filled with various obstacles and challenges. We wish you all the best of luck!
Who is running the NYC Marathon?
The 2011 NYC Marathon is next Sunday, November 6th and there are a number of CFSBK athletes who’ll be running the 26.2 miles through NYC’s five boroughs. If you’re one of them shoot us an email to info@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com and/or leave us a note on the whiteboard in the community area in the gym so we can make sure you’re recognized for all your hard work!
1-Legged Powerlifter Allison McWeeny 171lb DL at 125lbs Youtube
Even Godzilla Keeps a Workout Log Timothy McSweeny
Strong AND Useless Zach Evan-Esh
5 Shouler Saving Tips Roberston Training Systems
Looking to sell a brand-new pair of Inov8 195's still in the box. Got them from Agsin Faster. Here's what they look like: <http://againfaster.3dcartstores.com/Inov-8-F-lite-195s-Battleship-Gray_p_391.html>
They are unisex- UK men's size 7.5 which equals a ladies 9.5/10. Price $115
If you're interested, let me know in the gym or email christinedenahan@gmail.com
Strength Cycle B: Intensity Day
I skipped my last workout due to straining my back on a shoulder press Sunday. I totally lost my back grinding out a rep and hyper-extended my lumbar area. Unfortunate, but not too bad. Went to Dr. Fidler Monday/Wednesday for treatment and it's doing better so I hit the weights last night.
Squat: 315×6
This was cool. First time doing reps with 3 plates. Rep 4 completely stopped but I got it up and then got two more. Racked the bar since it seems like more than enough. (Was happy I got to 5)
Bench: 195x5x2
This is a 5RM PR, so I've now got new 5RM PR's on 4 of my lifts this cycle. The second set was super wonky and I felt my back tighten, so I called it a night. It's weird how the bench, which doesn't even load the lower back, can cause me more problems than deads or squats. I know why, but it's still weird.
• Strong and Useless makes excellent points, but boy do they have cheesy up-sell.
• Godzilla log is hilarious!
• I would love to press with a neutral grip more. Management: how about a Swiss Bar? And a set of dumbbells from 60# to 100#? Just two of each would be sufficient for strength peeps.
that one legged deadlift…. whoa. damn.
awesomeasusual Active Recovery with David O today.
also: the baked treats that were offered on the coffee table were good! would the baker mind sharing the recipe?
Just woke up from an hour-long nap and it's a good thing I set the alarm. 2 each snoozing and cuddling dogs and cats (and 2 sangrias) can cause 2 grown people to sleep for far too long…
Jess and I ran the Urbanathlon today (uh, 9.5 miles dude) and the weather was craptacular. We even woke up late due to an alarm malfunction and left the house 40 minutes later than planned. All that aside, it was a really fun day. The obstacles were fun and a few were bit more challenging than the ones I've seen and experienced in races like this. About 5 miles in I started having a bit of knee pain and was considering walking but with a focused effort on solid (pose) technique I was good to go. The hardest part of the day was the 2! sets of stadium stairs we had to run. During the Citi Field run at about mile 9 I was feeling pretty beat up, until I heard a few FDNY buddies talking about running up flights of stairs at the WTC 10 years ago. That put my pain in perspective. I finished with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for a healthy and able body, and the fact that I live a life that allows me the option of doing these things. Today the universe was very good to me.
Thanks for the good vibes! The race was awesome, even with the freezing temps, wind and driving rain. Despite some serious clusterfuck situations on the stairs at Citifield, I beat my goal (still awaiting official time) by 15-20 minutes! Happened to be there to see Team Fox & Fox cross the finish line, which was cool.
One day over the summer I passed by the CFSBK box after doing some Urbanathlon training at Brooklyn Boulders. I watched a few minutes of a class and thought, "now THIS is what I should be doing." The work definitely translated (thanks for those miserable bear crawl warm-ups, David), but I think I'm even more excited to have found something I love to continue with now that the race is over!
Nice break down Fox. It made for excellent reading during my not-so-active recovery session in a whirlpool/poolside in LA. I'm in for a rude snowy awakening tomorrow night.
Ben W
Drinking aggressively
Great post, Fox!
I've been feeling spectacularly unmotivated today. (Wonder why?) I did manage to get myself in for the 10 AM class, and am glad I did. I haven't done snatch in a long time and I definitely needed the work. Got to 62# for the complex, which I'm okay with, given how much it took me just to get comfortable with the movement.
Also learned something new (that's probably obvious to everyone in the world but me) in warmup this morning: If you're doing pullups with a band, STEP INTO THE BAND WITH THE FOOT NEAREST THE BAND, not the foot nearest the box! Otherwise, when you try to find the box with your foot when you're done, you bounce around hanging from the bar like a fool, and extricating yourself from the situation becomes, shall we say, problematic. Duh.
Hey Michele! I'm the baker – which one did you have? Chocolate cherry or the orange pineapple? Both were gluten-free and in the Paleo/Primal realm. I didn't get to try them before the 8am WOD so went off of Worm and Jason's thumbs up and yums that they were tasty 🙂 Glad to hear you liked them too! Let me know which one and the recipe is yours.
orange pineapple.
this was the first gluten-free baked item that didn't make me want to throw it against a wall.
thanking you!
It was great to see some old faces and a lot of new faces at CFSBK. My goal is to attend class once a week. I'm setting a reasonable, attainable goal. Just once a week.
I stayed really light with my snatch complex. It's been a long time since I have done anything with intensity. The warm-up seemed like a workout.
Michelle! You made my day. I think that's the best response to my food that I've ever had. Shoot me an email, it's on my profile here, and will email it stat. I have some notes to add as it took me quite a bit of tinkering to make them not throwable 🙂