20 Minutes Not For Rounds of:
8 Reverse Spiderman Lunge with Hip Lift
10 Prone Angels
12 Hollow Rocks
Row 14 Calories
Try to minimize the amount of stokes it takes you to reach 14 Calories.
Post thoughts to comments.
Gina C. on the last WOD of Crush Week
Happy Belated Birthday to Melon W.!!
Back Off Weeks
By David Osorio
CFSBK Microcycle
Saturday On
Sunday On
Monday On
Tuesday Off (AM class does Monday or Wed make-up Wod)
Wednesday On
Thursday On
Friday Off
By allowing at least two non sequential days off we can train at high intensity over the course of a week. Consistently training CrossFit more than three days in a row can lead to a decrease in performance due to accumulated inflammation and a lack of recovery. Many of you guys have been following our 3/1/2/1 schedule with great success.
But what about training over longer periods of time than a week?
The type of training we do as CrossFitters leads to degrees of adaptation much more closely related to competitive athletics than traditional “fitness” programs. That being said, it’s important to note that most organized sports teams map out their yearly programming goals based around a competitive season. Conversely, CrossFit is a GPP program which aims to achieve a consistently high level of work capacity over a life time. There are many individuals who use CrossFit to train for their sport or occupation (MIL/LEO etc.) and an ever growing number of people who are competing in CrossFit as their primary sport. These individuals will generally modify variables of their programs to better prepare themselves for competition or deployment.
But what about “me”?
The majority of us are training CrossFit without any regard to a specific competition or training goal other than health, longevity and elite fitness. It’s therefore necessary for the average CF’er to take it upon themselves to consider their training over longer periods of time than a week. As mentioned earlier, hitting Wods hard can take a toll on us and we’ve got enough people coming more than three times a week that it has become prudent to formalize some cyclic recovery into our program. Starting today, we’re going to implement posted “Back Off” weeks every fourth week. We encourage our athletes who train with us three or more times per week or more to use this as a period to scale back intensity and give your body a chance to clean house. The workouts we post on back off weeks will not be dramatically different than traditional programming but will favor Max Effort days and shorter (sub 12 min) Metcons. Athletes who are following the back off should treat the workouts as maintenance and accordingly decrease intensity. If you train with us less frequently, perhaps once or twice a week and are not considerably active outside of CrossFit then you shouldn’t worry as much about the back off week and simply listen to your body.
CFSBK Mesocycle
Week 1 On
Week 2 On
Week 3 On
Week 4 On
Week 5 Crush Week
Week 6 Suggested Back Off
What was the most crushing WOD of Crush Week? Are you feeling the need for Back Off Week?
Community with Group Fitness Program: The Reebok-CrossFit Paradigm Forbes
Powerlifting in Prison Youtube
@Coaches: I missed the heavy squat days over the past two weeks. Could I do a make-up today? Thanks.
Mr. Chopra,
Yes. Just tell your Group Class Coach.
We'll slowly be changing our culture to emulate that seen in the prison powerlifting video. Be prepared for an aggressive chest bump next time you walk in the gym.
I think Thursday's WOD was the toughest for me. Other than I don't really feel as though I need a backoff week this week, though that may be a sign that my scaling is a little off.
Those chest bumps, whoa.
I missed all week being in florida so no i don't need a back off week. This leaves me in limbo so i have to make due for a week at my globo. I think if you don't do 5 days a week during crush week you probably don't need an entire back off week. IMO backoff week should be optional with two wods maybe during that week. I think in the past few months i have been at cfsbk i have never came to a back off week class.
Strength cycle coming to an end and its getting heavy, squatting 365 and I think I am now a shorter man because of it. Contemplating the moved back to Gen Pop, regardless will prolly have to pick up some lifting shoes before next cycle starts, anybody swear by a particular brand?
I used to be down on back-off week too. It's tough for me to get to the gym very regularly, so I felt like I wanted to make the most of my time here and do some soul crushing WODs, not this 'not for time' nonsense. I've definitely come around though.
I've picked up some important WOD-transferring skills on back-off weeks (like finally learning how to row properly), had fun doing strongman type stuff, and even usually get a decent sweat despite the lower intensity workout. In fact, I made a nice little puddle at the gym today. Back-off week is good stuff.
Reading such thoughtful reflections about crush week left me feeling a little bummed that I missed most of it due to work and vacationing. I may have been eating pancakes in Vermont when many CFSBKers were suffering through the overhead squats and double unders on Saturday, and I almost feel bad about that ;). I managed to make it in for two WODs last week, and really enjoyed both. A big thank you to Jess for encouraging me to go heavier on Thursday’s extravaganza. So glad you said something–you were spot on.
Josi, I love your honesty in talking about how freaking hard these workouts can be. Also glad that my FGB motivational thoughts came in handy in a moment of particular difficulty! Knowing that made my day.
I used to do three on/one off workouts consistently, ad finitum. I was so toasted and exhausted sometimes, and for some reason it rarely occurred to me that rest was needed. I really appreciate the crush/back off cycle. It’s tremendously smart.
Hi, greetings from Toronto. Did a fun WOD at Academy of Lions, which is in this cool-looking neighborhood called "Little Portugal." People couldn't have been any nicer – your basic converted garage, plenty of equipment and loud music, just the way I like it.
The WOD:
Battle Rope Slams
Tire Flips
Keg Ground to Overhead
KettleBell Swings (Russian) (24/16)
Push Press (75/45)
Rope Climbs (10 points to top / 1 point to stand)
3 Rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds Score reps as points.
I got a 343, which was cool, but I had no rope climb skills, and it showed here. But fun to do these "FGB" style workouts.
Special shout out to Ashley, who green lighted my just dropping in. Great to go out and represent.
speaking of mr. dan evans and his good question about lifting shoes (I also await your sage responses)… as strength cycle draws to a close, any idea when the next cycles might begin?
Weightlifting shoes:
I really like my Risto's, which I got from Paulie T-shirts over at South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club. He has lots of shoes in stock so you can try them on in person – none of this silliness of ordering shoes over the internet and hoping they fit.
You can ping him to arrange a visit over there.
A little bird told me that the next strength cycle starts 11/14.
I was bummed to miss out on class this morning (damn early-morning client meeting!) but should be in for 7 PM. I've never taken a group class in the evening, this should be interesting!
Row 3:00
3×10 Scaption Flys, 5lbs
3×10 Band Rev Fly
45lbx:20×3 Right Shoulder Depression Distraction
Back Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3, 205×1, 220×1)
The triples didn't feel GREEEAT. Just Ok, I only had about 40 minutes to do this all so I rushed a bit and never got into a good mental groove. My supraspinatus in my right shoulder has been a little inflamed the last 2 weeks so I took a few days off and started doing some work to rehab it back. Day 1's work felt pretty good.
Regarding weightlifting shoes, I have the old school addidas which I love like my own children. They're the only pair I've ever owned and will wear them until they fall apart. If the new ones fit like they do then I would recommend them. D/E had a sale on them about a year ago selling them for dirt cheap, I still kick myself for not buying a lifetimes supply while I had the chance.
I am back from Wedding/Honeymoon and looking to get fit. starting off easy though since I have done shit in 3-4 weeks
squat 275x5x3
press 135x5x3
12 Lunges 35lb plate overhead
10 90 degree rotational box jumps
5 pullups with blue band
My weight is out of control right now, and doing any conditioning has been a real nightmare. I am all the more excited to see what I can do with it as I get my shit together. I will do no real timed metcons this week, but start em next week i hope.
I missed you guys, good to be back.
strength cycle week 7.1
squat: 230x5x3
this was harrowing. but i got it done. squatting has become so stressful.
press: 86x5x3
i feel like these looked pretty solid, even though i failed at 87.5 last time! starting to really love presses.
deadlift: 255×1, failed the other attempts
have no explanation with what happened here tonight. i picked 255 up fine for a rep — heavy, but i felt like i could do 4 more. the next attempts didn't even come an inch off the ground. i was so shocked i couldn't help but laugh, but now i just feel bummed out because i was looking forward to deadlifting all day. i'll just really work on my rest & recovery over the next few days and try this again next week.
This was my first evening group class ever! I'm much more used to 7 AM than I am to 7 PM.
The spidey lunges were harder than I thought they were going to be, especially coming out of them. Yow, my legs are tight!
Congrats Gabrus, glad to have you back. If you want I'll sit on the Prowler while you push it.
Mess you had me sweating tonight, I'll be looking for you and lifting HEAVY all back off week.
I think back off weeks are great- some of our biggest gains in the gym can be accomplished when we dissociate ourselves from the church of faster/heavier/more. Ask anyone who has done a strength cycle and started by squatting a weight that seems insultingly light- sometimes you need to go back to basics and rebuild, whether thats strength, mobility, or skill.
Working overnights this week so I might be in and out infrequently. If I look like a zombie take pity on me and please don't ask me to get inverted.
I can't recommend one WL shoe over the next, but I would point out that the some models of the Adidas training shoes listed at dynamic-eleiko.com are available directly from Adidas.com for significantly less coin.
droms, jog around block, foam rollin'
Warmup 2–3 rounds of:
-8 reverse lunges/e.leg with 15lb dumbbell
-12 one arm DB press/e.arm, 15lbs
-12 ring rows
-5 pistols, arm assisted
Gonna try to incorporate pistols regularly into my warmups with the goal of getting one by the end of November.
Then worked TGU's instead:
warmed up with 12kg KB then went to barbell: 22, 32, 45, 55, 65f
-these felt extremely tough today. I felt like my shoulders were still fried from the OHS/DU workout but that can't be, right? anyways, these are always fun to practice and they require so much concentration. i dig them.
That was a lot of hollow rocks!
Lunges are feeling much more natural.
Might be time for me to hit yoga again.